How will they rule ??!

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Yeah cause "you're a dumb, stupid liberal. kill yourself" etc is so educational.

I honestly don't care. I find you guys to be very funny/entertaining. Not in a Anchorman or Super Troopers kind of way. More like a Saw or Hostel type of way.

Feel like I need a shower each time I open this thread.
If you are a typical liberal I suggest during the shower you use soap in your mouth for when you step outside. You are probably one of those like that crazy eyed professor who will not let anyone speak but yourself.
If you are a typical liberal I suggest during the shower you use soap in your mouth for when you step outside. You are probably one of those like that crazy eyed professor who will not let anyone speak but yourself.

Not at all, actually. I tend to listen more than talk.

Keep trying, though.
Like I said, I find you guys entertaining.

Hilarious. Now no less than NPR is seeing that the Sneak Attack on Kavanaugh was a huge political miscalculation:
It may go down as one of the stupidest political stunts ever played by a political party. And they did it on national television in an open forum. Dumb and dumber. They will pay. Big time as Trumps says

If you scumbag leftists are allowed to destroy BK using made up "sexual misconduct" and other unfounded BS, it sets the precedent for the leftist game plan for future court nominations.

Even MORE significant is the impact this evil scheme has on society! Every male in the country will be subjected to this feminist insanity.

Sacrificing the presumption of innocence is a huge price to pay for allowing you Marxist bastards to maintain power and control!

It must not be allowed!
I'm tired of so many people making excuses for Christine Ford. Nothing ever happened to her. She's not mentally ill.

She's a damn liar with evil intentions.
And she got rich over night with her Go Fund Me Page. Something she said she knew nothing about and couldn't even operate it. But fools dropped about a million into it. For what? Her lawyers are representing her from the "goodness of their heart". No fee. Her expenses are paid. She is out zero dollars but has to have a Go Fund Me Page. That alone should tell America what this is all about. I think most Americans have figured it out. She is a lying con artist. Go Fund Her
Yeah cause "you're a dumb, stupid liberal. kill yourself" etc is so educational.

I honestly don't care. I find you guys to be very funny/entertaining. Not in a Anchorman or Super Troopers kind of way. More like a Saw or Hostel type of way.

Feel like I need a shower each time I open this thread.

I dont have time to accurately and completely answer you , but I'll throw out a few things that make it so very difficult to be respectful of the democrat party views .. I'll probably ramble as I actually need to be doing payroll and working , not this .. anyway -- This entire debacle has embarrassed the senate and the entire country . BADLY . And the entire mess , every last bit of it , lies at the feet of Senator DiFi and I'm sure several other key D senators knew of the BK accuser .. but they made a calculated choice to hold it . And it blew up like a bomb , it severely hurt Dr Ford , who was nothing more than pawn . They were willing to damage her personally to advance their cause , and that sucks .
And for as many friends that I have that support local democrats I never .. NEVER hear them dog national democrat leaders who they do something stupid . And its near the near the exact opposite with Republicans . We routinely state publickly our disdain for our leaders when they are ass hats . All the time. Never happens with the D's . Only time they get ripped is when they dont resist strong enough .. has any D on here typed the words " Maxine Waters is a disgrace" ? Unless you are radical as hell you have to think she's a total ass .
And for as much as we loathed Obama the conservatives held their nose and suffered threw his 8 year reign . But now its open season on Trump , anything and everything is fair . Even when its totally unheard of behavior , here is a copy/paste from another site where I argue politics with a far left guy . He only response was " I dont have time to verify all this" here is another reason its hard to tolerate the left in 2018 :

