How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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[laughing] Because ID's are just so hard for minorities to obtain?

This is one of the left's most racist arguments. You're basically implying those poor, dumb minorities are too incompetent to obtain an ID without the government holding their hand.

You do realize black folks scoff at this notion, don't you?
It doesn't matter if the ID is easy or hard to obtain, it is a cost and burden for everyone not just minorities. Voting is a right, adding a barrier to that right is unconstitutional. You are essential charging a poll tax as a requirement for voting which the supreme court has struck down multiple times. If the government provides free & simple to obtain ID's many years before their right to vote then the GOP could get away with their voter ID laws. IF they actually really cared about "voting security" this would be part of their bills. When republicans roll out free ID's to go along with their bullshit and offer to fix our stupid voting days then i will believe they actually want to fix voting.
Manafort going to prison. His tax guy just ****ed him good. Once the banker takes the stand he's guilty on all counts.

Ayliff's firm asked Manafort directly in an email in 2011 if he, or his wife, or two daughters had foreign accounts.

Manafort said no, according to an email shown to the jury.

I like how you guys have stopped linking actual articles so it's harder to put your shit back in context.

Did he personally have any foreign bank accounts? Just signature authority? Or indirectly have an interest through a company he owned?

Foreign reporting requirements are unbelievably onerous and complex. Various ownership requirements, thresholds, deadlines, etc. etc. No way a lay person knows about it. And if his CPA asked him, "Do you have a foreign bank account" he absolutely could have truthfully replied "no" in any reasonable sense, but still run afoul of the various US government reporting obligations.
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I like how you guys have stopped linking actual articles so it's harder to put your shit back in context.

Did he personally have any foreign bank accounts? Just signature authority? Or indirectly have an interest through a company he owned?

Foreign reporting requirements are unbelievably onerous and complex. Various ownership requirements, thresholds, deadlines, etc. etc. No way a lay person knows about it. And if his CPA asked him, "Do you have a foreign bank account" he absolutely could have truthfully replied "no" in any reasonable sense, but still run afoul of the various US government reporting obligations.
He has over 2 dozen foreign bank accounts that he setup. He used those accounts to pay all of his bills and to pay his salaries. He is going to be getting a butt buddy real soon.
If only there was an even more explicitly protected right in the Constitution. Maybe even one where it is declared that it "shall not be infringed", full stop, yet there are still all kinds of "reasonable restrictions". Hmm, if only...
You can blame the founders for adding "well regulated" to that right.
You can blame the founders for adding "well regulated" to that right.
I would rather blame modern idiots who don't understand the common alternative meaning of "regulation." Especially as it relates to militias

And since the Supreme Court has ruled that the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of an individual to own a weapon for self defense, then that argument won't fly in the first place. Now all we need is, given that, how the "shall not be infringed" part can stand up to scrutiny.
He has over 2 dozen foreign bank accounts that he setup. He used those accounts to pay all of his bills and to pay his salaries. He is going to be getting a butt buddy real soon.

Would like to read about it if you have a source. I've been busy as shit lately and haven't followed the trial.
It doesn't matter if the ID is easy or hard to obtain, it is a cost and burden for everyone not just minorities. Voting is a right, adding a barrier to that right is unconstitutional. You are essential charging a poll tax as a requirement for voting which the supreme court has struck down multiple times. If the government provides free & simple to obtain ID's many years before their right to vote then the GOP could get away with their voter ID laws. IF they actually really cared about "voting security" this would be part of their bills. When republicans roll out free ID's to go along with their bullshit and offer to fix our stupid voting days then i will believe they actually want to fix voting.

Alabama voter ID went thru and did not effect minority voting at all. You aren't fooling anyone. You know what is going on. I wish someone would hack Vox and write a tweet telling all their followers to kill themselves.
It doesn't matter if the ID is easy or hard to obtain, it is a cost and burden for everyone not just minorities. Voting is a right, adding a barrier to that right is unconstitutional. You are essential charging a poll tax as a requirement for voting which the supreme court has struck down multiple times. If the government provides free & simple to obtain ID's many years before their right to vote then the GOP could get away with their voter ID laws. IF they actually really cared about "voting security" this would be part of their bills. When republicans roll out free ID's to go along with their bullshit and offer to fix our stupid voting days then i will believe they actually want to fix voting.

An ID is a basic requirement in life. Everyone has one because one is required for pretty much everything. This is 2018, not 1940. Your cost and burden b.s. is simply that, b.s.. Only sheltered f***wits think it's an added barrier.
Would like to read about it if you have a source. I've been busy as shit lately and haven't followed the trial.

He left out the part where the judge told the Mueller team that all of their conjecture was good and all, but hurry up and get to the point where they prove Manafort willfully did the things they accuse, because so far they're lacking in that department.
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You know it's not real, right? Outcome was predetermined.

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Thoughts on 3D printed guns?

It's been well established by dedicated 2A supporters that the founding fathers were able to foresee every advancement in weaponry over the course of forever when drafting the amendment, so to me it would seem that plastic weapons that anyone can make at home should not be regulated.
He left out the part where the judge told the Mueller team that all of their conjecture was good and all, but hurry up and get to the point where they prove Manafort willfully did the things they accuse, because so far they're lacking in that department.
Maybe the judge will allow Manafort to change his party affiliation so "intent" becomes germane to lawbreaking.
It doesn't matter if the ID is easy or hard to obtain, it is a cost and burden for everyone not just minorities. Voting is a right, adding a barrier to that right is unconstitutional. You are essential charging a poll tax as a requirement for voting which the supreme court has struck down multiple times. If the government provides free & simple to obtain ID's many years before their right to vote then the GOP could get away with their voter ID laws. IF they actually really cared about "voting security" this would be part of their bills. When republicans roll out free ID's to go along with their bullshit and offer to fix our stupid voting days then i will believe they actually want to fix voting.

