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Democrats demand investigation

FBI investigates, finds nothing

This investigation is a sham!!!

And "people who tried to reach out weren't taken seriously" is code for "we tried to flood the FBI with false leads to track down and they blew them off"
Wasn't the FBI a sham a few months ago for criticizing Trump?
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Says the guy who is so mad at a post in a message board that he had to respond not once but twice to it within 10 minutes.

It's like everyone is just waiting for an anti-conservative post to pounce on. My post was responded to by 6 different people within 5 minutes on a Thurs morning.

Relax, everyone. Yes, Democrats are petty and conniving. Republicans are arrogant with a false sense of moral superiority. Everybody just needs to get over themselves.

Its not false. Its a superior set of beliefs . Carry on .
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Wasn't the FBI a sham a few months ago for criticizing Trump?
I think there are people in the FBI who clearly conspired to hinder Trump before and after his election.

I also think this FBI investigation was a sham in the sense that everyone knew from the beginning that, no matter the scope and time given, it would never turn up anything more than the Senate hearings (i.e. nothing)

So, I'm not relying on the FBI investigation as any proof or disproof for my position on Kavanaugh. BUT, the Democrats were doing exactly that one week ago. Remember when every Senator started their questioning by asking Kavanaugh to personally ask for an FBI investigation? And how Flake agreed to a one week investigation upon "counsel" with Democratic Senators?

So, no, there's no hypocrisy from me because I didn't GAF about the investigation to begin with. Try to keep up, it's really not that hard
I think there are people in the FBI who clearly conspired to hinder Trump before and after his election.

I also think this FBI investigation was a sham in the sense that everyone knew from the beginning that, no matter the scope and time given, it would never turn up anything more than the Senate hearings (i.e. nothing)

So, I'm not relying on the FBI investigation as any proof or disproof for my position on Kavanaugh. BUT, the Democrats were doing exactly that one week ago. Remember when every Senator started their questioning by asking Kavanaugh to personally ask for an FBI investigation? And how Flake agreed to a one week investigation upon "counsel" with Democratic Senators?

So, no, there's no hypocrisy from me because I didn't GAF about the investigation to begin with. Try to keep up, it's really not that hard
That's fair
Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.

Had Hillary won as expected you guys could have Garland or virtually anyone else you wanted. The left thought that this seat and a liberal majority on the court were theirs. Then Trump happened and he got to pick the new justice. The left would have tried to destroy any conservative justice Trump named. As far as moral superiority goes, the GOP has never tried to destroy the character of a liberal nominee the way the dems have done to Bork, Thomas and Kavanaugh.
She may, in fact, be credible but that doesn't mean she is correct. Ask any police officer and they will confirm that by far the least accurate testimony is 'eye witness'. People see and believe what they want to believe and see. Way too many holes in her story of many things that she can't remember but knows '100%' that it was Kavanaugh who assaulted her even though not a single shred of evidence backs up her claim? I believe that it's entirely possible that SOMETHING happened to her and, if so, I hope she gets the help she needs and the perpetrator is found. However, there is NOTHING to suggest it was Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh has been vetted by the FBI SEVEN times now and this just happens to come up now? Isn't the US Federal Court of Appeals the second highest court in the land? And, hasn't he served admirably on this distinguished court without a hint of scandal or personal failure? How is it that, conveniently, 'witnesses' come out of the weeds later than the last minute to try to stop his appointment to the SCOTUS? I think anyone with half a brain knows what is happening here. I am not a staunch Republican by any means and did not vote for Trump until I was left with Hillary as the only opposing candidate. But, this is a disgrace what the Democrats are doing.

I completely disagree with your last paragraph. The Democrats are desperate and it doesn't matter who Trump nominates, they were NEVER EVER going to vote to approve. Unless Trump nominates a far left liberal judge, the Democrats are not going to vote 'yes'. Their only hope is to delay until mid-term elections are held and take back the Senate. God help us if they do. The far, far left faction of the party is determining policy and strategy way too much for my comfort. Impeaching Trump just because you don't like him is a dangerous precedent and is generally only found in 3rd world countries.