I'll bring this up again - And you are free to refute it with research and proof
You remember that time a Conservative rammed a guys car because he had an Obama sticker on it ?
You remember that time that Obama's press secretary was refused dinner at a restaurant ?
You remember that time that a Republican senator went on TV and called for public harassment of all Obama cabinet members ?
You remember that time Obama supporters reported having drinks throw at them for simply wearing Obama apparel ?
You remember that time Republican senators turned a Supreme Court nominee hearing into a darn three circus ?
You remember that time Obama cabinet member were harassed and spit on and intimidated on a date night at the movies ?
You remember that time Obama supporters were refused an Uber ride because of their politics ?
You remember that time a Obama cabinet member was harassed at a book store to the point the police were called ?
You remember that time a Hollywood actor/actress said Sasha and Melia should be imprisoned and raped ?
You remember that time a comedian held up that severed bloody Obama head ?
You remember that time they did a Broadway play in NYC where Obama gets murdered ?
You remember that time 61 Republican protesters were removed from a SC nominee hearing ? 61 !!!!!

And since that time 3 weeks ago things have gotten " progressively" worse. Ricen attacks , airport assaults , office attacks . The far left is unhinged . Got to go . Feel free to argue back . I like it .
And she got rich over night with her Go Fund Me Page. Something she said she knew nothing about and couldn't even operate it. But fools dropped about a million into it. For what? Her lawyers are representing her from the "goodness of their heart". No fee. Her expenses are paid. She is out zero dollars but has to have a Go Fund Me Page. That alone should tell America what this is all about. I think most Americans have figured it out. She is a lying con artist. Go Fund Her

Sounds like a good retirement plan to me.

Get a female companion,..grope her,...have her snivel about it,..

Get a million dollars in "go fund me" money and split it with her.
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I dont have time to accurately and completely answer you , but I'll throw out a few things that make it so very difficult to be respectful of the democrat party views .. I'll probably ramble as I actually need to be doing payroll and working , not this .. anyway -- This entire debacle has embarrassed the senate and the entire country . BADLY . And the entire mess , every last bit of it , lies at the feet of Senator DiFi and I'm sure several other key D senators knew of the BK accuser .. but they made a calculated choice to hold it . And it blew up like a bomb , it severely hurt Dr Ford , who was nothing more than pawn . They were willing to damage her personally to advance their cause , and that sucks .
And for as many friends that I have that support local democrats I never .. NEVER hear them dog national democrat leaders who they do something stupid . And its near the near the exact opposite with Republicans . We routinely state publickly our disdain for our leaders when they are ass hats . All the time. Never happens with the D's . Only time they get ripped is when they dont resist strong enough .. has any D on here typed the words " Maxine Waters is a disgrace" ? Unless you are radical as hell you have to think she's a total ass .
And for as much as we loathed Obama the conservatives held their nose and suffered threw his 8 year reign . But now its open season on Trump , anything and everything is fair . Even when its totally unheard of behavior , here is a copy/paste from another site where I argue politics with a far left guy . He only response was " I dont have time to verify all this" here is another reason its hard to tolerate the left in 2018 :

I'll bring this up again - And you are free to refute it with research and proof
You remember that time a Conservative rammed a guys car because he had an Obama sticker on it ?
You remember that time that Obama's press secretary was refused dinner at a restaurant ?
You remember that time that a Republican senator went on TV and called for public harassment of all Obama cabinet members ?
You remember that time Obama supporters reported having drinks throw at them for simply wearing Obama apparel ?
You remember that time Republican senators turned a Supreme Court nominee hearing into a darn three circus ?
You remember that time Obama cabinet member were harassed and spit on and intimidated on a date night at the movies ?
You remember that time Obama supporters were refused an Uber ride because of their politics ?
You remember that time a Obama cabinet member was harassed at a book store to the point the police were called ?
You remember that time a Hollywood actor/actress said Sasha and Melia should be imprisoned and raped ?
You remember that time a comedian held up that severed bloody Obama head ?
You remember that time they did a Broadway play in NYC where Obama gets murdered ?
You remember that time 61 Republican protesters were removed from a SC nominee hearing ? 61 !!!!!

