How will they rule ??!

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If Kamala Harris is the left's best shot in 2020, they're as good as dead. After Hillary and Bernie, you have to get smart. Trump would crush her in the election, and he wouldn't even need Russian meddling.
Gasp, I agree with bwls2. I’m having the big one. im coming to see ya Mom.:scream:
Yeah bro, according to the people on this thread i teach "liberal science" and even "liberal math." Fear me. SMH.

If you're (not you in particular) raising kids in the US and think the education system is so bad, why don't you just move to another country?



Or maybe...




I hope you just teach your subject without throwing your political beliefs in there.

I like the countries you gave me the option to move to. Why not Mexico, Nigeria, or Brazil?
And you think that's a....good idea?

Nobody's above the law in America. He needs to be a big boy and let this play out.

Is this blow-back from Trump driven by his ego? .
What it is is Trump recognizing Mueller not getting done with the liklihood of him releasing info right b4 the election to screw Pubs. Mueller is being totally political about this & Trump is POed & calling him on it. He's not shown he's got a thing on Trump, so how is Trump above the law? I'm POed at Mueller too.
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Also the education system in America is ****ing terrible. It's why many young people these days have no understanding of saving and balancing their money.

I hope Trump will fire the dumb bitch in charge right now and bring someone in who wants to improve the system. We need more classes taught to prepare people for the real world.
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Also the education system in America is ****ing terrible. It's why many young people these days have no understanding of saving and balancing their money.

I hope Trump will fire the dumb bitch in charge right now and bring someone in who wants to improve the system. We need more classes taught to prepare people for the real world.

She's the worst. Americans deserve better.

My state and district officials are a joke too though. Public education, especially in SEC country, is largely pathetic.

Teaching is probably the least "bullshit job"-type profession in the world, and the US values it like a cheap hooker.
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She's the worst. Americans deserve better.

My state and district officials are a joke too though. Public education, especially in SEC country, is largely pathetic.

Teaching is probably the least "bullshit job"-type profession in the world, and the US values it like a cheap hooker.

Absolutely agree. The education system is the one thing I hope Trump can fix more than anything. Its been needed to be done for a long time.

Just seen a stat where 62% of Americans have less the $1000 in their savings account. I know there's a lot of different situations but that shit is sad.
Ah, the OTHER conspiracy angle instead of the ACTUAL conspiracy where Russian meddling such as money laundering, bank fraud, identity theft, cyber warfare including spear phishing and hacking etc. produced 26 Russian indictments from a federal grand jury.

But you don't buy the fake Russian campaign in 2016 and yet bought ALL the Facebook posts and Twitter retweets hook, line and sinker. No matter where they came from. And yet I'm the rube who doesn't know what's real or fake?? [roll][roll][roll][roll][roll]

If anything the MSM has led you to believe none of this real. But please interject some new angle, throw around the collusion word, the vote count or throw Obama, HRC, Cohen, Stormy, Manafort, Rosenstein, the FBI or Mexican immigration into the mix to deflect any Kremlin criminal behavior. Don't forget "Witch Hunt' also pussy-cat.

This is President Trump on the subject knowing full well what was communicated to him before the Justice Department announcement on July 13.

Call it a fake republican conspiracy or whatever you want rube. Dems will use treason, obstruction or ignorance. But you can bet Russians want us to believe everyone is partisan. One way or the other. I am old enough to know not everything is so black and white.
Wow, a whole post of CNN and MSNBC talking points. Have you ever had an original thought. You have just spouted out every left wing nut job talking point. LOCKSTEP! MARCH! Black and white? Dorothy wake up!
Usually, the ones carrying signs and demonstrating don't have a job nor want one. They just want equal money for just being.

Hahaha you are a troubled soul, bro.

No way in hell you would share these thoughts, out loud, to a person who's not white. This is your safe space.
Earlier poster was correct, you are a race baiter and probably a racist yourself.
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No one needs you in this thread bro. You do provide humor with your terrible political takes though. Honestly a scary thought that you're a teacher but considering how bad the education system is in America it doesn't surprise me.
He is part of the rotten education system in this country. It is no wonder we are way behind in most major categories around the world. Teachers like him cry for higher pay so he can buy more dope and party more. Children under this clown are doomed.
Just a question for our loser liberals. Did you watch the roast of Bruce Willis tonight?

Have you watched previous ones?

