How will they rule ??!

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Serious question - what's up with conservative men wanting to end Planned Parenthood? We don't need more people in this world. Birth control is a good thing. Morning after pills and early term abortion? Depends on how much of a bleeding heart you have.

But what makes me curious is this - you guys rag on poor people all the time and preach the ol' company line of "personal responsibility" or what do you guys have against poor people NOT having more kids? Wouldn't that be something y'all would support?

Or are you guys saying they should have kids but then immediately put them up for adoption?

Clue me in, bros. Planned Parenthood seems like something you guys would want to keep around.

Planned Parenthood is radical loony toon lefty organization that should use the money it earns sawing up babies and selling them on the black market to influence US policy, not my tax dollars.

I wouldn't want my tax dollars going to the KKK if they were advocating eugenics and the murder of black children, so I don't see why PP should get my tax dollars for coming from that ideology.

All in all, it has nothing to do with abortion, everything to do with my tax dollars funding that organization.
Serious question - what's up with conservative men wanting to end Planned Parenthood? We don't need more people in this world. Birth control is a good thing. Morning after pills and early term abortion? Depends on how much of a bleeding heart you have.

But what makes me curious is this - you guys rag on poor people all the time and preach the ol' company line of "personal responsibility" or what do you guys have against poor people NOT having more kids? Wouldn't that be something y'all would support?

Or are you guys saying they should have kids but then immediately put them up for adoption?

Clue me in, bros. Planned Parenthood seems like something you guys would want to keep around.

"personal responsibility" Have you ever heard that term before? Contraception would be a good choice. If not, then the morning after pill would be the next chance. 1st trimester is pushing it, but as a last resort. That's it. After that then you take responsibility for your actions/inactions. Put the kid up for adoption. We need to overhaul the adoption process to make it easier for people to adopt.

Roe V Wade will not be overturned. That would lead to coat hanger abortions like we had before. Can't believe anyone would be for that.
Hold up...doesn't James Woods need to "shut up and act?"

Or is it fine for actors/athletes/celebrities to voice their political opinions...only if they align with those of your own?

Just trying to make sure I'm seeing everything straight, my brodies. Apparently a guy like LeBron isn't allowed to speak his mind, but this James Woods guy is. Weird.

James Woods no longer acts. He retired so he could speak his mind.
One phrase, Murder of innocent babies. We are all for killing violent criminals.

So, with the population growing, why do you guys want no death penalties but have no problems killing innocent babies.

You think that a broke girl taking a morning-after pill from Planned Parenthood is equivalent to "killing innocent babies?"

Love that shock-value terminology, you bleeding-heart snowflake. Keep it real, bro. You don't give a damn if somebody in the projects gets an abortion. It's nothing more than a conservative talking point to you, especially when someone else's decision to have an abortion has ZERO effect on your boring ass life.
"personal responsibility" Have you ever heard that term before? Contraception would be a good choice. If not, then the morning after pill would be the next chance. 1st trimester is pushing it, but as a last resort. That's it. After that then you take responsibility for your actions/inactions. Put the kid up for adoption. We need to overhaul the adoption process to make it easier for people to adopt.

Roe V Wade will not be overturned. That would lead to coat hanger abortions like we had before. Can't believe anyone would be for that.

I agree with literally everything you typed out.

Planned Parenthood offers those services, so why do so many conservatives want to eliminate the program?
Your past postings say more than you said in this post about who you supported in the past. Supported not voted you said. But, your liberal left talking points come straight from the main stream media. Label is pretty solid.

You think that a broke girl taking a morning-after pill from Planned Parenthood is equivalent to "killing innocent babies?"

Love that shock-value terminology, you bleeding-heart snowflake. Keep it real, bro. You don't give a damn if somebody in the projects gets an abortion. It's nothing more than a conservative talking point to you, especially when someone else's decision to have an abortion has ZERO effect on your boring ass life.
You also said early term abortion. In any case moron you have no idea what I care about. Upon the time of conception, that is a human life according to Gods law. You still dodged the question about the death penalty hypocrite.
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I agree with literally everything you typed out.

Planned Parenthood offers those services, so why do so many conservatives want to eliminate the program?

