How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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That said I'm not sure it has any impact since he's already out of committee?

It doesn't have any impact. The way it works is judges are nominated then they have to be confirmed by the Senate Judiciary committee then confirmed by a full Senate floor vote.

Like I said above the only thing Flake is doing is delaying Senate Judiciary confirmation and it's only been two so far. He's not blocking anything. They'll eventually be confirmed by the Senate Judiciary committee and eventually move on to a full Senate floor vote.

On top of that the judges who have already been confirmed by the Senate Judiciary committee and are awaiting the full Senate floor vote can proceed with confirmation as normal. Without Flake and McCain that makes the vote 49-49 if all Dems vote no and all Reps vote yes. Pence wold be the tie breaker for the Reps.
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Never underestimate the the level to which idiots refuse to come to terms with reality in order to achieve their nirvana.

The left does this with everything.

"Gun control will stop shootings." - Ignores that the overwhelming majority of mass shootings occur in gun free zones and that most gun violence is handguns that are illegally owned and that cities with strict gun laws have the worst violent crime.

"We need socialism."- Ignores that socialism has never worked, ignores that capitalism has pulled more people from poverty than anything, that capitalism also keeps you competitive and motivated, ignores that they're eating zoo animals in Venezuela.
See the process is moving along full speed ahead as normal. What Platinum fails to realize is that Flake didn't decide to virtue signal and delay Senate Judiciary confirmations until after he had already helped confirm many judges through committee.

Those judges are lined up and waiting to be confirmed by a full Senate floor vote and with a 50-49 Rep majority counting Pence and McCain's absence there's nothing Flake or the Dems can do about it. They're confirming one today.

Trump Is Putting Indelible Conservative Stamp on Judiciary

Thomas Kaplan
July 31, 2018
WASHINGTON — With another judge expected to be confirmed Tuesday by the Senate, President Trump and Senate Republicans are leaving an ever-expanding imprint on the judiciary, nudging powerful appeals courts rightward through a determined effort to nominate and confirm a steady procession of young conservative jurists.

The confirmation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court would tilt the balance of the nation’s highest court, but, already, the president and the Senate have proved strikingly efficient at installing judges to lifetime appointments on appeals courts that handle far more cases.

The expected appeals court confirmation on Tuesday of Britt C. Grant, 40, a Georgia Supreme Court justice who was once a clerk for Judge Kavanaugh, would be Mr. Trump’s 24th circuit court appointment — more than any other president had secured at this point in his presidency since the creation of the regional circuit court system in 1891, according to an analysis of judicial records by The New York Times. The Senate did not confirm President Barack Obama’s 24th nominee to the regional circuit courts until the fourth year of his presidency.

Of the 167 spots on those courts nationwide, Trump nominees already fill more than one of every eight


Melania is much hotter than Ivanka and that's not an insult to Ivanka.










Now what we had from 2009-2016.




Decided to end on one without her wigs.
If Flake really wanted to put his money where his mouth is he could actually help the Dems block the nominations. There are 11 Reps and 10 Dems on the Senate Judiciary committee. Instead of refusing to vote and only delaying the inevitable he could easily vote no with the Dems.
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If Flake really wanted to put his money where his mouth is he could actually help the Dems block the nominations. There are 11 Reps and 10 Dems on the Senate Judiciary committee. Instead of refusing to vote and only delaying the inevitable he could easily vote no with the Dems.
Thankfully Flake will flake out soon and we will be done with him. He will probably drift over to MSNBC with Morning Joe and the bitch or CNN if they can squeeze him in. If all else fails he can get a job as a lobbyist pushing solar panels in Massachusetts
What Platinum fails to realize is that Flake didn't decide to virtue signal and delay Senate Judiciary confirmations until after he had already helped confirm many judges through committee.

Perfect example of what I'm talking about. Just a few months ago in January Flake helped Reps approve 17 judges through the Senate Judiciary committee. They're in line awaiting a full Senate floor vote. Flake is not needed to confirm them.