Finally, how many of us would stand up to the intense scrutiny displayed in Kavanaugh's case if someone from 35 years ago accused us of sexual assault? It's impossible to prove a negative (i.e., I didn't do something) but that's what the Democrats and the media are requiring of Kavanaugh. It's a sham and purely political. And, some of the Democrats throwing the most stones have very questionable events in their past that the media is conveniently ignoring. Shame on all of those making a mockery of this process. I disagree with Ruth Bader Ginsberg on almost every major issue but she was confirmed 96-3 and has publicly stated that this confirmation is a disgrace. I couldn't agree more.

This a very well thought out rebuttal. Thank you.

I don't agree with all of it, but I appreciate that you actually discussed the issue rather than resorting to just calling Democrats stupid.

I'm not registered as a Repulican or Democrat. I've voted both ways in the last few elections, so I guess that would make me a moderate or independent. I agree that the Democrats have created this mess for political reasons (to try to protect Roe v Wade mainly), but I just don't like Kavanaugh and the way he carries himself. That might make me petty, but I'm just not a fan of his.

That said, that doesn't mean he is guilty of sexual assault. It also doesn't mean he's not. We'll likely never know.
Yep, I'm just an idiot because I don't agree with you. Solid take.

I'm willing to listen, why don't you tell me how you know Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth. If you believe something without evidence then you may be an idiot. And yes that is a solid take.

Do you believe in innocent until proven guilty or are you a guilty until proven innocent type Democrat?
Had Hillary won as expected you guys could have Garland or virtually anyone else you wanted. The left thought that this seat and a liberal majority on the court were theirs. Then Trump happened and he got to pick the new justice. The left would have tried to destroy any conservative justice Trump named. As far as moral superiority goes, the GOP has never tried to destroy the character of a liberal nominee the way the dems have done to Bork, Thomas and Kavanaugh.

That's fair, and I appreciate the thoughtful response as opposed to personal attacks.

For the record, I'm not registered Republican or Democrat, just a natural contrarian.
Says the guy who is so mad at a post in a message board that he had to respond not once but twice to it within 10 minutes.

It's like everyone is just waiting for an anti-conservative post to pounce on. My post was responded to by 6 different people within 5 minutes on a Thurs morning.

Relax, everyone. Yes, Democrats are petty and conniving. Republicans are arrogant with a false sense of moral superiority. Everybody just needs to get over themselves.
What a shock, people responding ON A MESSAGE BOARD. Lol
Says the guy who is so mad at a post in a message board that he had to respond not once but twice to it within 10 minutes.

It's like everyone is just waiting for an anti-conservative post to pounce on. My post was responded to by 6 different people within 5 minutes on a Thurs morning.

Relax, everyone. Yes, Democrats are petty and conniving. Republicans are arrogant with a false sense of moral superiority. Everybody just needs to get over themselves.
I’ll say it again...... us posting on a random forum in a random thread on a random sports message board in NO WAY equates to the real life hatred and violence you and your elected officials are demonstrating in the real world on a daily basis.

Speaking of faux moral superiority....... get over yourself and get your head out of your ass.
Aside from one of Flake and Co not voting, everyone is expecting Kav to get in. And the Dems only hurt themselves for November as Republican turnout is on the rise.

.. if you just would have not been little shits, you might have only taken one loss. But now, this might be one of the biggest political victories in some time. Not to mention, no one is going to put up with this nonsense when RBG goes. Can't keep crying wolf.
I'm willing to listen, why don't you tell me how you know Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth. If you believe something without evidence then you may be an idiot. And yes that is a solid take.

Do you believe in innocent until proven guilty or are you a guilty until proven innocent type Democrat?

I didn't say I believed her. I said she was credible, and she was/is. There's a difference, but I don't have to tell you because you're much smarter than me.

Do I think she is lying? No, I don't. Do I think she could be misremembering some things? Sure. We'll likely never know either way.

