How will they rule ??!

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WTF was Jeff Sessions doing for two years?
I would like to know the answer to this question too. He is the biggest disappointment in the history of disappointments. Had he shown leadership and had been willing to serve the President he may have been able to stop some of this witch hunt in the bud. He turned it over to them and it got out of control.

Sorriest AG in history. And Janet Reno was once an AG but she was a loyal AG. Sessions no.
Can we get Dan Crenshaw fast tracked to take over for Trump in 2024? I really like this guy.
Ive been all aboard the Crenshaw hype train since the SNL thing. Loved how he handled that. He has had a spotlight on him since then and Ive loved everything from him since.

Im rooting for the Crenshaw/Haley 2024 ticket for the Republicans. That would honestly be the first time in my short period of being an eligible voter that I would actually be excited about a republican ticket.


Those two tickets are basically a lot of what I hate with the Republican Party. Old time republicans that I cant relate to at all. All of them seem to have at least 1 or 2 moments of just how obviously out o touch they are with the current day. That group is basically the group I think of when I think of politicians sayin video games and metal music are bad, book burners, MMA is human cockfighting and so on. Plus all of them basically have 0 backbone.

I also wasnt a fan of Trump going into 2016 either. Im going to gladly vote for him in 2020 as long as nothing drastic changes. But ya Crenshaw to me is the young charismatic politician who is in touch with the current America that the republicans haven't had in a long time.
Ah, so he has no real principles as we have said. You kids are so easily duped by buzzwords.

Just like Republicans are duped by the words “logic,” “reason,” and “critical thought.” As if that’s universal to everyone voting red and no one voting blue. SMH.

The funniest shit though? Donald Trump definitely lacks every single one of those things, yet you adore him. LMAO!! A bunch of simpletons who watch too much TV. Sad!
Bernie pays what is recquired=Good
Trump pays what is recquired=Bad

Got it.
That’s why we need to reform the system so they both pay their fair share. Normal people can’t hire teams of accountants to dodge their taxes. And you misspelled required twice.
That’s why we need to reform the system so they both pay their fair share. Normal people can’t hire teams of accountants to dodge their taxes. And you misspelled required twice.
So how much is their “Fair Share?” And what is their incentive to continue being the ones creating jobs if all thats going to happen is their businesses and themselves are taxed into oblivion?

So Bernie wants to raise the minimum wage to $15, but also wants to raise corporate taxes for those same businesses as well. Explain what keeps those businesses viable?

I work for a restaurant franchisee. I just read an article in National Restaurant News, which is a trade publication, it was an article about how rising labor costs is forcing restaurants to close. Forcing a $15 min wage is and will cause a lot of jobs to be lost.
Just like Republicans are duped by the words “logic,” “reason,” and “critical thought.” As if that’s universal to everyone voting red and no one voting blue. SMH.

The funniest shit though? Donald Trump definitely lacks every single one of those things, yet you adore him. LMAO!! A bunch of simpletons who watch too much TV. Sad!
You and the left have no logical thought process, emotional outburst are the order of the day. You don't take time to reason it out, MAGA hats and American flags bring out the morons in you. The only critical thought is the fusion of the two above when exploding in a made rage at anything that you don't agree with.
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So how much is their “Fair Share?” And what is their incentive to continue being the ones creating jobs if all thats going to happen is their businesses and themselves are taxed into oblivion?

So Bernie wants to raise the minimum wage to $15, but also wants to raise corporate taxes for those same businesses as well. Explain what keeps those businesses viable?

I work for a restaurant franchisee. I just read an article in National Restaurant News, which is a trade publication, it was an article about how rising labor costs is forcing restaurants to close. Forcing a $15 min wage is and will cause a lot of jobs to be lost.
We’re all obsessed with jobs and the state of the economy because everything about our lives is dependent on it. If you wake up one day and are diagnosed with cancer you better have a great job that provides fantastic benefits that can get insurance to actually pay or you’re dead or indebted permanently. How many of those people who work in those restaurants could handle a serious health issue with the current minimum wage? Who cares if they have “jobs” when you can’t live on the income? Whether you live or die shouldn’t be predicated on your employment situation.
Whether you live or die shouldn’t be predicated on your employment situation.

Maybe not. But whether YOU have insurance sure as hell should not be predicated on MY employment situation.

The best solutions highlight personal accountability. Since there are no perfect solutions; best solutions are what we must go with.
Flat tax with no holes 9-9-9.
9% of 20k a year is 1.8k. 9% of 20 mil is 1.8 mil. The former is crippling for a low income family. The latter is a drop in the bucket leaving 18.2 million dollars. What’s the logic behind increasing the burden on the poor and middle class who are struggling while decreasing the burden on the elites who have so much they just play with it? Including using it to buy politicians and college admission.
We’re all obsessed with jobs and the state of the economy because everything about our lives is dependent on it. If you wake up one day and are diagnosed with cancer you better have a great job that provides fantastic benefits that can get insurance to actually pay or you’re dead or indebted permanently. How many of those people who work in those restaurants could handle a serious health issue with the current minimum wage? Who cares if they have “jobs” when you can’t live on the income? Whether you live or die shouldn’t be predicated on your employment situation.