STFU. PC assholes
How many of you have seen this? the Administrations official budget estimates through 2028. If Trump lasts 8 years they project a minimum total deficit of 7.5 trillion. These are very very very optimistic numbers that assume congress will enact heavy budget cuts the next few years. They also assume Trump will get everything he has asked for through congress. We all know that will never happen. Their original estimates from last year were much lower than these numbers. Now that the tax cut has shown its effects the deficit projections have gone up about 10%. It basically puts Trump one infrastructure bill/tax cut/war cost/omnibus bill away from matching and going beyond Obama's numbers with a "booming" economy.
Despite Trumps bluster it also estimates GDP for 2018 at 3% and to never go above 3.2% for 10 years. 3% is right about where all the big players are projecting for this year. Its a very interesting read through. The white house numbers guys are not optimistic at all about long term health of the US economy and have it propped up with more massive debt. The CBO's GDP estimates are even worse, they project it spiraling down to 1.8%.
How many of you have seen this? the Administrations official budget estimates through 2028. If Trump lasts 8 years they project a minimum total deficit of 7.5 trillion. These are very very very optimistic numbers that assume congress will enact heavy budget cuts the next few years. They also assume Trump will get everything he has asked for through congress. We all know that will never happen. Their original estimates from last year were much lower than these numbers. Now that the tax cut has shown its effects the deficit projections have gone up about 10%. It basically puts Trump one infrastructure bill/tax cut/war cost/omnibus bill away from matching and going beyond Obama's numbers with a "booming" economy.
Despite Trumps bluster it also estimates GDP for 2018 at 3% and to never go above 3.2% for 10 years. 3% is right about where all the big players are projecting for this year. Its a very interesting read through. The white house numbers guys are not optimistic at all about long term health of the US economy and have it propped up with more massive debt. The CBO's GDP estimates are even worse, they project it spiraling down to 1.8%.
Projections and estimates, and you have your proof of what? You also have a lot of people in the government who still hate Trump too so....

You are too easily duped.
How many of you have seen this? the Administrations official budget estimates through 2028. If Trump lasts 8 years they project a minimum total deficit of 7.5 trillion. These are very very very optimistic numbers that assume congress will enact heavy budget cuts the next few years. They also assume Trump will get everything he has asked for through congress. We all know that will never happen. Their original estimates from last year were much lower than these numbers. Now that the tax cut has shown its effects the deficit projections have gone up about 10%. It basically puts Trump one infrastructure bill/tax cut/war cost/omnibus bill away from matching and going beyond Obama's numbers with a "booming" economy.
Despite Trumps bluster it also estimates GDP for 2018 at 3% and to never go above 3.2% for 10 years. 3% is right about where all the big players are projecting for this year. Its a very interesting read through. The white house numbers guys are not optimistic at all about long term health of the US economy and have it propped up with more massive debt. The CBO's GDP estimates are even worse, they project it spiraling down to 1.8%.
I'm sorry, did you post something?
How many of you have seen this? the Administrations official budget estimates through 2028. If Trump lasts 8 years they project a minimum total deficit of 7.5 trillion. These are very very very optimistic numbers that assume congress will enact heavy budget cuts the next few years. They also assume Trump will get everything he has asked for through congress. We all know that will never happen. Their original estimates from last year were much lower than these numbers. Now that the tax cut has shown its effects the deficit projections have gone up about 10%. It basically puts Trump one infrastructure bill/tax cut/war cost/omnibus bill away from matching and going beyond Obama's numbers with a "booming" economy.
Despite Trumps bluster it also estimates GDP for 2018 at 3% and to never go above 3.2% for 10 years. 3% is right about where all the big players are projecting for this year. Its a very interesting read through. The white house numbers guys are not optimistic at all about long term health of the US economy and have it propped up with more massive debt. The CBO's GDP estimates are even worse, they project it spiraling down to 1.8%.

What? That old White Devil has gone and done it this time. I heard he is against a 15 hour work week.
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How many of you have seen this? the Administrations official budget estimates through 2028. If Trump lasts 8 years they project a minimum total deficit of 7.5 trillion. These are very very very optimistic numbers that assume congress will enact heavy budget cuts the next few years. They also assume Trump will get everything he has asked for through congress. We all know that will never happen. Their original estimates from last year were much lower than these numbers. Now that the tax cut has shown its effects the deficit projections have gone up about 10%. It basically puts Trump one infrastructure bill/tax cut/war cost/omnibus bill away from matching and going beyond Obama's numbers with a "booming" economy.
Despite Trumps bluster it also estimates GDP for 2018 at 3% and to never go above 3.2% for 10 years. 3% is right about where all the big players are projecting for this year. Its a very interesting read through. The white house numbers guys are not optimistic at all about long term health of the US economy and have it propped up with more massive debt. The CBO's GDP estimates are even worse, they project it spiraling down to 1.8%.
If you had been paying attention instead of swooning in 2014-15 when BO's finally got below a trillion you would know the ACA and other economists had been projecting deficits to increase again drastically over the next decade due to ACA subsidies, overall entitlements growing much higher than the rate of growth in the economy, end of the sequester, etc. Sounds like you should be supporting candidates that want to address spending. And fyi, Obama's own deficit group recommending $4 of cuts to $1 of new revenue. The only cut he ever made was in a showdown with McConnell and proceeded to both say he didn't want it and also took credit for it when the deficit decreased. And when he passed the large tax increase in 2012 he rebuffed any discussion with the GOP to match it cuts.