Oh, and if you immediately think people are stupid because they don't think the same way you do, then you may be an asshole. And yes, that's a solid take.
I didn't say I believed her. I said she was credible, and she was/is. There's a difference, but I don't have to tell you because you're much smarter than me.

Do I think she is lying? No, I don't. Do I think she could be misremembering some things? Sure. We'll likely never know either way.

That's the most retarded thing I've ever read.

The definition of "credible" literally is "able to be believed; convincing".

She isn't credible at all. Her story is not believable. There isn't a shred of evidence and it is full of inconsistencies.
What a shock, people responding ON A MESSAGE BOARD. Lol

Oh, is that what this website is for? I had no idea. I guess I am stupid after all. Damn.

I was commenting on the speed with which the responses came, not that they came at all. I just picture you guys hitting F5 in this thread just waiting for something to get all riled up about. It's funny to me as I try to ignore the work that I'm supposed to be doing right now.
Do you really think that she was lying? Literally nobody except the most irrational people saw her testimony and thought she was lying. Every Republican senator and even Trump said she was credible.

Face it, Kavanaugh is a smarmy, creepy douche. I can't understand why he continues to get pushed when there are plenty of other qualified conservative judges who can fly through confirmation and still achieve the same result in the end...overturning Roe v. Wade.
I do. I think she is a liberal activist and since when has a liberal activist told the truth. The truth is not in them. Like I said and it needs to be repeated, BK and any Supreme Court nominee who is seen as a threat to this sacred right of women to kill a baby in their womb will be destroyed. Male or female they will be attacked and destroyed. Your side has destroyed Kavanaugh and now we go to the next one. Trump may nominate Judge Barrett if some one can wake up Ginsberg and tell her she is the walking dead. . Watch them go after Barrett and destroy her.

The poor little "doctor" will be exposed as a liar, if one will open their eyes they will understand She will be fortunate not to be tried for perjury. She lied in front of a Senate committee. Many times. But she still has her liberal lapdogs and media to cover for her so I doubt anything will come of it. Democrats have a "Liar's Club" card and that gives them a pass.
Oh, is that what this website is for? I had no idea. I guess I am stupid after all. Damn.

I was commenting on the speed with which the responses came, not that they came at all. I just picture you guys hitting F5 in this thread just waiting for something to get all riled up about. It's funny to me as I try to ignore the work that I'm supposed to be doing right now.

Far be it from a political expert.. but today *might* be kind of important. I'm gonna guess that traffic to the Political Forum here might be sort of high.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever read.

The definition of "credible" literally is "able to be believed; convincing".

She isn't credible at all. Her story is not believable. There isn't a shred of evidence and it is full of inconsistencies.

Congratulations on your googling skills to get that definition.

I know you're not this stupid, but I'll spell it out for you anyway.

Plenty of things can be believable ("able to be believed") without evidence. That doesn't mean it's true, just that it's believable.
Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Kavanaugh a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same? Lose the smug former frat boy douche and just pick another equally qualified conservative judge.

Or is this just for spite now?

Before 2 weeks ago, the biggest negative they were saying about Kavanaugh's personal life was that he liked basketball too much. Kavanaugh wasnt even the guy I wanted Trump to choose, but Im glad Trump and the rest of the GOP have decided this is a hill they're willing to die on.

This is just about principles and not cowering down to an obvious smear tactic.
I didn't say I believed her. I said she was credible, and she was/is. There's a difference, but I don't have to tell you because you're much smarter than me.

Do I think she is lying? No, I don't. Do I think she could be misremembering some things? Sure. We'll likely never know either way.

Oh, and if you immediately think people are stupid because they don't think the same way you do, then you may be an asshole. And yes, that's a solid take.

What was credible?
Before 2 weeks ago, the biggest negative they were saying about Kavanaugh's personal life was that he liked basketball too much. Kavanaugh wasnt even the guy I wanted Trump to choose, but Im glad Trump and the rest of the GOP have decided this is a hill they're willing to die on.