Probably because they are decent human beings. Another reason might be that the first amendment guarantees them a freedom of religion. That freedom is being infringed when they are being taxed to fund abortions that they fundamentally and religiously oppose. Maybe it's something like that.
Planned Parenthood is radical loony toon lefty organization that should use the money it earns sawing up babies and selling them on the black market to influence US policy, not my tax dollars.

I wouldn't want my tax dollars going to the KKK if they were advocating eugenics and the murder of black children, so I don't see why PP should get my tax dollars for coming from that ideology.

All in all, it has nothing to do with abortion, everything to do with my tax dollars funding that organization.

This. I'm not for abortion, but I also believe the government has no right to tell a person they can't do that. If women say that the government can't tell them they can't have an abortion, then we shouldn't be using tax dollars to support it either. You can't have it both ways.
Hold up...doesn't James Woods need to "shut up and act?"

Or is it fine for actors/athletes/celebrities to voice their political opinions...only if they align with those of your own?

Just trying to make sure I'm seeing everything straight, my brodies. Apparently a guy like LeBron isn't allowed to speak his mind, but this James Woods guy is. Weird.

Back off man. Woods has a degree in political science - he is undeniably overqualified to comment on sociopolitical issues.
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Probably because they are decent human beings. Another reason might be that the first amendment guarantees them a freedom of religion. That freedom is being infringed when they are being taxed to fund abortions that they fundamentally and religiously oppose. Maybe it's something like that.

So you think that anyone in the US who gets pregnant or gets someone pregnant...100% needs to be forced to have the baby and support it for at least the first 18 years of their lives? Under all circumstances?

I don't know, bro....that sounds like it wouldn't end well. You mentioned coat hangers. I'm also envisioning millions of more children being born to humans who have, for whatever reason, no business raising a kid.

You know that whole "don't have kids unless you can support them" thing?

I 100% agree with that, bro. Non-profits like Planned Parenthood are invaluable in that sense. We're animals that are programmed to enjoy sex. Mistakes happen because a lot of humans are irresponsible. I'd rather have PP available than to end up with even more taxpayer-funded kids.
Back off man. Woods has a degree in political science - he is undeniably overqualified to comment on sociopolitical issues.

Sweet, so now he's only allowed to talk about acting, producing, or sociopolitical issues. That's it. He is not permitted to tweet or speak about anything else, for his opinion is worthless and wildly uninformed.

Did I get that right?

Every human on Earth should just "shut up and __________"....right?

Or how about Americans quit being so damn sensitive? Our own president gets butt hurt because of comedy sketches and opinion articles, then tweets about it. That's pathetic.

(Somebody mentions Obama in 3, 2, 1....)
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Sweet, so now he's only allowed to talk about acting, producing, or sociopolitical issues. That's it. He is not permitted to tweet or speak about anything else, for his opinion is worthless and wildly uninformed.

Did I get that right?

Every human on Earth should just "shut up and __________"....right?

Or how about Americans quit being so damn sensitive? Our own president gets butt hurt because of comedy sketches and opinion articles, then tweets about it. That's pathetic.

(Somebody mentions Obama in 3, 2, 1....)
Translation: At last we have a US President who uses social media with a no-holds-barred approach and speaks his mind, damn the PC shit.

Game. Set. Match.
Sweet, so now he's only allowed to talk about acting, producing, or sociopolitical issues. That's it. He is not permitted to tweet or speak about anything else, for his opinion is worthless and wildly uninformed.

Did I get that right?

Every human on Earth should just "shut up and __________"....right?

Or how about Americans quit being so damn sensitive? Our own president gets butt hurt because of comedy sketches and opinion articles, then tweets about it. That's pathetic.

(Somebody mentions Obama in 3, 2, 1....)
That Obama count down only proves you knew the truth but was just being an ass anyway.

Butt hurt? [roll]You really need to calm all of those social justice warriors down first. No one can move, look or say anything without their rectums running a feverish tantrum. I am talking about you and your butt buddies out there.
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So you think that anyone in the US who gets pregnant or gets someone pregnant...100% needs to be forced to have the baby and support it for at least the first 18 years of their lives? Under all circumstances?

