How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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US weekly jobless claims drop to a near 49-year low.
  • The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to a near 49-year low last week.
  • The data pointed to sustained labor market strength, which should continue to underpin economic growth.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 207,000 for the week ended Sept. 29, the Labor Department said on Thursday.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
Social media libs running with the "Well, he's a liar, he's not fit".

Look at the way the dems forced him to lie. The dude had to deny drinking because they were going to make the argument that if he can't remember every night of drinking, then he must have raped her.

If he had admitted to imbibing alcohol, he would have been thrown out.

Just absurd.
So its cool for the left to trash the FBI again?

LOL. So the White House told the FBI how to conduct their investigation. The same FBI that is on a mission to get Trump out of office. An FBI headed up by a corrupt Justice Department with Jeff Sessions as Director. The next time Sessions listens to Trump will be the first time. He would do anything to get rid of Trump.

So now the FBI is carrying the water for Mr. Trump. Sure
Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Kavanaugh a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same? Lose the smug former frat boy douche and just pick another equally qualified conservative judge.

Or is this just for spite now?
How can you take anything a Democrat says about "sexual assault" serious. Their heroes are Ted Kennedy, and Bill Clinton. Their current super stars are people like the black senator from New Jersey who wrote in a book, bragging about his escapades with the female sex. Another one from Minnesota beat the hell out of his girlfriend and nothing will be done. He is now running for Attorney General of Minnesota. No problem. I guess his Muslim faith protects him from beating up a woman since after all, she is his property.

The sad thing about "sexual assault" is the political part of it. If you are a liberal, Democrat you will have cover from the news media, your fellow party members will keep it hush hush and all is well.

BK is being destroyed because liberals have to protect their core value. That being the killing of babies in the womb. That is the issue for a Democrat. Kill that baby. If there is any threat to this you are going to be destroyed no matter who you are. Sexual assault is the easy way to go because most liberal women think nothing of lying under oath to destroy a person they do not agree with politically. When you have a friendly media or press it is so easy.

Do you really think that she was lying? Literally nobody except the most irrational people saw her testimony and thought she was lying. Every Republican senator and even Trump said she was credible.

Face it, Kavanaugh is a smarmy, creepy douche. I can't understand why he continues to get pushed when there are plenty of other qualified conservative judges who can fly through confirmation and still achieve the same result in the end...overturning Roe v. Wade.
Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Kavanaugh a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same? Lose the smug former frat boy douche and just pick another equally qualified conservative judge.

Or is this just for spite now?
Because the next one will have similar ridiculous charges leveled against them. This was nothing more than trying to delay until after the midterms, hope the Dems take the Senate and the hopefully win the Presidency in 2020 to get their nominee in. If you don’t know that, you haven’t been listening to the Dems themselves.

This is gonna backfire it looks like for Dems in states Trump won.
Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Kavanaugh a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same? Lose the smug former frat boy douche and just pick another equally qualified conservative judge.

Or is this just for spite now?
Because they will make up stories about the next equally qualified judge and on and on and on.

This is obvious to everyone except Democrats and "moderates" who just can't figure out why the Republicans have to have Kavanaugh.

Replace Kavanaugh with Barrett and when they accuse her of calling someone the n-word in the mid-80s you'll be here asking, "Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Barrett a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior racism that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same?"

No one is stupid enough to fall for the faux-moderate just pick another one BS.
Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same?

There are zero non radical leftist judges Trump could nominate who could avoid sexual misconduct allegations.

You fringe lunatics convinced yourselves he's going to overturn Roe v Wade (contrary to all existing evidence) and made up sexual assault allegation (completely unsupported by any evidence) to torpedo an honorable man's career.

So maybe it's spite at this point. Maybe it's not wanting you radical lunatics to win with your radical lunatic bullshit made up allegations. Maybe, just maybe if you're unsuccessful with your lies and get trounced in November, you'll think twice before you continue using and abusing women while ruining their lives for sport.
Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Kavanaugh a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same? Lose the smug former frat boy douche and just pick another equally qualified conservative judge.

Or is this just for spite now?

This would have happened no matter who was picked. To pretend you don’t know that is naive.
Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Kavanaugh a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same? Lose the smug former frat boy douche and just pick another equally qualified conservative judge.

Or is this just for spite now?

1.) Your summary of this guy is 100 percent formed and given to you by the media. You would have negative views of whoever conservatives nominate due to how the left will portray them.

2.) No way in hell should conservatives allow the left to destroy a man with bogus lies because they have already tried this tactic three times in less than two years against the right. You don’t throw him away and let the left keep doing what they always do.

This is simply about abortion for the left because their two biggest accomplishments the last 50 years was due to legislating through the SCOTUS: abortion and gay marriage.

