How will they rule ??!

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The deflection and complete ignoring of this particular act by Trump is really telling.



Uh, you've mentioned the Clinton Foundation multiple times. I've not, dipshit.

"ignoring of this particular act". I'd bet $100 million, without Googling, you couldn't write a single coherent sentence describing the facts and laws that were allegedly broken in "this particular act". They've been trying to shut the foundation down for two years.

By all means, if you'd like to explain all the facts and which laws you feel were broken, go ahead and post it.
jameslee32 said:

Click to expand...
The deflection and complete ignoring of this particular act by Trump is really telling.



Of course you either missed the point or are just deflecting. People are asking where your outrage was about the millions the
Clintons kept for themselves from their charity. If you are going to rag on someone about bad charities (of which there are many) you should not be a hypocrite and just pick on one. Clintons are one of the biggest frauds out there.

I'm sorry. If I missed the part where they were ordered to shut down their foundation, please, by all means, fill me in.

Where is your outrage over Trump's foundation?
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I'm sorry. If I missed the part where they were ordered to shut down their foundation, please, by all means, fill me in.

Where is your outrage over Trump's foundation?
Shut down in New York, OK. Political

Clintons were allowed to continue because the Obama admin scuttled the investigation all the while the Clintons were taking millions from lobbyist, foreign companies, foreign countries even while she was SOS. A major difference and treasonous. But you guys always turn a blind eye to the left major crimes in politics.
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Below is an excerpt fro a WAPO article about Clintons dealings with Haiti.

"The Clinton family’s charitable work in Haiti has been a mix of success, disappointment and controversy. As our Washington Post colleagues reported, some Clinton-backed projects didn’t come through, such as a $2 million housing expo for thousands of new housing units. The Government Accountability Office found poor planning and unsustainable outcomes for taxpayer-funded projects through USAID, such as a $170 million power plant and port for the Caracol Industrial Park, which the Clinton Foundation promoted.

Hillary Clinton’s younger brother had connections to a mining project in Haiti, raising suspicions among Haitians about the Clintons’ motives. Luxury hotel projects paid by the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund promised construction jobs — but for Haitians, it represented another disconnect between Clinton-backed efforts and the realities of one of the poorest countries struggling to rebuild after one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the Western Hemisphere.

There’s real frustration among Haitians over failures in progress promised to them, not just by the Clintons but from the international community at large. In 2015, Haitian activists protested outside the Clinton Foundation in New York, claiming the Clintons mismanaged hundreds of millions in taxpayer money through the Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission.
You pop in demanding outrage about Trump when, in 4346 catpaw pages you have never called out any liberal action and sling nothing but racebait....k.

What do I need to call anything out for when you guys do it constantly? Obsessively?

I like to provide the much needed criticism of Trump and Republicans that you guys do not do NEARLY as often as you claim to do. Maybe once per 150 pages.

Also, it's not racebaiting if I'm calling out someone for being racist.....k.
What do I need to call anything out for when you guys do it constantly? Obsessively?

I like to provide the much needed criticism of Trump and Republicans that you guys do not do NEARLY as often as you claim to do. Maybe once per 150 pages.

Also, it's not racebaiting if I'm calling out someone for being racist.....k.
Ok, again, why do you need them to call it out if you are bitching obsessively? You guys always want your own rules.
Also, I will acknowledge that if you call everything/everyone racist at some point you probably are accurate.
Abolish the Fed for propping up Emperor Obama’s kingdom & attempting to sabotage Trump’s presidency
Build the damn wall
Deport all illegals
Break up Google & Facebook due to their unfair monopoly
Shutdown CNN, MSNBC, etc for purposely spreading lies & falsehoods
Indict Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc.
for treason & send them to Guantanamo
One of the most shocking things about Obama's presidency was his ability to hamper the growth of the economy while the fed refused to raise interest rates at all.

Just SHOCKING that we keep seeing those rates go up now.
There are a lot of people in Washington DC who want Trump to fail. By wrecking an economy their job will be easier in 2020. The Feds are no different than a swamp politician. There is no way they would do this to Obama, of course a good economy and Obama are not compatible. He did nothing to improve our job market or economy. Just the opposite. He took millions that he requested to give a boost to our economy and when it was given to him he gave it to unions and Democrat special interest groups.
Ok, again, why do you need them to call it out if you are bitching obsessively? You guys always want your own rules.
Also, I will acknowledge that if you call everything/everyone racist at some point you probably are accurate.

No idea what you're talking about with that first sentence.

I don't have everything/everyone racist. Just the racists. There just happens to be a ton of them.
The deflection and complete ignoring of this particular act by Trump is really telling.


It doesn't stop there. I remember when things like the deficit, pay for play, sexual misconduct, picking winners and losers in business and foreign policy mattered a whole lot more to the GOP than they do now.
What do I need to call anything out for when you guys do it constantly? Obsessively?

I like to provide the much needed criticism of Trump and Republicans that you guys do not do NEARLY as often as you claim to do. Maybe once per 150 pages.

Also, it's not racebaiting if I'm calling out someone for being racist.....k.
If Republicans called out Trump once in 150 pages, it’s still a hell of a lot more than Liberals on here ever called out Obama.
Trump needs to tell Powell either he slows the rate hikes down next year or he gets canned. The rate hikes are ridiculous. Its almost like he wants to hurt the economy at this point.
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It doesn't stop there. I remember when things like the deficit, pay for play, sexual misconduct, picking winners and losers in business and foreign policy mattered a whole lot more to the GOP than they do now.

After 8 long years of being told things like the deficit, pay for play, sexual misconduct, picking winners and losers in business and foreign policy don't matter at all, maybe we started to believe it.

