How will they rule ??!

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Next step is gassing per one of James' fave twitter voices

Here’s some other examples of his work for Vice.

“What kind of porn gets you off the fastest?”
“Was Jesus Gay? According to one theologian, Jesus was both a top and a bottom.”
“My Weird Battle To Get The President To Unblock Me.”

This is what makes you a reporter today.

Agree with Tucker 100% on this. Thought it was a great move for Trump to call off any kind of airstrike and Bolton is what is wrong with the old Republican guard. Too many war hungry guys that want to stick their noses into every single thing.
Its obvious IMO that Trump is trying his ass off to get Iran to the table to talk. He could have easily decided to blow some shit up in Iran and could even argue that it was justified. But hes being patient with them. Pretty amazing how patient Trump is for a guy the media told us was gonna cause a nuclear war.
Its obvious IMO that Trump is trying his ass off to get Iran to the table to talk. He could have easily decided to blow some shit up in Iran and could even argue that it was justified. But hes being patient with them. Pretty amazing how patient Trump is for a guy the media told us was gonna cause a nuclear war.

Better question is why is Iran trying to provoke the US into a retaliatory strike?
You are probably right, but I just wonder if they’d make that decision on their own.
Well John Kerry has went over there to have talks with them recently. Something tells me Kerry gave them the advice. Hes a pretty big POS. If we had a fair media maybe someone could ask Kerry about what was talked about at those meetings.
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When your party's concerns are:

2)Healthcare for those immigrants
3)Jobs and/or government pay/welfare for those immigrants

Can you really claim that you are running for a better America for Americans? Which is literally the job of any elected official.

Pubs should be embarrassed if they don't blow whoever they run against, in any election, in flyover country out of the water.

Talking about immigrants and what we can do for them, what an absolute shame. It's borderline treasonous putting the welfare of non-citizens above that of Americans.

I don't care if you don't like Trump, as an American the greater good has to prevail at the ballot box. Voting for the party that is concerned about non-citizens, does not work toward that greater good.
Agreed. There's nothing wrong with caring about the welfare of people from other countries. I care about people too. But if that's your true passion, then you shouldn't be a US politician. You should be a missionary or something like that where you can help people from other countries. If you are an elected official in America, your job is to take care of Americans. We are a great country that can do a lot of good in the world, but if we fall and crumble, we are of no use to anyone.
Well John Kerry has went over there to have talks with them recently. Something tells me Kerry gave them the advice. Hes a pretty big POS. If we had a fair media maybe someone could ask Kerry about what was talked about at those meetings.

I was thinking more along the lines of China.
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Agree with Tucker 100% on this. Thought it was a great move for Trump to call off any kind of airstrike and Bolton is what is wrong with the old Republican guard. Too many war hungry guys that want to stick their noses into every single thing.
I certainly don't want a war and I'm sick of them as well. But at the same time we can't just allow Iran to bomb our ships and shoot down our drones. I'm not sure what should be done but we can't just let it slide or countries will no longer fear us, which will actually lead to more wars.
I certainly don't want a war and I'm sick of them as well. But at the same time we can't just allow Iran to bomb our ships and shoot down our drones. I'm not sure what should be done but we can't just let it slide or countries will no longer fear us, which will actually lead to more wars.
Clandestine missions taking out high officials would do the trick.
Clapper indicates that intelligence officials are above being investigated. The arrogance of people in the intelligence community is off the chart. And some people think the Deep State doesn't exist.
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Nationalism is simply being proud of your country/heritage and are prepared to defend it. No age limit. Many on the left hate what we are and therefore hate the country. You must really be blind or, are just not smart enough to see. I really don't think your dumb so, complicit and in lockstep with those who would destroy this country and are just playing the fool.

I’ll bite, who is destroying the country? How are they destroying the country? And how do you defend it?

Your brand of nationalism harkens back to when separate but equal was considered normal. The world has changed, this country is changing. We spend all day telling minority groups to suck it up, but bitch and moan when it doesn’t go our way? Seriously what are y’all constantly bitching about?

And heritage? You can’t choose heritage, we share the good and the bad of this country. Anybody from this country, assimilating to this country, for this country is American. You can’t gatekeep the country. You’re not a nationalist, you’re a separatist. I’m calling you to naive and old to realize it.
How could you possibly know?

Let me guess, an open borders think tank published some estimates based on estimates arguing we don’t need to secure our borders even though we have no idea how many people are illegally crossing our borders?

The entire point of your bullshit focus on visas is to get people to start arguing against visas so you can then say we’re anti legal immigrant, not just anti illegal alien.

You don’t know that because you are a useful idiot, but that’s obviously the next step you loons will be steered towards.

Illegal visa overstays and illegal border crossings should be 0.

Your hero Trump and his administration published some materials and announced it. How dumb are you?

Wonder why they don’t bring it up at campaign rallies? I’ll answer, because they know the boogie man at the border scares the crap out of you all. Overstaying visas is a larger immigration issue, but...brown people at the door gets more votes.

Do you intentionally go around doing this for show? You can take ten seconds and go see for yourself, but you much rather be this dense?

