How will they rule ??!

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I usually only bring up Gaben as an example of promoting someone for president simply based on the fact that the dude is rich. I don't actually want him to president. I'm not crazy.

Cool, just bring up a fat sort of obscure billionaire for effect and back out when someone points out how he actually runs his company.

I'd definitely support holacracy and the guy who revolutionized software distribution for president.
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Cool, just bring up a fat sort of obscure billionaire for effect and back out when someone points out how he actually runs his company.

I'd definitely support holacracy and the guy who revolutionized software distribution for president.
I bring him to make a point to not arbitrarily want to put someone in office because they're rich. That's it.
Taxes were cut, but yet quite a few Americans actually owe the IRS this year. The tariffs are supposed to help the steel industry. The tariffs have actually hurt farmers in our own country.
The president wants to keep our troops in Iraq. He's securing a border that was already secure. Illegal immigration has been declining for years.
Equating owing the IRS to any sort of negative about the economy is simply ignorant.
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What? He was trying to bring troops home and both parties opposed. He is giving farmers money to compensate while democrats cry foul even though they are the ones who voted in subsidies for failed farms many years ago. Secure borders and declining illegal immigration? Who are you getting your info from.

You have definitely showed your hand as a liberal. It has been proven way too many times here that most liberals who claim to be independents and or centrist quickly out them selves just as you have with this post.
Showed my hand as a liberal? If that helps you feel better to try and categorize me.
I supported Bush, McCain, ansI don't believe in big government, I believe in the 2nd amendment, and states rights. It would behoove you not label someone a liberal simply because they don't agree with you.
I've spent quite a lot of time on twitter following conservative pundits/politicians and I can't tell you how many times I've seen people say the president is a man of the people (which is saying something since he's a billionaire raised in NYC). Or that he's a good Christian man (those non-disclosure agreements with adult film actresses say otherwise). I do get where you're coming from with the second sentence.
I don’t think anyone’s ever characterized Trump as a good Christian man. At least no one that I’ve seen. I also don’t think anybody asked him to be. His indiscretions have been on public display since he first made a name for himself. We all knew going in he was an egoist, misogynist and a narcissist, but those traits aside, he really has been working for everyday Americans and trying his best to hold the media accountable for their biased reporting and constant hate mongering.
What? He was trying to bring troops home and both parties opposed. He is giving farmers money to compensate while democrats cry foul even though they are the ones who voted in subsidies for failed farms many years ago. Secure borders and declining illegal immigration? Who are you getting your info from.

You have definitely showed your hand as a liberal. It has been proven way too many times here that most liberals who claim to be independents and or centrist quickly out them selves just as you have with this post.
Showed my hand as a liberal? If that helps you feel better to try and categorize me.
I supported Bush, McCain, and I don't believe in big government, I believe in the 2nd amendment, and states rights. It would behoove you not label someone a liberal simply because they don't agree with you. Even then, why completely dismiss what someone says because they don't belong to the same group as you?
I don’t think anyone’s ever characterized Trump as a good Christian man. At least no one that I’ve seen. I also don’t think anybody asked him to be. His indiscretions have been on public display since he first made a name for himself. We all knew going in he was an egoist, misogynist and a narcissist, but those traits aside, he really has been working for everyday Americans and trying his best to hold the media accountable for their biased reporting and constant hate mongering.

This is a really good response. I've seen plenty of comments and people refer to our President as a good Christian, which blows my mind. There's even a painting someone did of Jesus guiding his hand as he signs in a bill. If you believe he's doing a great job, then cool, that's a difference of opinion and I'm fine with that.
This is a really good response. I've seen plenty of comments and people refer to our President as a good Christian, which blows my mind. There's even a painting someone did of Jesus guiding his hand as he signs in a bill. If you believe he's doing a great job, then cool, that's a difference of opinion and I'm fine with that.

I think he’s doing a good enough job. Yes, he’s a massive dickhead, not a good person....a good Christian? Lol. He couldn’t pick jeebus out of a lineup if the other 5 were the original members of Guns n Roses.

Many hardcore Trump supporters in this thread have pointed out that he wasn’t elected for his moral compass. I believe that’s a fair take. Those who try to equate Trump with anything resembling a good, moral, religious man is being totally disingenuous.

We are over 2 years in and nothing Trump has done has negatively affected me or, in my opinion, any law abiding American resident. That’s about all you can ask for from a president
I did not vote for a Sunday School teacher when I pulled the lever for Trump. I like him now more than the day I voted for him. I will campaign hard for him in 2020. He has exceed expectations because history over the past 25 years has taught me to not expect much from a President. He actually does something not just talk. He cut millions from Planned Parenthood this week. No other president would dare do such a thing. Not George Bush and not George, Jr. They talked about being pro life but it was all talk.

Trump cuts through the road blocks thrown his way and acts on what he promised. Lefties and never Trumpers curse his very existence and than earns him my vote.

Trump isn’t pro life either. In his last rally he said we need to put an end to late term abortions, not overturn Roe. There’s a big difference. He’s been on the record as pro choice for decades.
Showed my hand as a liberal? If that helps you feel better to try and categorize me.
I supported Bush, McCain, ansI don't believe in big government, I believe in the 2nd amendment, and states rights. It would behoove you not label someone a liberal simply because they don't agree with you.
Your past postings say more than you said in this post about who you supported in the past. Supported not voted you said. But, your liberal left talking points come straight from the main stream media. Label is pretty solid.
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I don’t think anyone’s ever characterized Trump as a good Christian man. At least no one that I’ve seen. I also don’t think anybody asked him to be. His indiscretions have been on public display since he first made a name for himself. We all knew going in he was an egoist, misogynist and a narcissist, but those traits aside, he really has been working for everyday Americans and trying his best to hold the media accountable for their biased reporting and constant hate mongering.