Free IDs would be great. Pennies on the millions to keep illegals out of our elections.
You can already manufacture guns at home with no serial number of registration. Look into 80% AR lowers. Been around for ages and yet, millions of people aren't be killed by them.

Agree, but plastic guns would skirt metal detectors. I understand that nobody is currently manufacturing plastic bullets, but is that the next step?

I'm about as indifferent to guns as it gets, but I do think there are places (airports, government buildings, schools) where guns shouldn't be freely carried, and metal detection is a way to prevent that.
Thoughts on 3D printed guns?

It's been well established by dedicated 2A supporters that the founding fathers were able to foresee every advancement in weaponry over the course of forever when drafting the amendment, so to me it would seem that plastic weapons that anyone can make at home should not be regulated.

The '98 Undetectable Firearms Act has been in place for 30 years. Gunsmithing is legal. The guy giving out the blueprints has done nothing wrong and his 1A is being infringed upon. The federal patent system has been providing weapons blueprints to the public for centuries.
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Agree, but plastic guns would skirt metal detectors. I understand that nobody is currently manufacturing plastic bullets, but is that the next step?

I'm about as indifferent to guns as it gets, but I do think there are places (airports, government buildings, schools) where guns shouldn't be freely carried, and metal detection is a way to prevent that.
All plastic guns do not function for more than 1-2 shots. You have to have metal to make it work as a viable weapon.
Everyone missed another key tidbit that came out in the economic reports today. Trade deficit went up 7%, go tariffs! and they showed that Trumps policies have literally had 0 impact on job growth. the growth trend hasn't changed at all since 2013, almost perfectly linear.


Agree, but plastic guns would skirt metal detectors. I understand that nobody is currently manufacturing plastic bullets, but is that the next step?

I'm about as indifferent to guns as it gets, but I do think there are places (airports, government buildings, schools) where guns shouldn't be freely carried, and metal detection is a way to prevent that.
Who is going to buy a $10k printer to print a $1k gun?
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Who is going to buy a $10k printer to print a $1k gun?

20 years ago I wondered who was buying a $15,000 TV so they could see high def on the 3 stations that were broadcasting it.

Today that TV is $400 and there are 300 HD stations.
Then churches have to lose their tax free status?

If you required ID to vote, a right given to all citizens in the constitution, then you would have to provide free & easy to obtain ID's for it to be constitutional. Otherwise dozens of courts would rule it a unjust barrier. None of the GOP voter ID laws have ever tried to do that and have quickly been struck down. The GOP ID laws are designed to have less people vote just like their opposition to expanded early voting & having more voting centers.
Common sense voting would be free ID's for everybody on their 16th birthday so they have 2 years to acquire it. All voting moved to the weekend and made a national or state holiday. But america never uses common sense.


Churches don't receive federal money. They just don't pay taxes on their income. You realize that, right?

In terms of free IDs, I'm in favor of that.
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This isn't anything new. The blueprints have been online for years. They're perfectly legal just like any other weapons blueprint. 3-D guns aren't new either and have been printed in the past. They're perfectly legal as long as they aren't undetectable, which they aren't.
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Churches don't receive federal money. They just don't pay taxes on their income. You realize that, right?

In terms of free IDs, I'm in favor of that.

Even IDs don't curtail the whole problem. I've been summoned for Jury Duty in Fayette county many times and am sent the little cards with my voting location for most elections. I'm not a citizen. I could show up with my driver's license and vote if I wanted to (I never have.)
This isn't anything new. The blueprints have been online for years. They're perfectly legal just like any other weapons blueprint.. 3-D guns aren't new either and have been printed in the past. They're perfectly legal as long as they aren't undetectable, which they aren't.

Again, good info Moe. I'm obviously not up to speed on current firearm technology.
It doesn't matter if the ID is easy or hard to obtain, it is a cost and burden for everyone not just minorities. Voting is a right, adding a barrier to that right is unconstitutional. You are essential charging a poll tax as a requirement for voting which the supreme court has struck down multiple times. If the government provides free & simple to obtain ID's many years before their right to vote then the GOP could get away with their voter ID laws. IF they actually really cared about "voting security" this would be part of their bills. When republicans roll out free ID's to go along with their bullshit and offer to fix our stupid voting days then i will believe they actually want to fix voting.
Translation: We should trust every GD body without verification.


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I like how you guys have stopped linking actual articles so it's harder to put your shit back in context.

Did he personally have any foreign bank accounts? Just signature authority? Or indirectly have an interest through a company he owned?

Foreign reporting requirements are unbelievably onerous and complex. Various ownership requirements, thresholds, deadlines, etc. etc. No way a lay person knows about it. And if his CPA asked him, "Do you have a foreign bank account" he absolutely could have truthfully replied "no" in any reasonable sense, but still run afoul of the various US government reporting obligations.
Most CPA’s don’t verbally ask the question about foreign accounts. This is asked in a 20 page list of questions sent to their clients in January of each tax season. Most taxpayers are mind numb by the time this question is skimmed over.