How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Here is Manaforts newest tax lawyer saying she believes he lied about his bank loans. She has immunity because she passed on this fake info to other banks and the IRS even though she thought he was lying. also stating that he lied about his foreign accounts.
Don't know why any of you loons even try to defend him. He's a traitorous pos and going to prison.

During her testimony, Laporta was asked by prosecutors about two loans Manafort said he had received from two foreign entities that were described as clients of his consulting business.

"I had not seen that before," Laporta told the jury. "It was a concern."
One of the loans was for $900,000 and the second was for $1.5 million.

Laporta said she did not see all the supporting documents and saw only one page or "two at most."

The prosecutor asked if Laporta was concerned about the representations she had received about the loan. She said she was.

Laporta was also asked if she believed the representations. "No," Laporta said.

Laporta told the jury how extensively her firm reminded its clients that they needed to disclose their foreign bank accounts.

The firm, KWC, had a policy "to always ask every year the question," she told the jury. "The penalties were huge for noncompliance."

She said she never learned that Manafort had accounts, accountants or tax returns to file in Cyprus — indicating that Manafort had lied to his US financial professionals, according to prosecutors.
Most CPA’s don’t verbally ask the question about foreign accounts. This is asked in a 20 page list of questions sent to their clients in January of each tax season. Most taxpayers are mind numb by the time this question is skimmed over.

Not to mention, "Do you have a financial interest in a foreign account" contains a few defined terms you can't even begin to explain in a tax organizer. And that's only if we're talking about the Fin Cen 114A.

If we're talking about the Form 8938 then we need to get into whether or not you're a "specified person" who owns an "interest" in a "specified foreign asset" and whether the value of those "specified foreign assets" exceeds the "reporting threshold". But that reporting threshold happens to be different than the FBAR. And foreign accounts are specified foreign assets, but not all specified foreign assets are foreign accounts.

And god forbid you miss a footnote on a K1 and run afoul of any Form 5471 or Form 926 obligations and the incur the steep penalties associated with screwing that up.

In other words, Manafort should have known all that. Pretty clear he intentionally disregarded those laws.
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It's weird that Platinum keeps posting articles on what these witness are claiming when the prosecution is questioning them, but we haven't seen a single thing posted from the cross.
OK is what it takes to get a valid ID card in the state of Kentucky:

You must submit:
  1. A completed Driver License – ID Card Application (Form TC 94-30).
  2. Your U.S. birth certificate (original or certified copy).
  3. Your Social Security Card (original or certified copy).
  4. Proof of your Kentucky residency.
  5. Payment for the $12 fee. $4, if you're younger than 15 years old.

Boom! That's it. Easy peasy.

So showing a valid ID card on Election Day in order to prove you are eligible to vote is more than feasible in the state of Kentucky for any US citizen that isn't currently dead.

Thus all of your whining and moaning about voter ID's costing too much, being inconvenient, being racially biased and having unreasonable time constraints to obtain and blah blah blah doesn't hold water. So please STFU with that nonsense. You really sound stupid making those arguments.

You could easily make this a requirement for the 2020 elections with a little help from local and national media outlets. Also...Send notifications in the mail with IRS forms. Send notifications in the mail with welfare checks. Etc...

BTW...Here is what it takes to get an ID card in the state of NY:

How to get a state ID card in New York:
  1. Visit your local NYSDMV office.
  2. Complete an Application for Driver License or Non-Driver ID Card (Form MV-44).
  3. Provide proof of your name, identity, and SSN.
  4. Pay the identification card fee ($13 for 8 years, $9 for 4 years).

I'm sure the other 48 states have similar requirements for obtaining a valid ID that are both affordable and easy to obtain.
My firm had one client who was NAILED with failure to file penalties. And we get people all the time who are trying to get right with god on the foreign filing requirements they didn't know existed.

No Special Prosecutor ever threw then in solitary confinement or attempted to ruin their lives.
If Manafort is a traitor than so is 99% of Washington D.C. Yeah we know Manafort is the only lobbyist to ever work in DC (not)

And oh yeah, being rich isn't a crime the last I checked (though I'm sure some on the left wish it was a crime)
No Special Prosecutor ever threw then in solitary confinement or attempted to ruin their lives.

Don't forget that Mueller didn't uncover these crimes. He simply walked into the DOJ evidence and dusted off boxes on Manafort. The Obama DOJ knew all of this years ago and chose not to prosecute. The best part? Rosenstein was the prosecutor who made the decision.

The only reason he's being charged and treated this way now is because he worked for Trump and they're trying to squeeze him.
If you required ID to vote, a right given to all citizens in the constitution, then you would have to provide free & easy to obtain ID's for it to be constitutional.

In California it can cost someone only $8 for an ID. Many states like California already have a reduced price for IDs for those that fall under a certain income bracket.

You cant buy basic medicine like cough medicine or NyQuil without an ID. You cant open a bank account, apply for a job, apply to own or rent a house/apartment, fly, drive and many more basic necessities of life.

