How will they rule ??!

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She’s not credible at all. And had real questions been asked of her, you wouldn’t think she’s credible.

Her education doesn’t mean she’s credible. Serial killers have been lawyers and Doctors.

She doesn’t know how, when, where, and has already slipped up and named people who said she’s lying and they weren’t there.

You literally couldn’t have more evidence she’s not telling the truth.

If these allegations were made against you, how fast would you point out her inconsistencies? Would you still say she’s credible if it were you on the other side? Of course not.

She’s crazy, she’s a liberal activist, and she’s a liar. The reason she didn’t make up parts she “can’t remember” is so it wouldn’t come back and bite her. Had she named a time and place it could have been checked by his schedule of that time. She could have been shown to be a liar. So just say you don’t know and use your education for verification. Sorry, doesn’t work that way.

The word “credible” being used is old and wore out. You have no way to know if she’s credible or not. You have no evidence.

Oh, and she’s already lied again about flying. So her credibility is zero.

This is credible.
The dems really thought that Kavanaugh would withdraw his name once faced with the pressure and scrutiny dirty the #metoo allegations. I think many on their side are surprised that B.K. didn't quit and both the President and GOP senators stuck with him.

The liberals just use those movements as attack dogs. They don’t care about any of them. If they really cared Ellison would be gone. They have no credibility anymore.

And conservatives need to start pounding that Ellison drum. Like Fox, stop asking liberals questions bout BK. Ask them about Ellison. Make them talk about it.
Scanning the thread during my post lunch dump and I think I read someone complaining about being treated poorly in the “real world” then referencing Facebook and Twitter to back up that outrageous claim?

Ahahahaha Hahahaha. Post of the year. And we are in Q4 too, so that may actually hold up.
If a post on twitter/Facebook costs one their job, would you consider that to be real world consequences? Hell, we've even seen that happen to someone on this very forum not so long ago (edit to add: it wasn't necessarily due to political reasons - maybe PC reasons) .

Also, that was followed up with real world examples - destruction of property, personal harm, loss of job, being accosted in public, dodging bullets at a baseball field, police being murdered, towns being burned down, etc, etc........
If a post on twitter/Facebook costs one their job, would you consider that to be real world consequences? Hell, we've even seen that happen to someone on this very forum not so long ago.

Also, that was followed up with real world examples - destruction of property, personal harm, loss of job, being accosted in public, dodging bullets at a baseball field, police being murdered, towns being burned down, etc, etc........

My bad - I didn’t get past the Facebook and Twitter as part of the real world portion of the post.

I will say I’ve got dozens of heavy right conservative friends and nothing of the like you posted above has ever happened to them.
My bad - I didn’t get past the Facebook and Twitter as part of the real world portion of the post.

I will say I’ve got dozens of heavy right conservative friends and nothing of the like you posted above has ever happened to them.
They are more than likely not in the social work profession as I am - which is a true bastion for social justice warriors.
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If a post on twitter/Facebook costs one their job, would you consider that to be real world consequences? Hell, we've even seen that happen to someone on this very forum not so long ago (edit to add: it wasn't necessarily due to political reasons - maybe PC reasons) .

Also, that was followed up with real world examples - destruction of property, personal harm, loss of job, being accosted in public, dodging bullets at a baseball field, police being murdered, towns being burned down, etc, etc........

I literally named exact or similar things to all of those other than the baseball field cause it didn't happen when Obama was president.
I literally named exact or similar things to all of those other than the baseball field cause it didn't happen when Obama was president.

What didn’t happen when Obama was president? The racial wars absolutely started under Obama. He was absolutely the most divisive president we’ve ever had. We couldn’t even get investigations finished without him siding with the black man. And more than half the time, actually nearly every time, he spoke too soon and rowled people up just to be wrong in the end.
You guys have serious memory loss. Just pulled up the first link off a google search:

According to conservatives on social media, “Republicans have jobs and responsibilities” and therefore couldn’t engage in civil disobedience to voice their discontent with the 2008 and 2012 elections. With this perception of the Obama elections and subsequent claims of “ Republican acceptance,” Trump supporters are now demanding the same “fairness” for Donald J. Trump’s presidency, “We sat through do nothing politics for 8 years, the least they can do is go shut up and sit in the corner for 8 themselves,” on Trump supporter explained.

However, these perceptions do not reflect what actually followed the election of our country’s first black president, much less the difference between why people are protesting Donald J. Trump’s presidency as compared to Barack Obama’s presidency.

Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.

Kaylon Johnson, an African American campaign worker for Obama, was physically assaulted for wearing an Obama T-shirt in Louisiana following the 2008 election. The three white male attackers shouted “**** Obama!” and “****** president!” as they broke Johnson’s nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.

More frequently, Obama’s presidency was marked by effigies of our first black president hanging from nooses across the country, for example in Kentucky, Washington State, and Maine, or being burned around the world. What Trump supporters fail to remember is that following Obama’s election, property was destroyed across the country, for example in Pennsylvania, Texas, and North Carolina, and a predominately black church was torched in Massachusetts.

In 2008, anti-Obama protesters lashed out against minorities because of their discontentment with a black man being voted into the office of president for the first time in our nation’s history. Conversely, in 2016, anti-Trump protesters are holding mostly peaceful demonstrations because of their discontentment with a man, who has ostracized minorities, being voted into the office of president.

And while anti-Trump protesters have engaged in mostly peaceful demonstrations against the president-elect, pro-Trump supporters have been responsible for a wave of attacks against Muslims, Latinos, blacks, and the LGBT community.