No one is forcing to have them, most opposition just does not want to pay for it. You want to be stupid, suffer the consequences yourself and don't expect us to pay for it.
Translation: At last we have a US President who uses social media with a no-holds-barred approach and speaks his mind, damn the PC shit.

Game. Set. Match.

Uh, yeah? He's the most transparent POTUS ever. A trendsetter in that sense, both in front of interviewers and on social media.

I'm referring to the fact that because of that...everyone can see what a thin-skinned little bitch he is. He's too sensitive. A true snowflake, really.
Serious question - what's up with conservative men wanting to end Planned Parenthood? We don't need more people in this world. Birth control is a good thing. Morning after pills and early term abortion? Depends on how much of a bleeding heart you have.

But what makes me curious is this - you guys rag on poor people all the time and preach the ol' company line of "personal responsibility" or what do you guys have against poor people NOT having more kids? Wouldn't that be something y'all would support?

Or are you guys saying they should have kids but then immediately put them up for adoption?

Clue me in, bros. Planned Parenthood seems like something you guys would want to keep around.
Do you even know what Planned Parenthood is? It is an abortion mill. They kill babies, that is not planning parenthood. Planning to be a parent does not include killing a living being. It is barbaric and you and I have no business financing it through our taxes..

So you think a poor person has to kill a baby to keep from having a child. You are insulting poor people, I came from a modest family and I am insulted. My mother and father raised me to respect a woman and not impregnate her just because I could not control my hormones. A woman does not have to become pregnant. There are methods to keep one from doing that. I grew up before birth control pills. A girl would knock you in the back seat if you touched her without her consent and you would have her brothers and father to face once she got home. Lay a hand on a woman without her consent and you fight her entire family.

We have KILLED 60,000,000 babies in America. 60,000,000. That is barbaric and we are no better than the lowest 3rd world country in the world. Do some research on Planned Parenthood and their founder Margie Sanger. She was a racist, black hater and wanted to control the black population. She would kill all of them if allowed so since she could not murder those alive, why not kill those before they are born. Planned Parenthood was founded to control the black population and today blacks kill more of their unborn than any other race. That is your Planned Parenthood. Sixty MILLION dead in America.. What if one of those 60 million grew up to find a cure to cancer? Every baby deserves to live just like you and I deserved to live. Thank God my mother would never have given a thought to killing me. I have held my newborn babies in my arm. I would give my life for them. Abortion is MURDER.
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Do you even know what Planned Parenthood is? It is an abortion mill. They kill babies, that is not planning parenthood. Planning to be a parent does not include killing a living being. It is barbaric and your and I taxpayer money has no business financing it.

So you think a poor person has to kill a baby to keep from having a child. You are insulting poor people, I came from a modest family and I am insulted. My mother and father raised me to respect a woman and not impregnate her just because I could not control my hormones. A woman does not have to become pregnant. There are methods to keep one from doing that. I grew up before birth control pills. A girl would knock you in the back seat if you touched her without her consent and you would have her brothers and father to face once she got home. Lay a hand on a woman without her consent and you fight her entire family.

We have KILLED 60,000,000 babies in America. 60,000,000. That is barbaric and we are no better than the lowest 3rd world country in the world. Do some research on Planned Parenthood and their founder Margie Sanger. She was a racist, black hater and wanted to control the black population. She would kill all of them if allowed so since she could not murder those alive, why not kill those before they are born. Planned Parenthood was founded to control the black population and today blacks kill more of their unborn than any other race. That is your Planned Parenthood. Sixty MILLION dead in America.. What if one of those 60 million grew up to find a cure to cancer? Every baby deserves to live just like you and I deserved to live. Thank God my mother would never have given a thought to killing me. I have held my newborn babies in my arm. I would give my life for them. Abortion is MURDER.

^^^ bleeding-heart, "Christian," single-issue voter

Do your thing, bro. This is why we have elections.
I was labeling this thread, not a group of people, a circle jerk because it's a bunch of sensitive people pumping each others beliefs like a couple of bros and then shout down anyone that disagrees with them.
So the "thread" shouts down anyone that disagrees? Not what you call "a bunch of.....people?" Huh.

