How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Fixed it.
No, he was elected despite record high negative numbers because people know it could have been (and could be) much much worse. Big picture over WORDS. He does well with men and educated women because they can compartmentalize. He does poorly with the emotional and myopic that live in the liberal media bubble of outrage.
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Is anyone else eager to see the gaudy paint job DT puts on the new AF1? That will be a week of outrage.
Anti ice rally in Louisville anyone want to go do some battle with anarchists? I’ll pay to rent a school bus and we can get bats pepper spray and my switchblade

Listen if you want to go get a ringside seat go ahead but once you step foot in that ring you will find out that Wrasslin isn't as fake as you thought. Don't disrupt the show.

Stay at home and watch on youtube like normal people. Let the professionals put on the show.
So everyone here is talking about the tax cuts, Supreme Court Justices, boomin economy, etc. and how a lot of us will give him a break on the shit he says, and your moronic interpretation of that is people on the right don't care what Trump does?

I’d love to see any of the criticism the left has of anyone in their party or any policy because their claims of “he can do anything and we don’t care” is the pot calling the kettle black. They don’t even condemn violence against conservatives. They laughed at the kid getting his hat stolen and a drink thrown in his face by a 30 year old man. They think Antifa are good guys.

Eff them.
There has not been a single solitary shred of evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. Yet the goddam left has lost their minds about Trump colluding with Russia. Yet it's the right who doesn't care what Trump actually does.

I guess now that I think about it, Trump is basically like Obama was for the left. All Obama had for his campaign was "hope and change." Everyone that voted for him had their own idea of what hope and change was. Obama didn't have any specific policies, but he was the Messiah everyone could project their own hope onto.

Trump is the same for the left, but the opposite. They've been told to hate him, so rather than look at what he's actually doing, they are projecting all of their deranged lunacies onto him. They are bottling up everything they hate and projecting it on to Trump because that's what they've been told to do.

So in sum, the left are a bunch of gullible, easily manipulated lunatics.
Listen if you want to go get a ringside seat go ahead but once you step foot in that ring you will find out that Wrasslin isn't as fake as you thought. Don't disrupt the show.

Stay at home and watch on youtube like normal people. Let the professionals put on the show.
Implying leftists could throw a punch that could physically harm anyone capable of benching 50 pounds
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969.
  • The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week.
  • Claims dropped to their lowest level in more than 48 1/2 years, as the labor market continues to strengthen.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 207,000 for the week ended July 14, the lowest reading since early December 1969.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
Awesome yet a pity that some are simply not interested.
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Implying leftists could throw a punch that could physically harm anyone capable of benching 50 pounds

Listen you think you are being tough going after Jimmy Hart and shutting the megaphone up and then bam Honkey just laid you out with the guitar setting you up for Shake Rattle and Roll.


Stay out of the ring. Let the Wrasslers wrassle.
When have you EVER seen a leader of a nation do that?

Libs act like it was supposed to be some sort of WWE promo style confrontation

So liberal actor/director from The League sent a tweet saying he thought Ben Shapiro was good guy and might be a good source of conservative alternative opinions. The result, he got pummeled by his followers to the point he had to send this.

It's hilarious. Elon musk had to do something similar just because people found out he wasn't a complete lib nut job
Democrats colluding with media, receiving foreign aid, trying to usher in an invasion of our borders, giving us the Iran Deal, creating a dossier with foreign help and trying to stage a coup of a president is apparently "not treason."

But Podesta allegedly falling for a phishing email (no DNC server to examine because Dems wouldn't allow it), revealing their collusion and corruption is somehow "treasonous to America."
This why they will lose again
Recession at some point is inevitable... if it happens at the wrong time and is worse than expected, the democratic socialist nonsense will persuade the uninformed and unthinking voter to vote Bernie in, or worse yet some younger better looking and more naive version of him.
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I wasn’t arguing with you, long term view of things I would much rather have Trump than the alternatives, but I was mad at him for that presser, he looked weak and pathetic, and he gave his enemies legitimate knives to stab him with. And he made a lot of supporters shake their heads, which is more worrisome than anything his enemies thought.
Yeah he probably could've done better with the summit but Trumps actions show he is very tough on Russia. Probably tougher than anyone since Reagan himself. If anyone thinks he is weak on Russia based on that summit, they haven't been paying attention to what his actions have been. Hes about as strong on Russia as you can get.
Recession at some point is inevitable... if it happens at the wrong time and is worse than expected, the democratic socialist nonsense will persuade the uninformed and unthinking voter to vote Bernie in, or worse yet some younger better looking and more naive version of him.

Not inevitable. I'm sure the fed will gladly artificially suppress interest rates and dial the printing presses up to full speed to delay make sure we can delay it past any important elections.