According to Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center civil rights group, there haven’t been “such a rash of hate crimes in the United States since Barack Obama was elected America’s first black president in 2008.” Muslim women are reporting having their hijabs ripped from their heads, while immigrant children are being bullied. Trump’s name and slogan, “Make America Great Again,” are being found alongside swastikas and anti-minority messages in graffiti around the nation.
This is total BS. You lost all credibility when you quoted some one associated with the Southern Poverty Law Center. This is the worst organization on the face of the earth. Much more dangerous than ISIS because they have the blessings of so many uninformed, America hating left wing radicals. The SPLC is a hate group who's hatred is targeted on white Christians. They are garbage.
I hope to be wrong but expect Flake, Murkowski, Collins to sink him.
The last two polls had Heitkamp down by 12 and 10 points. She's got nothing to lose and little to gain by playing to undecideds. Better off sticking with the party and hoping they'll try to rescue her with a sea of cash. Now, Joe Donnelly in Indiana, Nelson in Florida, a few others who are in 1-2 point races...It's gonna be tougher for them, especially with most people coming out for Kavanaugh...
This is total BS. You lost all credibility when you quoted some one associated with the Southern Poverty Law Center. This is the worst organization on the face of the earth. Much more dangerous than ISIS because they have the blessings of so many uninformed, America hating left wing radicals. The SPLC is a hate group who's hatred is targeted on white Christians. They are garbage.

I love when they do that. Most of the time they’re never told these think tanks are ran by soros and the left.

Just wait, he’ll quote next and have no clue he just read pure propaganda.
The dems really thought that Kavanaugh would withdraw his name once faced with the pressure and scrutiny dirty the #metoo allegations. I think many on their side are surprised that B.K. didn't quit and both the President and GOP senators stuck with him.
First time in years the GOP actually showed some backbone.
What didn’t happen when Obama was president? The racial wars absolutely started under Obama. He was absolutely the most divisive president we’ve ever had. We couldn’t even get investigations finished without him siding with the black man. And more than half the time, actually nearly every time, he spoke too soon and rowled people up just to be wrong in the end.

Yes, yes. It had NOTHING to do with people not liking that our president was black.
Yes, yes. It had NOTHING to do with people not liking that our president was black.

It didn’t. That’s just more of the divisive language used with nothing to back it up. In other words, it’s not that Obama sucked, he’s hated because he’s black. It’s not true.

I’d vote for any black persons who had similar held beliefs. Obama didn’t hold my beliefs and he was a terrible
President. Just look at the data.

Remember when Obama said these jobs will never return? Remember when he said the new economy was
The new normal? Remember when he destroyed health care and his economy had the worst recovery since the Great Depression?

You bring his race into it because you can’t use his record of accomplishment. This is the point we make to people like you. You guys act like children, “white people look at me” nonsense.

You have nothing of substance to run with. So you go low, accusing people of evil. When you are the one who votes for real evil causes. Suprised you haven’t seen through this bullshit, you’re not an idiot
I literally named exact or similar things to all of those other than the baseball field cause it didn't happen when Obama was president.

I never said it didn't happen under Hussein. The rate and intensity at which it is occurring now doesn't remotely compare as well as the rhetoric from your elected officials and media. It's also condoned - unlike when it's the other way around. The smallest of incidents MUST be condemned by ALL republicans or else ALL republicans support it.

Media can't wait to shove a microphone in a republicans face when an idiot conservative says or does something stupid. Never see that when it's the other way around. Ever. How many MSM types confronted dems after the baseball shooting? Didn't see many microphones shoved in their faces demanding they condemn it and demanding they tone down their rhetoric.

Sad thing is, just the opposite has happened. It has revved up.
How do you say someone is credible but don’t think you believe her - just curious.

Because she didn’t really say anything except she remembers his face like she knows she was talking those senators.

She didn’t actually say he touched her, she didn’t say he was the one that took her in the room, she didn’t say for sure any details or give evidence.

So in what she did say she was very believable, but it’s like an old man randomly going on a tangent, sure he is believable but he is also in left field so it’s whatever!
The last two polls had Heitkamp down by 12 and 10 points. She's got nothing to lose and little to gain by playing to undecideds. Better off sticking with the party and hoping they'll try to rescue her with a sea of cash. Now, Joe Donnelly in Indiana, Nelson in Florida, a few others who are in 1-2 point races...It's gonna be tougher for them, especially with most people coming out for Kavanaugh...
She's toast no matter which way she goes. This is a scorched earth move on her part. Might as well as go down screaming like a good little Leftist.
Next time make sure you can support your position before coming in here vomiting bullshit expecting it to go unchallenged.

Most people on here have put a lot of thought into their position and are passionate about the political direction of our country.

If you have any honor and actually gaf, learn from your mistakes and adjust your worldview accordingly. This is not a game. The future is at stake.

I don't know WTF you think you are to tell me what to do, but you can take your patronizing, arrogant take and shove it up your ass. You'll understand if I don't take worldview pointers from a message board, and especially not from someone whose posts drip with condescension.

I made a post in a thread that is clearly a conservative circle jerk. You guys just sit around and stroke each others peckers, and when someone stops by and says something that you don't agree with, he is immediately labeled an idiot and the ultra right-wing posters roll in to pile on.

I thought this was actually a political discussion thread. My bad. Lesson learned.

You can all GFY.
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