What a horrible attempt at pedantic obfuscation.
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Uh, yeah? He's the most transparent POTUS ever. A trendsetter in that sense, both in front of interviewers and on social media.

I'm referring to the fact that because of that...everyone can see what a thin-skinned little bitch he is. He's too sensitive. A true snowflake, really.
AFT has got you hook, line and sinker. We get that.

We also got a leader who attacks this ongoing opioid crises -- one which kills 115 Americans daily -- with abandon. Where the hell was Obama's ass while everybody and their god damned brother sold oxy's and roxy's in Appalachia with a similar reckless abandon?

I'll hang up and listen.
Do you even know what Planned Parenthood is? It is an abortion mill. They kill babies, that is not planning parenthood. Planning to be a parent does not include killing a living being. It is barbaric and your and I taxpayer money has no business financing it.

So you think a poor person has to kill a baby to keep from having a child. You are insulting poor people, I came from a modest family and I am insulted. My mother and father raised me to respect a woman and not impregnate her just because I could not control my hormones. A woman does not have to become pregnant. There are methods to keep one from doing that. I grew up before birth control pills. A girl would knock you in the back seat if you touched her without her consent and you would have her brothers and father to face once she got home. Lay a hand on a woman without her consent and you fight her entire family.

We have KILLED 60,000,000 babies in America. 60,000,000. That is barbaric and we are no better than the lowest 3rd world country in the world. Do some research on Planned Parenthood and their founder Margie Sanger. She was a racist, black hater and wanted to control the black population. She would kill all of them if allowed so since she could not murder those alive, why not kill those before they are born. Planned Parenthood was founded to control the black population and today blacks kill more of their unborn than any other race. That is your Planned Parenthood. Sixty MILLION dead in America.. What if one of those 60 million grew up to find a cure to cancer? Every baby deserves to live just like you and I deserved to live. Thank God my mother would never have given a thought to killing me. I have held my newborn babies in my arm. I would give my life for them. Abortion is MURDER.

A single issue voter who supports a guy who doesn’t even have his back on that single issue. Weird.
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AFT has got you hook, line and sinker. We get that.

We also got a leader who attacks this ongoing opioid crises -- one which kills 115 Americans daily -- with abandon. Where the hell was Obama's ass while everybody and their god damned brother sold oxy's and roxy's in Appalachia with a similar reckless abandon?

I'll hang up and listen.

So we have an opiod crisis AND a southern border crisis?!? At the same time? How's everybody holding up out there?!

So glad that Donald Trump is the guy who's leading us through some of the darkest, most dangerous times in our country's existence. I'm sure he knows what to do.

SWEET Obama mention though. This is Trump's country now and he, alone, can "fix it."

And what happens if the anti vaxxing movement gains steam? It should be shut down now.

It’s not going to gain momentum, because most people are like you and me, we get our kids vaccinated.
The issue is we’re letting hundreds of thousands of people a year in the country that aren’t screened for diseases. That’s why we’re seeing isolated pockets of long ridden diseases pop up.
This. I'm not for abortion, but I also believe the government has no right to tell a person they can't do that. If women say that the government can't tell them they can't have an abortion, then we shouldn't be using tax dollars to support it either. You can't have it both ways.

I agree with everything you wrote, except the govt wouldn’t be telling anyone they can’t have an abortion. They’d be telling doctors they can’t perform them.
Will a doctor cut off your leg just because you want to be one legged?
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Trump isn’t pro life either. In his last rally he said we need to put an end to late term abortions, not overturn Roe. There’s a big difference. He’s been on the record as pro choice for decades.
1. Being against late term abortions doesn't make for earlier ones. That's fails a logic test. 2. I'm against all abortions but accept that reasonable people think early abortions are OK. I can live with that.
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I agree with everything you wrote, except the govt wouldn’t be telling anyone they can’t have an abortion. They’d be telling doctors they can’t perform them.
Will a doctor cut off your leg just because you want to be one legged?

Actually, there are people who have a psychological disorder where they absolutely feel the need to have their perfectly good limb cut off. But I know what you're getting at.

The government telling doctors they can't perform an abortion is just another way to prevent that act from happening. It's not the same thing, but it essentially is.