How will they rule ??!

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If Murkowski doesn't vote to confirm Kavanaugh she's going to cost the State of Alaska 100's of millions, maybe billions of dollars in tax revenue.

No vote for Kavanaugh, drilling for oil in ANWR.
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I would still say that Ford was very believable, but that’s because she really didn’t say much or lie. That’s the thing people are missing on the left and I think they do care(not the politicians) and just can’t understand going that far if it wasn’t true.

Now if in November we get some reds turned to blue it could be a really fun 2 years.
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I didn't say I believed her. I said she was credible, and she was/is. There's a difference, but I don't have to tell you because you're much smarter than me.

Do I think she is lying? No, I don't. Do I think she could be misremembering some things? Sure. We'll likely never know either way.

Oh, and if you immediately think people are stupid because they don't think the same way you do, then you may be an asshole. And yes, that's a solid take.
Why did she wait until now (35 years later) to come forward. Political reasons? Also, misremembering is just a cop out for not telling the truth.
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I didn't say I believed her. I said she was credible, and she was/is. There's a difference, but I don't have to tell you because you're much smarter than me.

Do I think she is lying? No, I don't. Do I think she could be misremembering some things? Sure. We'll likely never know either way.

Oh, and if you immediately think people are stupid because they don't think the same way you do, then you may be an asshole. And yes, that's a solid take.

How do you say someone is credible but don’t think you believe her - just curious.

At the time of her testimony she came off as being very sweet and innocent “I think I will need some caffeine”... As she was asked more questions it became apparent she was acting throughout the questioning. She has an undergrad from UNC, two masters, and a doctoral degree, yet she she came off as clueless and acted like a 14 year old little girl to try to sway opinion that she was a victim.

I think as the last week has shown she was a victim, but a victim of being used by the Dems as a pawn to take down Kavanaugh. It is very clear she is FOS and this whole thing has been orchestrated by her and her friend Monica McLean - former FBI agent who happened to also be her old roommate and is where she stayed when she wrote her testimony for the Senate - “I will take irony for $500 please Alex.”

IMO her story is BS. She can make a claim that he assaulted her, but cannot tell anyone when the party took place, where the party was, who exactly was there, how she got there, how she got home, she left her friend at the party with the alleged sexual assaulteers and left but nobody including her knows how she got home.

If you went to a party with a friend and did not go home with them would you not check on how they got home the next day? Maybe since her friend denied knowing Kavanaugh and said there was no party that might explain it. Of course she knew she had only one beer. You have to be ignorant or gullible if you buy her story. You can pick which one you are and neither is a good look.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever read.

The definition of "credible" literally is "able to be believed; convincing".

She isn't credible at all. Her story is not believable. There isn't a shred of evidence and it is full of inconsistencies.
Which is why his "I am not a republican or democrat, I am a contrarian" comment is ridiculous. His positions are almost always far left. You have to be far left to actually believe this stuff.
Says the guy who is so mad at a post in a message board that he had to respond not once but twice to it within 10 minutes.

It's like everyone is just waiting for an anti-conservative post to pounce on. My post was responded to by 6 different people within 5 minutes on a Thurs morning.

Relax, everyone. Yes, Democrats are petty and conniving. Republicans are arrogant with a false sense of moral superiority. Everybody just needs to get over themselves.

Republicans are arrogant in your mind but yet on the Judiciary Committee was a Democrat who uses the phrase "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus" to suggest Kavanaugh is being a liar about everything if he told a single lie. Meanwhile said Senator Blumenthal is a known liar about his military service. That is arrogance believing they are so important their proven past should be ignored but an unproven allegation must make Kavanaugh a liar.

We have a Democrat female Senator from Hawaii telling all men to shut up. That is arrogant believing the female is the only gender that can be a fair evaluator.

We have Senator Spartacus (do I really need to discuss any more of his arrogance) that is calling a man evil and a predator when Spartacus has admitted he was guilty of sexual assault--not to mention his lie of hearing the theme from Top Gun going through his head when assaulting the woman even though Top Gun came out two years after his admitted assault. That is arrogant.

Feinstein saying she only had 5 minutes to interview Kavanaugh when she had a private meeting with him after she had the accusation plus the original hearing. That is arrogance to think she is so much smarter than everyone else that we cannot see through her complete bullshit.

Republicans have their share of ass-hats but please spare me the non-sense of comparing the D tactics to the R tactics and claiming R's own the arrogance title.
He does have a point, though. I make one post and instantly get 30 "gfy" type posts.

I get it. I'm not a Republican. But there is certainly a herd, attack anyone liberal mentality on here.
Most of it due to some really stupid post made by a few far left loons here. There are some days we are saturated with gif's and meme's of the most ridiculous kind.
He does have a point, though. I make one post and instantly get 30 "gfy" type posts.

