How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Yes but in less than 24 hours we have found that the elevator scene was fake and that Ford had pictures with the man Kavanaugh was is the middle of impeaching.

You really think they won’t find more stuff to discredit this whole charade? That is my point it’s the charade that will be brought to light not Kavanaugh because I genuinely think he is honest here.

Nobody but Fox will cover....if that is really Dr. Ford.
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Democrats never "move on". They are not interested in a "criminal trial". They want to totally destroy any Supreme Court nominee they oppose. They have destroyed Kavanaugh's reputation and even if he does make it to the Supreme Court (which is looking more doubtful each passing hour) he will be labeled a drunken rapist and there is no chance he can get his reputation back. Not one.

Democrats are vicious and have no conscious or shame. They destroy their opposition and protect their own. If any judge or politician is a threat to their most precious core value, that being a woman has the right to kill a baby in her womb or for some even after birth, that person must be destroyed and they will do anything and go as lows as it takes to do it.. Period end of sentence.

They are still talking about Anita Hill.

Rambo was asking about her in this hearing.
Yes but in less than 24 hours we have found that the elevator scene was fake and that Ford had pictures with the man Kavanaugh was is the middle of impeaching.

You really think they won’t find more stuff to discredit this whole charade? That is my point it’s the charade that will be brought to light not Kavanaugh because I genuinely think he is honest here.
You speak as though facts matter, and as if this were an honest process.

You all act like votes can’t be lost by dismissing this situation and carelessly ramming it through.

A lot of female voters would be lost had Flake had the balls to stand up to this and vote yes no matter what. So unintentionally republicans are gaining here at the voting booth next month by not losing votes!

And as time goes on if more of the charade is exposed, on Facebook or twitter, then people who see regardless of CNN reports it.
I'm not a world-class sex crimes prosecutor from Arizona. Why wasn't Dr. Ford, henceforth known as ballsey, pressed more on how she got home after the party, how she contacted someone to pick her up after the seems that wasn't covered enough.
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Because no one thought any of this would happen.

Repubs treated it as if this was child’s play and after Thursday they would be voting regardless so they didn’t care. That lady was answering emotion based questions while Kavanaugh was expected to remember his yearbook posts from 30 years ago to a T.
That isn’t Dr Ford in the pic with Clinton, it’s the Senator from NY. Having said that, the point being made remains, the whole thing is a sham.
Flake wants to be adored like McCain was after voting no on Obamacare. I’m sure he holds Trump personally responsible for only being a 1 term Senator.
This has moved beyond simply the SCOTUS, the Dems want to hold this out until after the election to energize their base to vote.
The Reps want him confirmed, but if he gets voted down they want it before the election in order to fire up their base.
TRump doesn't have to agree with the demand. HE can tell Mitch to **** off and hold the vote.

Yes but in less than 24 hours we have found that the elevator scene was fake and that Ford had pictures with the man Kavanaugh was is the middle of impeaching.

You really think they won’t find more stuff to discredit this whole charade? That is my point it’s the charade that will be brought to light not Kavanaugh because I genuinely think he is honest here.

None of that matters when the media hides it from the average moron who can vote.
Trump: as many as 22 allegations of sexual misconduct as of May 2018

Moore: 9 accusers come forward right before his election

Kavanaugh: As many as 5 have came forward, but 3 really being hammered on right before he’s going to be confirmed

The playbook is the size of a Bill Curry playbook. And even in some bizzaro world where all of these accusers were telling the truth, the fact that anyone thinks these Dems care is hilarious. They sit on allegations for months if needed and unleash them at 0 hour. It’s all political to them. They use these women for their own gain.
Then once they get the result they wanted, you never hear from them again.
Sounds like they're gonna investigate the other classmate's claim as well. I say good, let's find out who's lying.
I would be interested in hearing some women's opinions on the matter.

Just to know how many of them have descended into madness.

I have 6 aunts and 14 female cousins and not one believe her. Every one of them asked me if I remember how many girls me and my friends had around and we weren’t stars on the basketball or football team.

We always had parties every weekend, and tried everyday during the summer. Touching a boob would have been the least of the issues we had if people started digging into us.

Just a reality in high school honestly.
Yes but in less than 24 hours we have found that the elevator scene was fake and that Ford had pictures with the man Kavanaugh was is the middle of impeaching.

You really think they won’t find more stuff to discredit this whole charade? That is my point it’s the charade that will be brought to light not Kavanaugh because I genuinely think he is honest here.
You are giving the FBI lot of credit here. The same FBI that was involved with framing Trump? I admire your positive thinking, but I am not sure they can be trusted.
I trust the FBI zero. I don't know how anyone could trust the FBI right now.

Obama corrupted the government. He placed activist all over the courts and has destroyed the DOJ. The FBI has never been more untrustworthy.

This isn't rogue. Obama had everything ready for the next Democrat to take full power. Remember when Obama came into office? You had zero of this. The liberals are ready to take absolute power and we still play politics like everyone isn't evil and its 1992. I hope graham catching on finally will get everyone a clear understanding of this.
Yes but in less than 24 hours we have found that the elevator scene was fake and that Ford had pictures with the man Kavanaugh was is the middle of impeaching.

You really think they won’t find more stuff to discredit this whole charade? That is my point it’s the charade that will be brought to light not Kavanaugh because I genuinely think he is honest here.
But that doesn't matter. Kavanaugh is "Borked". Truth be damned. We are talking Democrats and Democrats are not interested in justice or truth. They want power and control. They advance their agenda through the court systems. They know they can not pass legislation so they file lawsuits and go to the court. It is very important to have the courts stacked in their favor.

