How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Surely you mean refunds not returns.

Regardless, think how POed people would be if they owed no taxes & had zero withholding. Their refund would be zero. Riots would start.

I said return, I could have said refund. Either would illustrate my point. No?
Happy to add actual voter fraud to issues you don't care about unless asserting that it happened helps your side look good. Hell this one has actual evidence and shit. Not enough brown people or illegals involved?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This I just an ignorant uneducated post full of hypocrisy. You discount all other voter fraud that happened under the left's control where evidence was ignored.
I figured yall would be having a conservative panic attack over the election fraud in NC.

Oh wait, Republicans orchestrated it. First federal election to be redone for voter fraud in like 40 years.

I don’t care where it is or who orchestrated it( Dems or Pubs or other). If someone is trying to rig an election they should be removed period. If the Pub did it fix it so it is correct.

Having said that tell me how many states had a Pub winning and massive numbers of votes were “still coming in and election officials could not give us a count overall? Florida, Georgia, California... kept harvesting votes because the Dem was behind. Not “we know there are 20k votes still left to count and we need to identify who they go to, but we don’t know how many votes there are left to count. Remember Broward and Palm Beach counties where the election board was driving boxes of votes in by the Dems? Dems do this all the time and are just very good at not getting caught. Pubs need to learn to fight dirty because their brethren across the aisle have mastered it. You are making this far to easy.
Happy to add actual voter fraud to issues you don't care about unless asserting that it happened helps your side look good. Hell this one has actual evidence and shit. Not enough brown people or illegals involved?

It voter fraud occurs, it should be dealt with no matter the party that’s involved. I’ve seen several here say as much. If the evidence is there, I’m glad he got caught.

But we never see anyone that appears to be more liberal condemn the massive amounts of voter fraud and straight up rigging that occur when it’s the Democrats.

She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was staving off a primary challenge Tim Canova when his campaign noticed certain irregularities in the way paper ballots were being counted. An ugly court battle and two years later, a judge ruled that the Broward elections supervisor had illegally destroyed ballots in the race.

The supervisor’s name? Brenda Snipes, who claimed that the trashing of the ballots was just a “mistake.”

Why was she still the supervisor for the next election cycle??

Illegal Ballot Harvesting a Looming Issue in Arizona

PHOENIX – Republican candidate Martha McSally beat Democrat Kyrsten Sinema in last year’s election to fill a vacant U.S. Senate seat. At least McSally won on election night. We all know what happened: Over the next week hundreds of thousands of early, absentee, and provisional ballots were reviewed, contested, and counted -- and at the end of it all Arizonans found out that Sinema had won.

The same thing happened in several down-ballot races. Of particular concern was the race for secretary of state in which Republican Steve Gaynor, who had promised to focus on election integrity, was ahead by 40,000 votes on election night only to lose by 20,252 votes when the final count was certified.

Care to share your outrage about the above?
I don’t care where it is or who orchestrated it( Dems or Pubs or other). If someone is trying to rig an election they should be removed period. If the Pub did it fix it so it is correct.

Having said that tell me how many states had a Pub winning and massive numbers of votes were “still coming in and election officials could not give us a count overall? Florida, Georgia, California... kept harvesting votes because the Dem was behind. Not “we know there are 20k votes still left to count and we need to identify who they go to, but we don’t know how many votes there are left to count. Remember Broward and Palm Beach counties where the election board was driving boxes of votes in by the Dems? Dems do this all the time and are just very good at not getting caught. Pubs need to learn to fight dirty because their brethren across the aisle have mastered it. You are making this far to easy.
Driving the votes in personal vehicles which in in itself was illegal.
How many voters are there in America? Legal voters? Let's guess real high and say 200 million. I bet you could get ID's made for $5 a pop. 1 billion to get every voter an ID with a scan code. I think that would be a worthy expenditure.
She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was staving off a primary challenge Tim Canova when his campaign noticed certain irregularities in the way paper ballots were being counted. An ugly court battle and two years later, a judge ruled that the Broward elections supervisor had illegally destroyed ballots in the race.