The left narrowly got birthright citizenship through the SCOTUS as well. Your entire BS for power has come through this court.

Anyone who helped push the Russia nonsense deserves to go to jail.
Oh I so wish Justice in this nation was real. We know it is a joke. The media and press will once again be summoned to cover up, refuse to report and smear the opposition. If one person involved in this national disgrace has to face the music I will be shocked. Look at this board. Our liberal friends are all in and truth is not important and anything justifies the criminal activity of a corrupt FBI and Justice Department. Just so we get those evil Republicans who don't agree with killing babies in the womb. If you want to be liked by a Dem or "progressive" endorse killing babies.
Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Kavanaugh a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same? Lose the smug former frat boy douche and just pick another equally qualified conservative judge.

Or is this just for spite now?

My first thought ? Because conservatives dont use and discard people the way liberals do . That is exactly why.
How much goddam Wampum is she making that a $50,000 "entry error" can fly under the radar?
Her Wampum is being a Democrat Progressive Socialist leaning Commie. That will get you far in Mass and with the media. She is seen as the virgin Indian princess every cowboy wants to take back to the barn. Being on the plains for 6 months will do that to you.
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"Whispers of prior sexual misconduct"

GTFO with that bullshit. If that's all it takes to derail a man, his career, his family, and his life then we are doomed. It's not out of spite......It's a GD line in the sand. Most sane Americans are pretty f'n sick of seeing the left sink to the bottom - and trying to take American values with it - in order to acquire/maintain power.

You and your elected officials used the power of the Presidency to direct the intelligence community to spy on and set up and American citizen running for President in order to get your party's nominee elected.

You and your elected officials continued to use that power in an attempt at a soft coup to oust a duly elected POTUS once your nominee lost.

You and your elected officials ramp up rhetoric to the point you have people rioting in the streets, screaming into the air, shooting up republicans, sending poisonous substances to republican officials, burning down/vandalizing republican headquarters, accosting republican officials in public (and even on their own private property) to the point they now require security just to walk around, and threatening republican officials and their families on a minute by minute basis on social media.

You and your elected officials are f'ing disgusting. So pardon us for drawing a line in the sand over uncorroborated "whispers of sexual misconduct" with ZERO GD evidence to back it up.

You and your party are unhinged lunatics.
Why are Republicans hitching their wagons to this Kavanaugh a-hole? Are you telling me there aren't 10 other judges that don't have whispers of prior sexual misconduct that could overturn Roe v. Wade just the same? Lose the smug former frat boy douche and just pick another equally qualified conservative judge.

Or is this just for spite now?
You can't be serious? Start all over again when you are at the voting stage? Democrats will find more people to come forward and lie for whom ever they chose and drag that one out. That is what they want. There are no consequences for lying under oath anymore it seems because Hillary and the left have been doing it for years now and still no one goes to prison except Weiner.
Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.
Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.
Angry? Probably but, it is because of the ignorance or just the corrupt attitude displayed by you and people like you who seem to have no morals at all. Knowing fully well that this was just a sham way to try and derail the vote of a good man to the Supreme Court. You stoop to levels that should be beneath people who claim to be intelligent and tolerant. You are just a bunch of disgusting lowlifes who want to destroy a country built on morals and hard work.
Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.

Who says we need to move away from him? There's no "pushing" as far as this voter is concerned.

According to the investigation, he's innocent. If this was a true court case, he'd be innocent as well. Dems are looking for technicalities at this point, ones that would probably keep any of THEIR SC nominees out as well.

I'm not going to bail on Kav because the Dems forced his hand to lie about drinking 30 years ago. Sorry.
Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.
It has nothing to do with being too far along in the process. Learn to read. It has to do with nipping this tactic in the bud. Let me explain again, slowly. The GOP could pull the Kavanaugh nomination and nominate another conservative and this exact same thing will happen and it will continue to happen until the Democrats have control of the White House and the Senate again. If they pull his nomination when there is literally zero evidence that the allegations are true, it provides the Democrats with a strategy that can literally undermine any nomination of any kind. Just have someone say he's a rapist and, boom, it's over.

It's very convenient that you get to make up things about someone and then just casually use that as a disqualifier.

Also, the Garland thing was procedural. This is orchestrating a smear campaign to ruin a man's life. Kind of a big difference to everyone who doesn't just think this is a game to be won.

You really can't be this stupid. You're into Plantinumdumb or Copkilla territory with this
Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.
Yeah, republicans actively tried to ruin a life and career? Shut up. We simply played the game your party came up with (minus the ruination).

