How will they rule ??!

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I never thought a wall was going to be built. But Trump sure as shit better have that wall under construction or the Rs will get TROUNCED in 2020.

And then he'll end up in jail for the rest of his life when the left has Congress and the White House. They'll invent all sorts of crimes to punish him for being an outsider who invaded the ruling class to ensure no one ever tries it again.

I like Ted Cruz's idea, use El Chapo's seized assets to pay for the wall.
I like Ted Cruz's idea, use El Chapo's seized assets to pay for the wall.
Can you imagine telling the founders that ppl went hysterically insane thinking their every day lives would be affected if the govt shut down?

Then after it was explained how big it was and by shutdown it meant 80% of it would still be operational but all if it was funded by theft from citizens. Pretty sure they would be disappointed.
So is the left on board with the US getting out of Syria (but just whining because Orange man bad), or are we going to see Assad "gas his own people" in the near term?
The left never wanted to get in Syria. It's the neo-cons like Lindsey Homo Graham that are freaking out over leaving. The lefties atm are just laughing at him saying ISIS is defeated when everyone knows that is bullshit. kind of like Bush saying mission accomplished and us still there 10 years later.
Fox & friends blasted TRump hard the last 2 days over him pussing out on wall funding so now he is changing his tune again. But now he's just pissing off all of the GoP who had given up negotiating after he stopped caring. waiting to till the last day to change your mind is good negotiating strategy. The dems are going to give him nothing and he has no leverage with anybody. The economy is back sliding and his withering political power will go with it.
The left never wanted to get in Syria. It's the neo-cons like Lindsey Homo Graham that are freaking out over leaving. The lefties atm are just laughing at him saying ISIS is defeated when everyone knows that is bullshit. kind of like Bush saying mission accomplished and us still there 10 years later.

The left never wanted to get into Syria? Well, you would have fooled me when Obama was getting us into Syria and the left cheered him on.

Hell, you guys openly supported and parroted the bullshit story on Benghazi so we could continue our involvement in Syria.
Can you imagine telling the founders that ppl went hysterically insane thinking their every day lives would be affected if the govt shut down?

Then after it was explained how big it was and by shutdown it meant 80% of it would still be operational but all if it was funded by theft from citizens. Pretty sure they would be disappointed.
Imagine telling them black people and women can vote.
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The left never wanted to get in Syria. It's the neo-cons like Lindsey Homo Graham that are freaking out over leaving. The lefties atm are just laughing at him saying ISIS is defeated when everyone knows that is bullshit. kind of like Bush saying mission accomplished and us still there 10 years later.

You realize ISIS was in control of an area the size of Ohio, now they control one town. We have 2000 troops in Syria, it's not as if it's a main battle Army. The troops are staying in Iraq, there is no problem here.
The hilarious thing in all this is the same people bitching voted LAST week to remove war powers in Yemen.
If Trump signs that bill and does not get wall funding he and the Republicans are toast in 2020. He knows it which is why he told that c$%sucker Ryan and his cast of clowns to get their act together and find the funding.

For those on the left, this is why we are tired of many in the GOP. Maybe you should try it with your own party sometime.

Russians paid for memes. Noone disputes that. It wasn't at the request of trump and it wasn't even directed for one party or the other
This Russia crap is so laughable. Memes? Wow, big effing deal. I'd like to know what China did. Bet it was probably a lot worse than memes, but its not even a conversation being had.
at this pace the market will be at Trump inauguration levels before new year. MAGA! He told dumbass Bush to hold his beer, he can crash the market bigly.