How will they rule ??!

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"I'm not going to disparage a business man for doing what is best for him but to make President Trump out to be some kind of blue collared conservative man of the people, it's just incorrect."

I don't think most are and again group think seems to enter in upon your rant. I simply think that he is doing what those who support him think is best for the country

I've spent quite a lot of time on twitter following conservative pundits/politicians and I can't tell you how many times I've seen people say the president is a man of the people (which is saying something since he's a billionaire raised in NYC). Or that he's a good Christian man (those non-disclosure agreements with adult film actresses say otherwise). I do get where you're coming from with the second sentence.
I will never believe that our President actually cares about the citizens of this country. He was going to run as an independent before his team realized he would have had no shot at winning the presidency back in 2016. This is the same guy who donated money to Kerry's campaign. He doesn't care about party affiliation. I'm definitely for hiring an outsider who isn't a life time politician, but this wasn't the answer.
Name me one politician that cares about the citizens of this country? All of them, especially the socialist, are concerned with power and making wealth for their self. I don't care what political party they are it is all for the Party and Power. Bernie Sanders is a ,multi-millionaire and the moron lady from New York City will be soon if she isn't now.

Why does congress often pass a law that they are exempt from? They even have a fund to pay off their sexual harassment adventures. They care little for you and I. It is Power and Control which leads to making them very wealthy. At least Trump did not have to worry about the making money part. .
The self proclaimed independents on here always seem to focus far more on what Trump says than what he actually does. Dude is an arrogant ass, everyone know that.

He cut taxes for 99% of the American people. Appointed two Justices who will hopefully respect the Constitution. Is doing what he can to secure the American borders. Is doing what he thinks is best for the American people and the economy (agree or disagree with the tariffs). Is trying to bring our troops home from the middle east shit hole.

Just an added bonus his arrogance pisses the lefties off to no end.
The self proclaimed independents on here always seem to focus far more on what Trump says than what he actually does. Dude is an arrogant ass, everyone know that.

He cut taxes for 99% of the American people. Appointed two Justices who will hopefully respect the Constitution. Is doing what he can to secure the American borders. Is doing what he thinks is best for the American people and the economy (agree or disagree with the tariffs). Is trying to bring our troops home from the middle east shit hole.

Just an added bonus his arrogance pisses the lefties off to no end.
I wonder how many of them complained about Obamas arrogance. Obama couldn't go a speech without saying "I" or "me" sometimes well over 100 times. He was arrogant as f**k.
This is racial victimhood at it's finest. Either it's OK to call all people KK or it's not OK to call any people KK. But to divide by race is the downfall of this country.
How incredibly ignorant. People haven't used monkeys/apes/gorillas as a racist term to refer to Caucasians, Asians, Indians, Mexicans, etc.
I'm a registered Independent. I don't believe in our broken two party system. In the past election I voted against whomever was the career politician regardless of party. Don't try to put me in a nice neat box so you can categorize me.

Then you believe in a broken 3 party system. You put yourself in a nice neat box and then categorized the rest of us. You seem to be a "do as I say, not as I do" kinda guy. Hope that works out for you.

Welcome to the political thread. Look forward to your wisdom.
I'm referring to actual facts:

"Trump has also made a number of donations to national Democratic party organizations."

"Trump has donated to Reid and Pelosi, as well as five members of the so-called Gang of Eight in the Senate."

"Trump has given frequently to Clinton’s campaigns, and has supported her family’s foundation. The donations to Clinton's presidential campaign totaled $4,600."

"According to an International Business Times review of data from Political Moneyline, Trump has given nearly $1.5 million to GOP candidates and political groups on the federal level since 1979. The billionaire has donated roughly $405,000 to Democratic politicians and committees during that same span of time."


I'm not going to disparage a business man for doing what is best for him but to make President Trump out to be some kind of blue collared conservative man of the people, it's just incorrect.

He donated to politicians because they can be bought. He said that in the first debate.

40 years ago on Oprah he told us what he'd do. He's doing it. He's keeping all his campaign promises, almost like he's going down a list. He's done or doing everything he said he would, in the face of incredible social pressure put on his family and businesses.

So if he were anything other than what he said, we'd know by now.

He probably looks like a Dem to some people because he's very moderate. The patriotism, tax, and trade aspects are what I believe always drew him to the gop.
How incredibly ignorant. People haven't used monkeys/apes/gorillas as a racist term to refer to Caucasians, Asians, Indians, Mexicans, etc.

My god, you lunatic.

King Kong is a fictional character resembling a super strong giant gorilla that terrorized New York

Anyone who hears "King Kong" and immediately thinks "black people" is a crazy lunatic racist.
They WANT illegals to have guns and they want them to kill people with them for the simple effect of gaining ground on gun control for all of us. Dems have a specific use for every demographic.

Obama gave guns to drug cartels that were used to murder Americans. Trump is trying to build a wall on the southern border to secure our country and make sure people our using the proper immigration channels.

But Trump's an arrogant meanie.
I've spent quite a lot of time on twitter following conservative pundits/politicians and I can't tell you how many times I've seen people say the president is a man of the people (which is saying something since he's a billionaire raised in NYC). Or that he's a good Christian man (those non-disclosure agreements with adult film actresses say otherwise). I do get where you're coming from with the second sentence.
None of what you posted here would keep him from trying to do what is right for this country. That is why I say group think has got you where it wants you.

