How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Any of our Public School loving Libs want to take on this excellent piece by John Stossel? If this isn’t a damning indictment of public schools, I don’t know what is. And wouldn’t you know it? That giving underprivileged youth a chance and by making their education fun, they can actually achieve goals and be successful. Whoda thunk it?

From The Article:

Maricopa County is now re-doing logic and accuracy tests on election equipment after an alleged theft by a temporary election worker last week. Walter Ringfield allegedly stole a fob and is reportedly still in police custody.

The Washington Post reported that he said he took the fob meant for elections-related use, hence the heightened concern from county officials.

“On Friday morning, when completing a daily inventory, Maricopa County elections workers identified that an item was taken from the Ballot Tabulation Center on Thursday evening, and staff took immediate action to investigate the matter and contacted the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office,” a county spokesperson told reporters in an email on Monday morning.

I was obviously being facetious to lampoon his attempted deflection. Who tf would I report him to? The PAC gods? 'Oh Holy Ones who oversee our Political Action Committees, I beseech thee to enforce thy proclamations that No PAC Shall Collude With Its Beneficiary!' 'Shut up fool, you know that crap was just ceremonial. Check Larry Craig, courts ruled even being the freaking executive officer yourself of your PAC isn't coordination!'

Yeah, facetious. Gotcha. 😱
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Overall success…never lost a US Senate, House, Statewide election in a senior staff position that was 50/50 or favored in.

Won several not favored in.

As a strategist during my time at a consulting firm…ran the accounts of several Senators and House members in the current leadership.
Cool. Never lost a senate seat either. Did lose a house seat once.
Five minutes ago y'all were railing against Australia for similar measures. The right controls that government. You're dumb.

“Such, such, sore losers,” she said in the 2023 clip, per “Australia coming out on top is one thing, but it is just so much sweeter beating America. There were a couple of nights, particularly the first night of competition, where we did not have to hear the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ ring out through the stadium and I cannot tell you how happy that made me."..


Days after the 2023 video went viral, the Aussie swimmer failed to qualify for the Games, finishing seventh place in the 50m freestyle at the 2024 Australian Swimming Trials on Saturday, June 15.


“Such, such, sore losers,” she said in the 2023 clip, per “Australia coming out on top is one thing, but it is just so much sweeter beating America. There were a couple of nights, particularly the first night of competition, where we did not have to hear the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ ring out through the stadium and I cannot tell you how happy that made me."..


Days after the 2023 video went viral, the Aussie swimmer failed to qualify for the Games, finishing seventh place in the 50m freestyle at the 2024 Australian Swimming Trials on Saturday, June 15.

It's so much sweeter knowing we don't have to keep our ammo separate from our guns. Australia is beautiful but it's ran by far left whackos.
Very interesting election result from Toronto-St. Paul last night. One of the most liberal ridings in Canada went Conservative for the first time in 30 years. Probably can’t extrapolate that to U.S. election predictions, but after the EU Parliament results, we’re seeing a trend all over the world. And they used paper ballots!

Justin Trudeau had a sleepless night but because he’s a power-hungry far-left lunatic, he won’t call an election and neither will the NDP guy - Singh.
Did not know this.

If I were Trump, I would make it a priority to specifically point this out during the debate so that everyone in the world watching becomes aware of this, and then ask her directly why her husband signed that letter when we now know the FBI always knew the laptop was legitimate.
CNN is threatening copyright action on anyone rebroadcasting too. They want to be able to control what comes out of that debate.

Ok, since you are such an expert. Why don't you explain to me how this says nothing other than perhaps an indictment on your education?

Yep. Trump may drive voters to vote against him but he does the same on his side. Haley wouldn't get over 64million votes. She can't win if Dems decide to fortify the election. Trump will get over 74 million votes..... Hopefully that's enough.
C. I bet you celebrate when the GOP wins back the White House and Senate, you’ll celebrate because of fundraising and getting every vote.

In the words of Col. Nathan R. Jessup in a Few Good Men…

“Deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties…You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall…

I’d rather you just say thank you and went on your way.”
Fundraising went through the roof when dems decided to charge misdemeanors as felonies in NY. Did you do that?
I can’t comment on it, as I stated three times.

I can’t release hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of proprietary data, violate a strict NDA, or even hint at it because you basically dare me to on a message board.

You have an NDA... So you accepted hush money?

Over the decades the Bidens have borrowed a total of $6million on both properties - and there's still an outstanding $541,000 mortgage on their current three-bed, 4.5-bath Wilmington mansion nearly three decades after they bought it

Money laundering. Easier to explain large expenditures by saying you refinanced and just use the illegal money to slowly repay the loan.
Overall success…never lost a US Senate, House, Statewide election in a senior staff position that was 50/50 or favored in.

Won several not favored in.

As a strategist during my time at a consulting firm…ran the accounts of several Senators and House members in the current leadership.
I have family working for Lara at the RNC in FL. Have one who was a Congressional aid for Rep "Bow-Tie." Another a dreaded DC lobbyist who worked with the Trumps and with Rev. Al. Politics makes strange bedfellows.
Funny when the Biden clowns pump out content like this and think it will have a negative impact on voter perception. Even then framing things as horribly as possible, and using hyperbole, still sounds 100x more sane and legal than everything the biden admin has done.

Its amazing that they still lie about everything....Muslim ban LOL. They forgot to mention mandatory bleach injections for covid. They did drop the "fine people" hoax for now....dang snopes.
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