How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I wish Trump would just go scorched earth.

* Remove funding for NPR, Planned Parenthood and every single dollar that goes to liberal companies
* Remove press credentials to anyone that can't be fair and impartial.
* Do everything in his power to remove any federal assistance to any sanctuary city
* Expand the travel ban to basically stop all immigration from anywhere in the Middle East
* Put together plans to remove troops from Europe
* Put in plans to reduce government by 10-25% - remove many agencies
Please Dear Lord, please let all of this happen. Please
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Who could have guessed that someone who looks like this and went to UC Berkeley hates white people?


Me love her longtime
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It's easy to get confused when 90% of what you put up is simply shit-posting things from somewhere like Vox.
Then runs away when countered. Notice one of those memes came from the Socialist group...the one that put Democrat in front of it to make it sound more legit.
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lmao...the coal industry is not a right wing industry. It's a COAL industry. Jesus. Just because Republicans love outdated means of production does not make the whole industry right wing.
As usual you missed the whole point.

This is exactly why I rarely respond to libs: you folks can't even understand the simplest of concepts.
The video that Cuomo attached to that tweet is insane. They've really gone off the deep end.

Also, if interested, give this article (includes the Cuomo bit) on liberal conspiracies a read. It's not the fringes, either. It's mostly from mainstream, blue check mark, journalists and reporters. Trump has really done a number on them. Stuff that's so far out it would make Jones/InfoWars jealous.

On Liberal Numerology
What would the liberal argument be against voter ID laws if IDs were 100% free for all citizens? They'd have some irrational argument I just don't know what it is.
The Geek Squad required a photo ID for me to pick up a PC they worked on. If you go to a grocery store chances are you will have to show a photo ID (drivers license) to buy a six pack of beer or bottle of wine.

Having a person show an ID at a polling place should be required. No question and if you are against this you are not being honest as to why. There is no excuse not to as any state could give a free ID when you register to vote.

The judge handling the case of reunification has praised the Trump administration for their good faith, efforts and accomplishments so far, so excuse me while I laugh at the negative liberal spin.

All but 160 of the 2,500 have been reunited with their parents, not including the ones whose parents abandoned them, voluntarily chose to be deported and left their children in the custody of the US government (400+).

And of those 160, 70 still can't be reunited because their parents require further background checks to prove kinship or have denied reunification.
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An Indian woman who went to Oberlin and a Ivy League college on someone else's dime, lives in NYC, works in media and has the audacity to lecture rural white people about "privilege."

Not to mention, forcing the Trump administration to reunite the families did nothing but fast track their deportation. Over 1,000 of the parents, along with their children, have already received orders of removal from an immigration judge and are subject to immediate deportation because they either didn't have a legit asylum claim and/or were illegal reentries.

This process usually takes months, sometimes years. That's why parents and children are separated because, by law, the children cannot be detained for longer than 20 days, even if it's with their parents.

So, instead of the children going into care -- where they live the best life they've ever lived, better than most poverty stricken American children, complete with quality healthcare and schooling -- and their parents awaiting a court date in detention which, again, takes months/years in some cases, the entire process went in to warp speed in order to reunite them in a timely manner. Now they're being deported in a matter of weeks. Thanks, suckers.
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Guys, donating white stuff to poor people is awful. It's better for poor Haitian kids to not have anything to read than some damn imperialist whypipo bullshit stories

What is telling about these charity arrangements is that publishers in wealthy nations are driven by profit motive. Under the revenue rules governing charitable contributions in North America and Europe, publishers and booksellers can get a federal tax deduction equal to up to twice the cost of the donated books, which allows them to conveniently feather their nests while getting rid of surplus stock. Publishers have been known to further increase tax-related profits by printing additional copies of unwanted books that have a low production cost.

Caribbean countries, then, along with other relatively poorer countries, have essentially become a kind of clearinghouse for rich-nation publishers and booksellers; in fact, the above-described practice can rightly be called “donation dumping.” It is a practice that exacerbates several already-existing problems in Caribbean countries when it comes to literary culture in general and children’s books in particular.

One such problem is Caribbean children’s lack of access to books that are culturally relevant and written in their nation languages. The best children’s books to replace those destroyed by the recent hurricanes are books featuring Caribbean characters, written by Caribbean authors and published by Caribbean publishers. Donors should also respect the linguistic rights of Caribbean people by donating books written in the primary language of the island in question
If they're receiving public money, they should be impartial and unbiased.

This goes for right-leaning entities as well. Why should your or my tax dollars pay for something we don't agree with?
Then churches have to lose their tax free status?

What would the liberal argument be against voter ID laws if IDs were 100% free for all citizens? They'd have some irrational argument I just don't know what it is.
If you required ID to vote, a right given to all citizens in the constitution, then you would have to provide free & easy to obtain ID's for it to be constitutional. Otherwise dozens of courts would rule it a unjust barrier. None of the GOP voter ID laws have ever tried to do that and have quickly been struck down. The GOP ID laws are designed to have less people vote just like their opposition to expanded early voting & having more voting centers.
Common sense voting would be free ID's for everybody on their 16th birthday so they have 2 years to acquire it. All voting moved to the weekend and made a national or state holiday. But america never uses common sense.
Manafort going to prison. His tax guy just ****ed him good. Once the banker takes the stand he's guilty on all counts.

Ayliff's firm asked Manafort directly in an email in 2011 if he, or his wife, or two daughters had foreign accounts.

Manafort said no, according to an email shown to the jury.
then you would have to provide free & easy to obtain ID's. unjust barrier. The GOP ID laws are designed to have less people vote

[laughing] Because ID's are just so hard for minorities to obtain?

This is one of the left's most racist arguments. You're basically implying those poor, dumb minorities are too incompetent to obtain an ID without the government holding their hand.

You do realize black folks scoff at this notion, don't you?
Manafort going to prison. His tax guy just ****ed him good. Once the banker takes the stand he's guilty on all counts.

Ayliff's firm asked Manafort directly in an email in 2011 if he, or his wife, or two daughters had foreign accounts.

Manafort said no, according to an email shown to the jury.
Was there Russian Collusion proven in the case?
[laughing] Because ID's are just so hard for minorities to obtain?

This is one of the left's most racist arguments. You're basically implying those poor, dumb minorities are too incompetent to obtain an ID without the government holding their hand.

You do realize black folks scoff at this notion, don't you?
How in the heck are black folk able to obtain drivers licenses? It’s a miracle!
Manafort going to prison. His tax guy just ****ed him good. Once the banker takes the stand he's guilty on all counts.

Ayliff's firm asked Manafort directly in an email in 2011 if he, or his wife, or two daughters had foreign accounts.

Manafort said no, according to an email shown to the jury.

Has nothing to do with the election or any Russian collusion. Maybe Mueller can come up with some traffic camera footage showing Manafort running a red light. That would be equally relevant to his original investigative mandate of the election.