And since that time 3 weeks ago things have gotten " progressively" worse. Ricen attacks , airport assaults , office attacks . The far left is unhinged . Got to go . Feel free to argue back . I like it .
Good post. And today the wackos are out demonstrating like a herd of lunatics in protest and hatred for BK. It will get thrown back in their face but they don't have the brains to understand
No, jackass, I have a vocabulary and know what some words mean without having to look them up.

And I'm not a lefty or a righty. But you're a douchebag.

Next time make sure you can support your position before coming in here vomiting bullshit expecting it to go unchallenged.

Most people on here have put a lot of thought into their position and are passionate about the political direction of our country.

If you have any honor and actually gaf, learn from your mistakes and adjust your worldview accordingly. This is not a game. The future is at stake.
I dont have time to accurately and completely answer you , but I'll throw out a few things that make it so very difficult to be respectful of the democrat party views .. I'll probably ramble as I actually need to be doing payroll and working , not this .. anyway -- This entire debacle has embarrassed the senate and the entire country . BADLY . And the entire mess , every last bit of it , lies at the feet of Senator DiFi and I'm sure several other key D senators knew of the BK accuser .. but they made a calculated choice to hold it . And it blew up like a bomb , it severely hurt Dr Ford , who was nothing more than pawn . They were willing to damage her personally to advance their cause , and that sucks .
And for as many friends that I have that support local democrats I never .. NEVER hear them dog national democrat leaders who they do something stupid . And its near the near the exact opposite with Republicans . We routinely state publickly our disdain for our leaders when they are ass hats . All the time. Never happens with the D's . Only time they get ripped is when they dont resist strong enough .. has any D on here typed the words " Maxine Waters is a disgrace" ? Unless you are radical as hell you have to think she's a total ass .
And for as much as we loathed Obama the conservatives held their nose and suffered threw his 8 year reign . But now its open season on Trump , anything and everything is fair . Even when its totally unheard of behavior , here is a copy/paste from another site where I argue politics with a far left guy . He only response was " I dont have time to verify all this" here is another reason its hard to tolerate the left in 2018 :

I'll bring this up again - And you are free to refute it with research and proof
You remember that time a Conservative rammed a guys car because he had an Obama sticker on it ?
You remember that time that Obama's press secretary was refused dinner at a restaurant ?
You remember that time that a Republican senator went on TV and called for public harassment of all Obama cabinet members ?
You remember that time Obama supporters reported having drinks throw at them for simply wearing Obama apparel ?
You remember that time Republican senators turned a Supreme Court nominee hearing into a darn three circus ?
You remember that time Obama cabinet member were harassed and spit on and intimidated on a date night at the movies ?
You remember that time Obama supporters were refused an Uber ride because of their politics ?
You remember that time a Obama cabinet member was harassed at a book store to the point the police were called ?
You remember that time a Hollywood actor/actress said Sasha and Melia should be imprisoned and raped ?
You remember that time a comedian held up that severed bloody Obama head ?
You remember that time they did a Broadway play in NYC where Obama gets murdered ?
You remember that time 61 Republican protesters were removed from a SC nominee hearing ? 61 !!!!!

And since that time 3 weeks ago things have gotten " progressively" worse. Ricen attacks , airport assaults , office attacks . The far left is unhinged . Got to go . Feel free to argue back . I like it .

You guys have serious memory loss. Just pulled up the first link off a google search:

According to conservatives on social media, “Republicans have jobs and responsibilities” and therefore couldn’t engage in civil disobedience to voice their discontent with the 2008 and 2012 elections. With this perception of the Obama elections and subsequent claims of “ Republican acceptance,” Trump supporters are now demanding the same “fairness” for Donald J. Trump’s presidency, “We sat through do nothing politics for 8 years, the least they can do is go shut up and sit in the corner for 8 themselves,” on Trump supporter explained.

However, these perceptions do not reflect what actually followed the election of our country’s first black president, much less the difference between why people are protesting Donald J. Trump’s presidency as compared to Barack Obama’s presidency.

Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.

