How will they rule ??!

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The left's idea of what Trump should have done in Russia is so retarded. Trump was supposed to get up there after a day of private, likely civil conversations and say "I'm not a legitimately elected leader, because you're an murderous dictator who hacked our elections" . . . that would have been productive, right? So dumb.

The response in this debate with myself "he shouldn't be talking to them at all" . . . also retarded.
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So are we supporting his initial Russia first position or the walk back? Just wanna know because MAGA does no wrong.
Done my bit for God and country. When you finally grow up you will know what that means. BTW, when I joined the army you had to have a high school diploma but, I think you knew that, just your normal fake reporting. Oh, one other thing to see, What credentials do you have for service and bravery to your country, when and where did you serve? You talk a good game, I played it.
Grow up? I said Russia attacked our country and you clowns started crying and came at me. Don't whine when I come at you when you act like that. Who raised you to think you could take shots at other people and not have them take shots back? You're pathetic, you're a bully, and I see you for who you are. Military service doesn't excuse your trashy behavior.
Jesus Christ, Keyser is now accusing war veterans of refusing to protect their country because they aren't outraged enough over alleged spicy memes?

Goddam lunatic.
Look, more fake patriotism from the group that bashes John McCain on the regular. These Russia loving wannabe bullies are something else.
Do remember, there are thousands upon thousands of people that voted for him, who aren’t nearly as Pro-Trump as many on here...I’m not bashing Trump, but that performance at the presser was so bad even Trump was trying to immediately walk it back.

Had a very conservative friend tell me ‘Mr. America First did the opposite when it mattered most’ or something like that.

My concern isn’t how the presser played on this political board, but how it played in the states he narrowly won. He lost support that he now will have to work to get back.


The only people who end support are never trumpers like ben shapiro types.

The only ones who end support are the ones who wouldnt care if it wasnt being ginned up by the media.

The only ones who end support are the ones who havnt gotten used to the DJT playbook. Long game.

I assure you, if anyone doesnt vote for djt because of that one single day, on something that doesnt even matter, without knowing what was said the 3 hours before the press conference... and uses that one statement instead of all the promises fulfilled.. they werent voting for him anyways.

I believe @Bill Cosby posted his statement word for word... and when actually reading it.. this is way overblown.. he wasnt blaming america.. he was blaming american leaders. And hes right.
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It’s simple, if Trump or his supporters say that Russia interfered with the election, Libturds will try even harder to deligitimize Trump. NOBODY likes Putin or Russia. Also, what should Trump had said to Putin, “you are an ahole” to his face? That approach would have ended meddling fho sho.
I’m just telling you, there are conservatives who can stomach a lot of his unorthodox ways, but that presser will take them a while to get over. .
Hard to believe anyone would vote Dem just because of a press conference. Just look what you'd get.
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Lol at Dems....looks like they've been watching Morgan and Morgan commercials. Not only do they want to steal your money, they're so lazy they can't even make their own catch phrases. I guess it's better than "vote for us bc identity politics"

Would be great ad to start with that & then piece in Antifa behaviors, the hounding of Pub officials like Sanders & McConnell, etc. to show just what they mean by "we the people".
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US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969.
  • The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week.
  • Claims dropped to their lowest level in more than 48 1/2 years, as the labor market continues to strengthen.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 207,000 for the week ended July 14, the lowest reading since early December 1969.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969.
  • The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week.
  • Claims dropped to their lowest level in more than 48 1/2 years, as the labor market continues to strengthen.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 207,000 for the week ended July 14, the lowest reading since early December 1969.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
But, but, he says mean things, and stays on Twitter too much
It probably was good it happened less than 2 years into his first term. If that happened 4-6 months before the 2020 election it could have proved devastating for him.

I’m just telling you, there are conservatives who can stomach a lot of his unorthodox ways, but that presser will take them a while to get over. You can be respectful with an adversary while still being firm. Trump was waffling about and playing the blame America too card we go nuts about when a Democrat does it. Was it a self-inflicting wound that he can’t recover from? Absolutely not...but I think it hurt him more than some on here are willing to admit. He looked defensive and weak. I’m not trying to argue with my friends here, but I gotta call it like I see it.

