How will they rule ??!

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Would you rather the money go to Israel?

Also not pallets of cash..that's incremental economical investment over a decade...can you not read? Pallets of cash was actual physical money that they used for whatever they weapons investment. God you're dumb.

But no..I dont think we should give them money..its not a real nation. Even tho they have lost a war in years past to Israel and refuse to move,been offered a 2 state solution but wont take it bc they want to have the whole thing...theyve shown that they are completely incapable of governing an area and always blaming their problems on someone else. Come to think of it...this seems pretty heartstring liberal..its for helllllpiiing those that cant. You in fact should love it. Unlike Iran which was, here's physical money, buy weapons with it.

But no...shouldnt give any of them money.

Good try to compare two things that dont compare tho. Afterall I thought it was our responsibility as the super power to help countries in dispair?
**** palestine, **** israel, **** the saudis, **** iraq, **** Iran. **** all of the Middle East. Pull every last troop and piece of hardware out of that hellhole and let them all kill each other. When its a barren wasteland we can send in Exon and Chevron to soak up the oil.
Concentration camps do not mean people are being killed. That is just the association caused by the Holocaust. They were in use many times before and after then. The British used them all over Africa. Russia has used them continuously throughout their history and still uses them. What we used for the Japs were concentration camps. We just called them internment because it sounded better. Immigration camps are concentration camps, people are just to simple minded and instantly associate it with mass slaughter. AoC is also a moron that the GoP is obsessed with. She is a female Trump, say tons of stupid troll shit and watch the media eat it up and give you 24/7 coverage.

She used concentration camp for a reason, to associate it with Nazi Germany. You know it, I know it and she knows it. Only it but her in the ass and now all the dipshits are covering for her.
In a surprise to absolutely nobody, the roundup of "millions and millions" has been called off. Trump needed a distraction and now has moved on.
She used co concentration camp for a reason, to associate it with Nazi Germany. You know it, I know it and she knows it. Only it but her in the ass and now all the dipshits are covering for her.
and all the simpletons in the GoP fell for it hook, line, and sinker. When in reality that is exactly what they are, concentration camps without all the murder. And if people on this board had any power it would include all the murder.
She used concentration camp for a reason, to associate it with Nazi Germany. You know it, I know it and she knows it. Only it but her in the ass and now all the dipshits are covering for her.

Bill, you're an awesome guy. Why waste you're intellect on a guy with the intellect of a rock?
and all the simpletons in the GoP fell for it hook, line, and sinker. When in reality that is exactly what they are, concentration camps without all the murder. And if people on this board had any power it would include all the murder.

No they aren’t, they are detention centers for people that have illegally entered our country.

WTF is wrong with you? Seriously Platinum Z, do you really think we want to murder illegal aliens?
Not asylum. They can claim asylum in Mexico.

You're such a bullshitter, man. Quit enabling bullshit asylum claims. Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

Good thing Trump signed that safe country bill. No need for those fraudulent "asylum claims"

Their thinking is so far gone that he just claimed they were seeking asylum. Completely obliterating the actual definition of asylum seekers. Not even acknowledging anymore that they loosely use the term.

This type of airheadedness is how you get idiots claiming we’re running Nazi camps. Never Forget!

One more time for the morons: these are not refugees. They aren’t fleeing any war. No genocidal dictators or regimes. They can walk right back over the border to their homes.

They are people lured here by do-nothing Democrats who want their eventual vote. Period, point blank.

She was 52 at the time? Trumps in his late 40s.


Twenty three years later and trump to this day hasn’t ****ed a 52 year old woman.
and all the simpletons in the GoP fell for it hook, line, and sinker. When in reality that is exactly what they are, concentration camps without all the murder. And if people on this board had any power it would include all the murder.

In other words, camps where people are concentrated.

Hospitals: like Nazi camps without all the medical experiments.

Schools: like Nazi camps without Mein Kampf.

Bookstores: like Nazi schools without Mein Kampf.

Boy Scouts: like Nazi Hitler Youth without Aryans.

NASA: like Nazi rocket programs.

The horror!

Friends, we allowed liberals to abuse, misuse, and otherwise rape language for 30 years. This bullshit about “concentration camps” is the evidence of why you have to fight it at every turn.
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Smh. This guy. Democrats have no intentions of working with you, man. Delaying this will solve absolutely nothing. The idle threats do nothing. You’ve got to understand you’re in charge and stop letting people dick you around. You don’t have time for this shit.

Hey dems, take note, I can criticize the president and my party (something you can’t do for your party).
Their thinking is so far gone that he just claimed they were seeking asylum. Completely obliterating the actual definition of asylum seekers. Not even acknowledging anymore that they loosely use the term.

This type of airheadedness is how you get idiots claiming we’re running Nazi camps. Never Forget!

One more time for the morons: these are not refugees. They aren’t fleeing any war. No genocidal dictators or regimes. They can walk right back over the border to their homes.

They are people lured here by do-nothing Democrats who want their eventual vote. Period, point blank.
Everyone claims asylum now because the courts have a 3 year backlog so they know they can milk it. Trump was offered money to double or triple the amount of judges multiple times and he said no, judges weren't important. Add a few thousand judges, wipe out the backlog, and you can have a week or so turnover on cases and boom, border is solved. Once the backlog is gone you can draw down the judge surge till a nice equilibrium is reached.Right now the administration isn't even hiring new judges, they froze hiring back in March.

“Ultimately, we have to have a real border, not judges,” Trump said.
"Seriously, what country does this? They said ‘sir, we’d like to hire 5,000 or 6,000 more judges,” Trump continued. “Now can you imagine the graft that must take place?”

Smh. This guy. Democrats have no intentions of working with you, man. Delaying this will solve absolutely nothing. The idle threats do nothing. You’ve got to understand you’re in charge and stop letting people dick you around. You don’t have time for this shit.

Hey dems, take note, I can criticize the president and my party (something you can’t do for your party).

Yep. Trumo needs those people deported by the second.
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Smh. This guy. Democrats have no intentions of working with you, man. Delaying this will solve absolutely nothing. The idle threats do nothing. You’ve got to understand you’re in charge and stop letting people dick you around. You don’t have time for this shit.

Hey dems, take note, I can criticize the president and my party (something you can’t do for your party).

He’s killing them at politics.

The amount of illegals fleeing back towards border towns just in case will be unbelievable, even more than when trump was elected and media scared them all with deportation stuff.

Now dems have 2 weeks to look stupid as hell as they support criminals living here illegally

California governor was on tv telling illegals “do not comply! If they show up to your door, they must have a warrant! You have rights! You have legal right to an attorney!”...Lmao.

We’re only talking 2,000 people from certain large cities. Trump is just putting sanctuary shitholes on blast, and hopefully this sanctuary looohole bs will be closed and ICE can do their job.

Now go whine and cry as you try to tell American citizens (who come from every corner of this earth legally...) that criminals with no citizenship have the same rights.

You might as well let Hillary run again. Democrats suck so bad at this, they’re getting played by a 70something, morally bankrupt, Orange man. Sad.

Smh. This guy. Democrats have no intentions of working with you, man. Delaying this will solve absolutely nothing. The idle threats do nothing. You’ve got to understand you’re in charge and stop letting people dick you around. You don’t have time for this shit.

Hey dems, take note, I can criticize the president and my party (something you can’t do for your party).
Not a huge fan of this either but I remember a lot of people saying Trumps tariffs on Mexico wouldn't work and there was a deal in less than a day. I'm willing to wait and see what happens here. Trump doesn't ever really 'cave' on things. He must think he will get something out of whats hes doing. Its how he negotiates.