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Do any of you actually want to address Trump and his family basically not being permitted to do charity work in NYC?

Or are you still going to bring up the Clinton Foundation?
But oh well. Per the author, "the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute" shows, on average, US workers got bonuses. However, additional money in the pockets of hard working Americans is just crumbs, so the government should have kept it. Maybe could have paid for an extra drone strike or something.

My company has done so well this year they gave out much larger bonuses to everyone. I already get paid bonus due to my position, but this was a bonus on top of it that went to everyone from top to the very bottom. Last year I got $1500. This year $12k. Guess is folks who are at the bottom level jobs got at least $3-4k. According to Pelosi that is just "crumb's" corporations are handing out to pull a number over all of us.
Do any of you actually want to address Trump and his family basically not being permitted to do charity work in NYC?

Or are you still going to bring up the Clinton Foundation?
So liberals won’t let trump do charity, you are surprised? Libs will let Iranian terrorists fund in nyc to kil people and you are so hardheaded you don’t want trump doing legit charity in nyc lol

Essentially, Youtube creators and others are alarmed that Youtube's algorithm would feed right-leaning videos to.. well, right-leaning people. As if that's a problem.

“I think YouTube certainly played a role in my shift to the right because through the recommendations I got,” he said, “it led me to discover other content that was very much right of center, and this only got progressively worse over time, leading me to discover more sinister content.”

So, Chaslot/DailyBeast is mad that Youtube is essentially doing for the right, what mainstream media did for the Left. Being anti-immigration isn't wrong. It's not immoral either. It's your own belief. And if you believe that, why is it a problem to see more videos of the nature? That's a problem all of the sudden?

Youtube works the SAME way whether you're left or right, but I guess it's only a problem if conservatives can get a stream of views, opinions and (most importantly) facts that align with their beliefs?
My company has done so well this year they gave out much larger bonuses to everyone. I already get paid bonus due to my position, but this was a bonus on top of it that went to everyone from top to the very bottom. Last year I got $1500. This year $12k. Guess is folks who are at the bottom level jobs got at least $3-4k. According to Pelosi that is just "crumb's" corporations are handing out to pull a number over all of us.
Just imagine, given the efficiency of the fed'l govt, how much more effectively that $12k could have been used, had the feds just kept the money (of course, they'll find a way... new tax on texting... anyone?).

The fed'l govt is an effin joke (fiscally speaking), and anyone that thinks otherwise is an absolute idiot in light of the evidence.
The useless GOP finally got the criminal justice bill passed, only 12 voted against it. Trump needed some kind of win now that he is going to cave on the wall funding.

Can't believe im saying this, I actually agree with all of this. I probably would've added spineless as well after useless when describing the GOP.

But I also agree that I think Trump and the GOP is going to try to use this and bring this up for the next month or so as nothing happens with the wall finding.
It’s incredible how much effort leftists put in to make sure others don’t hear opposing views or get info that Dems don’t like and how they don’t want any transparency.

One side wants to silence ppl on campus and online and even sends people to political speeches to harass and assault. The other side simply doesn’t attend the other speeches , doesn’t try to hurt anyone, and isn’t trying to silence them.

Which group do you think describes the left and which one acts like fascists again?
Do any of you actually want to address Trump and his family basically not being permitted to do charity work in NYC?

Or are you still going to bring up the Clinton Foundation?

Don't give a single solitary shit about a charitable foundation Trump has been trying to shut down since before he was POTUS. By forcing him to keep it open, it assured the money would go to lawyers and not charities.

It truly is remarkable how much you lefties support using whatever corrupt and unethical means possible to ensure a regular American never runs for office again.
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Sorry but I don't really get how anyone can have faith with anything dealing with the wall getting built. It's been 2 years and still no progress at all. He waits till the very end before the changing of the house before he starts to act like this is a big deal. Why wait till the last minute? Seems like it's just a political move to try and say, "see guys I tried really hard but they said no and now they have the house majority, sorry but don't forget how hard I tried."

For being the "master" negotiator that he is. It went from Mexico was going to build the wall (I understand that was never going to happen, but I got the start high and negotiate down thing). To the wall was going to cost 25 billion, to hey how bout just 5 billion to start the wall in the worst places and now he can't even get that.