If you dont have an ID, I really dont know how you are living a legal productive life in this country. But I think the majority of people that would live Voting ID laws, will have no issue with the government handing out legit IDs (not like what they do in California giving driver licenses to illegals).
It doesn't matter if the ID is easy or hard to obtain, it is a cost and burden for everyone not just minorities. Voting is a right, adding a barrier to that right is unconstitutional. You are essential charging a poll tax as a requirement for voting which the supreme court has struck down multiple times. If the government provides free & simple to obtain ID's many years before their right to vote then the GOP could get away with their voter ID laws. IF they actually really cared about "voting security" this would be part of their bills. When republicans roll out free ID's to go along with their bullshit and offer to fix our stupid voting days then i will believe they actually want to fix voting.

some stupid you just can't fix. you are way past that point
Get a load of this crazy. Enforcing the law is illegal, breaking the law is not illegal. Candidate for NYAG is campaigning on prosecuting ICE agents "for their criminal acts."

Seriously, wrap your head around that. This woman thinks she can be NY's next top law enforcement officer by running on advocating for lawlessness and prosecuting law enforcement. NY isn't that f***ed, is it?

OK is what it takes to get a valid ID card in the state of Kentucky:

You must submit:
  1. A completed Driver License – ID Card Application (Form TC 94-30).
  2. Your U.S. birth certificate (original or certified copy).
  3. Your Social Security Card (original or certified copy).
  4. Proof of your Kentucky residency.
  5. Payment for the $12 fee. $4, if you're younger than 15 years old.

Boom! That's it. Easy peasy.

So showing a valid ID card on Election Day in order to prove you are eligible to vote is more than feasible in the state of Kentucky for any US citizen that isn't currently dead.

Thus all of your whining and moaning about voter ID's costing too much, being inconvenient, being racially biased and having unreasonable time constraints to obtain and blah blah blah doesn't hold water. So please STFU with that nonsense. You really sound stupid making those arguments.

You could easily make this a requirement for the 2020 elections with a little help from local and national media outlets. Also...Send notifications in the mail with IRS forms. Send notifications in the mail with welfare checks. Etc...

BTW...Here is what it takes to get an ID card in the state of NY:

How to get a state ID card in New York:
  1. Visit your local NYSDMV office.
  2. Complete an Application for Driver License or Non-Driver ID Card (Form MV-44).
  3. Provide proof of your name, identity, and SSN.
  4. Pay the identification card fee ($13 for 8 years, $9 for 4 years).

I'm sure the other 48 states have similar requirements for obtaining a valid ID that are both affordable and easy to obtain.
Counterpoint: people that cannot even finish high school and would find these things too difficult vote my team 2/1.
Get a load of this crazy. Enforcing the law is illegal, breaking the law is not illegal. Candidate for NYAG is campaigning on prosecuting ICE agents "for their criminal acts."

Seriously, wrap your head around that. This woman thinks she can be NY's next top law enforcement officer by running on advocating for lawlessness and prosecuting law enforcement. NY isn't that f***ed, is it?

She is a nut. Dangerous that she could get elected.
The judge handling the case of reunification has praised the Trump administration for their good faith, efforts and accomplishments so far, so excuse me while I laugh at the negative liberal spin.

All but 160 of the 2,500 have been reunited with their parents, not including the ones whose parents abandoned them, voluntarily chose to be deported and left their children in the custody of the US government (400+).

And of those 160, 70 still can't be reunited because their parents require further background checks to prove kinship or have denied reunification.
your full of shit, 572 still left. Judge has been pissed at the admin since the starts for lack of effort. The WH is so useless they have the ACLU doing the work for them now.

A federal judge called the Trump administration's slowness to track down migrant parents it had separated from their children and then deported "unacceptable," saying the responsibility is "100%" on the government.

"The reality is there are still close to 500 parents that have not been located, many of these parents were removed from the country without their child, all of this is the result of the government's separation and then inability and failure to track and reunite," Sabraw said.

"In reviewing the status report it appears that only 12 or 13 of close to 500 parents have been located, which is just unacceptable at this point," Sabraw said.
your full of shit, 572 still left. Judge has been pissed at the admin since the starts for lack of effort. The WH is so useless they have the ACLU doing the work for them now.

A federal judge called the Trump administration's slowness to track down migrant parents it had separated from their children and then deported "unacceptable," saying the responsibility is "100%" on the government.

"The reality is there are still close to 500 parents that have not been located, many of these parents were removed from the country without their child, all of this is the result of the government's separation and then inability and failure to track and reunite," Sabraw said.

"In reviewing the status report it appears that only 12 or 13 of close to 500 parents have been located, which is just unacceptable at this point," Sabraw said.

then these fu**ing "parents" should have never broken U.S. law to begin with. F*** them. don't excuse the criminal because you want to make a political stance.
your full of shit, 572 still left. Judge has been pissed at the admin since the starts for lack of effort.

Am I really, though?

The judge handling the case of reunification has praised the Trump administration for their good faith, efforts and accomplishments so far


All but 160 of the 2,500 have been reunited with their parents, not including the ones whose parents abandoned them, voluntarily chose to be deported and left their children in the custody of the US government (400+).

Source (What's 572 minus 410? Isn't that 162 to be exact?) -

And of those 160, 70 still can't be reunited because their parents require further background checks to prove kinship or have denied reunification.

Source -

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