How will they rule ??!

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^^^ this is how Alyssa Milano thinks Trump controls his supporters. He’s a warlock.

W. T. F? She truly is insane.

Her IQ is double digits. And lacks a 9.
This proves what the Democrats said is right This is truly an evil person. We can't have a man like this on the highest court in the land. First it was throwing ice, then it was spitting on a sidewalk. And now turning in his homework late as a 15 year old. We can't have this.
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This proves what the Democrats said is right This is truly an evil person. We can't have a man like this on the highest court in the land. First it was throwing ice, then it was spitting on a sidewalk. And now turning in his homework late as a 15 year old. We can't have this.

Political thread at top.
Obviously him getting confirmed is priority #1, but it is going to really piss me off when this all is forgotten 5 minutes later.

The lunatics on the left need to be exposed and punished for this charade. There will never be any consequences though.

Edit: I guess I should just say punished as opposed to exposed and punished. They've already been exposed, but the left couldn't give a shit less. People need to go to jail so they think twice about making up lies and coercing witnesses next time.
Wooowwwww...interesting thread on the Paddock this morning. A man credibly accused a ghost of planting meth in his house. While I may not believe the story, the story is believable. We need the FBI to investigate.

We actually have physical evidence in this case to back up the man's allegations that a ghost put it there.
I hope some repubs have the balls to push for this to be opened to the public.
I have a better chance of having a unicorn deliver me the winning lottery ticket for this weekend than Rs growing a set and exposing their “friends” in the Senate.

When will these idiots realize the Dems don’t view them as friends and worry more about their electorate vs their “friends” who continually call them evil, women haters etc.?
A man who was captured on camera Sunday violently kicking a female pro-life activist lost his job at a Toronto hair salon amid social media backlash, while the victim says she will pursue charges against him.

Jordan Hunt has been identified as the culprit behind the attack after a video of him spin-kicking the woman went viral. He deleted his social media accounts after the backlash.
4% of our population wouldn't get out of bed to go to work
It's much higher than that. If everyone who could work, did, we wouldn't have half the problems we do. Hopefully Trump starts tightening entitlements and getting those able bodied men off their ass and into the labor force

But, yeah, considering the dependency that has been bred into generations of Americans having only 4% unemployment with plenty of jobs still out there to be filled is amazing.

Can't wait to see some tweet about Trump having orange skin to really put things back in perspective, though
The Unemployment Rate is now at 3.7%. How can it get any lower because 4% of our population wouldn't get out of bed to go to work. I have never seen an economy like this in my life.
Now wage growth will occur because employers will have to pay up for employees.

Yet the Dems tell their flock, don’t worry about providing for your family/self, Trump makes inappropriate comments and must go. Vote him out and we will give a putrid economy and food stamps.
A man who was captured on camera Sunday violently kicking a female pro-life activist lost his job at a Toronto hair salon amid social media backlash, while the victim says she will pursue charges against him.

Jordan Hunt has been identified as the culprit behind the attack after a video of him spin-kicking the woman went viral. He deleted his social media accounts after the backlash.

He’s a hairstylist. explains the yoga pants.
A man who was captured on camera Sunday violently kicking a female pro-life activist lost his job at a Toronto hair salon amid social media backlash, while the victim says she will pursue charges against him.

Jordan Hunt has been identified as the culprit behind the attack after a video of him spin-kicking the woman went viral. He deleted his social media accounts after the backlash.


The gay dude kicked her.

He needs to be beaten beyond recognition
It didn’t. That’s just more of the divisive language used with nothing to back it up. In other words, it’s not that Obama sucked, he’s hated because he’s black. It’s not true.

I’d vote for any black persons who had similar held beliefs. Obama didn’t hold my beliefs and he was a terrible
President. Just look at the data.

Remember when Obama said these jobs will never return? Remember when he said the new economy was
The new normal? Remember when he destroyed health care and his economy had the worst recovery since the Great Depression?