I get it. I'm not a Republican. But there is certainly a herd, attack anyone liberal mentality on here.

Maybe you should take a step back and view the posts as the education lessons they are, and not the attacks your snowflake ass perceives them to be.
He does have a point, though. I make one post and instantly get 30 "gfy" type posts.

I get it. I'm not a Republican. But there is certainly a herd, attack anyone liberal mentality on here.
Now you know how conservatives feel in the real world.

At least you’re on a message board.

If a conservative posts on twitter they will get attacked, threatened with violence, and/or banned.

Same with Facebook. Hell, I have to completely avoid any political talk on that forum because I’m scared I’ll lose my job (social worker). Meanwhile..... the vitriol I see liberals spew is celebrated.

If you are a conservative that lives anywhere other than a red state (and even then you need to be away from urban, liberal areas of said state), you seriously have to suppress your political views or risk property damage, physical harm, or loss of job.

Do I tend to take that out on liberals on this site? Yes. Do I feel sorry for you because of it? No - at least you’re safe from real life hatred and violence.
Maybe you should take a step back and view the posts as the education lessons they are, and not the attacks your snowflake ass perceives them to be.

Yeah cause "you're a dumb, stupid liberal. kill yourself" etc is so educational.

I honestly don't care. I find you guys to be very funny/entertaining. Not in a Anchorman or Super Troopers kind of way. More like a Saw or Hostel type of way.

Feel like I need a shower each time I open this thread.
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Yeah cause "you're a dumb, stupid liberal. kill yourself" etc is so educational.

I honestly don't care. I find you guys to be very funny/entertaining. Not in a Anchorman or Super Troopers kind of way. More like a Saw or Hostel type of way.

Feel like I need a shower each time I open this thread.

I just watched Jigsaw the other night. Super twist at the end.
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Contrarian moderate words of the day.

Yeah cause "you're a dumb, stupid liberal. kill yourself" etc is so educational.

I honestly don't care. I find you guys to be very funny/entertaining. Not in a Anchorman or Super Troopers kind of way. More like a Saw or Hostel type of way.

Feel like I need a shower each time I open this thread.

Republicans are so arrogant.
Yeah cause "you're a dumb, stupid liberal. kill yourself" etc is so educational.

I honestly don't care. I find you guys to be very funny/entertaining. Not in a Anchorman or Super Troopers kind of way. More like a Saw or Hostel type of way.

Feel like I need a shower each time I open this thread.
Speaking of faux moral superiority.....

Plays the victim, proceeds to participate in that which he decries.

Hypocrisy - the liberal way.
He does have a point, though. I make one post and instantly get 30 "gfy" type posts.

I get it. I'm not a Republican. But there is certainly a herd, attack anyone liberal mentality on here.
I cannot speak to you being attacked by others but when someone treats destroying a man's life because of unsubstantiated accusations the same as the Senators basically voting no to Obama's nomination because they would not give them a hearing, you better expect people are going to call him out.

The only reason Ford seemed credible is because of the culture created whereby now if you even question an alleged victim the hatred that will come to that person is unbelievable. Her story was full of shit. Look at information that has come out since her appearance at the hearing.
  • The two door story shot down
  • Her yearbook posts-similar to Kavanaughs (WTH was going on in that community that allowed this stuff to get in to yearbooks on both sides????)
  • Her fear of flying nonsense
  • Her ex-boyfriend and the lie-detector story, never expressing anything to him about the fear of confined spaces
  • All 4 witnesses denying her claims
  • Her saying she was at the lie-detector for an extended period of time when it was only two questions.
  • Not being able to remember if the test was the day of her grandmothers funeral or not
If the Rs were not so feckless, her story could have been destroyed but we all know what the media would have done. In today's sound bite culture, the Rs would have been destroyed by the media more than normal.

If anyone honestly believes that a woman must be believed simply because she is a woman, heaven help us. The accusation should be investigated in private so not to destroy an innocent person if there is no substantiation. This approach was done by Ds to try and destroy a man in the court of public opinion and that is morally corrupt. This in not a damn football game.
Yeah cause "you're a dumb, stupid liberal. kill yourself" etc is so educational.

I honestly don't care. I find you guys to be very funny/entertaining. Not in a Anchorman or Super Troopers kind of way. More like a Saw or Hostel type of way.

Feel like I need a shower each time I open this thread.
But you keep coming back. Why?
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Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.
Angry? If you think we are angry wait until November when the people run to the polls to cleanse their state of the lying dems. Indiana, West Virginia, Florida, Missouri, Montana and many more are going to throw their dem senators to the ash heap of history. The whole thing is blowing up in the Dems face. In the next month America will realize how much of a liar this good doctor was and how she was used by her liberal party. Now the MSM will not break the news of her agenda but the truth will get out. Intelligent people figured this out two weeks ago.