How will they rule ??!

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The Republicans are abandoning Trump on his flip flopping wall crap. Most of the senators said **** it and went home. he can either sign the CR and start his shutdown is their stance.

Corker: “Well Mitch is on the phone with Paul right now so..." *starts chuckling*

Reporter: Why are you laughing?

Corker: “Well, why not?”

Reporter: Are you surprised by this?

Corker: “No, not really. I mean look at Syria yesterday... this is elementary relative to the decision made yesterday in such a precipitous way right, I mean you’re talking about a major policy decision made in the same manner right so this is something that whatever happens we all know we’ll move beyond. What happened yesterday in Syria which is a similar kind of decision making process is going to affect things things for the long haul.”

Reporter: What is the path forward on the CR though?

Corker: “I don’t know. Y’all have fun. I’m getting ready to drive to Chattanooga.”

Reporter: What’s the guidance from leadership?

Corker: “They have no guidance ... I saw senators heading out going home knowing that even if we vote they’re going to give folks time to get back ... I think they’re just sorta swirling around over there”

Then Ted Cruz walked by and said: “I think we need to follow through with funding for the border”

Corker laughed again: “You can’t make this stuff up”

Dam you are dumb.
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If there is follow through, and Trump actually ends our involvement in Syria, Afghanistan, and the Yemeni genocide, everyone who trumpeted this bullshit Hitler #nevertrump drama deserve a Stone Cold Steve Austin middle finger salute. Seriously **** you all, this is the most peaceful week in the history of the US.
Mattis resigning is concerning. Never gonna happen but it would be cool if he ran in 2020. Respected by both Republicans and Democrats - could bridge the gap of hate between people in the country that has built up these past few years.
Nope. Buy and hold. We've seen this movie before. 2008-2009 was brutal. I'd just recovered from 2 strokes back then. CBS and Gannett were good to me.
Well for me, yes and no. Holding my older positions but sold some newer ones in November and glad I did. I started buying again in the last week. Staying defensive until it's time for growth again. Out of favor right now as is most everything really. Take a look at CAG today. [sick]
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Dan Bongino has filled in for Hannity last few nights. Would be awesome if he's about to get a show on Fox.
Well for me, yes and no. Holding my older positions but sold some newer ones in November and glad I did. I started buying again in the last week. Staying defensive until it's time for growth again. Out of favor right now as is most everything really. Take a look at CAG today. [sick]
I've probably held many positions longer than I should. BUT! It's usually paid off in the long run. See my admissions in the stock thread. I lost my ass on National City (NCC). That position was my summer cabin in Harrogate, TN, Rode it down from $48K all the way to 2K. Just sold earlier this year for a loss, 9 years later.
Trump might have to flip parties now. the neocons are livid and will be out for blood. that war complex is their money printing machine and nobody will get in its way. First good thing Trump has done yet. we'll see how far it gets. withdraw everything from syria, afghanistan, iraq, Qatar, saudia. leave one strategic base in kuwait and be done with that shit hole land.
A good start. Bring them all home President Trump. We have killed enough of our young and brave fighting in a hell hole that means nothing to us.

Was worried when he put so many military people in the admin that we would expand wars instead of bringing home troops. They fought him on his stance and now they get the combat boot out the WH. Endless wars to justify their budget of death should come to an end. I feel sorry for those who put on the uniform to protect our freedom only to be thrust into combat to protect big oil and corporate interests that strengthens the grip of the central banks debt slavery towards a one world currency.
Trump might have to flip parties now. the neocons are livid and will be out for blood. that war complex is their money printing machine and nobody will get in its way. First good thing Trump has done yet. we'll see how far it gets. withdraw everything from syria, afghanistan, iraq, Qatar, saudia. leave one strategic base in kuwait and be done with that shit hole land.
So you bitch about US troops still in Syria and now you bitch about a withdrawal?

Got it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Trump need 60 votes in the Senate to get the wall approved? I want the wall in the worst way but there's no way he gets 60 votes.
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So you bitch about US troops still in Syria and now you bitch about a withdrawal?

Got it.

Plat is a pleb

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Trump need 60 votes in the Senate to get the wall approved? I want the wall in the worst way but there's no way he gets 60 votes.

Trump said he didn't have the senate votes last week with whacko Pelosi and Cuck Schumer. They said he couldn't get the votes in House. He did.

Now it's the democrats fault if the gov't shuts down.

Balls to wall made libs look stupid.