How will they rule ??!

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It is pretty straightforward. Comparing anyone to an ape is disgusting and should not be done. The issue is because it was done to blacks it is used now as justification to use against non blacks. It is appears as though the mentality is whatever group was historically oppressed can now get their turn because it was done to their race. It was offensive then and now.

Where are all these ape depictions of whites you are so up in arms about? The subhuman ones? Bush your only example?

Cause there are thousands of those for blacks in the past and now.

There is no comparison. It’s just ignorant to say otherwise.
Where are all these ape depictions of whites you are so up in arms about? The subhuman ones? Bush your only example?

Cause there are thousands of those for blacks in the past and now.

There is no comparison. It’s just ignorant to say otherwise.
Never wrote is was on par. Wrote it was wrong then and wrong now regardless of the intended party. The analogy being it is not ok for Asians to insult others because historically they were, Irish to insult others and so on. Of course blacks have been insulted with the ape comparison more. I do not take license to insult others because Dems make fun of me for being from Eastern KY. It has to stop somewhere. Try working on comprehension.

This. No news is good news.

I suspect they found out details that would have aided Kav so they dropped it.

Republicans are fired up. Objectively, this was bullshit. From start to finish. And I'd say the same thing if the roles were reversed. This never passed the eye test.

Either way, Dems are about to take back to back Ls.
How delusional, how far in the tank for your team, do you have to be to find equivalence between the violence we’re seeing on the left right now vs the right when Obama was in office?

  • Goons in masks rioting and injuring with chains and bats in the name of anti-fascism
  • Maxine Waters calling for getting in peoples faces where ever they are
  • Arizona congressman saying “we’re gonna kick the shit out of Republicans”
  • GOP candidate stabbed by an anti-Trumper
  • Bernie Bro shoots a field full of Republicans
  • Sarah Sanders heckled out of a restaurant
  • Ted Cruz chased out of a restaurant
If any of those had happened on the right, there’d have been endless breathless coverage. That’s how we know it never happened. Sarah Palin once had cross-hairs in an ad about targeted congressional races, and we had a week of Dem/Media sermonizing about “eliminationist rhetoric”. A clown wore an Obama mask once - civilized folk were so shaken by it the guy was fired.

Laughable. Reminds me of the mod who used to push back on the idea of liberal media. I’d say NYTimes, LA Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, etc are all liberal. He’d say, well, you have the National Review, the Dallas Morning News and Fox News. Even.
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I dont know if its sad or scary or a little bit of both, but the number of likes and retweets for the original tweet is shocking. This kind of piggy backs on the Crowder video from the other day and TCU's response to it. Different and challenging view points is no longer welcomed, its being openly frowned upon now.

With how biased the media is (Im including Fox being biased to the right), you need to hear the conflicting view points. The fact that this dude is basically saying someone challenging his view point is a disservice and hurts the world.

Yes his message of seeking the truth should be the most important thing for the news. The problem is, everyone in the news is so god damn biased that it prevents them from seeking and speaking the entire story. This is why we need to hear both sides to hear the things the other people decided to leave out.

I dont even know if this dude is a lefty or a conservative. Doesnt really matter, both sides are biased in the media and both sides need to be heard. That is the best way to get to the actual truth.
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Never wrote is was on par. Wrote it was wrong then and wrong now regardless of the intended party. The analogy being it is not ok for Asians to insult others because historically they were, Irish to insult others and so on. Of course blacks have been insulted with the ape comparison more. I do not take license to insult others because Dems make fun of me for being from Eastern KY. It has to stop somewhere. Try working on comprehension.

Racism and sexism will always exist because people exist. The notion that it’ll one day cease to exist is laughable. I don’t condone it and think it’s disgusting but sadly it’s part of our world. You can do your best to spread awareness to stop it, teach you children right, etc. but some people just end up being misguided or become flat out evil.

What bothers me is more is a party that won’t be named picking sides. When you have supposed leaders stating “believe women” and “racism!” At every turn. This is where the divide comes from. That entire platform is nothing but -ists and -isms.
You guys do that every day. Every single day. Take a twitter post and say, “Jesus, liberals are unhinged”.

No, I am not. To answer your question.

Here comes: “you liberals keep blacks on the plantation in order to maintain their votes! You guys are the real racists! Not those who use racial slurs, etc”.

I dont know if its sad or scary or a little bit of both, but the number of likes and retweets for the original tweet is shocking. This kind of piggy backs on the Crowder video from the other day and TCU's response to it. Different and challenging view points is no longer welcomed, its being openly frowned upon now.

With how biased the media is (Im including Fox being biased to the right), you need to hear the conflicting view points. The fact that this dude is basically saying someone challenging his view point is a disservice and hurts the world.

Yes his message of seeking the truth should be the most important thing for the news. The problem is, everyone in the news is so god damn biased that it prevents them from seeking and speaking the entire story. This is why we need to hear both sides to hear the things the other people decided to leave out.

I dont even know if this dude is a lefty or a conservative. Doesnt really matter, both sides are biased in the media and both sides need to be heard. That is the best way to get to the actual truth.

Dowd is a lefty.
Never wrote is was on par. Wrote it was wrong then and wrong now regardless of the intended party. The analogy being it is not ok for Asians to insult others because historically they were, Irish to insult others and so on. Of course blacks have been insulted with the ape comparison more. I do not take license to insult others because Dems make fun of me for being from Eastern KY. It has to stop somewhere. Try working on comprehension.


Thanks. I will.
I don't know WTF you think you are to tell me what to do, but you can take your patronizing, arrogant take and shove it up your ass. You'll understand if I don't take worldview pointers from a message board, and especially not from someone whose posts drip with condescension.

I made a post in a thread that is clearly a conservative circle jerk. You guys just sit around and stroke each others peckers, and when someone stops by and says something that you don't agree with, he is immediately labeled an idiot and the ultra right-wing posters roll in to pile on.

I thought this was actually a political discussion thread. My bad. Lesson learned.

You can all GFY.
Same to yas, amigo.
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Where are all these ape depictions of whites you are so up in arms about? The subhuman ones? Bush your only example?

Cause there are thousands of those for blacks in the past and now.

There is no comparison. It’s just ignorant to say otherwise.

There is a Democrat senator named Coons you ignorant clown. That’s unbelievable.
Total BS! The freaking country is more important than your daughter's wedding! DO YOUR DUTY! VOTE YES!

Well, is he stalling for a purpose? Dems got nothing in this investigation.. And them finding nothing hurts them and every day that passes brings more egg on their face..

A wedding isn't a surprise. This wasn't an accident.