How will they rule ??!

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Serious question and please just answer. Don't follow up with any personal attacks or "what about Clinton/Obama?".

Do you really think it's okay, acceptable or responsible for the POTUS to call the free press the enemy of the people?

Except he never said that. You are putting words in his mouth. He said the fake news media is the enemy of the people. He made a very clear distinction. You're conflating to push a false narrative.

I 100% agree with him. Those in the media on both sides who claim to be unbiased and independent but have no interest in telling the truth and citing facts and instead would rather push false narratives and slanderous lies because they have an agenda are the enemy of the people. Your post is a perfect example of what he was talking about.
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@warrior-cat Then there was the thread where I said Jemarl Baker was pronounced Jamal after we signed him. For some reason, that upset you (wannabe bully) and you started in.

Jermarl Baker is pronounced Jamal, like Jamal Mashburn, Jamaal Magloire, or Jamal Bradley. Obviously kidding on the last one, but it is pronounced Jamal.

While were at it, it's Gillispie, not Gillespie, Ulis, not Ullis, and Calipari, not Calapari, saw that one today.

You came back with -> Do you whine about everything at home too?

That's wasnt whining, you and a few of you buddies from the political board were trying to be bullies. You could have been a decent person and said nothing, you chose to go in a different route.

Dont play innocent.
No argument, I remember the thread. Not bullying at all, just doing to you what you do to others and, it was whining to me.
Not at all a bully, perhaps you are just too thin skinned to post here. How have I bullied you? Have I triggered you somehow? Trashy behavior is subjective. Many see your behavior as trashy. I would not call it trashy, I would call it miss guided. You seem to lack the social skills it takes to interact as well. You will grow in to it.

As far as hitting back at the Russians, Trump has done more in a year and a half than the previous admin did in 8 years (did not want to mention Obama, that has been ruled out as an excuse by most on the left). Who knows what he has planned right now, too early in the game but, I believe he has a plan.
Well no, you will never bully me although you have tried multiple times. You get into groups with your little buddies on here and attack other posters and you've been getting away with it for years. Just like when I said the political Jamele Hill thread didnt belong on the basketball board. Innocent enough statement right, not for you and the political mob. YOU took that as an opportunity to attack another poster. Just like with Jemarl is pronounced Jamal, just like when I told another person the guy who drove his car into the crowd wasnt ab accident and there was video, just like when I said Russia attacked our country and should be punished. You took everyone of those and used it as an opportunity to attack another poster with your little friends.
Except he never said that. You are putting words in his mouth. He said the fake news media is the enemy of the people. He made a very clear distinction. You're conflating to push a false narrative.
Think you're splitting hairs here considering Fox News is pretty much the only stations he likes.
Think you're splitting hairs here considering Fox News is pretty much the only stations he likes.
You can think all you want. Fake news media doesn't equal free press. There are tons of good and honest journalists and news anchors. He has never once said the "free press" is the enemy of the people.

Like I said what you're trying to do is a perfect example of what he calls out the fake news media for doing.
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Reading comprehension is your friend. He accused me of being a high school drop out and a coward because I am supposedly afraid of Russia. Your use of switching sides because of having served in Iraq and Afghanistan being the point for switching or validating your stance because of family members diminishes your point. I use mine not for political validity but, for answering those who question my loyalty and patriotism. When and where did you serve? If your are using your family members for your bravado perhaps you should sit this one out.
You seemed to have forgotten I'm an American. I didn't accuse you of anything. I just let you know that a lot of servicemen don't share your POV. You can't understand that. My brother who was given a choice was a big blowhard also and everybody knew it. His service didn't change that, everybody knew that as well.
How many articles have you seen mentioning Trump's "controversial press conference" with Putin?

How many articles have you seen that mention Trump's "press conference" with Putin?

It's a perfect example of what the media does to push a narrative. Why can't you report on Trump's press conference without first labeling it controversial?
Well no, you will never bully me although you have tried multiple times. You get into groups with your little buddies on here and attack other posters and you've been getting away with it for years. Just like when I said the political Jamele Hill thread didnt belong on the basketball board. Innocent enough statement right, not for you and the political mob. YOU took that as an opportunity to attack another poster. Just like with Jemarl is pronounced Jamal, just like when I told another person the guy who drove his car into the crowd wasnt ab accident and there was video, just like when I said Russia attacked our country and should be punished. You took everyone of those and used it as an opportunity to attack another poster with your little friends.
Again with this Jamele Hill crap? Good Lord man, move on. This is why I call you a whiner. But I have to add, I do find you comical
I would thoroughly disagree with him if he said a free and accurate press was an enemy of the people.
There would also need to be a free and accurate press for Trump to attack it to begin with. Calling what the USA has a free press is laughable. The media is one giant democrat hit squad.
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How many articles have you seen mentioning Trump's "controversial press conference" with Putin?

How many articles have you seen that mention Trump's "press conference" with Putin?

It's a perfect example of what the media does to push a narrative. Why can't you report on Trump's press conference without first labeling it controversial?

Because it WAS controversial?
Another perfect example is just yesterday a senior political reporter claimed the Butina spy girl was in an oval office meeting with Trump. The tweet went viral and spread like wildfire.

Come to find out the girl in the picture was a NSC staffer but since she had red hair and reporters are hysterical for anything and everything to prove collusion she was carelessly confused with a suspected enemy to the US.