Basically, he's a Yankee...

All the issues folks have with Trump can basically be boiled down to the fact that he's a New Yorker.

Abrasive, big potty mouth, calls people names, makes faces, no filter...

Christ, you got to be that way in the city just to get to work...

He's a rich, Ivy league, Yankee liberal. The left doesn't like him because he took up a banner and led the charge against their ways. The right hasn't fully embraced him for the very fact that he's all those things. Not necessarily a well mannered Bush or McCain style diplomat.

Folks, the guy that makes both establishments bristle is the guy you want in office. That's the whole point. Every candidate prior to Trump has been a party man. The Dem Presidents did or tried Dem things, the Pub Presidents did and tried Pub things. Trump walked in both birds blazing cursing his own elite circles/friends on one end and mouthing off to the Knights of Bush and McCain on the other end.

Cherry on top is the fact that all that is childs play compared to what he told the globalist world that both parties have benefited from.

China suck it...Mexico kiss my A**...this and that place are sh*tholes...Media are a bunch of hacks...why are we helping such and such country with so much aid, money, resources...UN needs to pick up more of the tab...Oh big bad bully north korea nobody has liked or even bothered talking to forever, let's sit down have a meal shoot the breeze...

Yeah, he's a big orange wrecking ball...but every now and then the house needs some renovation...the team needs a new coach to tear everything down and build it back better...
No, I think it’s dumb not to get your kid vaccinated, but if you are vaccinated they pose no threat.

Doesn’t surprise that you’d say something as dickish as that.

And what happens if the anti vaxxing movement gains steam? It should be shut down now.
How big of a risk is the anti-vax movement to those of us who are vaccinated and plan to vaccinate our future hypothetical children?

On the one hand, we run the risk that a bunch of kids die off who had morons for parents and would likely grow up or be morons. On the other hand, we run the risk of finding out that we are all actually autistic and the non-vaccinated generation of children grow up to run the world.

Are there other possibilities?
In all seriousness, there is some herd immunity or some shit that does put the rest of us at risk if the anti-vax movement hits a critical mass, correct? It's not just "I'm vaccinated so **** em"?
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Basically, he's a Yankee...

All the issues folks have with Trump can basically be boiled down to the fact that he's a New Yorker.

Abrasive, big potty mouth, calls people names, makes faces, no filter...

Christ, you got to be that way in the city just to get to work...

He's a rich, Ivy league, Yankee liberal. The left doesn't like him because he took up a banner and led the charge against their ways. The right hasn't fully embraced him for the very fact that he's all those things. Not necessarily a well mannered Bush or McCain style diplomat.

Folks, the guy that makes both establishments bristle is the guy you want in office. That's the whole point. Every candidate prior to Trump has been a party man. The Dem Presidents did or tried Dem things, the Pub Presidents did and tried Pub things. Trump walked in both birds blazing cursing his own elite circles/friends on one end and mouthing off to the Knights of Bush and McCain on the other end.

Cherry on top is the fact that all that is childs play compared to what he told the globalist world that both parties have benefited from.

China suck it...Mexico kiss my A**...this and that place are sh*tholes...Media are a bunch of hacks...why are we helping such and such country with so much aid, money, resources...UN needs to pick up more of the tab...Oh big bad bully north korea nobody has liked or even bothered talking to forever, let's sit down have a meal shoot the breeze...

Yeah, he's a big orange wrecking ball...but every now and then the house needs some renovation...the team needs a new coach to tear everything down and build it back better...
1000% correct. Bravo.
I did not vote for a Sunday School teacher when I pulled the lever for Trump. I like him now more than the day I voted for him. I will campaign hard for him in 2020. He has exceed expectations because history over the past 25 years has taught me to not expect much from a President. He actually does something not just talk. He cut millions from Planned Parenthood this week. No other president would dare do such a thing. Not George Bush and not George, Jr. They talked about being pro life but it was all talk.

Trump cuts through the road blocks thrown his way and acts on what he promised. Lefties and never Trumpers curse his very existence and than earns him my vote.

Serious question - what's up with conservative men wanting to end Planned Parenthood? We don't need more people in this world. Birth control is a good thing. Morning after pills and early term abortion? Depends on how much of a bleeding heart you have.

But what makes me curious is this - you guys rag on poor people all the time and preach the ol' company line of "personal responsibility" or what do you guys have against poor people NOT having more kids? Wouldn't that be something y'all would support?

Or are you guys saying they should have kids but then immediately put them up for adoption?

Clue me in, bros. Planned Parenthood seems like something you guys would want to keep around.
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Serious question - what's up with conservative men wanting to end Planned Parenthood? We don't need more people in this world. Birth control is a good thing. Morning after pills and early term abortion? Depends on how much of a bleeding heart you have.

But what makes me curious is this - you guys rag on poor people all the time and preach the ol' company line of "personal responsibility" or what do you guys have against poor people NOT having more kids? Wouldn't that be something y'all would support?

Or are you guys saying they should have kids but then immediately put them up for adoption?

Clue me in, bros. Planned Parenthood seems like something you guys would want to keep around.
One phrase, Murder of innocent babies. We are all for killing violent criminals.

So, with the population growing, why do you guys want no death penalties but have no problems killing innocent babies.
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Hold up...doesn't James Woods need to "shut up and act?"

Or is it fine for actors/athletes/celebrities to voice their political opinions...only if they align with those of your own?

Just trying to make sure I'm seeing everything straight, my brodies. Apparently a guy like LeBron isn't allowed to speak his mind, but this James Woods guy is. Weird.
Who has stopped Lebron?
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