How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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An FBI investigation changes nothing and is pointless. Complete waste of time. Anita Hill's accusations were investigated as part of Thomas' background investigation and the Ds attacked the investigation as a meaningless and claimed that it proved nothing. Still to this day the Ds claim Thomas is guilty.
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Should Professor Ford's medical history be investigated? Seems fair game to me.

I agee. Ask for Medical history, ask for social media evidence to determine credibility and motive, flying records... Why in the world have the Pubs not asked to see her social media info from the last 6 years dating back to 2012? When they answer it can’t be found or it was scrubbed I am sure there are means to retrieve it just like Hillary’s email and you think the Dems did not help her erase it along with anything else incriminating.

This is the Dems upset that the GOP did not trot out a bunch of angry old white men to hammer her, and were smart enough to do it when Kavanaugh was up there so they did not create any bad optics for the media and November. Now the Dems got to Flake and a few others with dirt and turned them, and I hope when this is all said and done Flake, Collins, Murkowski... All get beat by another Pub when they come up for a vote for their seats. Guarantee you they told them we will spend millions of dollars in your state(s) to best you next time you are up for election.

This could really rile up the GOP base since this bad been dirty from the word go. They have fake charges against Kavanaugh, they stalled for 7 weeks with evidence, they sold out Ford, they got beat yesterday and pressed the reset button... You know Graham was ticked about today but put on a good face for Flake and others. You have to think once this is all done and Kavanaugh is confirmed or tossed Flake is done in the GOP. Spineless POS.
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I agee. Ask for Medical history, ask for social media evidence to determine credibility and motive, flying records... Why in the world have the Pubs not asked to see her social media info from the last 6 years dating back to 2012? When they answer it can’t be found or it was scrubbed I am sure there are means to retrieve it just like Hillary’s email and you think the Dems did not help her erase it along with anything else incriminating.

This is the Dems upset that the GOP did not trot out a bunch of angry old white men to hammer her, and were smart enough to do it when Kavanaugh was up there so they did not create any bad optics for the media and November. Now the Dems got to Flake and a few others with dirt and turned them, and I hope when this is all said and done Flake, Collins, Murkowski... All get beat by another Pub when they come up for a vote for their seats. Guarantee you they told them we will spend millions of dollars in your state(s) to best you next time you are up for election.

This could really rile up the GOP base since this bad been dirty from the word go. They have fake charges against Kavanaugh, they stalled for 7 weeks with evidence, they sold out Ford, they got beat yesterday and pressed the reset button... You know Graham was ticked about today but put on a good face for Flake and others. You have to think once this is all done and Kavanaugh is confirmed or tossed Flake is done in the GOP. Spineless POS.
And I so agree.
Umm...Trump can't hold the vote genius. How do you get something so basic wrong?
I know you have the reading comprehension of a 1 year old. notice where i said tell Mitch to hold the vote? TRump was the only person that could tell the FBI to reopen the Kavanaugh file. He could of held strong and said no. But he already bitched out and agreed to it.
Your all so lame. This isn’t a criminal trial, and we aren’t trying to figure this out to determine true or false......that’s not what happens at this time.

Let it play out, and I’d guarantee he is confirmed.

Unless you truly believe he is absolutely lying there is no reason not to!
Democratic Senator: How many girls did you feel out when you were 16 years old?
BK: Several
Democratic Senator: Did you enter this in your calendar?
BK: How many did you feel out when you were 16?
Your all so lame. This isn’t a criminal trial, and we aren’t trying to figure this out to determine true or false......that’s not what happens at this time.

Let it play out, and I’d guarantee he is confirmed.

Unless you truly believe he is absolutely lying there is no reason not to!

I worry that the fix is in and Flake along with Collins/Murk have agreed with the dems to make sure Trump can’t land a justice until after 2018.
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Hooker Ford was a drunk whore in high school who was sent to the west coast to get away from her problems & get a new start or whatever. After her testimony, it is obvious she has even more issues. I have no idea why the Repubs trotted out a that special needs lady instead of attacking Hooker Ford’s past with some real hard hitting questions.

I would sit Murkookski, sh****ad Flake, & Cowardlins in a dark room & have them watch the clip of brain dead Biden talking about how an FBI investigation would be fruitless over and over and over until they agreed to vote yes.
This could really rile up the GOP base since this bad been dirty from the word go
Or,if they cave on BK and do not vote him in, conservative base may say, like me, well f**k it, if the Dems can run things even out of power, may as well let them be in power. At least those loons stick together. This delay means nothing except more time for the Dems to reach further into their bag of dirty tricks. They will come up with something else before next week is over with. They got their way twice now, nothing will stop them now.
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If this process plays out and flake goes against Kavanaugh then he is toast!

He would have no reason to do that after what he asked for was completed.
Or,if they cave on BK and do not vote him in, conservative base may say, like me, well f**k it, if the Dems can run things even out of power, may as well let them be in power. At least those loons stick together. This delay means nothing except more time for the Dems to reach further into their bag of dirty tricks. They will come up with something else before next week is over with. They got their way twice now, nothing will stop them now.

I will not be voting for 2 years at all if he's not confirmed. I'd rather the democrats have it than to give it to republican who are going to make money off of the R while voting for them. I want them all out.
Well. Spineless republicans fold yet again. All Mith had to was play the tape of Joe Biden saying FBI investigation is worthless.

This makes no sense. Your beef is with 3 or 4 people. Not the whole damn group. What is McConnell or Paul or any of the other 47 or so that are ready to vote yes supposed to do? Hold a gun to Flake’s head? The way to get what you want isn’t to stomp your feet and blame the republicans, it’s to elect more of them. The democrats are the ones doing this. If the split was 55/45 instead of 51/49, there wouldn’t be any issues.
This makes no sense. Your beef is with 3 or 4 people. Not the whole damn group. What is McConnell or Paul or any of the other 47 or so that are ready to vote yes supposed to do? Hold a gun to Flake’s head? The way to get what you want isn’t to stomp your feet and blame the republicans, it’s to elect more of them. The democrats are the ones doing this. If the split was 55/45 instead of 51/49, there wouldn’t be any issues.
Why is it that Democrat leaders keep ALL their people voting as one and Republicans always have loose cannons? I put that at the feet of the leaders.
So we will have another vote in a week? The ****ing media is all over the place. So Flake voted yes?

I'm sick of reading the times someone help me out please.
I’ll tell you what, if the Dems come up with any more bullshit delay nonsense in the next week, the Independents will be “woke”( and I hate that stupid term).
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This makes no sense. Your beef is with 3 or 4 people. Not the whole damn group. What is McConnell or Paul or any of the other 47 or so that are ready to vote yes supposed to do? Hold a gun to Flake’s head? The way to get what you want isn’t to stomp your feet and blame the republicans, it’s to elect more of them. The democrats are the ones doing this. If the split was 55/45 instead of 51/49, there wouldn’t be any issues.

I dont give a ****.

People are sick and tired of spineless republicans who are nothing more than neo liberals. If he doesn't get confirmed, I wont be voting at all for two years. I'd rather those republicans and be out of a job.
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