How will they rule ??!

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Two Interstate Highways cross in Lexington I-75 and I-64. No telling what is being hauled on those roads. With a liberal mayor who is a little different than most people the Lexington media will never expose the truth. Not happening. Lexington is very liberal thanks in part to the University of Kentucky.
Lexington is like the Wild, Wild West. Gun battles are the norm. Traffic couldn’t get any more fvcked up if they tried.
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i'm sorry who is the snowflake crying everyday on twitter? Yeah i thought so.

?...... Do you idiots believe you deserve a paycheck putting in an honest day of work or sitting at home thinking about it??
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Yep. It’s not hard to see. They just have the media and a giant echo chamber affirming (and forming) their beliefs for them.

Creams their pants over kneeling for the anthem.

Burns the flag
Bashes the country
Wants an invasion
Wants to disarm you
Wants to take more of your money
Sides with foreign powers over POTUS
Sides with foreigners over citizens
Slaughters babies
Assaults people for opposing views
Destroys and riots
Tears down statues
Thinks the founding fathers were just “clueless old white men.”
Sides with the deep state and spying on citizens
Wants to remove a rightfully elected POTUS
Backs collusion between party and media

By what measure are these idiots not anti-American?
this statement alone moves you up or near the top of the leaderboard for dumbest posters on the site.

I had colon cancer at 38. throughout the entire process from finally figuring out what was wrong with me, diagnosis and then surgery and treatment, I dealt with a lot of people obviously in the medical field. met several people who had once worked in Canada or had family members who currently work in medicine there. the stories they told me were downright scary. essentially giving my age and family history, it would have taken me anywhere from 6 months to a year to get approved to see a specialist in Canada under their fairy tale healthcare system. so essentially my cancer would have spread into stage 4 at that point and I would be dead had I lived in Canada. these people, some nurses and some technicians have fled there for better jobs here. the hospitals were run down, the equipment was usually old and often "hand me downs" refurbished and outdated equipment from the U.S. people sit in clinics on the floor lined up in hallways for hours and even days to get seen. you wait on the government to decide when and if you are eligible for treatment.

you sir know nothing on this matter. I just lived it. thank God for this country and our private system is beyond light years better than govt ran healthcare. I can tell you this because I am still alive, I survived cancer and I did so because I did not live in Canada.
A few things...

Despite your name calling, I'm sincerely sorry you went through that. Cancer is as bad as it gets and my father died to cancer here in Kentucky.

But anecdotes are not evidence. We pay twice as much here in the US for colorectal cancer treatment, but live about a month less than Canadians do after diagnosis.
A few things...

Despite your name calling, I'm sincerely sorry you went through that. Cancer is as bad as it gets and my father died to cancer here in Kentucky.

But anecdotes are not evidence. We pay twice as much here in the US for colorectal cancer treatment, but live about a month less than Canadians do after diagnosis.

you missed the point. first of all, with my really nice employer based private insurance plan, I haven't hardly paid shit to be honest. and to my point, in Canada I would have died waiting on an appt to a specialist.
Also from the study - 79% of the US received treatment vs 68% of the Canadians. Speaks to thaBBNs point that he had a greater chance at his age to get treated in the US in a more timely manner.

Really glad u did man. It’s a horrible disease.
Also from the study - 79% of the US received treatment vs 68% of the Canadians. Speaks to thaBBNs point that he had a greater chance at his age to get treated in the US in a more timely manner.

Really glad u did man. It’s a horrible disease.
The Canadians also lived longer too, despite the US pop skewing younger. Study looked at advanced stages of colorectal cancer so it is possible treatments were intentionally foregone by those in both countries not receiving treatment.
The Canadians also lived longer too, despite the US pop skewing younger. Study looked at advanced stages of colorectal cancer so it is possible treatments were intentionally foregone by those in both countries not receiving treatment.
A lot is possible - the article isn’t very detailed. Very possible people in Canada weren’t given as many options and opted out. Possible the Candians general health was better than that of the Americans and that played to the survival times...could be that at advanced stage, the outcomes are going to be similar with colorectal no matter what.
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I had a close family member come down with cancer in Canada. They cleared that ish up with a quickness. Props to them; saved his life.

Now, when my Canadian buddy needed a torn meniscus fixed... months...
One thing dems that talk about Canadian healthcare leave out is Canada doesnt spend as much money on other entitlement programs...they almost went bankrupt bc of it. They also will not allow immigrants over a certain age to keep costs down in their healthcare. "So much compassion"
Rasmussen has Trump at 50% approval.
NBC/Wall Street Journal 45 %
Reuters 44 %

Some others have him lower, his realclearpolitics average is 43.5 %

Considering media coverage of him is 90 percent negative, his poll numbers are really solid
No matter how hard I try, I cannot wrap my brain around the stupidity of the left thinking if you eliminate the last shred of market forces from an industry and replace it with a program that has shown itself to be inefficient, bloated, wasteful, etc. every step of the way, things will improve in this country.

Healthcare probably shows the left/right dynamic more than anything in this country. I think everyone agrees changes need to be made.

Some of my changes? Decouple health insurance from employment (eliminate the tax discrepancies). As a condition of being licensed, require doctors and hospitals to post prices of procedures. Make all health care expenses tax deductible. Promote the use of HSAs and catastrophic insurance. Reform Medicare and eliminate all of the frad, waste and abuse. Will that solve everything? No, but it's a start. And I think those changes probably save the country money.

The left? Have the government take over and pay for everything.