Angry? You're GD right. It's time we start fighting anger and nastiness with anger and nastiness. We are tired of your stupid f'ing tantrums and tactics. It's not about simply ruining lives in order to maintain power anymore...... you are on the verge of getting people killed. Either do your part to get your party under control or expect us sane Americans to start standing up.
The liberals don’t post here anymore do they?
The economy is soaring, China is on its heels economically, about to confirm a Conservative majority to the Supreme Court, looking more and more likely that the GOP actually gains seats in the Senate, Mueller investigation is turning up nothing of substance against Trump, etc.

So what do our resident liberals post? One tweet/macro image a week from Facebook that basically says Trump is a meany pants with bad hair
Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.
You and your elected officials ramp up rhetoric to the point you have people rioting in the streets, screaming into the air, shooting up republicans, sending poisonous substances to republican officials, burning down/vandalizing republican headquarters, accosting republican officials in public (and even on their own private property) to the point they now require security just to walk around, and threatening republican officials and their families on a minute by minute basis on social media.

Tell us again who the angry people are.........
Do you really think that she was lying? Literally nobody except the most irrational people saw her testimony and thought she was lying. Every Republican senator and even Trump said she was credible.

Face it, Kavanaugh is a smarmy, creepy douche. I can't understand why he continues to get pushed when there are plenty of other qualified conservative judges who can fly through confirmation and still achieve the same result in the end...overturning Roe v. Wade.

She may, in fact, be credible but that doesn't mean she is correct. Ask any police officer and they will confirm that by far the least accurate testimony is 'eye witness'. People see and believe what they want to believe and see. Way too many holes in her story of many things that she can't remember but knows '100%' that it was Kavanaugh who assaulted her even though not a single shred of evidence backs up her claim? I believe that it's entirely possible that SOMETHING happened to her and, if so, I hope she gets the help she needs and the perpetrator is found. However, there is NOTHING to suggest it was Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh has been vetted by the FBI SEVEN times now and this just happens to come up now? Isn't the US Federal Court of Appeals the second highest court in the land? And, hasn't he served admirably on this distinguished court without a hint of scandal or personal failure? How is it that, conveniently, 'witnesses' come out of the weeds later than the last minute to try to stop his appointment to the SCOTUS? I think anyone with half a brain knows what is happening here. I am not a staunch Republican by any means and did not vote for Trump until I was left with Hillary as the only opposing candidate. But, this is a disgrace what the Democrats are doing.

I completely disagree with your last paragraph. The Democrats are desperate and it doesn't matter who Trump nominates, they were NEVER EVER going to vote to approve. Unless Trump nominates a far left liberal judge, the Democrats are not going to vote 'yes'. Their only hope is to delay until mid-term elections are held and take back the Senate. God help us if they do. The far, far left faction of the party is determining policy and strategy way too much for my comfort. Impeaching Trump just because you don't like him is a dangerous precedent and is generally only found in 3rd world countries.

Finally, how many of us would stand up to the intense scrutiny displayed in Kavanaugh's case if someone from 35 years ago accused us of sexual assault? It's impossible to prove a negative (i.e., I didn't do something) but that's what the Democrats and the media are requiring of Kavanaugh. It's a sham and purely political. And, some of the Democrats throwing the most stones have very questionable events in their past that the media is conveniently ignoring. Shame on all of those making a mockery of this process. I disagree with Ruth Bader Ginsberg on almost every major issue but she was confirmed 96-3 and has publicly stated that this confirmation is a disgrace. I couldn't agree more.
Man, you guys are angry. Yes, let's just push somebody through who will sit on the SCOTUS for 30 years because we're too far along in the process.

Like the Republicans didn't do the exact same thing the summer before the 2016 election. Spare me the moral superiority. It's laughable.

Do you believe Ball Z?

I just want to measure how low your IQ is.
.By the way when idiots like yourself want to take us back to pre-Charlemagne that kind of makes us angry.
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Let's be real.. I'm a guy, never been raped, so I have no idea what obstacles women face when reporting rape or sexual assault.
You and your elected officials ramp up rhetoric to the point you have people rioting in the streets, screaming into the air, shooting up republicans, sending poisonous substances to republican officials, burning down/vandalizing republican headquarters, accosting republican officials in public (and even on their own private property) to the point they now require security just to walk around, and threatening republican officials and their families on a minute by minute basis on social media.

Tell us again who the angry people are.........

Says the guy who is so mad at a post in a message board that he had to respond not once but twice to it within 10 minutes.

It's like everyone is just waiting for an anti-conservative post to pounce on. My post was responded to by 6 different people within 5 minutes on a Thurs morning.

Relax, everyone. Yes, Democrats are petty and conniving. Republicans are arrogant with a false sense of moral superiority. Everybody just needs to get over themselves.