Kaylon Johnson, an African American campaign worker for Obama, was physically assaulted for wearing an Obama T-shirt in Louisiana following the 2008 election. The three white male attackers shouted “**** Obama!” and “****** president!” as they broke Johnson’s nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.

More frequently, Obama’s presidency was marked by effigies of our first black president hanging from nooses across the country, for example in Kentucky, Washington State, and Maine, or being burned around the world. What Trump supporters fail to remember is that following Obama’s election, property was destroyed across the country, for example in Pennsylvania, Texas, and North Carolina, and a predominately black church was torched in Massachusetts.

In 2008, anti-Obama protesters lashed out against minorities because of their discontentment with a black man being voted into the office of president for the first time in our nation’s history. Conversely, in 2016, anti-Trump protesters are holding mostly peaceful demonstrations because of their discontentment with a man, who has ostracized minorities, being voted into the office of president.

And while anti-Trump protesters have engaged in mostly peaceful demonstrations against the president-elect, pro-Trump supporters have been responsible for a wave of attacks against Muslims, Latinos, blacks, and the LGBT community.

According to Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center civil rights group, there haven’t been “such a rash of hate crimes in the United States since Barack Obama was elected America’s first black president in 2008.” Muslim women are reporting having their hijabs ripped from their heads, while immigrant children are being bullied. Trump’s name and slogan, “Make America Great Again,” are being found alongside swastikas and anti-minority messages in graffiti around the nation.
Here is another:

1. Fired 22 employees

In Las Vegas, a small business owner fired 22 of his 114 employees because Obama was elected and "elections have consequences." The owner told a local radio station he needed to build up a "nest egg" because of "taxes and regulations" Obama would instate. (CBS Local)

[READ: Bloomberg to Ration Gas in New York]

2. Asked the Queen of England to "take us back"

An open letter on the conservative Free Republic apologizes to the Queen of England for "that little misunderstanding we had 236 years ago," and asks the United Kingdom to please "forgive us and take us back." (Free Republic, Gawker)

3. Initiated a boycott against Democratic neighbors

Former Ron Paul aide Eric Dondero, who blogs at, says his response to Obama's reelection is a "personal boycott" against Democrats, be they friend, foe or neighbor. In a Q & A with New York Magazine's Daily Intel, Dondero said the boycott means he just might ignore a drowning Democratic neighbor. (Daily Intel)

4. Called Americans "pimps, whores and welfare brats"

Conservative rock and roll guitarist Ted Nugent was one of several celebrities to go on a Twitter rant Wednesday, saying Americans voted for "economic and spiritual suicide" in voting for Obama and that it was "pimps, whores and welfare brats, and their soulless supporters" who elected a president that would "destroy America." Nugent also questioned "what subhuman varmint believes others must pay for their obesity, booze, cell phones, birth control, abortions and lives." (Politico)

5. Encouraged "a revolution"

Donald Trump joined Nugent in launching a Twitter tirade, calling the election "a total sham and a travesty" even before Obama was declared victor. After poll numbers came in, the real estate tycoon urged people to start a "revolution in this country," though he declined to say what that revolution would look like. Trump later deleted many of his angry tweets. (Huffington Post)

6. Compared Obama to Adolf Hitler, Ted Bundy, and Al Qaeda

Conservative radio talk show host Neal Boortz reportedly sarcastically congratulated a series of bad people for doing bad things throughout history, including Adolf Hitler, serial killer Ted Bundy, terrorist group Al-Qaeda and then... President Obama. (Media Matters)

7. Went on a profanity-laced YouTube rant.

Ed. Note: The following link is probably NSFW. In a drunken YouTube video, Shelly Dankert, who describes herself as "conservative pro-Palin YouTuber" goes on profanity-laced tirade about the "mamby-pamby" Republicans and Libertarians who supposedly ruined the election by not voting for Romney. (YouTube, Gawker)

8. Declares America is in a "civil war"

David Gelernter believes America is in the middle of a civil war. In National Review Wednesday, he wrote that the election was just one battle in a "slow-motion civil war the nation is undergoing" in which liberals wants to "secede... from Americanism." But never fear, he writes, because American has "won civil wars and preserved the Union before" and "we'll do it again." (American Spectator)

9. Declared war on Republicans

The Tea Party Patriots group slammed the Republican establishment Wednesday for picking a "weak moderate candidate" in Mitt Romney, saying it was now time for the tea party to show the "elites" who was boss.