Again, not racist, but stupid. “Trump gets me,” or “Trump doesn’t use big words” got your vote huh?
Your hero Trump and his administration published some materials and announced it. How dumb are you?

Wonder why they don’t bring it up at campaign rallies? I’ll answer, because they know the boogie man at the border scares the crap out of you all. Overstaying visas is a larger immigration issue, but...brown people at the door gets more votes.

Do you intentionally go around doing this for show? You can take ten seconds and go see for yourself, but you much rather be this dense?

Again, not racist, but stupid. “Trump gets me,” or “Trump doesn’t use big words” got your vote huh?

Nothing in your link says overstayed visas are a bigger problem than the border.
Your hero Trump and his administration published some materials and announced it. How dumb are you?

Wonder why they don’t bring it up at campaign rallies? I’ll answer, because they know the boogie man at the border scares the crap out of you all. Overstaying visas is a larger immigration issue, but...brown people at the door gets more votes.

Do you intentionally go around doing this for show? You can take ten seconds and go see for yourself, but you much rather be this dense?

Again, not racist, but stupid. “Trump gets me,” or “Trump doesn’t use big words” got your vote huh?

Ha. So now the Trump administrations claims are to be taken as gospel. You people are goddam loony toons.

As I explained to you, yes illegal visa overstays need to be addressed. And they apparently are. So it isn’t a campaign issue because, “we’re going to crack down on visas” is the exact sound bite the left wants.

The Southern border is an issue because the left is funding caravans of illegal aliens to invade while fighting all efforts to secure it. So yeah, pointing out the left wants to eliminate our borders is a good thing to point out on the campaign trail.

And again, what numbers are you using to support your claim that visa overstays are more than border crossings. How are they counting illegal border crossings?
Your hero Trump and his administration published some materials and announced it. How dumb are you?

Wonder why they don’t bring it up at campaign rallies? I’ll answer, because they know the boogie man at the border scares the crap out of you all. Overstaying visas is a larger immigration issue, but...brown people at the door gets more votes.

Do you intentionally go around doing this for show? You can take ten seconds and go see for yourself, but you much rather be this dense?

Again, not racist, but stupid. “Trump gets me,” or “Trump doesn’t use big words” got your vote huh?

Again, the ramifications and how to stop illegal border crossings at the southern border and visa overstays is not the same.

There isn’t human trafficking, human suffering, drug smuggling, coyotes, and the lack of knowledge on who or how many in visa overstays, there is all of that and more at the southern border.

You keep bringing color into the argument, as if that’s the driving force on border control instead of visa overstays. Do you know where most people that overstay visas are from? They ain’t lily white Europeans.
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Congressional think tank finds that the tax cut has literally done nothing for the economy except cost a lot of money. Didn't cause a surge in growth, investment, wages, or jobs. The only thing that spiked for one quarter was tax free repatriated cash and none of it was dumped into investments. It's all laid out in pretty graphs for those of you that can't read more than a tweet.

Congressional think tank finds that the tax cut has literally done nothing for the economy except cost a lot of money. Didn't cause a surge in growth, investment, wages, or jobs. The only thing that spiked for one quarter was tax free repatriated cash and none of it was dumped into investments. It's all laid out in pretty graphs for those of you that can't read more than a tweet.
Federal taxes collected by the govt continues to rise. Your party controls the budget origination body, you should let them know.
Again, the ramifications and how to stop illegal border crossings at the southern border and visa overstays is not the same.

There isn’t human trafficking, human suffering, drug smuggling, coyotes, and the lack of knowledge on who or how many in visa overstays, there is all of that and more at the southern border.

You keep bringing color into the argument, as if that’s the driving force on border control instead of visa overstays. Do you know where most people that overstay visas are from? They ain’t lily white Europeans.

The cartels have also raised the prices to smuggle people in. They are making a ton of money from the liberal idiocy.
Trump's millions and millions deportation mass raid isn't happening, what a shocker. Their goal is to report 2000. I mean in Trump math that is probably close to a million.

"Acting DHS secretary Kevin McAleenan has been urging ICE, an agency within his department, to conduct a narrower, more targeted operation that would seek to detain a group of about 150 families that were provided with attorneys but dropped out of the legal process and absconded.

McAleenan has warned that an indiscriminate operation to arrest migrants in their homes and at work sites risks separating children from their parents in cases where the children are at day care, summer camp or friend’s houses. He also has maintained that ICE should not devote major resources to carrying out a mass interior sweep while telling lawmakers it needs emergency funding to address the crisis at the U.S. border."
Federal taxes collected by the govt continues to rise. Your party controls the budget origination body, you should let them know.
2017 was 3.32 trillion. 2018 was 3.33 trillion. Factoring in inflation and population/job growth that is equivalent to a 5% loss in revenue. We brought in 90 billion more year over year and spent 800 billion more year over year. MAGA!
2017 was 3.32 trillion. 2018 was 3.33 trillion. Factoring in inflation and population/job growth that is equivalent to a 5% loss in revenue. We brought in 90 billion more year over year and spent 800 billion more year over year. MAGA!

So you agree that the spending is the issue. So does just about everyone on this board.