How will they rule ??!

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2017 was 3.32 trillion. 2018 was 3.33 trillion. Factoring in inflation and population/job growth that is equivalent to a 5% loss in revenue. We brought in 90 billion more year over year and spent 800 billion more year over year. MAGA!
For the 3rd time spending bills originate in the house. MNSA (make Nancy sober again). I have also posted the CBO projections from 2014 predicting this climb due to entitlements. There is more a spending problem than a taxing problem. Scale 1-10 how well does the fed govt do at spending tax dollars?

Parents upset after students pictured in MAGA hats on school field trip.

Some New Jersey parents have expressed concerns after a handful of eighth grade students were pictured wearing “Make America Great Again” hats on a school field trip....


Again, the ramifications and how to stop illegal border crossings at the southern border and visa overstays is not the same.

There isn’t human trafficking, human suffering, drug smuggling, coyotes, and the lack of knowledge on who or how many in visa overstays, there is all of that and more at the southern border.

You keep bringing color into the argument, as if that’s the driving force on border control instead of visa overstays. Do you know where most people that overstay visas are from? They ain’t lily white Europeans.

Your mostly wrong Bill. Canada had the most visa overstays in 2017 with around 88,000. Their overstay rate was relatively low (around 1%). The countries that had the highest overstay rates were primarily African nations, but they typically had much lower numbers in general. For example, Djibouti has the highest overstay rate (over 40%) but that only amounted to 180 people. IIRC only Nigeria had a rate of over 10% and also had more than 1000 overstays total
Assuredly he will be whoring for whatever D nominee wins the giveaway promise competition. They want to tax the rich to "fix" 15-20 major initiatives.

Also to note that now Plat is in the top 1%, he should be giving up his hard given inheritance money to the govt.

But I assume he's like every other liberal hypocrite. "Tax them, not me. My money is mine"

What a loser and a waste of skin.
Your mostly wrong Bill. Canada had the most visa overstays in 2017 with around 88,000. Their overstay rate was relatively low (around 1%). The countries that had the highest overstay rates were primarily African nations, but they typically had much lower numbers in general. For example, Djibouti has the highest overstay rate (over 40%) but that only amounted to 180 people. IIRC only Nigeria had a rate of over 10% and also had more than 1000 overstays total

You guys are goddam loony toons. Your numbers have absolutely nothing to do with what he said.
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Also to note that now Plat is in the top 1%, he should be giving up his hard given inheritance money to the govt.

But I assume he's like every other liberal hypocrite. "Tax them, not me. My money is mine"

What a loser and a waste of skin.
Notable that the Time cover she is showing is a fake photo. Ginned up hoes like James tho.
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For the 3rd time spending bills originate in the house. MNSA (make Nancy sober again). I have also posted the CBO projections from 2014 predicting this climb due to entitlements. There is more a spending problem than a taxing problem. Scale 1-10 how well does the fed govt do at spending tax dollars?
Republicans controlled the house and the Senate. the Dem house haven't passed a budget under Trump yet. maybe you should pay more attention to what is going on. and the senate and Trump still have complete control over what gets passed.

The budget proposal the House passed yesterday is less than what the senate proposed and Trump asked for. so who is trying to actually fix the problem? Thats a trick question because neither are and ever will. If they were the proposals would be 100's of billions smaller.
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Republicans controlled the house and the Senate. the Dem house haven't passed a budget under Trump yet. maybe you should pay more attention to what is going on. and the senate and Trump still have complete control over what gets passed.

The budget proposal the House passed yesterday is less than what the senate passed and Trump asked for. so who is trying to actually fix the problem? Thats a trick question because neither are and ever will. If they were the proposals would be 100's of billions smaller.
Via Politico, a liberal outlet, your party is too intimidated by the nutjobs to do anything. Again, take it up with them. And no, the GOP does not have complete control, you mindless ho.

Democrats are finally in charge of the House. But they’re likely to skip one of their most fundamental responsibilities: passing a budget.

Eager to steer clear of another public intraparty battle, House Democrats are expected to avoid a vote on a budget this year, multiple Democratic lawmakers and aides tell POLITICO.

House Democrats are still drafting a budget, which would offer their first chance as a new majority to formally outline their broader agenda. But the resolution — which is purely a political messaging document and is not signed into law — would also stoke major ideological clashes within the caucus over “Medicare for All,” the “Green New Deal” and defense spending.

“We’re still proceeding as if we’re going to do one, but we’re also considering other options because we don’t know if we can get 218 votes for anything,” House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said in an interview Monday.

Indeed, in a worst-case scenario for Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her party, the budget could be an embarrassing flop on the House floor.
I love how in the Manafort-Hannity texts he repeatedly says he will Never flip on Kushner and Trump. Not that they are innocent and he has nothing on them. He just promises to never use all the dirt he has on them. Course that might change once NY gives him another 10+ years to serve with no chance to be pardoned.
I love how in the Manafort-Hannity texts he repeatedly says he will Never flip on Kushner and Trump. Not that they are innocent and he has nothing on them. He just promises to never use all the dirt he has on them. Course that might change once NY gives him another 10+ years to serve with no chance to be pardoned.