10. Declared the death of America

In a post on its website, the Cincinnati Tea Party says America was born in 1776 and died Nov. 6, 2012. The death, the group wrote, was ruled a suicide: "RIP America." (Cincinnati Tea Party, Huffington Post)
So we have waves of violence (including someone trying to assassinate multiple GOP congressmen) and calls from prominent, highly visible celebrities and media members to overthrow and/or kill the sitting President and Republicans in just 18 months on one hand. And the other we have a handful of obscure individuals at worst punching someone in the face with only allegations that it was due to politics. Oh, I'm sorry; cannot forget that PROFANITY LACED YOUTUBE VIDEO [laughing]

Yeah, 2008-2016 was pretty much Nazi Germany for Democrats. Poor things just could not be safe because of all that violent rhetoric!!
So we have waves of violence (including someone trying to assassinate multiple GOP congressmen) and calls from prominent, highly visible celebrities and media members to overthrow and/or kill the sitting President and Republicans in just 18 months on one hand. And the other we have a handful of obscure individuals at worst punching someone in the face with only allegations that it was due to politics. Oh, I'm sorry; cannot forget that PROFANITY LACED YOUTUBE VIDEO [laughing]

Yeah, 2008-2016 was pretty much Nazi Germany for Democrats. Poor things just could be safe because of all that violent rhetoric!!
So we have waves of violence (including someone trying to assassinate multiple GOP congressmen) and calls from prominent, highly visible celebrities and media members to overthrow and/or kill the sitting President and Republicans in just 18 months on one hand. And the other we have a handful of obscure individuals at worst punching someone in the face with only allegations that it was due to politics. Oh, I'm sorry; cannot forget that PROFANITY LACED YOUTUBE VIDEO [laughing]

Yeah, 2008-2016 was pretty much Nazi Germany for Democrats. Poor things just could be safe because of all that violent rhetoric!!

exactly what i just replied .
Here is another:

1. Fired 22 employees

In Las Vegas, a small business owner fired 22 of his 114 employees because Obama was elected and "elections have consequences." The owner told a local radio station he needed to build up a "nest egg" because of "taxes and regulations" Obama would instate. (CBS Local)

[READ: Bloomberg to Ration Gas in New York]

2. Asked the Queen of England to "take us back"

An open letter on the conservative Free Republic apologizes to the Queen of England for "that little misunderstanding we had 236 years ago," and asks the United Kingdom to please "forgive us and take us back." (Free Republic, Gawker)

3. Initiated a boycott against Democratic neighbors

Former Ron Paul aide Eric Dondero, who blogs at, says his response to Obama's reelection is a "personal boycott" against Democrats, be they friend, foe or neighbor. In a Q & A with New York Magazine's Daily Intel, Dondero said the boycott means he just might ignore a drowning Democratic neighbor. (Daily Intel)

4. Called Americans "pimps, whores and welfare brats"

Conservative rock and roll guitarist Ted Nugent was one of several celebrities to go on a Twitter rant Wednesday, saying Americans voted for "economic and spiritual suicide" in voting for Obama and that it was "pimps, whores and welfare brats, and their soulless supporters" who elected a president that would "destroy America." Nugent also questioned "what subhuman varmint believes others must pay for their obesity, booze, cell phones, birth control, abortions and lives." (Politico)