The supervisor’s name? Brenda Snipes, who claimed that the trashing of the ballots was just a “mistake.”

Why was she still the supervisor for the next election cycle??
I was on vacation in the Riviera Maya region in Mexico immediately after the elections last November, and the resort I was at had Miami Florida stations in the TV lineup mixed in with Spanish-speaking stations. Got to watch Brenda Snipes muck up yet another election and another recount and miss yet another deadline for completing the vote count on the local news.

And what I noticed was, the local news anchors treated it essentially as business as usual, it was as if they'd seen this all before, but were afraid to state the obvious. I mean, that level of incompetence has to be intentional and purposeful.
How many voters are there in America? Legal voters? Let's guess real high and say 200 million. I bet you could get ID's made for $5 a pop. 1 billion to get every voter an ID with a scan code. I think that would be a worthy expenditure.
Many states will do it for free for low income people.
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Yep - Trump has demanded more apologies in two years than Obama did in 8. And omg he’s traded so unfairly!

These folks freaked out over two guys in California taking a knee during a song and think they are “rugged individualists” lol.

I have never seen a grown man be so sensitive about everything. Dude complains about how unfair everything is on the daily. Not even my 9 y/o does that.
This thread turned into a real circle jerk. I don't understand party loyalty at all. I hope you all realize that politicians don't care about their constituents at all.
I have never seen a grown man be so sensitive about everything. Dude complains about how unfair everything is on the daily. Not even my 9 y/o does that.

So when liberals and snowflakes complain about things they're "Social Justice Warriors" or "Activists"

When Trump, or any pub leader or regular joe complains about things they're whining, racists, fear mongering, manufacturing things...etc...

Liberals have named the game and rules...just holler, stomp, that the other side and they're leaders are doing it then all of a sudden it's "oh be quiet nothing is that damn bad, you're making a mountain out of a molehill..."
This thread turned into a real circle jerk. I don't understand party loyalty at all. I hope you all realize that politicians don't care about their constituents at all.

That's why a lot of people here generally support non-politician, hated by both establishment Democrats and Repbulicans, cares about the people, Donald J. Trump.

Most people here hate the Republican party as much if not more than the Democrat party.
So when liberals and snowflakes complain about things they're "Social Justice Warriors" or "Activists"

When Trump, or any pub leader or regular joe complains about things they're whining, racists, fear mongering, manufacturing things...etc...

Liberals have named the game and rules...just holler, stomp, that the other side and they're leaders are doing it then all of a sudden it's "oh be quiet nothing is that damn bad, you're making a mountain out of a molehill..."

Nope. I don't agree with SJW's either. Their behavior is just as destructive.

The whole party system is incredibly destructive to this country. Both Washington and Adams warned us about using it. Both parties don't actually care about the people and only want to line their pockets with more money. I don't understand how people don't see this.
That's why a lot of people here generally support non-politician, hated by both establishment Democrats and Repbulicans, cares about the people, Donald J. Trump.

Most people here hate the Republican party as much if not more than the Democrat party.

I will never believe that our President actually cares about the citizens of this country. He was going to run as an independent before his team realized he would have had no shot at winning the presidency back in 2016. This is the same guy who donated money to Kerry's campaign. He doesn't care about party affiliation. I'm definitely for hiring an outsider who isn't a life time politician, but this wasn't the answer.
I will never believe that our President actually cares about the citizens of this country. He was going to run as an independent before his team realized he would have had no shot at winning the presidency back in 2016. This is the same guy who donated money to Kerry's campaign. He doesn't care about party affiliation. I'm definitely for hiring an outsider who isn't a life time politician, but this wasn't the answer.
Wrong. You are following the group think propaganda of the day. What you do not understand is, Trump (while being an egotist) really loves the country where he and his family made their money (See Capitalism) and wants to keep it alive and strong. While trying to do the right thing, he has and is being opposed by both parties (Should tell you something) and has been fighting an up hill battle all of the way. Combine all of that with him losing a lot of money while being president and giving his presidential salary to charities, that too should also tell you that he really wants to do the right thing for this country.
I will never believe that our President actually cares about the citizens of this country. He was going to run as an independent before his team realized he would have had no shot at winning the presidency back in 2016. This is the same guy who donated money to Kerry's campaign. He doesn't care about party affiliation. I'm definitely for hiring an outsider who isn't a life time politician, but this wasn't the answer.