Senate Judiciary Committee approves 17 Trump judicial nominations

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved 17 of President Trump’s judicial nominations Thursday.

The committee approved the nominations of three U.S. circuit court judges — Elizabeth Branch to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, Kyle Duncan to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and David Stras to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals — and 14 U.S. district court judges.

Eight of the nominations were voted out of the committee along party lines, 11 votes to 10.
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I really wish Trump would actually talk to an adviser before sending out an ill-advised tweet he'll eventually back out of. Re: 3d printing guns.
I really wish Trump would actually talk to an adviser before sending out an ill-advised tweet he'll eventually back out of. Re: 3d printing guns.

Maybe but he really didn't say much except for he's looking into them and he doesn't think they make much sense. He didn't make any type of statement for or against them so there's nothing really to back out of it. Most people who don't understand something look into and learn more about it.

What about those Koch bros tweets thought? They were :fire:
Eff the media in every way. You know how many people are unaware of the good stuff this guy did way before he ever ran for office?

- He paid off the mortgage of a couple who stopped and help fix the broken down limo he was riding in
- He heard a story of a woman in Georgia whose husband committed suicide to try and get life insurance to keep the farm but it wasn't enough. Trump heard this story and raised money to pay for it.
- Gives bus driver $10k for stopping a woman from committing suicide
- Puts up Jennifer Hudson in his hotel after her family was murdered
- Gave Jim Kelly's friends and family apartments to stay in while Jim was going through his cancer fight
- Helped finance a marine who was trapped in a Mexican prison when Obama didn't do a damn thing
- Flew a terminally ill 3-year old on his private jet when no other flights were available
- Volunteered to finish ice rink in time for Christmas. finished months ahead of schedule and $750,000 under after the city wasted money for years and the rink was still a disaster. All profits to charity.
- Trump Fought Antisemitism and Racism in Palm Beach Two Decades Ago
- After Clyde Frazier Jr. who ran the Harlem Hoops tournament in the inner city was killed in the 9/11 attacks. Trump searched down the family and donated the money to keep that tournament going.

Compare this to Hillary and the Dems. All of the above are factual. So, yeah, eff the left's media and their puppets for the stuff they say while being completely oblivious to this.
Flake hasn't blocked anything. He delayed a total of two nominations from being confirmed by the committee and moving on to a floor vote. The judges are still nominated and will still eventually be confirmed.

And all nominees that have already been confirmed by the committee and are awaiting a floor vote can still be confirmed without Flake using Pence as the tie breaking vote.

Good take. One of the two judges that he delayed (Britt Cagle Grant) will get a senate floor vote today for confirmation. She is the one who is on Trump's Supreme Court top 25 list.
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Not only is Manafort (one of the supposed ring leaders of collusion according to the dossier) not being charged with collusion but the Obama DOJ investigated Manafort a few years ago for the same exact crimes that Mueller is alleging. The DOJ thought they were iffy and chose not to prosecute.

He's only being charged now because he worked on the Trump campaign and Muller is prejudice against him and trying to squeeze him. The judge is very aware of this. FARA violations are a dime a dozen in DC. Everybody is lobbying for someone without registering. The judge is aware of this too and has made mention of it. What happens to the Mueller investigation if Manafort beats this case? That would be pretty embarrassing for him.
Funny isn't it. Every news lead this morning has referred to Manafort as Trump's campaign manager. If you just listen to their headline you would think this is the end for Trump. They mention he has been charged with 32 counts but I have not heard one say it was years before Trump was running for president. Nothing could be further from the truth. but truth does not matter in today's media
Not only is Manafort (one of the supposed ring leaders of collusion according to the dossier) not being charged with collusion but the Obama DOJ investigated Manafort a few years ago for the same exact crimes that Mueller is alleging. The DOJ thought they were iffy and chose not to prosecute.