This is just about principles and not cowering down to an obvious smear tactic.

That's fair, and I get it.

You're right that Democrats would likely do this with any nominee, so if this is the time for Republicans to make a stand, then I can understand that.

I just don't like BK. Rubs me the wrong way.

Thanks for actually answering the original question.
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Wasn't the FBI a sham a few months ago for criticizing Trump?

I dont think too many on the right are trying to hold the FBI up to be this great thing now cause of the investigation. I think most people on the right have gone about this entire FBI thing as

Why is everyone on the left screaming for an FBI investigation when 25 years ago Biden made a huge statement going out of his way to say how little the FBI can really do in a situation like this.

They already have sworn affidavits by everyone in question, that is basically all the FBI can do in this situation. When it was announced they were going to do the investigation, many people on the right just said it was pointless and nothing is going to come from it, but if that is the hill the left was going to die on, then so be it, have the investigation.
That's fair, and I get it.

You're right that Democrats would likely do this with any nominee, so if this is the time for Republicans to make a stand, then I can understand that.

I just don't like BK. Rubs me the wrong way.

Thanks for actually answering the original question.

So we don't allow people you don't like on the Supreme Court? I bet you don't like Clarence Thomas either. Tell us, who do you like?
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So we don't allow people you don't like on the Supreme Court? I bet you don't like Clarence Thomas either. Tell us, who do you like?

Really? Who's being dense now?

Like I have any bearing on who ends up on the Supreme Court, lol.

I don't like Tom Crean, so I would never want him to be our coach. Does that matter to anyone at UK? No. It's just my opinion. Nothing more.

We're done here.
Congratulations on your googling skills to get that definition.

I know you're not this stupid, but I'll spell it out for you anyway.

Plenty of things can be believable ("able to be believed") without evidence. That doesn't mean it's true, just that it's believable.

Where would you like me to get the literal definition of a word for you? Do you keep a paper copy of a dictionary nearby? Jesus.

You lefties and your fairy tails.
This a very well thought out rebuttal. Thank you.

I don't agree with all of it, but I appreciate that you actually discussed the issue rather than resorting to just calling Democrats stupid.

I'm not registered as a Repulican or Democrat. I've voted both ways in the last few elections, so I guess that would make me a moderate or independent. I agree that the Democrats have created this mess for political reasons (to try to protect Roe v Wade mainly), but I just don't like Kavanaugh and the way he carries himself. That might make me petty, but I'm just not a fan of his.

That said, that doesn't mean he is guilty of sexual assault. It also doesn't mean he's not. We'll likely never know.
More importantly, it doesn't disqualify him from being appointed to the court.
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Where would you like me to get the literal definition of a word for you? Do you keep a paper copy of a dictionary nearby? Jesus.

You lefties and your fairy tails.

No, jackass, I have a vocabulary and know what some words mean without having to look them up.

And I'm not a lefty or a righty. But you're a douchebag.
What is credible about her allegation?

Once no one could be found to back it up, the credibility was lost. She should’ve never been able to testify before the senate judiciary, and wouldn’t have if Feinstein hadn’t waited to leak it. Which is exactly why she did, she knew if it was looked into it would fall apart, so she was hoping simply the accusation would torpedo the nomination.

It’s f*cking ridiculous that the Dems operate that way, it makes a mockery of our Govt.
Do you know what the word "literal" means?

It means if I'm going to give you the literal definition, I'm going to tell you what's actually in the dictionary, you goddam dunce.

Hmm, I think so.

Let me try.

I literally want you to GFY. As in go find a quiet place and see if you can contort your body into that position.

Yep, I think I got it.
The economy is soaring, China is on its heels economically, about to confirm a Conservative majority to the Supreme Court, looking more and more likely that the GOP actually gains seats in the Senate, Mueller investigation is turning up nothing of substance against Trump, etc.

So what do our resident liberals post? One tweet/macro image a week from Facebook that basically says Trump is a meany pants with bad hair
They got the bad hair right.
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