How will they rule ??!

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It was a gotcha question, if Trump said no to that question. The very next headline would be that Trump doesn’t want Mueller interviewing those people.
it was a gotcha in the sense the only response is no, we have no intention of taking Putin up on his offer. and he ****ed it up like usual. the FBI doesnt let Russia do questioning for them and the us doesnt let Russia interrogate its diplomats.

Suppose to be a impartial journalist and tweets that out...

Also, a ‘million different’ things a ‘journalist’ should be concerned with before All Star game optics...But hey it’s the same press that once criticized the First Lady for wearing heels. They are superficial idiots incapable of substance at this point. I’m not as an enthusiastic fan of the President as you, I think his presser with Putin the other day was an embarrassment...however, his ability to get people in the media to completely take off their mask and show who they really are is awe inspiring.
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it was a gotcha in the sense the only response is no, we have no intention of taking Putin up on his offer. and he ****ed it up like usual. the FBI doesnt let Russia do questioning for them and the us doesnt let Russia interrogate its diplomats.

Because the one thing that’s a certainty is the news won’t create a headline.
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Suppose to be a impartial journalist and tweets that out...

Also, a ‘million different’ things a ‘journalist’ should be concerned with before All Star game optics...But hey it’s the same press that once criticized the First Lady for wearing heels. They are superficial idiots incapable of substance at this point. I’m not as an enthusiastic fan of the President as you, I think his presser with Putin the other day was an embarrassment...however, his ability to get people in the media to completely take off their mask and show who they really are is awe inspiring.

Wasn’t a fan of that either but what’s the alternative? The left? The GOP pussies? He’s flawed. There’s no denying that. He’s going to make some mistakes in his job and was put in an impossible situation with this sham theatrics from Democrats.

But he’s doing everything I’ve wanted- fighting illegal immigration, taking on the media and getting them to remove their masks, getting the Dems to go further left, good economy, two seats for the SCOTUS and I’ll pray for a third.

I think we forget sometimes that this guy has been a crass New Yorker forever and has had no issue dropping F bombs and saying some shit. I’ve certainly got bigger concerns than theatrics with Russia which causes the left to go nuts. These SOBs tried to give us Hillary.

You're right. We don't let the fbi allow Russians to do investigations.

They do, however, let a private company review the dnc servers and let them tell the fbi what they found.

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Wasn’t a fan of that either but what’s the alternative? The left? The GOP pussies? He’s flawed. There’s no denying that. He’s going to make some mistakes in his job and was put in an impossible situation with this sham theatrics from Democrats.

But he’s doing everything I’ve wanted- fighting illegal immigration, taking on the media and getting them to remove their masks, getting the Dems to go further left, good economy, two seats for the SCOTUS and I’ll pray for a third.

I think we forget sometimes that this guy has been a crass New Yorker forever and has had no issue dropping F bombs and saying some shit. I’ve certainly got bigger concerns than theatrics with Russia which causes the left to go nuts. These SOBs tried to give us Hillary.

I wasn’t arguing with you, long term view of things I would much rather have Trump than the alternatives, but I was mad at him for that presser, he looked weak and pathetic, and he gave his enemies legitimate knives to stab him with. And he made a lot of supporters shake their heads, which is more worrisome than anything his enemies thought.
Get it done. We are counting on you.

I use to play poker at this casino all the time years ago, there was this guy who had been going in there for years...he was hilarious. He got to break all the rules cause the casino knew how popular he was. Not only did they let him continue to drink when they would have cut others off (and god he could drink, he would laugh at 30 beers guy) but he also openly chewed and spit tobacco in his cup...which wasn’t allowed.

Willy was that guy here at the Paddock.

If he went to far so be it, give him a temporary timeout at worst...most of us would be quickly forgotten around here, but you start permanent banning a legend you only hurt your site.
[laughing] +1

Willy is still "that guy", for sure. Paddock has not been the same since his unscheduled absence.
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So now the Dems want to subpoena the interpreter to make sure Trump didn't make some scandalous deal with the Kremlin. LOL. God these people are ridiculous!
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I wasn’t arguing with you, long term view of things I would much rather have Trump than the alternatives, but I was mad at him for that presser, he looked weak and pathetic, and he gave his enemies legitimate knives to stab him with. And he made a lot of supporters shake their heads, which is more worrisome than anything his enemies thought.