He's only being charged now because he worked on the Trump campaign and Muller is prejudice against him and trying to squeeze him. The judge is very aware of this. FARA violations are a dime a dozen in DC. Everybody is lobbying for someone without registering. The judge is aware of this too and has made mention of it. What happens to the Mueller investigation if Manafort beats this case? That would be pretty embarrassing for him.
I would like to see him beat it and I think he would if he was tried in another venue. But his trial is being held in a solid Democrat area and the jury pool will be ultra in their hatred for Trump. The prosecutor will hammer the fact Manafort was once a campaign manager for Trump. Hopefully the judge will be fair and honest and control the prosecutor.
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Now Trump is on the collusion isn't a crime train. Someone should introduce him and Giuliani to criminal conspiracy, election fraud, tax evasion, mail fraud, wire fraud. When the feds want to take you down they use the charges that get conviction 90% of the time. The same tactics Giuliani used to use for mob targets.
Now Trump is on the collusion isn't a crime train. Someone should introduce him and Giuliani to criminal conspiracy, election fraud, tax evasion, mail fraud, wire fraud. When the feds want to take you down they use the charges that get conviction 90% of the time. The same tactics Giuliani used to use for mob targets.

As soon as there's evidence that ANY of that happened, you can be ecstatic or concerned (based on which side you are on).

I told a buddy that if you could somehow find a completely neutral person who has no emotional leaning to either side and showed them simply the facts of the whole Russia thing, that person would have a hard time coming to any conclusion other than one side is being protected while the other side is being unfairly investigated. Not that it means anything to you..... you've already been convinced Trump is Putin's secret twin brother and nothing more than a puppet for the Kremlin.
As soon as there's evidence that ANY of that happened

It's all in the Cohen tapes. Treasure trove of evidence. Crime after crime committed by Trump. He's definitely going down. Obviously that's why Mueller handed Cohen off to NY for prosecution. There's so much collusion that Mueller and his team can't even prosecute it all themselves.

Now without sarcasm. Mueller handed Cohen off to NY for prosecution because Cohen has absolutely nothing on Trump and does zilch to help Mueller's investigation. If Cohen had anything at all there's no doubt that Mueller would have him under wraps but instead he threw him aside to NY like a piece of garbage.
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Report out that China has agreed to come to the table. US and China are now discussing renegotiating a new trade deal. Dow shot up triple digits almost immediately.

According to certain posters here, President Trump gonna kill us all simply with his trade policies.
Markets perk as U.S./China trade talks set to resume

Stocks opened higher on Tuesday after report said the U.S. and China are seeking talks to defuse an escalating trade conflict between the two countries.

The Dow Jones Industrials gained 118.32 points at 25,425.15, with 3M and Boeing as the best-performing stocks in the index.

The S&P 500 stepped forward 9.68 points to 2,812.28, as industrials rose 1%.

According to certain posters here, President Trump gonna kill us all simply with his trade policies.


How many people are going to die because of this?

Also I mentioned it in this thread at the the time but just a few nights ago Laura Ingraham reported that her sources in the White House are saying a NAFTA deal is all but done.

Then this was reported yesterday.
U.S. Talks With Mexico on New Nafta Near Completion, Ross Says
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Markets perk as U.S./China trade talks set to resume

Stocks opened higher on Tuesday after report said the U.S. and China are seeking talks to defuse an escalating trade conflict between the two countries.

The Dow Jones Industrials gained 118.32 points at 25,425.15, with 3M and Boeing as the best-performing stocks in the index.

The S&P 500 stepped forward 9.68 points to 2,812.28, as industrials rose 1%.

The EU has recently gotten behind our trade efforts against China. The Italian PM mentioned it yesterday in his meeting with Trump. The WTO treats China as a third world nation and gives them special trade advantages even though they are the world's 2nd largest economy. China sees the writing on the wall and wants to deal.

According to certain posters here, President Trump gonna kill us all simply with his trade policies.

With all the things Trump has done to kill millions of people at a time, when does humanity actually end? And how incredibly are all of us regulars that we've somehow avoided the countless atrocities that are occurring every time Trump signs something or makes a decision?