So Medicaid for everyone?
That's what kills me, they're all pissed at Bevin because he TRIED to fix the problem. All the dims offer is, the same old things that got the pension crisis where it is.
...and that is why Democratic Socialism is doomed to failure. Regardless of the state of the economy, they are going to keep kicking the can down the road until our country topples under the weight of massive debt. They think they are being good-hearted and generous, but in reality they will doom us all.
So Medicaid for everyone?
Yes. For less than we’re paying now. And starting a sentence with a conjunction is a stylistic choice. How long ago did you attend school?
says who?
Do you have an anecdotal story of someone with no/minimal insurance paying their way out from under pancreatic cancer? Would love to hear that. How long did it take them?
9% of 20k a year is 1.8k. 9% of 20 mil is 1.8 mil. The former is crippling for a low income family. The latter is a drop in the bucket leaving 18.2 million dollars. What’s the logic behind increasing the burden on the poor and middle class who are struggling while decreasing the burden on the elites who have so much they just play with it? Including using it to buy politicians and college admission.
Many of the rich pay less with the loop holes. Also, the $20 thousand a year pay more now.
Yes. For less than we’re paying now. And starting a sentence with a conjunction is a stylistic choice. How long ago did you attend school?

Do you have an anecdotal story of someone with no/minimal insurance paying their way out from under pancreatic cancer? Would love to hear that. How long did it take them?

You said indebted permanently. Did we open debtors prisons?
...and that is why Democratic Socialism is doomed to failure. Regardless of the state of the economy, they are going to keep kicking the can down the road until our country topples under the weight of massive debt. They think they are being good-hearted and generous, but in reality they will doom us all.
Which is why I’m happy I’m so freakin old. Maybe I’ll be gone before they succeed.
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He said he pays what he’s required to. If that were larger he would pay it. That’s why we need to raise rates on certain earners/earnings. Bernie doesn’t volunteer to pay more just like you or I don’t. Greed is a vice fundamental to the human condition and must be taxed accordingly, just like other sin taxes.

So you believe Bernie?[roll]

Plus 9% is worse than 12%? Please explain.
You’re the one who proposed the system, the burden of explanation rests with you. Lay out how 999 will sustain a balanced budget and pay down the debt and I may agree with you about it.
You’re the one who proposed the system, the burden of explanation rests with you. Lay out how 999 will sustain a balanced budget and pay down the debt and I may agree with you about it.
You chickened out I see. Your hatred of the rich shows because, you would rather punish the poor and try to get more out of the rich than help the poor and make sure the rich pays their share without loop holes.

Plus, we haven't balanced the budget under any of our systems for years now.
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Ahh of course, I get your inane distinction now. Excuse me, dead or saddled with insurmountable debt necessitating bankruptcy. Fixed for you.

What do you think will happen if the Govt takes charge of everyone’s healthcare?

Nothing the Govt does is cheaper or more efficient than private. So when costs start escalating what do you think the next push will be?
How bout when people have to wait months for procedures that used be days or weeks? What about when the poor realize that the wealthy don’t have to wait, because cash money gets you to the front of the line?

You’re using emotion to make decisions instead of looking at the big picture.
We’re all obsessed with jobs and the state of the economy because everything about our lives is dependent on it. If you wake up one day and are diagnosed with cancer you better have a great job that provides fantastic benefits that can get insurance to actually pay or you’re dead or indebted permanently. How many of those people who work in those restaurants could handle a serious health issue with the current minimum wage? Who cares if they have “jobs” when you can’t live on the income? Whether you live or die shouldn’t be predicated on your employment situation.

So whose job is it to pay for that part time restaurant worker's insurance and medical treatment? How many more hours a week do I need to work so I can cover the taxes coming out of my check. The government does not provide you anything. They must first take from somone else's pot to pay for your benefit.

I did in fact wake up one day with your exact scenario. I made a choice nearly 20 years ago to take a job in a factory because of the benefits more than anything. I do have great health insurance. It saved my family from a debt burden I could not imagine. I have also spent the last nearly 20 years working second shift, God knows how many hours, on concrete, torching my body as a sacrifice so my family could reap the benefits.

If politicians are going to take away my private insurance plan and put me in a pool of medicaid for all, the same insurance that any part time or no time working individual will have the same as me, what is my incentive to continue to working so hard when part time employees or unemployed can reap the same benefits as me?

Life isn't fair. Everyone isn't equal. Cancer at 38 sucked. I never took off work past the 6 weeks required to recover from the surgery. That includes working full time for 6 months while going through chemo. Why should I vote for someone who works 20 hours a week to have the taxes taken out of my check to award them the same benefits as myself? What is my incentive to work anymore?

Liberals are idiots