How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Sen. Paul was the one vote that I was worried about. Collins and Murkowski have already signaled that they approve the pick. The dem plan is to stall until after the mid-term elections (hoping that then all red-state dems will vote against). However, Mitch and Grassley are dead set on a pre-election vote.
Is there any chance of Democrats taking the house back?
50/50 that they take the House - most people probably think they will, but then again they thought Hillary would win in a landslide and congressional polling is incredibly tough.
Yep. I'm amused at the lack of self awareness constantly displayed by Democrats when it comes to the effect of their policies. Look at older pictures of some of these cities and then compare them to today- trash, graffiti, poverty, crime, etc.

But really look at what Democrats do.

"Oh, this place is nice. I'll go here."
"You know, there's not enough diversity, let's force it here. Let's vote Democrat here."
*Crime goes up, nice school is no longer testing as high as it was, property value goes down, some businesses may even leave*
"Oh, I better get out of here. Too much crime and the schools are terrible."
*People move out, new group comes in, the city gets worse and is lost forever*
*Off to the next spot*
"Oh, this place is nice. I'll go here."
"Let's keep voting Democrat."

Do it all over again.

This poisonous mindset keeps following others and then proceeding to destroy everything.

Is your name Jeffrey Whitman, by any chance?

LMAO this dude cited graffiti like it's 1983. How old are you, bro? If you're indeed Jeffrey Whitman, by the looks of you in that video I'd say mid-50's?
So true and there are so many areas of the country, especially in the South, that are examples of this. Texas is the hot spot to move now because it has real adults running the state and understands economic growth. California has just the opposite. So people, especially white people, are leaving California by the thousands however, many bring their liberal views with them.

South Florida has a similar problem to Austin but they have had it for decades now. New Yorkers flock down by the thousands, settle in and vote the same way they voted in New York. Then they realize the place is screwed up and by this time they are ready to retire. So what do they do? They retire to North Georgia, East Tennessee and Western North Carolina or the Georgia and Carolina coasts. People in that area call them "Half Backs" because they got half way back to New York. It is getting to be a crisis because the new comers still vote liberal democrat. North Carolina is close to being a blue state and Georgia has an absolute socialist running for governor of Georgia. As a Democrat

Yep. Nashville is now a chosen destination. Check back in a few years and it will be suffering the liberal fate
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I laughed quite a bit. I forgot a bout a lot of his trolling.

You have to laugh at him being able to use the media for free advertising to build his campaign up while they were too stupid to see what they were doing.
President Trump drove Morning Joe and Mika bat sh*t crazy with his trolling to the point they ran to each others arms, ditched their spouses and ran to the marrying man. Crying all the way. They as well as the rest of MSNBC and CNN are totally consumed with their hatred over him. And Trump loves every minute of it
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Holy cow, UK is top LGBTLMNOP school, and they’re taking it a step forward! They have LGBT “liaisons” that is. The goal is to make sure everybody is treated equally.

...big segment on the news about this. “Major progress” “lots of work to do”.

What “work”? Nobody gives a crap what you do in your bedroom, especially on a college campus.


***these “lgbt liaisons” are campus police officers. Like they don’t have anything better to do, now they get to counsel gay people???? That’s weird as hell. Are there not counselors/professors on this campus who are maybe paid to counsel kids anyway?
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Austin is a great example to not allow Californians to come to your nice area. Dems naturally destroy whatever they touch and then move on to the next place to destroy and then move on. Easy to see why they love people who migrate here and do the same damn thing.
They are like the aliens in the movie Independence day, only these are home grown aliens.
Is your name Jeffrey Whitman, by any chance?

LMAO this dude cited graffiti like it's 1983. How old are you, bro? If you're indeed Jeffrey Whitman, by the looks of you in that video I'd say mid-50's?
Get out much bro? You use bro like it is the mid 60's early 70's. Hypocrite much bro? Stop partying for the sake of the children or start teaching in college where they can actually decided whether they want to waste their lives being dumber than dog droppings partying like you or, pick a real teacher that actually has something to offer.
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"I'm the least racist person you'll ever meet." - Donald J. Trump, also me

Hey, if you can believe him then you can believe me, right?

No, he has much better credentials and actually knows something about the world. You regurgitate left winged nutjob lies and party too much.
I spent the weekend in Nashville and I noticed a ton of non native people there. They were not in town for country music, that’s for sure.
Once the regular patrons are forced out, and the money starts to go away, (if it's not too late) some one will step up and MANGA.
Giuliani basically confirmed everything Cohen alleged during his rambling interview today. now he is trying to walk it all back with a classic Trump "i misspoke". There was a meeting 2 days before the Russia meeting where Trump authorized it to happen. Giuliani is a complete idiot, i hope it is dementia wrecking his brain and we didn't have someone this incompetent as a leading prosecutor.
Did you actually read the George Mason study? They project the cost at 32 trillion but also project that it would save the country 200 billion per year compared to what we pay now. I don't really want universal healthcare because my company provides one of the best policies in the country. But overall it would be much better for the country if everyone finally had access to healthcare that didn't send them into bankruptcy.
Did you actually read the George Mason study? They project the cost at 32 trillion but also project that it would save the country 100 billion per year compared to what we pay now. I don't really want universal healthcare because my company provides one of the best policies in the country. But overall it would be much better for the country if everyone finally had access to healthcare that didn't send them into bankruptcy.

Shew. Thank goodness you linked a slate article. I was afraid you were gonna link some completely one sided liberal media source.
Did you actually read the George Mason study? They project the cost at 32 trillion but also project that it would save the country 200 billion per year compared to what we pay now. I don't really want universal healthcare because my company provides one of the best policies in the country. But overall it would be much better for the country if everyone finally had access to healthcare that didn't send them into bankruptcy.

Sure it would. I got news for you, the Govt has never, ever done something cheaper and more efficient than private industry, and it sure as hell wouldn’t with medical.

If they’re saying it would cost 32 Trillion, bank on it being at least 40 Trillion. They also don’t take into account that in order to pay for it, everything else would go up. The carbon tax is being thrown around, guess what that means, much higher electric city bills, gas would be higher as well, basically everything.

Isn’t it convenient how global warming kicked in when socialism became niche.
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I spent the weekend in Nashville and I noticed a ton of non native people there. They were not in town for country music, that’s for sure.

I've lived in Nashville going on 15 years now.

How did you "notice a ton of non native people" while you were here on a weekend?

And how did you know they weren't in town for country music? This one you seem really confident about.
I've lived in Nashville going on 15 years now.

How did you "notice a ton of non native people" while you were here on a weekend?

And how did you know they weren't in town for country music? This one you seem really confident about.

Look, another liberal with #WhiteSaviorComplex
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No. Giuliani said that there’s no proof of collusion. He added, even if there were collusion, it’s not a crime. Dumbshit liberals took to this like a fagboy sucking a dick like there was a prize inside.

Chill, bro.

I think colluding with Russians is a perfectly normal way for someone to become POTUS, don't you? Trump was playing that damn 4-D CHESS and the rest of us are playing checkers.
Get out much bro? You use bro like it is the mid 60's early 70's. Hypocrite much bro? Stop partying for the sake of the children or start teaching in college where they can actually decided whether they want to waste their lives being dumber than dog droppings partying like you or, pick a real teacher that actually has something to offer.


Hahaha you need to chill out, bro. I'm laughing my ass off over here!!!

But hey man, summer break has been awesome. Two straight months with minimal responsibilities. How do you think I spent all that time?