You bring his race into it because you can’t use his record of accomplishment. This is the point we make to people like you. You guys act like children, “white people look at me” nonsense.

You have nothing of substance to run with. So you go low, accusing people of evil. When you are the one who votes for real evil causes. Suprised you haven’t seen through this bullshit, you’re not an idiot

Dems always gaslight to making it about race and gender.

“You don’t like Obama cause he’s black.”
Does not explain why we love conservative black people.

“You didn’t vote for Hillary cause you’re sexist.”

We had Sarah Pailin as the VP candidate just eight years before.

My political views do not have anything to do with skin color. I will back bringing in Christian refugees over Muslims and those people aren’t white.

I will back any black, Latino, Asian conservative over any white leftist. I can assure you that I think white leftists are the worst of the worst in our country and by no means, would I ever side with them over someone cause of skin color.

I never said it didn't happen under Hussein. The rate and intensity at which it is occurring now doesn't remotely compare as well as the rhetoric from your elected officials and media. It's also condoned - unlike when it's the other way around. The smallest of incidents MUST be condemned by ALL republicans or else ALL republicans support it.

Media can't wait to shove a microphone in a republicans face when an idiot conservative says or does something stupid. Never see that when it's the other way around. Ever. How many MSM types confronted dems after the baseball shooting? Didn't see many microphones shoved in their faces demanding they condemn it and demanding they tone down their rhetoric.

Sad thing is, just the opposite has happened. It has revved up.

Here’s some examples at the double standard.

Guy kills some people in a newsroom that he had personal beef with since like 2011 or 2012, media makes it about Trump.

Leftist shoots Scalise and others
Leftist attacks Rand Paul
Leftist drives his car into a Fox studio in TX
Leftists drive conservatives out of restaurants and movie theaters and harass them outside their houses.
Leftist tries to stab a Republican candidate
Leftists dox conservatives
Leftists disguise themselves in black costumes to assault conservatives.
Leftists follow conservatives to speeches on campus and rallies and wait to assault and harass them (when they don’t already bird dog)

Where’s the mainstream coverage condemning that from the left? Where’s the celebs speaking on that? Where’s the politicians being asked to condemn?

Hell, where’s the left with stuff like Sarah Jeong? She gets a job at the NYT, gets no punishment from twitter and in fact, gets a blue check. Lol
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Feinstein currently giving Kavanaugh quotes saying that the Constitution and traditional interpretations of statutes is a guiding principle of his judicial philosophy and portrays it as a bad thing

If there's any doubt these people are insane and really don't like America as constituted that should put it to rest
Some details of the FBI report are emerging and shockingly some of the MSM (Wall Street Journal) are reporting it.

Leland Keyser, a friend of Christine Blasey Ford, told FBI investigators she was pressured by Ford’s allies to reconsider her initial statement that she was unaware of evidence supporting Ford’s claims of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, people familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal.

Keyser eventually revised her statement, saying she could not corroborate Ford’s claims, but believed the assault had happened. She told the FBI that following her initial statement, Monica McLean, a retired FBI agent and friend of Ford’s, reached out and urged Keyser to clarify what she had said, according to the Journal.
Some details of the FBI report are emerging and shockingly some of the MSM (Wall Street Journal) are reporting it.

Leland Keyser, a friend of Christine Blasey Ford, told FBI investigators she was pressured by Ford’s allies to reconsider her initial statement that she was unaware of evidence supporting Ford’s claims of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, people familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal.

Keyser eventually revised her statement, saying she could not corroborate Ford’s claims, but believed the assault had happened. She told the FBI that following her initial statement, Monica McLean, a retired FBI agent and friend of Ford’s, reached out and urged Keyser to clarify what she had said, according to the Journal.
Monica McLean...hmmm...she is the friend that Ford trained on lie detector test according to Ford's ex-boyfriend...McLean then came out with a strong denial. Not looking so reliable now.