If Kentucky was foolish enough to reject Bevins and go back to the Democrat party of corruption and greed the state deserves what will happen. Kentucky under Democrat leadership and union shops was at the bottom of every statistic for over 100 years. Finally a non politician is moving the state forward. Jobs are coming into the state that would never consider Kentucky under Democrat stone age rule. The good ole boy network of Democrat politicians in Kentucky will continue their irresponsibility of driving the state in further debt, continue to lag in education and build their private bank accounts. It is the Kentucky Effect that began before the 1900's and kept it's grip on the state for most of the next century. So go back and watch the "brain drain" come back as the intelligent young people flee to other states, like Tennessee or Texas. The Kentucky Effect, run all of your intelligent people to other states and all you have left are liberal politicians and people without good jobs who become dependent on those politicians. Like the school teachers and their incredible foolish pension plan..There will be many votes cast against Governor Bevis regardless of who the Democratic opponent happens to be (see 2000 Presidential Election and votes against Hillary). He’s a very unpopular governor even within his own party and within party leadership (Damon Thayer, his resident ass kisser in the Senate, was publicly critical of his pension bill veto for quasi government agencies within the past week). It’ll be an interesting race in the fall with rampant vote buying on Bevis’ part (funding being released “graciously” for public work by Bevis between now and November), as well as trying to scare the hell out of the rural church goers with the abortion issue.