5. Encouraged "a revolution"

Donald Trump joined Nugent in launching a Twitter tirade, calling the election "a total sham and a travesty" even before Obama was declared victor. After poll numbers came in, the real estate tycoon urged people to start a "revolution in this country," though he declined to say what that revolution would look like. Trump later deleted many of his angry tweets. (Huffington Post)

6. Compared Obama to Adolf Hitler, Ted Bundy, and Al Qaeda

Conservative radio talk show host Neal Boortz reportedly sarcastically congratulated a series of bad people for doing bad things throughout history, including Adolf Hitler, serial killer Ted Bundy, terrorist group Al-Qaeda and then... President Obama. (Media Matters)

7. Went on a profanity-laced YouTube rant.

Ed. Note: The following link is probably NSFW. In a drunken YouTube video, Shelly Dankert, who describes herself as "conservative pro-Palin YouTuber" goes on profanity-laced tirade about the "mamby-pamby" Republicans and Libertarians who supposedly ruined the election by not voting for Romney. (YouTube, Gawker)

8. Declares America is in a "civil war"

David Gelernter believes America is in the middle of a civil war. In National Review Wednesday, he wrote that the election was just one battle in a "slow-motion civil war the nation is undergoing" in which liberals wants to "secede... from Americanism." But never fear, he writes, because American has "won civil wars and preserved the Union before" and "we'll do it again." (American Spectator)

9. Declared war on Republicans

The Tea Party Patriots group slammed the Republican establishment Wednesday for picking a "weak moderate candidate" in Mitt Romney, saying it was now time for the tea party to show the "elites" who was boss.

10. Declared the death of America

In a post on its website, the Cincinnati Tea Party says America was born in 1776 and died Nov. 6, 2012. The death, the group wrote, was ruled a suicide: "RIP America." (Cincinnati Tea Party, Huffington Post)

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Yeah, you're absolutely right. I remember 2008-2016 when roving bands of conservatives dressed in black would go around hitting people in the face with bike locks for wearing Obama hats and burning cars. I definitely remember the mainstream media covering for said violent gangs or pretending it didn't even happen.

I also remember that crazy conservative going to a softball practice of Democratic congressmen and shooting them with a rifle.

Very similar political climates, indeed
I didn't say I believed her. I said she was credible, and she was/is. There's a difference, but I don't have to tell you because you're much smarter than me.

Do I think she is lying? No, I don't. Do I think she could be misremembering some things? Sure. We'll likely never know either way.

Oh, and if you immediately think people are stupid because they don't think the same way you do, then you may be an asshole. And yes, that's a solid take.

She’s not credible at all. And had real questions been asked of her, you wouldn’t think she’s credible.

Her education doesn’t mean she’s credible. Serial killers have been lawyers and Doctors.

She doesn’t know how, when, where, and has already slipped up and named people who said she’s lying and they weren’t there.

You literally couldn’t have more evidence she’s not telling the truth.

If these allegations were made against you, how fast would you point out her inconsistencies? Would you still say she’s credible if it were you on the other side? Of course not.

She’s crazy, she’s a liberal activist, and she’s a liar. The reason she didn’t make up parts she “can’t remember” is so it wouldn’t come back and bite her. Had she named a time and place it could have been checked by his schedule of that time. She could have been shown to be a liar. So just say you don’t know and use your education for verification. Sorry, doesn’t work that way.

The word “credible” being used is old and wore out. You have no way to know if she’s credible or not. You have no evidence.

Oh, and she’s already lied again about flying. So her credibility is zero.
Scanning the thread during my post lunch dump and I think I read someone complaining about being treated poorly in the “real world” then referencing Facebook and Twitter to back up that outrageous claim?

Ahahahaha Hahahaha. Post of the year. And we are in Q4 too, so that may actually hold up.
They aren't liberals: they're open minded moderates... just ask them.

Liberals that do this are the worst. The “apologetic liberal” who “just so happens” to “see things” from a leftist POV so the left must be right here because, “moderates think so”...

Meanwhile their voter card looks as if George Soro’s himself was in that booth.