How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
One more allegation and they won’t even vote. That’s the point. We might have already lost the battle. Flake is below McCain, a spineless pos.

I hate them more than Nancy Pelosi.

Who says we won’t have a vote?

It’s basically lie this: The FBI has one week to produce something to prove Fords case or the vote happens.

If it isn’t enough time then that’s not the repubs problem, they gave them what they asked for.

The scope is based on the allegation, so finding new stuff isn’t apart of that scope, sorry for ya!

They are giving Flake what he needs today to vote yes next week. That doesn’t change next wee!
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Maybe not his wife but he’s admitted to a sexual assault when he was in high school. Said it all bothered him and whatnot and shaped how he treats women now. I guess Kavanaugh doesn’t get to have a similar revelation early in life IF the accusations Ford was making were even partially true.

Who says we won’t have a vote?

It’s basically lie this: The FBI has one week to produce something to prove Fords case or the vote happens.

If it isn’t enough time then that’s not the repubs problem, they gave them what they asked for.

The scope is based on the allegation, so finding new stuff isn’t apart of that scope, sorry for ya!

They are giving Flake what he needs today to vote yes next week. That doesn’t change next wee!

And if they come out with another allegation, everyone will want to wait longer. Investigate more. Public opinion an change. If you’ve paid attention you know that this is just step two
Guess the Louisville socialists are amateurs at staging fake attacks. Shouldve known not to do it during the kavanaugh hearings. No social media traction.

Guess they'll learn next time
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And if they come out with another allegation, everyone will want to wait longer. Investigate more. Public opinion an change. If you’ve paid attention you know that this is just step two

Disagree, but mainly because I think this will make his statement and documented timelines all more believable.

What a FBI Investigator is asked “Is the enough evidence to possibly bring about a criminal trial” and the investigator says “no” in front of the world it will be time to move on.
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Best read on this possible. Must read. Victor Davis Hanson article.

Google techies planned to massage Internet searches to emphasize correct thinking. A member of the so-called deep state, in an anonymous op-ed, brags that its “resistance” is undermining an elected president. The FBI, CIA, DOJ, and NSC were all weaponized in 2016 to ensure that the proper president would be elected — the choice adjudicated by properly
progressive ideology. Wearing a wire is now redefined as simply flipping on an iPhone and recording your boss, boy- or girlfriend, or co-workers.

Again, the ideological trumps the empirical. “All women must be believed” is the testament, and individuals bow to the collective. Except, as in Orwell’s Animal Farm,there are ideological exceptions — such as Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, Sherrod Brown, and Joe Biden. The slogan of Ford’s psychodrama is “All women must be believed, but some women are more believable than others.” That an assertion becomes fact due to the prevailing ideology and gender of the accuser marks the destruction of our entire system of justice.
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This isn’t and never will be an investigation. This isn't the FBI's jurisdiction. They don't have a sexual assault division.

It's not an "investigation" like most people seem to be thinking. All they're doing is following up on the new allegations to update Kavanaugh's background check. That's it. It's a limited info gathering mission. They aren't investigating to prove innocence or guilt.
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I don't know which I hate the worst. A Godless, lying, liberal democrat, or a gutless, republican like Jeff Flake.... Anyone like Flake that would change their mind at the drop of a hat like he did. Is as worthless as a piece of used toilet paper.

I'll make a prediction. Before this 1 week FBI extension ends, I'll predict that another lying liberal will crawl up out of the sewer that they all live in and will make a false allegation against Judge Kavanaugh. It might be some old whore accusing him of rape, or and my prediction will be that they will pull out their race card and some black person will accuse him of hurling racial slurs at them several years back. Anything to delay.

Like the democrats said when Trump picked Kavanaugh. That they would do what ever it took to keep Kavanaugh of the Court. And here we go. I won't give democrats credit for much, But they sure keep their word this time.
Who says we won’t have a vote?

It’s basically lie this: The FBI has one week to produce something to prove Fords case or the vote happens.

If it isn’t enough time then that’s not the repubs problem, they gave them what they asked for.

The scope is based on the allegation, so finding new stuff isn’t apart of that scope, sorry for ya!

They are giving Flake what he needs today to vote yes next week. That doesn’t change next wee!
Why does Flake need anything? This a conservative Judge, ignore the fact that Trump nominated him, do Republicans want conservative judges or not, that should be the only GD question.
Disagree, but mainly because I think this will make his statement and documented timelines all more believable.

What a FBI Investigator is asked “Is the enough evidence to possibly bring about a criminal trial” and the investigator says “no” in front of the world it will be time to move on.
Democrats never "move on". They are not interested in a "criminal trial". They want to totally destroy any Supreme Court nominee they oppose. They have destroyed Kavanaugh's reputation and even if he does make it to the Supreme Court (which is looking more doubtful each passing hour) he will be labeled a drunken rapist and there is no chance he can get his reputation back. Not one.

Democrats are vicious and have no conscious or shame. They destroy their opposition and protect their own. If any judge or politician is a threat to their most precious core value, that being a woman has the right to kill a baby in her womb or for some even after birth, that person must be destroyed and they will do anything and go as lows as it takes to do it.. Period end of sentence.
Yes but in less than 24 hours we have found that the elevator scene was fake and that Ford had pictures with the man Kavanaugh was is the middle of impeaching.

You really think they won’t find more stuff to discredit this whole charade? That is my point it’s the charade that will be brought to light not Kavanaugh because I genuinely think he is honest here.