This will be forgotten about in a week when they have a new thing to be mad about.

If someone is passionate enough to be a Trump supporter in this climate, this will not cause them to just punt to Democrats, the party who is so crazy, so corrupt and so violent. These people are unhinged and they don't pretend to view us as fellow citizens. They view us as evil Nazis. Honestly, the left's daily actions and rhetoric is one of the best things to motivate the conservative base.
The saddest words ever uttered; not even a slight
Joseph McCarthy was right

He was.

Right now, I'm reading a book called, "Hollywood Traitors: Blacklisted screenwriters, Agents of Stalin, Allies of Hitler." Liberals like to act as if the Hollywood Ten were so courageous but they were legitimately, communist thugs.

Isn't it weird how all of the disgusting ideology comes from the left? Oh, but didn't you know? The parties switched? That's why so many Republicans are pro communism. :okay::joy:
When your standing next to a leader is exactly when you call them out to show your serious. If you kiss their ass when your next to them and then try to shit talk them once you go home you just show the world your scared or not serious. Same reason the Kim summit was a failure. Dude is murdering 100's of thousands of his citizens every year and Trump calls him a "great leader & nice guy" and didn't even bring up his ongoing genocide. Trump just really likes using stupidly simple adjectives & nouns and doesn't know any that are neutral. Great, amazing, bigly, huge, loser, incredible, fake news, tremendous, believe me. He uses those words every time he speaks. He could be reacting to Russia nuking DC and it would be "Putin just bigly blew up our country with an amazingly nuke. He's an incredible loser and the US will retaliate tremendously, believe me."

When have you EVER seen a leader of a nation do that?
Done my bit for God and country. When you finally grow up you will know what that means. BTW, when I joined the army you had to have a high school diploma but, I think you knew that, just your normal fake reporting. Oh, one other thing to see, What credentials do you have for service and bravery to your country, when and where did you serve? You talk a good game, I played it.
This is selective use of your service since Cadet bone spurs would be your Commander if you still served. There was nothing worthy of respect in how conservative military treated Max Cleland or John Kerry. One of my best friends was at Pearl Harbor and he never once tried to use his service to this country to prove his bona fides to this country. I have family who has left the GOP and join the Democratic party after serving multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have family who lost limbs in the Battle of the Bulge when he was run over by a tank. My oldest brother was given a choice, Jail or the service and he was an admitted racist and republican. Thank you for your service but that in and of itself does not give you any added political validity. I always wonder if conservative servicemen ever consider how many democrats are buried in Arlington.
Democrats colluding with media, receiving foreign aid, trying to usher in an invasion of our borders, giving us the Iran Deal, creating a dossier with foreign help and trying to stage a coup of a president is apparently "not treason."

But Podesta allegedly falling for a phishing email (no DNC server to examine because Dems wouldn't allow it), revealing their collusion and corruption is somehow "treasonous to America."
This is selective use of your service since Cadet bone spurs would be your Commander if you still served. There was nothing worthy of respect in how conservative military treated Max Cleland or John Kerry. One of my best friends was at Pearl Harbor and he never once tried to use his service to this country to prove his bona fides to this country. I have family who has left the GOP and join the Democratic party after serving multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have family who lost limbs in the Battle of the Bulge when he was run over by a tank. My oldest brother was given a choice, Jail or the service and he was an admitted racist and republican. Thank you for your service but that in and of itself does not give you any added political validity. I always wonder if conservative servicemen ever consider how many democrats are buried in Arlington.
He didn't even mention "democrat" or "republican" in his post. He simply defended himself against being called a coward by pointing out he actually served (which is a pretty solid defense against an absurdly mindless allegation). Jesus.
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969.
  • The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week.
  • Claims dropped to their lowest level in more than 48 1/2 years, as the labor market continues to strengthen.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 207,000 for the week ended July 14, the lowest reading since early December 1969.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
And thanks to Austin for posting something that really matters...
This is selective use of your service since Cadet bone spurs would be your Commander if you still served. There was nothing worthy of respect in how conservative military treated Max Cleland or John Kerry. One of my best friends was at Pearl Harbor and he never once tried to use his service to this country to prove his bona fides to this country. I have family who has left the GOP and join the Democratic party after serving multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have family who lost limbs in the Battle of the Bulge when he was run over by a tank. My oldest brother was given a choice, Jail or the service and he was an admitted racist and republican. Thank you for your service but that in and of itself does not give you any added political validity. I always wonder if conservative servicemen ever consider how many democrats are buried in Arlington.
How many of those democrats buried in Arlington would be happy with where the democrat party is today?
This is selective use of your service since Cadet bone spurs would be your Commander if you still served. There was nothing worthy of respect in how conservative military treated Max Cleland or John Kerry. One of my best friends was at Pearl Harbor and he never once tried to use his service to this country to prove his bona fides to this country. I have family who has left the GOP and join the Democratic party after serving multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have family who lost limbs in the Battle of the Bulge when he was run over by a tank. My oldest brother was given a choice, Jail or the service and he was an admitted racist and republican. Thank you for your service but that in and of itself does not give you any added political validity. I always wonder if conservative servicemen ever consider how many democrats are buried in Arlington.
lol, one believes this bullshit. But do you wonder why the military votes against you (you know, data) in every election?
Absolutely mind boggling to me that Russia has infiltrated the United States to ensure Supreme Court Justices would be appointed to ensure Americans keep their right to keep and bear arms and fight a tyrannical government along with infiltrating the NRA to ensure America's 2nd Amendment Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is protected.