Judge Kavanaugh has a stain thanks to their evil ways and the media certainly is not going to publish the truth of what is going on. They won this one whether or not he gets to sit on the Supreme Court. Justice Thomas sits on the court but thanks to what Democrats did to him half of the nation thinks he sexually harassed a little innocent black lady and is evil. Democrats have this figured out. When it is going against them, drag in one of their feminist and dare anybody to challenge her. A conservative politician can not speak ill of a woman. A woman wins that one every time. Look at the way she was treated. The Repubs were so afraid they would not question her. This nominee is ruined and so is his family and two small daughters. It is criminal what they did to him. But that does not stop them because they have the press and they have women who will scream and yell and make grown men tremble in their shoes. Truth will not change that. They just dig in deeper and find another "scandal"
I trust the FBI zero. I don't know how anyone could trust the FBI right now.

Obama corrupted the government. He placed activist all over the courts and has destroyed the DOJ. The FBI has never been more untrustworthy.

This isn't rogue. Obama had everything ready for the next Democrat to take full power. Remember when Obama came into office? You had zero of this. The liberals are ready to take absolute power and we still play politics like everyone isn't evil and its 1992. I hope graham catching on finally will get everyone a clear understanding of this.

The issue is they did it with politics. What’s more important getting Kavanaugh in or continuing to control the house/senate?

It’s that simple. If they rammed this through then we lose control because so many would have been turned off......that’s what the dems were playing for. They weren’t expecting the investigation to take place and that’s why they were so confused by how it happened!
This is politics.......and as soon as the deadline is up the FBI should be given a hard 2 hour deadline to produce statements and the vote should be had at 130 on Friday Oct 5....

First off, I like you as a poster and the other thread is inconsequential. I shouldn't have brought it up.

But, the Republicans disappointing me and UK football disappointing me have about the same odds. Occasional highs, but a whole lot of lows.

How many delays did we have last week alone?

They could have met closed door in California.

They could have met Monday.

They could have voted at 9:30 yesterday.

That's not the last delay.

The dems aren't waiting for any FBI report. They don't care what's in it. The report is only the mechanism to set up the next step in the flow chart. It buys them time to pivot to something else.

They are only interested in keeping him off the court. This is not free flowing. Do you think that they haven't thought of all the scenarios of what the next move will be?
The next move is simple. The FBI will say they aren't done and the democrats will say it must continue until the investigation is complete. There will be more allegations by activist designed to keep him off the court.

I believe 100% Ford is a liar. I can't believe anyone finds her credible. Her story is bullshit, that's why she's not naming times and places. She doesn't want the lie to have any doubt. It's just a witch hunt.

This is nonsense and conservatives just showed how politics will be played from this point foward. And we allow them to set the table everytime out of fear.
They have a scope, unlike Mueller!

If you believe the one week scope I don’t know what to tell you other than you’re wrong and you’ve hung around here, you know better.

The scope for the FBI is find *anything* so Flake, who is Beelzebub, can say “hmmmm this is troubling, we need more time”

It’s as sure as the sun rising.

Edit: sorry @morgousky didnt make it to your post, same thing.
I guess part of what I’m getting at is the FBI’s scope is “YOURE F*CKED”......when’s the last time the FBI (not your local branch, at Deep State level) said “you know what, we’re good! Everything’s good! Thanks for your time! Help yourself to the candy dish at Pamela’s desk on your way out. Be well!!!!1”

Related side note: the left and the media do know how much they are motivating MAGA’s base, correct? I mean, they are horrific people.

If you believe the one week scope I don’t know what to tell you other than you’re wrong and you’ve hung around here, you know better.

The scope for the FBI is find *anything* so Flake, who is Beelzebub, can say “hmmmm this is troubling, we need more time”

It’s as sure as the sun rising.

Edit: sorry @morgousky didnt make it to your post, same thing.

Hey it’s what it is.
I guess part of what I’m getting at is the FBI’s scope is “YOURE F*CKED”......when’s the last time the FBI (not your local branch, at Deep State level) said “you know what, we’re good! Everything’s good! Thanks for your time! Help yourself to the candy dish at Pamela’s desk on your way out. Be well!!!!1”

Related side note: the left and the media do know how much they are motivating MAGA’s base, correct? I mean, they are horrific people.

Vote how you want. We count the votes. The Dems
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The issue is they did it with politics. What’s more important getting Kavanaugh in or continuing to control the house/senate?

It’s that simple. If they rammed this through then we lose control because so many would have been turned off......that’s what the dems were playing for. They weren’t expecting the investigation to take place and that’s why they were so confused by how it happened!
I would say getting a conservative on the Supreme Court for life is much more important than having the house and senate. Repubs have the house and senate now and still get tooled by the Dems. They are no match for the Dems even with power. They are much too nice and refined. In fact several Republicans are lock step with the Dems in blocking some of President Trumps agenda. Some want illegals as much as Dems because the GOP is controlled in part by the Chamber of Commerce who is the biggest advocate of illegals. To the GOP the house and senate is like a country club. To the Dems it is like a Nuclear Army they can use to destroy the opposition and maintain power and control.

If the GOP has the House and Senate and many refuse to support the president of their party it profits them nothing. We may as well have a conservative on the bench for life, one that will fight.