How will they rule ??!

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The base doesn’t hate all white males. They only hate the ones who think they are better than anyone else and think that their opinions are the only ones that matter.

You’re the dog that barks when the rock is thrown.

Interesting to see RQ/Fuzz post after an absence. He must be on cloud 9 with the stock market downturn.
I started this stupid CNN headline browsing habit in the summer, and it's so absurd. The "walls have been closing in on" Trump every single time I checked. Seriously?

The latest? . . . Trump is not withdrawing from a war properly / Withdrawing from a civil war is a sign of Russian puppetry. By the way, this is the same conflict Obama started to declare our involvement then backed down because of vast social media backlash. But somehow we wound up there during his term anyway? Who are we even fighting? Hillary/Jeb/Rubio were running for president on enforcing a no fly zone which would have in all likelihood led to direct military conflict with Russia. Why is everyone pushing this so hard?

The Senate also voted last week to end US support of the Yemeni genocide. if there is follow through, highfive! North and South Korea are actually talking! But remember, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and Trump is literally Hitler.
Not gonna lie, it has to SUCK to be Trump right now. Can you imagine watching your entire inner-circle go down in flames for lies and corruption...and still be expected to run the country? That sounds like some cartel-fueled madness that would happen in South America. Not the damn USA.

The only thing saving him is his compete detachment from reality. He's gonna spend the next two weeks in FL live-tweeting Fox News programming, convincing himself that the FBI needs to be looking at the "REAL" crimes that Clinton/Obama/DNC "clearly" committed.

He *has* to f

Crazy times, bro. Crazy times.

Editing this. Bwls. I'm seeking authority to possible pedophilia against you. You need to be investigated
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This guy must make the best g'damn cakes on earth that ppl cant simply walk across the street to the competitor or get so mad they cant even try to boycott...they must spend their money there even tho he doesnt want it.

lol, best gdamn cake maker in the U.S

But no problems if the muslim cake bakers in Dearborn, Michigan oppose,
Trump is getting way too much crap from people on this wall thing. If the votes aren't there (and they clearly are not) then what is he supposed to do? These idiots on twitter saying they are done with Trump over this are ignorant. We are the people who send these buffoons to DC and Trump has to work with these buffoons unfortunately.

It sounds like to me Trump will get it built from defense funds (hmm wonder how much money we save next year leaving out of Syria)
yawn. Yeah I'm a scary socialist. And you want the feudal system to come back. Because you sure don't support capitalism any longer.

You know how you see a young, male child actor like Culkin and we all just knew they'd find him dead, face down in hookers and blow in a Motel 8 someday... ?

I have that same feeling about Ocasio. Keep handing her rope... I want to see where this goes...

She seems like the type to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. Imagine this woman around somebody else's money... She's going to mess up due to ignorance, incompetence or just sheer bravado from her perceived-as-untouchable perch.
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So is the left on board with the US getting out of Syria (but just whining because Orange man bad), or are we going to see Assad "gas his own people" in the near term?
So is the left on board with the US getting out of Syria (but just whining because Orange man bad), or are we going to see Assad "gas his own people" in the near term?

I'm all for not meddling in the majority of foreign affairs and pulling our military back as often as possible.

It does strike me as odd that his supporters are in favor of this seeing as he promised to obliterate ISIS. Not to mention, this strengthens Iran and puts Israel in a dicey situation.

Leftists are the most absurdly miserable people.

I've never seen a collective group of people go out of their ways to find things to be miserable about like the left has over the past decade. It's mind-boggling to me that these people are only happy when they are utterly pissed off/unhinged/miserable.

It's one of many things that baffles me about the left.
I've never seen a collective group of people go out of their ways to find things to be miserable about like the left has over the past decade. It's mind-boggling to me that these people are only happy when they are utterly pissed off/unhinged/miserable.

It's one of many things that baffles me about the left.
It really is more about them virtue signaling and feeling superior (more evolved) than being offended. And they are willing to lie about interactions and use hyperbole to get there.
I never thought a wall was going to be built. But Trump sure as shit better have that wall under construction or the Rs will get TROUNCED in 2020.

And then he'll end up in jail for the rest of his life when the left has Congress and the White House. They'll invent all sorts of crimes to punish him for being an outsider who invaded the ruling class to ensure no one ever tries it again.
I never thought a wall was going to be built. But Trump sure as shit better have that wall under construction or the Rs will get TROUNCED in 2020.

And then he'll end up in jail for the rest of his life when the left has Congress and the White House. They'll invent all sorts of crimes to punish him for being an outsider who invaded the ruling class to ensure no one ever tries it again.
I've thought this for a while now. I also believe they were setting him up in order to throw him in prison if he lost their rigged election (like he was supposed to) as retribution for his "because you'd be in jail" quip and the "lock her up" movement.

And I know you don't believe this, but I am holding out hope Trump is simply playing a game of chicken with Mueller and the rest of the deep state. I think Trump is holding a royal flush, but just wants them to show their cards first.

I mean the shit we already know about is bad enough. Just because the media has swept it under the rug and democrats refuse to acknowledge it doesn't mean it'll just disappear. No telling what all Trump has. He just doesn't want to show his hand yet.
WKBlu already shared this but figured I’d go into more detail.

The German magazine Der Spiegel revealed Wednesday that one of its top award-winning journalists fabricated many of his articles, inventing characters, sources, and their quotes “on a grand scale” for many years.

The fabricated articles include a phone interview with the parents of free agent NFL player Colin Kaepernick and a story about an American woman who claims to have volunteered to witness the executions of death row inmates.

Relotius also drew the fury of locals in Fergus Falls, Minn., after spending three weeks in town and fabricating facts, characters and quotes from people in an effort to portray the town in a negative light.

“I am sick and I need to get help.”

— Claas Relotius, former CNN Journalist of the Year

Eff these vermin.
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The base doesn’t hate all white males. They only hate the ones who think they are better than anyone else and think that their opinions are the only ones that matter.

You’re the dog that barks when the rock is thrown.
Who thinks they are the countries morality police? Who thinks that their opinions are the only ones that matter? I think the left is far more guilty of that (as misguided as they may be) than the right.