Hell, you guys still don't even focus on any of the valid criticisms.

Muh Russia!!!! Let's make some crimes.
It doesn't stop there. I remember when things like the deficit, pay for play, sexual misconduct, picking winners and losers in business and foreign policy mattered a whole lot more to the GOP than they do now.
I remember when Democrats claimed they were the champion of the working they're the letw just keep giving the govt power bc they're our overlords who know best.

Hell who knows what they are..if you ask to give a criticism of obama they cant do it...blind following. The only time we've been able to see it is when Donny ends up doing something that obama did and they didnt know so they're enraged at first until they find out.

I guess Medicare for all now is the way they admit, yeah the ACA was a failure and everything that the GOP warned us about it is true.
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If Republicans called out Trump once in 150 pages, it’s still a hell of a lot more than Liberals on here ever called out Obama.

He is lying about that though. I have seen it by a few and it has happened by those who support him. Just recently in fact.
He is lying about that though. I have seen it by a few and it has happened by those who support him. Just recently in fact.
Republicans in the party are calling him out today over syria...something the other side wouldnt do to their own.

Cue Rachel Maddow with "party infighting" as opposed to individual thought
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No idea what you're talking about with that first sentence.

I don't have everything/everyone racist. Just the racists. There just happens to be a ton of them.
You are making these points simultaneously:
-You should not be expected to ever call out Dems because others here already do
-You want others to join you, plat, and jameslee in calling Trump out.

BTW I am headed to OH in a minute, been doing work up here for 15 years and have never heard a racist comment. Where have you encountered the "thousands" those kinds of things?
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Not gonna lie, it has to SUCK to be Trump right now. Can you imagine watching your entire inner-circle go down in flames for lies and corruption...and still be expected to run the country? That sounds like some cartel-fueled madness that would happen in South America. Not the damn USA.

The only thing saving him is his compete detachment from reality. He's gonna spend the next two weeks in FL live-tweeting Fox News programming, convincing himself that the FBI needs to be looking at the "REAL" crimes that Clinton/Obama/DNC "clearly" committed.

He *has* to feel some anxiety every day though, right? He's a world-class idiot, but he is human.

Crazy times, bro. Crazy times.
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White guys who still vote for Democrats have to be the biggest cucks imaginable. Your party consists of a base who despises you. No amount of self loathing and pandering is going to make them see you differently.
The base doesn’t hate all white males. They only hate the ones who think they are better than anyone else and think that their opinions are the only ones that matter.

You’re the dog that barks when the rock is thrown.
Not gonna lie, it has to SUCK to be Trump right now. Can you imagine watching your entire inner-circle go down in flames for lies and corruption...and still be expected to run the country? That sounds like some cartel-fueled madness that would happen in South America. Not the damn USA.

The only thing saving him is his compete detachment from reality. He's gonna spend the next two weeks in FL live-tweeting Fox News programming, convincing himself that the FBI needs to be looking at the "REAL" crimes that Clinton/Obama/DNC "clearly" committed.

He *has* to feel some anxiety every day though, right? He's a world-class idiot, but he is human.

Crazy times, bro. Crazy times.
Anytime a libtard starts out a post with "Not gonna lie" you know he/she is already lying. So ignorant to even try.
The base doesn’t hate all white males. They only hate the ones who think they are better than anyone else and think that their opinions are the only ones that matter.

You’re the dog that barks when the rock is thrown.
Wrong, you're the dogs that when its owner beats it, it continues to come back. Majority of the left hates all whites by their own words or at least they use that as their rallying point which eventually has you weak minded cucks going with the flow.
The base doesn’t hate all white males. They only hate the ones who think they are better than anyone else and think that their opinions are the only ones that matter.

You’re the dog that barks when the rock is thrown.

lol whatever helps you sleep at night cuck boy
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Anytime a libtard starts out a post with "Not gonna lie" you know he/she is already lying. So ignorant to even try.

I'm trying to level with Trump as a human, bro. None of us would want to be in his shoes right now. Not one. If you have to rely on "DEEP STATE" conspiracy theories to put makeup on this pig's lips, then he's obviously in some deep shit.

You know I specialize in that good ol' "DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT," but I'm consciously aware of the fact that his life *has* to suck right now, and he's probably "praying" for this investigation to end tomorrow, no matter the outcome.

He'll sell out his own son. Don Jr. will likely get some serious heat soon, and Trump will parrot out whatever defense Fox News offers that morning. Or afternoon. Or....wait, nevermind. Trump said he doesn't have much time to watch TV. Because "documents."


He's desperate right now, and it probably sucks that he has no real friends. I almost...*feel* for the guy, bro!

I'm trying to level with Trump as a human, bro. None of us would want to be in his shoes right now. Not one. If you have to rely on "DEEP STATE" conspiracy theories to put makeup on this pig's lips, then he's obviously in some deep shit.

You know I specialize in that good ol' "DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT," but I'm consciously aware of the fact that his life *has* to suck right now, and he's probably "praying" for this investigation to end tomorrow, no matter the outcome.

He'll sell out his own son. Don Jr. will likely get some serious heat soon, and Trump will parrot out whatever defense Fox News offers that morning. Or afternoon. Or....wait, nevermind. Trump said he doesn't have much time to watch TV. Because "documents."


He's desperate right now, and it probably sucks that he has no real friends. I almost...*feel* for the guy, bro!

anyone who thought Trump would ever build a wall never understood the point. He knew what meat to throw to his base and that they would never turn on him no matter how much he failed. He just blames all his loses on the "deep state" and his base laps it up like good doggies. He never gave 2 shits about actually building anything or it would be done already, its great political theater for his cause. He will run in 2020 on, Finally gonna build that wall, i really really really mean it this time!