How much crazy shit is still on YouTube and is allowed to generate ad revenue?

The social media platforms cannot continue to discriminate against viewpoints they disagree with, while tacitly endorsing hateful and criminal conduct they agree with.

They've shown they can police content. Therefore, by not policing certain content, they're endorsing and promoting it.
The self proclaimed independents on here always seem to focus far more on what Trump says than what he actually does. Dude is an arrogant ass, everyone know that.

He cut taxes for 99% of the American people. Appointed two Justices who will hopefully respect the Constitution. Is doing what he can to secure the American borders. Is doing what he thinks is best for the American people and the economy (agree or disagree with the tariffs). Is trying to bring our troops home from the middle east shit hole.

Just an added bonus his arrogance pisses the lefties off to no end.
I did not vote for a Sunday School teacher when I pulled the lever for Trump. I like him now more than the day I voted for him. I will campaign hard for him in 2020. He has exceed expectations because history over the past 25 years has taught me to not expect much from a President. He actually does something not just talk. He cut millions from Planned Parenthood this week. No other president would dare do such a thing. Not George Bush and not George, Jr. They talked about being pro life but it was all talk.

Trump cuts through the road blocks thrown his way and acts on what he promised. Lefties and never Trumpers curse his very existence and than earns him my vote.
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I did not vote for Trump, but I'd vote for him today over any other person with an R next to their name. Unless someone could convince me they'd actually cut spending.

The lefty loony toon Democrat party is a nonstarter. No way I'd vote for any of the crazy socialists, fake lying indians, fake lying marijuana smokers, fake lying sparticus, etc.
I will never believe that our President actually cares about the citizens of this country. He was going to run as an independent before his team realized he would have had no shot at winning the presidency back in 2016. This is the same guy who donated money to Kerry's campaign. He doesn't care about party affiliation. I'm definitely for hiring an outsider who isn't a life time politician, but this wasn't the answer.

You don’t believe Trump cares about the citizens? Good lord, what more must the man do to win you over? Honestly, just admit you don’t like him and never will.
Which policy of his has shown you he doesn’t care about the citizens?
I believe most of what he does, he does to stroke his own ego. I've watched many of his speeches and most of it is self-aggrandizing. All this talk about how great of job he's doing. And then he bristles at any type of criticism. Even when it's from within his own party or supporters. I don't like the feeling of having to be completely loyal to one man in order to be considered a patriot or supportive of our country. I do agree that some of what he does/says has been exaggerated or selectively chosen to make him look worse. Political news outlets have been doing that since time began (I remember watching Fox News dissect an eye roll that Nancy Pelosi did towards Senator Reid as if it were important in any way).

Who would I want instead of President Trump? People thought our president would be good because he was a wealthy business man. If that's the case then I nominate Gabe Newell. He founded Valve Corporation and has nearly twice the wealth that the president had. Colin Powell (military background), Condoleezza Rice (previous political and other experience would both be good options. Although I don't think either of them would get nominated let alone win. Maybe one of the Koch brothers?

Of course he’s an egotist, anyone that runs for President has a huge ego.

Who says you have to be completely loyal to him or anyone else to be a patriot?
The man has been under constant attack since he won the election, the last admin intentionally tried to undermine him, that is insanity.
The FBI used info they knew wasn’t true or verified to investigate him and his campaign. Yet the mainstream media just brushes that aside when it’s an actual threat to our Republic. That’s what he has dealt with in the 2 years, and in light of all that he is still the best President we’ve had since Reagan.
The self proclaimed independents on here always seem to focus far more on what Trump says than what he actually does. Dude is an arrogant ass, everyone know that.

He cut taxes for 99% of the American people. Appointed two Justices who will hopefully respect the Constitution. Is doing what he can to secure the American borders. Is doing what he thinks is best for the American people and the economy (agree or disagree with the tariffs). Is trying to bring our troops home from the middle east shit hole.

Just an added bonus his arrogance pisses the lefties off to no end.

Taxes were cut, but yet quite a few Americans actually owe the IRS this year. The tariffs are supposed to help the steel industry. The tariffs have actually hurt farmers in our own country.
The president wants to keep our troops in Iraq. He's securing a border that was already secure. Illegal immigration has been declining for years.
Taxes were cut, but yet quite a few Americans actually owe the IRS this year. The tariffs are supposed to help the steel industry. The tariffs have actually hurt farmers in our own country.
The president wants to keep our troops in Iraq. He's securing a border that was already secure. Illegal immigration has been declining for years.
What? He was trying to bring troops home and both parties opposed. He is giving farmers money to compensate while democrats cry foul even though they are the ones who voted in subsidies for failed farms many years ago. Secure borders and declining illegal immigration? Who are you getting your info from.

You have definitely showed your hand as a liberal. It has been proven way too many times here that most liberals who claim to be independents and or centrist quickly out them selves just as you have with this post.
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Taxes were cut, but yet quite a few Americans actually owe the IRS this year. The tariffs are supposed to help the steel industry. The tariffs have actually hurt farmers in our own country.
The president wants to keep our troops in Iraq. He's securing a border that was already secure. Illegal immigration has been declining for years.

You honestly think the border is secure? God almighty.
The tariffs were enacted to rein China in, and its working. You are thinking short term on a long term problem. That’s how we get in situations that we were in with China.