If that is the worst thing we can complain about suring trumps 8 years... then set aside space on rushmore...
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I hope you guys are at least embarrassed by the fact Trump is even entertaining the idea of allowing Russia to come here and interrogate Bill Browder. literally doing Putins propaganda work for him. the appropriate response should have been a polite **** off.
Russia hasnt indicted anyone..WE HAVE!! Putin graciously invited our law enforcement agency's to his country to let us interrogate his own people...WTF else can he do?..The FBI sucks..The CIA sucks..they got beat at their own game and they are butthurt..Trump should make HRC pay them back and this shiz will stop..
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If that is the worst thing we can complain about suring trumps 8 years... then set aside space on rushmore...
Yup. Definitely not his finest moment and probably one of his bigger mistakes to date. But it will pass just like the rest of the weekly hysterical outrages. This one might last a little longer than average, but give it a week or two and they will move on to the next manufactured crisis. I'm not sure he helped much with the clarification. Sounded a bit unbelievable to me. He really really needs to get over his insecurities concerning his legitimacy. Those who believe he is an illegitimate president have their minds made up about it anyway, and him admitting that Russia acted out is not an admission of any guilt on his part. So I wish he would be able to let some of that go.
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This monster got a byline in Cosmo. Bet she had that fat shaming article ready to go and then tweaked it.

Yup. Definitely not his finest moment and probably one of his bigger mistakes to date. But it will pass just like the rest of the weekly hysterical outrages. This one might last a little longer than average, but give it a week or two and they will move on to the next manufactured crisis. I'm not sure he helped much with the clarification. Sounded a bit unbelievable to me.

You’re right, it was definitely a mistake.
If that is the worst thing we can complain about suring trumps 8 years... then set aside space on rushmore...

Do remember, there are thousands upon thousands of people that voted for him, who aren’t nearly as Pro-Trump as many on here...I’m not bashing Trump, but that performance at the presser was so bad even Trump was trying to immediately walk it back.

Had a very conservative friend tell me ‘Mr. America First did the opposite when it mattered most’ or something like that.

My concern isn’t how the presser played on this political board, but how it played in the states he narrowly won. He lost support that he now will have to work to get back.
He lost support that he now will have to work to get back.

It doesn't hurt him with moderates to hear lunatics like Brennan calling it treason. Reasonable people see through that bullshit easily enough and the the lunacy of those accusations make him a sympathetic figure to many of those on the fence. I see it as a bump in the road but I don't think it was a mistake he can't overcome. He can't afford to make too many blunders like that though.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as the media made it out to be. He isn’t going to call out the leader of a nation when he’s right beside him, and he shouldn’t.

What really irks me, and probably most on here, is that Mueller is running cover for corrupt past admin members.
Comey, Clapper, and Brennan are sweating. They know their asses hang in the balance if the Dems don’t win the House in Nov.

The entire Mueller indictment was already known in Nunes report in April, yet now it’s worthy of an indictment? Right after Strzok testified and days before Trump meets Putin, come on. I have little doubt he’ll either indict someone, or leak info right before Election Day.
It doesn't hurt him with moderates to hear lunatics like Brennan calling it treason. Reasonable people see through that bullshit easily enough and the the lunacy of those accusations make him a sympathetic figure to many of those on the fence. I see it as a bump in the road but I don't think it was a mistake he can't overcome.

It probably was good it happened less than 2 years into his first term. If that happened 4-6 months before the 2020 election it could have proved devastating for him.

I’m just telling you, there are conservatives who can stomach a lot of his unorthodox ways, but that presser will take them a while to get over. You can be respectful with an adversary while still being firm. Trump was waffling about and playing the blame America too card we go nuts about when a Democrat does it. Was it a self-inflicting wound that he can’t recover from? Absolutely not...but I think it hurt him more than some on here are willing to admit. He looked defensive and weak. I’m not trying to argue with my friends here, but I gotta call it like I see it.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as the media made it out to be. He isn’t going to call out the leader of a nation when he’s right beside him, and he shouldn’t.

What really irks me, and probably most on here, is that Mueller is running cover for corrupt past admin members.
Comey, Clapper, and Brennan are sweating. They know their asses hang in the balance if the Dems don’t win the House in Nov.

The entire Mueller indictment was already known in Nunes report in April, yet now it’s worthy of an indictment? Right after Strzok testified and days before Trump meets Putin, come on. I have little doubt he’ll either indict someone, or leak info right before Election Day.

You bring up a very interesting point...Comey and that bunch definitely want the Democrats to start winning cause otherwise there will be more digging into what they were up to.

Speaking of Strzok, heard a couple of Republicans talking to the press about how Lisa Page in her behind closed doors testimony was willing to answer far more questions than Strzok, they found her to be far more credible and forthcoming...the public needs the details. We should know exactly what she said.
It probably was good it happened less than 2 years into his first term. If that happened 4-6 months before the 2020 election it could have proved devastating for him.