I guess you're referring to the fakenews meme that floats around. Lol

Guess that's why he's doing everything he promised during his Oprah interview in the 80s.
I believe most of what he does, he does to stroke his own ego. I've watched many of his speeches and most of it is self-aggrandizing. All this talk about how great of job he's doing. And then he bristles at any type of criticism. Even when it's from within his own party or supporters. I don't like the feeling of having to be completely loyal to one man in order to be considered a patriot or supportive of our country. I do agree that some of what he does/says has been exaggerated or selectively chosen to make him look worse. Political news outlets have been doing that since time began (I remember watching Fox News dissect an eye roll that Nancy Pelosi did towards Senator Reid as if it were important in any way).

Who would I want instead of President Trump? People thought our president would be good because he was a wealthy business man. If that's the case then I nominate Gabe Newell. He founded Valve Corporation and has nearly twice the wealth that the president had. Colin Powell (military background), Condoleezza Rice (previous political and other experience would both be good options. Although I don't think either of them would get nominated let alone win. Maybe one of the Koch brothers?
Whenever some lib nitwit states that he isn't for either party and then proceeds to demean the greatest President we've had in our lifetime, then you know they are a lib nitwit.

Before you know it he'll be saying "at least O'bama didn't..."
Lol Gabe Newell as president. The same guy who tried holocracy at valve aka anarchy. As an anarchist, I appreciate the guy and the effort, but as president that's hilarious.
I guess you're referring to the fakenews meme that floats around. Lol

Guess that's why he's doing everything he promised during his Oprah interview in the 80s.

I'm referring to actual facts:

"Trump has also made a number of donations to national Democratic party organizations."

"Trump has donated to Reid and Pelosi, as well as five members of the so-called Gang of Eight in the Senate."

"Trump has given frequently to Clinton’s campaigns, and has supported her family’s foundation. The donations to Clinton's presidential campaign totaled $4,600."

"According to an International Business Times review of data from Political Moneyline, Trump has given nearly $1.5 million to GOP candidates and political groups on the federal level since 1979. The billionaire has donated roughly $405,000 to Democratic politicians and committees during that same span of time."


I'm not going to disparage a business man for doing what is best for him but to make President Trump out to be some kind of blue collared conservative man of the people, it's just incorrect.
Whenever some lib nitwit states that he isn't for either party and then proceeds to demean the greatest President we've had in our lifetime, then you know they are a lib nitwit.

Before you know it he'll be saying "at least O'bama didn't..."
So predictable. Same shit @EastKYWildcat used to do before being outed. They think it gives them validity.
Whenever some lib nitwit states that he isn't for either party and then proceeds to demean the greatest President we've had in our lifetime, then you know they are a lib nitwit.

Before you know it he'll be saying "at least O'bama didn't..."

I'm a registered Independent. I don't believe in our broken two party system. In the past election I voted against whomever was the career politician regardless of party. Don't try to put me in a nice neat box so you can categorize me.
Lol Gabe Newell as president. The same guy who tried holocracy at valve aka anarchy. As an anarchist, I appreciate the guy and the effort, but as president that's hilarious.

I usually only bring up Gaben as an example of promoting someone for president simply based on the fact that the dude is rich. I don't actually want him to president. I'm not crazy.
"I'm not going to disparage a business man for doing what is best for him but to make President Trump out to be some kind of blue collared conservative man of the people, it's just incorrect."

I don't think most are and again group think seems to enter in upon your rant. I simply think that he is doing what those who support him think is best for the country