I don't want to hear it that he is getting the funding from the new NAFTA deal which is almost identical to the original NAFTA, but really just a name change.

I wasn't a Trump fan before he got elected, but I haven't been shy to give him props when he deserved it. I thought the first 18 months or so was a fantastic start. I think he has hit a rough patch the last 6 months or so though. I'm no trade expert but it seems like the tarrifs have taken a considerable toll on our on economy (still being patient and hoping it's better long term, but we will see). He ran on building the wall (living in California and in an agricultural town, this was one of the things I really liked from him) and 2 years in nothing.

Again first 18 months thought he did a really good job (praised him a lot on here). Last few months thought he has looked more and more like a normal Republican politician aka a spineless guy that gets nothing done.

Anyone who thought Mexico was going to write a check with "border wall" in the memo just never understood the point. That was neither realistic nor the goal.
anyone who thought Trump would ever build a wall never understood the point. He knew what meat to throw to his base and that they would never turn on him no matter how much he failed. He just blames all his loses on the "deep state" and his base laps it up like good doggies. He never gave 2 shits about actually building anything or it would be done already, its great political theater for his cause. He will run in 2020 on, Finally gonna build that wall, i really really really mean it this time!
the 2 trillion tax cut raised worker bonuses by......2 pennies!
Apparently you dont work or pay taxes. Surely you would have seen a change in your pay check. I'm guessing this study took every single employee there is. Psss..not every company was giving bonuses prior to tax cuts. So if you just take every single workers and pretend thousands of ppl didnt get bonuses that's pretty skewed. In're an idiot.

Question 1. How would the govt have spent the money better? Please inform.

2. Vox wrote an article today making the rules work how it fits for they do every day

anyone who thought Trump would ever build a wall never understood the point. He knew what meat to throw to his base and that they would never turn on him no matter how much he failed. He just blames all his loses on the "deep state" and his base laps it up like good doggies. He never gave 2 shits about actually building anything or it would be done already, its great political theater for his cause. He will run in 2020 on, Finally gonna build that wall, i really really really mean it this time!

And here I thought Trump was a racist xenophobe nationalist trying to keep all immigrants out of the country.
The citizens in favor of remaining a slave to the EU over Brexit/sovereignty is truly mind boggling. Who the hell would want to let those people rule you? I get why those in power want to remain but why the eff would pro Britain folks want to stay?
anyone who thought Trump would ever build a wall never understood the point. He knew what meat to throw to his base and that they would never turn on him no matter how much he failed. He just blames all his loses on the "deep state" and his base laps it up like good doggies. He never gave 2 shits about actually building anything or it would be done already, its great political theater for his cause. He will run in 2020 on, Finally gonna build that wall, i really really really mean it this time!

He can't build it with his own two hands. It's being blocked by the pro illegal immigrant caucus (entire Democrat party)

That is just his base. Trump has only cared about money & fame his entire life. He hasn't changed

For most of it, yes. Not during his run and term. The same class of people he sought adoration from now despise his very existence. It cost him millions of his own dollars and brand name making decisions he's made
Don't give a single solitary shit about a charitable foundation Trump has been trying to shut down since before he was POTUS. By forcing him to keep it open, it assured the money would go to lawyers and not charities.

It truly is remarkable how much you lefties support using whatever corrupt and unethical means possible to ensure a regular American never runs for office again.

The deflection and complete ignoring of this particular act by Trump is really telling.


An intelligent person excepts reality for what it is. Humans are greedy POS that will do anything for money and power. we thrive on ego. there isn't one piece of history that says otherwise. If you think that is ever going to change, well you can join the special buss with Derington.

You have no idea what an intelligent person does.
jameslee32 said:

Click to expand...
The deflection and complete ignoring of this particular act by Trump is really telling.



Of course you either missed the point or are just deflecting. People are asking where your outrage was about the millions the
Clintons kept for themselves from their charity. If you are going to rag on someone about bad charities (of which there are many) you should not be a hypocrite and just pick on one. Clintons are one of the biggest frauds out there.