I’m just telling you, there are conservatives who can stomach a lot of his unorthodox ways, but that presser will take them a while to get over. You can be respectful with an adversary while still being firm. Trump was waffling about and playing the blame America too card we go nuts about when a Democrat does it. Was it a self-inflicting wound that he can’t recover from? Absolutely not...but I think it hurt him more than some on here are willing to admit. He looked defensive and weak. I’m not trying to argue with my friends here, but I gotta call it like I see it.
Trump is about to get another conservative Supreme Court judge on the bench, that's what conservatives care about. Not about what he says at a press conference that doesn't affect any of us in the real world.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as the media made it out to be. He isn’t going to call out the leader of a nation when he’s right beside him, and he shouldn’t.

What really irks me, and probably most on here, is that Mueller is running cover for corrupt past admin members.
Comey, Clapper, and Brennan are sweating. They know their asses hang in the balance if the Dems don’t win the House in Nov.

The entire Mueller indictment was already known in Nunes report in April, yet now it’s worthy of an indictment? Right after Strzok testified and days before Trump meets Putin, come on. I have little doubt he’ll either indict someone, or leak info right before Election Day.
When your standing next to a leader is exactly when you call them out to show your serious. If you kiss their ass when your next to them and then try to shit talk them once you go home you just show the world your scared or not serious. Same reason the Kim summit was a failure. Dude is murdering 100's of thousands of his citizens every year and Trump calls him a "great leader & nice guy" and didn't even bring up his ongoing genocide. Trump just really likes using stupidly simple adjectives & nouns and doesn't know any that are neutral. Great, amazing, bigly, huge, loser, incredible, fake news, tremendous, believe me. He uses those words every time he speaks. He could be reacting to Russia nuking DC and it would be "Putin just bigly blew up our country with an amazingly nuke. He's an incredible loser and the US will retaliate tremendously, believe me."
Tell me because you're a coward who is scared of Russia. What kind of man wont stand up for his country and family. Again, you're pathetic.
Done my bit for God and country. When you finally grow up you will know what that means. BTW, when I joined the army you had to have a high school diploma but, I think you knew that, just your normal fake reporting. Oh, one other thing to see, What credentials do you have for service and bravery to your country, when and where did you serve? You talk a good game, I played it.
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Lol at Dems....looks like they've been watching Morgan and Morgan commercials. Not only do they want to steal your money, they're so lazy they can't even make their own catch phrases. I guess it's better than "vote for us bc identity politics"

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Only in the mind of a puddy-tat is Putin an honest, God-fearing man while Obama is a criminal.
Never said Putin was honest and God fearing, merely stated that the left created this mess and invented criminals. Comprehend much?
So now the Dems want to subpoena the interpreter to make sure Trump didn't make some scandalous deal with the Kremlin. LOL. God these people are ridiculous!
Collusion was proven wrong. Meddling in the election will only prove hacking and spying which has been going on with all nations for years and did not change out come of the election (Russians wanted Hillary). So, with the mid terms coming up, the Russian boogeyman who were not the boogeyman until Hillary lost, is all they have. They cannot run on policies because, they have none. They cannot run on character because, unless we are talking about cartoons, they have none. They surely can't run on morality, murders and the exploitation of women and children and babies actually makes them the boogeyman.
Agreed. That's why I said what I said about your communism boner that started this debate. We need less screaming over who subscribes to what "-ism" and more focus on specific policies. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is dismissed out of hand because she's a "socialist" and her platform is then ignored.

You cannot have socialism lite even... you won't realize this until you try it.

So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system. Milton Friedman

You should be grateful that you live in what is proven the best system in the history of history, warts and all.
@WKBlu you’re reading a bit deep into this....Charlie Joe Smith, dairy farmer from Eau Claire Wisconsin, doesn’t give a shit about that press conference. Period point blank.

To your point about it happening now and will be forgotten that is correct and is 100% byproduct of the media’s own creation to their detriment. At this point how would any swingable Trump supporter (small number anyways) know the difference between a mistake (press conference) and Trump’s daily life (omg Trump is Hitler and the devil) gets tuned out. No one believes Trump is treasonous Hitler and folks have discounted all news or ignore it altogether.

Anecdotally, my wife with her Paddock hotness and wealth walked right by the tv the other day with OMG PRESSER MUHSTAKE and just laughs and says “oh god, what are they after him now for” and walks away. Brother in Law that somehow has more Paddock wealth than me and is the waspiest wasp country club (Pendennis Club) republican wasp lawyer on earth......hates Trump, calls him an asshole regularly, voted for Trump, and when I saw him yesterday just shrugged his shoulders and said something about the economy rolling.

The media lost Non-Political Thread regular people with the daily Trump insanity so that when there is a small piece of news it doesn’t reach anyone. It’s an old parable you may recall, The Cis-Boy Who Cried Hitler.

Remember your own words because they’re true, you know more and read deeper because you’re into politics and post here. Regular folks don’t give a cursory crap about more than 1-2 issues and OMG RUSSIA is not one of them. Don’t cite polls or anything either, they had their day in the sun and that’s proven to be over.