How will they rule ??!

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It is pretty sad when a "Political Fact Checker" is biased. If you read the article they agree the numbers Trump threw out were factual but each came with a however from the fact checker. The however was biased and not based on any sound economic factors or projections. The however was more of a wish things were not so good and the future not so bright. Bias.
i imagine a lot more of these tapes will come out. Cohen is on the offensive now against Trump & Guiliani, should be good entertainment.

There's just one huge hole in your conspiracy. The tape that was just released, the one that was a total dud, is the only tape of Trump. There are no more.

and i have no idea if any of this stuff they are talking about on the tape is illegal. guess well find out eventually.

We've already found out through the process. Get better informed about what you spout. Crimes are not protected by attorney client privilege. The fact that the special master deemed the tape protected by such privilege proves beyond a doubt that there's nothing illegal on it.

so we should see some good stuff leaked.

Read above. Trump isn't on any more of them.

On the other hand, a lot of the tapes are of a bunch of journalists being recorded without their knowledge. The topics of discussion are Trump, his campaign and the 2016 election.

There's a reason Trump went on a fake news tirade yesterday. He just got his hands on secret tapes of journalists exuding their hate/bias for him. He has proof that they're political operatives and partisan hacks posing as journalists, pretending to be independent, unbiased and non-partisan.
Hey, spend as much as you want on an apartment. If you made a dumb mistake and are renting from a place you can't afford, your neighbors will foot the bill! Incentives for people to live in nicer places they can't afford!
I thought we already had a federal government program to subsidize rent for people who couldn't afford it?
You are right. But Californians are "special." Kamala Harris is attempting to carve out a benefit for residents of her home state.

If they can't live in a particular local because the rent is too high, do what people in the other 49 states do: MOVE to a location where the rent is not too high for them to live. You may DESIRE to live in a place you can't afford, but our government should not be playing the role of magical government wealth fairy, waiving a wand to make your housing wishes come true.

Hilarious how biased they are. What is hilarious is they think they hide their bias.

Watching it now. It's like watching a game with a fan of a team cheerleading and talking about how their team is going to win the game or discussing what they have to do to win the game.

Remember when Tapper kept using the word "we" when discussing Hillary/Democrats? lol
Of course they won't stop at statues. Everything associated with any slave owner will be history soon (Colleges, cities, roads, everything). And not long after that, anyone that was anti-gay will be history. There of course will be a few exceptions (MLK Jr, Clintons, etc)
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Of course they won't stop at statues. Everything associated with any slave owner will be history soon (Colleges, cities, roads, everything). And not long after that, anyone that was anti-gay will be history. There of course will be a few exceptions (MLK Jr, Clintons, etc)

The Democratic Party has been revising history for years.
The new Trump and fox news line has moved from no collusion to no way collusion is a crime.
Collusion is actually not a crime though. Pretty embarrassing that you don't know this.

But then again I'm talking to the guy who thinks J. Edgar Hoover was a President...
Is he really that stupid, or is it just role play?
I've never seen him post anything truthful.
Collusion is actually not a crime though. Pretty embarrassing that you don't know this.

But then again I'm talking to the guy who thinks J. Edgar Hoover was a President...
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Austin is a great example to not allow Californians to come to your nice area. Dems naturally destroy whatever they touch and then move on to the next place to destroy and then move on. Easy to see why they love people who migrate here and do the same damn thing.
Austin is a great example to not allow Californians to come to your nice area. Dems naturally destroy whatever they touch and then move on to the next place to destroy and then move on. Easy to see why they love people who migrate here and do the same damn thing.
So true and there are so many areas of the country, especially in the South, that are examples of this. Texas is the hot spot to move now because it has real adults running the state and understands economic growth. California has just the opposite. So people, especially white people, are leaving California by the thousands however, many bring their liberal views with them.

South Florida has a similar problem to Austin but they have had it for decades now. New Yorkers flock down by the thousands, settle in and vote the same way they voted in New York. Then they realize the place is screwed up and by this time they are ready to retire. So what do they do? They retire to North Georgia, East Tennessee and Western North Carolina or the Georgia and Carolina coasts. People in that area call them "Half Backs" because they got half way back to New York. It is getting to be a crisis because the new comers still vote liberal democrat. North Carolina is close to being a blue state and Georgia has an absolute socialist running for governor of Georgia. As a Democrat
So true and there are so many areas of the country, especially in the South, that are examples of this. Texas is the hot spot to move now because it has real adults running the state and understands economic growth. California has just the opposite. So people, especially white people, are leaving California by the thousands however, many bring their liberal views with them.

South Florida has a similar problem to Austin but they have had it for decades now. New Yorkers flock down by the thousands, settle in and vote the same way they voted in New York. Then they realize the place is screwed up and by this time they are ready to retire. So what do they do? They retire to North Georgia, East Tennessee and Western North Carolina or the Georgia and Carolina coasts. People in that area call them "Half Backs" because they got half way back to New York. It is getting to be a crisis because the new comers still vote liberal democrat. North Carolina is close to being a blue state and Georgia has an absolute socialist running for governor of Georgia. As a Democrat

Yep. I'm amused at the lack of self awareness constantly displayed by Democrats when it comes to the effect of their policies. Look at older pictures of some of these cities and then compare them to today- trash, graffiti, poverty, crime, etc.

But really look at what Democrats do.

"Oh, this place is nice. I'll go here."
"You know, there's not enough diversity, let's force it here. Let's vote Democrat here."
*Crime goes up, nice school is no longer testing as high as it was, property value goes down, some businesses may even leave*
"Oh, I better get out of here. Too much crime and the schools are terrible."
*People move out, new group comes in, the city gets worse and is lost forever*
*Off to the next spot*
"Oh, this place is nice. I'll go here."
"Let's keep voting Democrat."

Do it all over again.

This poisonous mindset keeps following others and then proceeding to destroy everything.
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This is from a Vice writer before she knew the Toronto shooter was Muslim. lol

Isn't it incredible that this is considered acceptable? Keep in mind, the left calls conservatives racist for everything! But openly pining to tax someone more based on race? Totally fine. The left has made racism a huge part of their platform.
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