You should start reading past the headlines. You are completely full of shit.
Via Politico, a liberal outlet, your party is too intimidated by the nutjobs to do anything. Again, take it up with them. And no, the GOP does not have complete control, you mindless ho.

Democrats are finally in charge of the House. But they’re likely to skip one of their most fundamental responsibilities: passing a budget.

Eager to steer clear of another public intraparty battle, House Democrats are expected to avoid a vote on a budget this year, multiple Democratic lawmakers and aides tell POLITICO.

House Democrats are still drafting a budget, which would offer their first chance as a new majority to formally outline their broader agenda. But the resolution — which is purely a political messaging document and is not signed into law — would also stoke major ideological clashes within the caucus over “Medicare for All,” the “Green New Deal” and defense spending.

“We’re still proceeding as if we’re going to do one, but we’re also considering other options because we don’t know if we can get 218 votes for anything,” House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said in an interview Monday.

Indeed, in a worst-case scenario for Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her party, the budget could be an embarrassing flop on the House floor.
Republicans had complete control for 2 years dumbass and used that time to do absolutely nothing except massively run up the debt. The house already passed 5 of its 11 spending bills last week. they will vote on 3 more this week and have all of them done before the end of the month. The senate hasn't even started because McConnell is a useless ****ing turtle. Budget bills are a waste of time, they don't do anything, its just a piece of paper with words. spending bills are what matter.[URL][/URL]
I love how in the Manafort-Hannity texts he repeatedly says he will Never flip on Kushner and Trump. Not that they are innocent and he has nothing on them. He just promises to never use all the dirt he has on them. Course that might change once NY gives him another 10+ years to serve with no chance to be pardoned.

Aaaaaand we're back to Russian collusion

Give it up you traitor
Republicans had complete control for 2 years dumbass and used that time to do absolutely nothing except massively run up the debt. The house already passed 5 of its 11 spending bills last week. they will vote on 3 more this week and have all of them done before the end of the month. The senate hasn't even started because McConnell is a useless ****ing turtle. Budget bills are a waste of time, they don't do anything, its just a piece of paper with words. spending bills are what matter.
Again, if deficits are a concern your party has the power to address, idiotic to argue otherwise.

And how can you whine about deficits while bragging about making a lot of money and only paying 5% net tax as a w2 employee? Explain that.
Your hero Trump and his administration published some materials and announced it. How dumb are you?

Wonder why they don’t bring it up at campaign rallies? I’ll answer, because they know the boogie man at the border scares the crap out of you all. Overstaying visas is a larger immigration issue, but...brown people at the door gets more votes.

Do you intentionally go around doing this for show? You can take ten seconds and go see for yourself, but you much rather be this dense?

Again, not racist, but stupid. “Trump gets me,” or “Trump doesn’t use big words” got your vote huh?

People who successfully obtain visas versus people that we know nothing about and who bring no known skills or desire to assimilate.

Totally the same. You’re right, we’re the dumb ones.
Again, if deficits are a concern your party has the power to address, idiotic to argue otherwise.

And how can you whine about deficits while bragging about making a lot of money and only paying 5% net tax as a w2 employee? Explain that.
right now it looks like the Dem;s are content with passing spendin bills way below what TRump wants and if he vetoes then we go back to sequestor footing which will massively lower deficits.
Your mostly wrong Bill. Canada had the most visa overstays in 2017 with around 88,000. Their overstay rate was relatively low (around 1%). The countries that had the highest overstay rates were primarily African nations, but they typically had much lower numbers in general. For example, Djibouti has the highest overstay rate (over 40%) but that only amounted to 180 people. IIRC only Nigeria had a rate of over 10% and also had more than 1000 overstays total

So the Canadiens were day tripping and overstayed, the horror.
Why did you leave out that 60000 were Mexicans?

Again, it is 2 different scenarios, but you know that. I’m also entirely right, most aren’t lily white people overstaying, but that doesn’t fit your narrative.
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right now it looks like the Dem;s are content with passing spendin bills way below what TRump wants and if he vetoes then we go back to sequestor footing which will massively lower deficits.
You aren't answering any of the questions. The House can't put forth a budget because the NGD and medicare for all nutjobs won't allow it. So essentially you are bitching about the GOP but if the Dems did anything they would greatly increase the deficit. And personally you are against paying your fair share of taxes.
ACLU issues a travel advisory.

Florida is a sanctuary state and has invited President Trump to deport illegals at will. If you are an illegal the ACLU has warned about going to Florida. The vast majority of Floridians say come on and we will have you deported.

aclu one of the most subversive organizations in the U S.