Man this new dark mode is awful

It's really bad, the dark blue links make it impossible for me to read unvisited thread titles. This happened before when they first introduced the dark mode, and they fixed the color scheme within the month, so maybe we'll get it resolved.

This is super amateur UX design, the prior design was fine, change for change sake and making it worse at the same time. Well done R (is that what they are called now? Did Elon invest in rivals?)
It's really bad, the dark blue links make it impossible for me to read unvisited thread titles. This happened before when they first introduced the dark mode, and they fixed the color scheme within the month, so maybe we'll get it resolved.

This is super amateur UX design, the prior design was fine, change for change sake and making it worse at the same time. Well done R (is that what they are called now? Did Elon invest in rivals?)
They also made the notification text white. So it looks like you've already read that notifcation. This is awful, lmao.
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It's really bad, the dark blue links make it impossible for me to read unvisited thread titles. This happened before when they first introduced the dark mode, and they fixed the color scheme within the month, so maybe we'll get it resolved.

This is super amateur UX design, the prior design was fine, change for change sake and making it worse at the same time. Well done R (is that what they are called now? Did Elon invest in rivals?)
I have a book in UX design, it may be a little dated. It says 1989 on the first page.

Just kidding on the copyright date, lol.
This is awful. Hope they change it soon or else I'll be going back to light mode. If I can remember how to go back.
Agreed. The babies will stop crying after a few weeks or so.
You two guys really don't believe this change makes it very difficult to read? Don't think this is any example of crying about something rather than a legitimate change that makes reading the board extremely difficult. What's wrong with letting those in charge that the change was truly a bad one. Glad you can read these titles way better than the rest of us.
I use dark for most stuff, but I never did here. Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t. The light is okay. It will take some getting use to.

I’m a teacher, so I am use to change just for changes sake. In teaching and government bureaucracy in general, it seems like it’s a rule of thumb that you have to change stuff every once in a while, even when things work perfectly fine.

My wife works for the County Clerk and if you have licensed your vehicle this year, you know about the new system there and how much of a nightmare that has been so far. They implemented it in January and still haven’t gotten it to work right.
You two guys really don't believe this change makes it very difficult to read? Don't think this is any example of crying about something rather than a legitimate change that makes reading the board extremely difficult. What's wrong with letting those in charge that the change was truly a bad one. Glad you can read these titles way better than the rest of us.

I literally have perfect eyesight and it's hard to read.

@know1 is just griping to gripe.
I use dark for most stuff, but I never did here. Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t. The light is okay. It will take some getting use to.

I’m a teacher, so I am use to change just for changes sake. In teaching and government bureaucracy in general, it seems like it’s a rule of thumb that you have to change stuff every once in a while, even when things work perfectly fine.

My wife works for the County Clerk and if you have licensed your vehicle this year, you know about the new system there and how much of a nightmare that has been so far. They implemented it in January and still haven’t gotten it to work right.
My wife and I were both teachers and I know exactly what you mean about change for changes sake. Rarely were the changes for the better and this one wasn't here either.
I use dark mode whenever I can because if my phone screen is too bright it triggers my migraines if I stare too long. When I first saw the new changes I thought the page hadn’t loaded completely or correctly- it is that bad.

Like others have said, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Hopefully they either change it back or polish this new turd.
Still liked it better before but this is fine now with the white instead is blue