How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What happened:

Flake requested that the FBI be given a wee to investigate and he would vote yes.

Grassly said you vote now and we will listen to your request after.

Flake votes yes to move the vote from the committee to the senate floor.

The dems were confused by grassly forcing his hand before honoring his request.

Grassly called them stupid(not really but he was getting there before the mic’s were cut).

The vote is not scheduled yet but should be in 1 week regardless of the FBI investigation that was requested is complete. As the request wasn’t to have a completed investigation just to give them a week to investigate.

The investigation had to be approved by Mitch and ordered by Trump.....and I believe it’s happened and will proceed.

Kavanaughs buddy Mark Judge has already stated he would cooperate.

This thread is over reacting but what’s done was the right move because nationwide I think we can agree Fords testimony was believable, and simply stated losing the female vote thinclose to midterms was an awful look.

In reality nothing will change except possibly Ford is made to look a liar and the confirmation will happen next week.
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What happened:

Flake requested that the FBI be given a wee to investigate and he would vote yes.

Grassly said you vote now and we will listen to your request after.

Flake votes yes to move the vote from the committee to the senate floor.

The dems were confused by grassly forcing his hand before honoring his request.

Grassly called them stupid(not really but he was getting there before the mic’s were cut).

The vote is not scheduled yet but should be in 1 week regardless of the FBI investigation that was requested is complete. As the request wasn’t to have a completed investigation just to give them a week to investigate.

The investigation had to be approved by Mitch and ordered by Trump.....and I believe it’s happened and will proceed.

Kavanaughs buddy Mark Judge has already stated he would cooperate.

This thread is over reacting but what’s done was the right move because nationwide I think we can agree Fords testimony was believable, and simply stated losing the female vote thinclose to midterms was an awful look.

In reality nothing will change except possibly Ford is made to look a liar and the confirmation will happen next week.

I think she's a liar. She's got the look of an activist, she's mislead, and she is in bed neck deep with the liberals.

She's phony, I wouldnt have delayed a single thing.

The FBI is not an investigative wing of the liberals. And I trust the FBI zero, they will probably just make up bullshit.
What happened:

Flake requested that the FBI be given a wee to investigate and he would vote yes.

Grassly said you vote now and we will listen to your request after.

Flake votes yes to move the vote from the committee to the senate floor.

The dems were confused by grassly forcing his hand before honoring his request.

Grassly called them stupid(not really but he was getting there before the mic’s were cut).

The vote is not scheduled yet but should be in 1 week regardless of the FBI investigation that was requested is complete. As the request wasn’t to have a completed investigation just to give them a week to investigate.

The investigation had to be approved by Mitch and ordered by Trump.....and I believe it’s happened and will proceed.

Kavanaughs buddy Mark Judge has already stated he would cooperate.

This thread is over reacting but what’s done was the right move because nationwide I think we can agree Fords testimony was believable, and simply stated losing the female vote thinclose to midterms was an awful look.

In reality nothing will change except possibly Ford is made to look a liar and the confirmation will happen next week.

I say we give her a real lie detector.

Not believable to me.
You guys need to get a grip. Some of you sound like libs crapping the bed. Relax! Sessions isn’t recused from this matter he can control how long it lasts and who does the questioning. I know he Russia investigation and Clinton have left a bad taste in the mouth (lol) but this process is completely different and will be quick. Screw fords attorneys what they say doesn’t mean jack squat. What any lib says is meaningless at this point.
I think she's a liar. She's got the look of an activist, she's mislead, and she is in bed neck deep with the liberals.

She's phony, I wouldnt have delayed a single thing.

The FBI is not an investigative wing of the liberals. And I trust the FBI zero, they will probably just make up bullshit.

And that’s fine, and I’d agree, but to the nation without tactfully saying anything real and tangible she was believable(ask Trump) and now you are seeing Repubs play the game of emotions so they aren’t destroyed in a month!

It’s politics and apparently 80% of the posters here don’t know how to play.
What happened:

Flake requested that the FBI be given a wee to investigate and he would vote yes.

Grassly said you vote now and we will listen to your request after.

Flake votes yes to move the vote from the committee to the senate floor.

The dems were confused by grassly forcing his hand before honoring his request.

Grassly called them stupid(not really but he was getting there before the mic’s were cut).

The vote is not scheduled yet but should be in 1 week regardless of the FBI investigation that was requested is complete. As the request wasn’t to have a completed investigation just to give them a week to investigate.

The investigation had to be approved by Mitch and ordered by Trump.....and I believe it’s happened and will proceed.

Kavanaughs buddy Mark Judge has already stated he would cooperate.

This thread is over reacting but what’s done was the right move because nationwide I think we can agree Fords testimony was believable, and simply stated losing the female vote thinclose to midterms was an awful look.

In reality nothing will change except possibly Ford is made to look a liar and the confirmation will happen next week.

Krazy, you get a lot of grief for bad takes in gyero, but that is one naive take.

Before Kavanaugh spoke up for himself, he was going down. Republicans let him twist in the wind, just like Justice Thomas.

Once the Republicans put their finger in said wind, then they spoke up.

Kavanaugh doesn't have a forum to do that again.

By this time next week that impassioned speech is forgotten.

Their already hammering home that these angry white men are every women's worst nightmare.

The Dems bought themselves a week and are already asking for more.

I don't know what the FBI will do. Twenty years ago I didn't think they picked sides. Today?

We're two years into Mueller. It's never ending.