Generally speaking, I think step 1 in taking over a country would be disarming the populace.
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969.
  • The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week.
  • Claims dropped to their lowest level in more than 48 1/2 years, as the labor market continues to strengthen.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 207,000 for the week ended July 14, the lowest reading since early December 1969.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
How many of those democrats buried in Arlington would be happy with where the democrat party is today?
I have three relatives buried in Arlington (all were Democrats) and one was killed at Normandy a few months after graduating from West Point. I am sure he would be livid at the state of the Democrat Socialist Party in today's society. Maybe he was better off dying at age 21 on the shores of France and not living to see this.
Absolutely mind boggling to me that Russia has infiltrated the United States to ensure Supreme Court Justices would be appointed to ensure Americans keep their right to keep and bear arms and fight a tyrannical government along with infiltrating the NRA to ensure America's 2nd Amendment Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is protected.

Generally speaking, I think step 1 in taking over a country would be disarming the populace.

Yeah, they're idiots. But this is the same group who is okay with our media being an extension of the Democratic Party, spying and trying to frame and stage a coup, wants to disarm citizens, wants open borders and loves big government so they're not very bright or ethical so logic isn't necessary.

Who wants globalism? Democrats
Who wants national interest? Republicans (not RINOs)
What would a foreign entity want the U.S. to want? I'd probably say they certainly don't want the U.S. with a stronger military, stronger economy and protecting its sovereignty. And would probably prefer the group who let them do whatever they wanted beforehand and as the Clinton Foundation showed, you could get Hillary to do some government favors for cash, which coincidentally, the donations to the foundation dramatically decreased after 11/8/16.
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Just wanna know because MAGA does no wrong.
...but if you were to believe the left and the MSM, MAGA does no right.

In the long run, it was an unfortunate but ultimately insignificant slip of the tongue that the left and the MSM tried to capitalize on by making it out to be much more than it was (hence "treason" "Pearl Harbor" "9/11" being bandied about) to damage and delegitimize the Trump administration. However, when Mueller finally reports that Trump was not involved in any collusion or attempts to collude with Russia, all this exaggerated reaction will have been for naught.
I need to read up on this more, never understood the full outrage since it was well accepted that communism was rampant then in Hollywood.
Be careful and research your sources on him. He was and is demonized and slandered by the very communists he sought to eradicate.
...but if you were to believe the left and the MSM, MAGA does no right.

In the long run, it was an unfortunate but ultimately insignificant slip of the tongue that the left and the MSM tried to capitalize on by making it out to be much more than it was (hence "treason" "Pearl Harbor" "9/11" being bandied about) to damage and delegitimize the Trump administration. However, when Mueller finally reports that Trump was not involved in any collusion or attempts to collude with Russia, all this exaggerated reaction will have been for naught.
Whatever President Trump does will not matter to the Left. They will just keep up their nonsense. It is costing them votes.