Whose gonna be in charge of this new fiasco? I say it's 80% shot that it's someone in the resistance.

The Reps had the momentum and boofed.
Why is it that Democrat leaders keep ALL their people voting as one and Republicans always have loose cannons? I put that at the feet of the leaders.
The leaders cant force them to stay in line. I blame the voters that keep reelecting rinos.
If there really was a house and there really was a party, why did she really go upstairs?
I have never been in a house like these kids would have lived in that didn’t have a bathroom on the first floor.
I think she went upstairs with them to get with Judge and then freaked out.
Krazy, you get a lot of grief for bad takes in gyero, but that is one naive take.

Before Kavanaugh spoke up for himself, he was going down. Republicans let him twist in the wind, just like Justice Thomas.

Once the Republicans put their finger in said wind, then they spoke up.

Kavanaugh doesn't have a forum to do that again.

By this time next week that impassioned speech is forgotten.

Their already hammering home that these angry white men are every women's worst nightmare.

The Dems bought themselves a week and are already asking for more.

I don't know what the FBI will do. Twenty years ago I didn't think they picked sides. Today?

We're two years into Mueller. It's never ending.

Whose gonna be in charge of this new fiasco? I say it's 80% shot that it's someone in the resistance.

The Reps had the momentum and boofed.

I don’t give a shot about GYERO, personally they are all cool people and that thread exist for a reason.

You think I’m naive? Cool that’s the thing about if you know how or get out because you won’t last.

Where you are wrong about people forgetting is that in your same breath liberal talking heads won’t let them because like you said they want to show him as angry......LMAO he was and should be.

This is politics.......and as soon as the deadline is up the FBI should be given a hard 2 hour deadline to produce statements and the vote should be had at 130 on Friday Oct 5.....

That’s up to Mitch, and based on the vets on their side it will happen.

What is so naive here?
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You guys need to get a grip. Some of you sound like libs crapping the bed. Relax! Sessions isn’t recused from this matter he can control how long it lasts and who does the questioning. I know he Russia investigation and Clinton have left a bad taste in the mouth (lol) but this process is completely different and will be quick. Screw fords attorneys what they say doesn’t mean jack squat. What any lib says is meaningless at this point.
Sessions? [roll] Does he still work at DOJ? He is always missing in action. He is more worried about who is smoking reefer, while the leftists piss all over this country.
That’s a big accusation so he wouldn’t mind calling for an fbi investigation to clear his name
Maybe not his wife but he’s admitted to a sexual assault when he was in high school. Said it all bothered him and whatnot and shaped how he treats women now. I guess Kavanaugh doesn’t get to have a similar revelation early in life IF the accusations Ford was making were even partially true.
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We have people praising the FBI investigating groping, not proven groping but possible groping buy an underage boy. The women of this country want that. The feminist and the mainstream media never going to be on the side of Brett Kavanaugh. Let them protest of their asses fall off.
If the FBI can only stop all the 17 year old boys from grabbing boobies and stop the college basketball players from getting paid our country will finally be safe.
What is the difference? They run things now without being the majority. They gotten 3 delays so far, they will get more delays becuz spineless republicans won’t fight.

The difference between Flake and the Democrats..., I agree with you. Unless I read it wrong, I thought earlier the suggestion was because Flake is no good we don't need to vote for any Republican or conservative.

The left wants you not participating.
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Alright. I’m at a high school football game. My team is ahead 27-0 in the first quarter. I didn’t want to come. Grumpy about that. Grumpy about this Kavanaugh circus....

Lord knows politicians say they’ll do one thing and then do the other all the time. But seems to me you ought to save your anger towards your party for when, you know, they actually do that. The reason Obamacare was not overturned wasn’t because of “the Republicans” - it’s because John McCain voted the wrong way. Period. The reason Kavanaugh isn’t getting ready for a swearing in has little to do with the GOP. It’s because of Flake, Collins and Murkowski. It’s because we only have a 51/49 advantage and you can’t possibly reasonably expect to get the same kind of Republican in Maine or Vermont or Oregon as you get in Alabama or Utah. Fact of life. When it’s 51/49 this is what you get.

The answer is to vote more Rs in, so when the moderates inevitably peel off you’re still OK. All this talk about punishing the weak ass Republicans by staying home on Election Day is the same as taking an ax to your own foot. Do that, and you don’t have to worry about protracted battles over the likes of Brett Kavanaugh - you’ll get more David Souters and Earl Warrens and John Paul Stevens. And eventually more Ginsburgs. Not to mention Trump not getting anything done, and another nonsense circus in the form of impeachment proceedings.

34-0, not even halftime......
I know you have the reading comprehension of a 1 year old. notice where i said tell Mitch to hold the vote? .

I don’t give a shot about GYERO, personally they are all cool people and that thread exist for a reason.

You think I’m naive? Cool that’s the thing about if you know how or get out because you won’t last.

Where you are wrong about people forgetting is that in your same breath liberal talking heads won’t let them because like you said they want to show him as angry......LMAO he was and should be.

This is politics.......and as soon as the deadline is up the FBI should be given a hard 2 hour deadline to produce statements and the vote should be had at 130 on Friday Oct 5.....

That’s up to Mitch, and based on the vets on their side it will happen.

What is so naive here?

One more allegation and they won’t even vote. That’s the point. We might have already lost the battle. Flake is below McCain, a spineless pos.

I hate them more than Nancy Pelosi.