Once this was made known and 100% confirmed beyond a doubt as fact the reporter still didn't admit fault or admit that it wasn't Butina. She simply sent another tweet saying and I quote verbatim "I deleted the tweet. I cannot confirm that it is Butina and it may be a NSC staffer."

Then once she got her ass handed to her for hours because she was still trying to push the story as plausible even though she had been proven wrong she was finally forced to reluctantly admit fault three hours later. That's fake news media and that's exactly what Trump said was the enemy of the people.

Notice how all of the so called mistakes are all against Trump and negative for him? They're never positive for him or help him. That's not an accident. That's because the journalists who are guilty while they claim to be unbiased they are really anti Trump and have a biased hatred for him so they couldn't really care less about the facts and truth. When it comes to negative damaging Trump news they report first and ask questions and fact check later.
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[laughing]. French pragmatism. Love it.

Macron security chief caught on camera beating protester.

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Because it WAS controversial?

It was controversial because the media says it was controversial.

What if they decided the story was, "At the groundbreaking press conference yesterday, Donald Trump again questioned how the US intelligence agencies were drawing conclusion about who hacked the DNC servers, having never seen the DNC servers. As James Comey has said in the past, the FBI never took possession of the servers, but instead relied on the analysis of Crowd Strike, a firm hired by the DNC and co-founded by a man born in Russia. Vladimir Putin has offered to help and cooperate in the investigation of the Russian nationals accused of hacking the server.

In a _______ revelation, Vladimir Putin claimed Russian nationals contributed an unprecedented $400 million to Clinton's campaign."

That probably contains more facts and less opinion than anything else you are going to read on the conference. Like the media, I'm reporting the facts I want you to hear.

Edited to delete "shocking". Did what the media does. But how on earth is the fact that the goddam leader of another superpower claimed Hilary Clinton took $400 million from Russians? Can you imagine if Putin claimed Trump took $400 million from Russians?
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It was controversial because the media says it was controversial.

What if they decided the story was, "At the groundbreaking press conference yesterday, Donald Trump again questioned how the US intelligence agencies were drawing conclusion about who hacked the DNC servers, having never seen the DNC servers. As James Comey has said in the past, the FBI never took possession of the servers, but instead relied on the analysis of Crowd Strike, a firm hired by the DNC and co-founded by a man born in Russia. Vladimir Putin has offered to help and cooperate in the investigation of the Russian nationals accused of hacking the server.

In a _______ revelation, Vladimir Putin claimed Russian nationals contributed an unprecedented $400 million to Clinton's campaign."

That probably contains more facts and less opinion than anything else you are going to read on the conference. Like the media, I'm reporting the facts I want you to hear.

Edited to delete "shocking". Did what the media does. But how on earth is the fact that the goddam leader of another superpower claimed Hilary Clinton took $400 million from Russians? Can you imagine if Putin claimed Trump took $400 million from Russians?

You just did exactly what you said they shouldn't do.

Also, any time our president disagrees with our intelligence and agrees with a foreign leader that hates our country, it is going to be controversial no matter what.
You just did exactly what you said they shouldn't do.

Also, any time our president disagrees with our intelligence and agrees with a foreign leader that hates our country, it is going to be controversial no matter what.

He was standing at a podium right next to him for crying out loud. If he calls him publicly, what they had just discussed for 2 hours is out the window, and then the media would've went on a tirade about that. It was a gotcha question, to specifically put Trump in a no win situation.

Has the media even mentioned anything about the 400 million?
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You just did exactly what you said they shouldn't do.

Also, any time our president disagrees with our intelligence and agrees with a foreign leader that hates our country, it is going to be controversial no matter what.

lol, American intelligence agencies were paid by Hillary to create a fake dossier about Trump peeing on Russian hookers in order to spy and wire tap him. Good lord, you are as dense as Osmium
Senate votes 98-0 on resolution to not allow any US official to be questioned by Russia. White House releases a statement right before the vote, when they realized what was happening, that Trump now disagrees with the offer. Had to try and save face before congress took care of business for him. Trump doing a lot of damage control these days.
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Senate votes 98-0 on resolution to not allow any US official to be questioned by Russia. White House releases a statement right before the vote, when they realized what was happening, that Trump now disagrees with the offer. Had to try and save face before congress took care of business for him. Trump doing a lot of damage control these days.

I've read your stuff on here. You post never-ending spam (liberal garbage)
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Senate votes 98-0 on resolution to not allow any US official to be questioned by Russia. White House releases a statement right before the vote, when they realized what was happening, that Trump now disagrees with the offer. Had to try and save face before congress took care of business for him. Trump doing a lot of damage control these days.

But it was a magnificent idea. A lot of people were saying that. Trust me. Would’ve been YUGE for our country.
He was standing at a podium right next to him for crying out loud. If he calls him publicly, what they had just discussed for 2 hours is out the window, and then the media would've went on a tirade about that. It was a gotcha question, to specifically put Trump in a no win situation.

Has the media even mentioned anything about the 400 million?

Even when he was handed his damage control script, the dumbass couldn’t help but go right back to his original “could’ve been anyone. There’s a lot of people out there” stance.

Must be hard on your feet tap dancing all day.
A quick question for the hardcore conservatives in this thread that have an overt hatred for anyone on the other side of the aisle - how do you function in real life? Do you treat every democrat you meet (and yes, if you have any kind of life, you interact with democrats multiple times every day) the same way you do on the internet? I'm legitimately curious.
Senate votes 98-0 on resolution to not allow any US official to be questioned by Russia. White House releases a statement right before the vote, when they realized what was happening, that Trump now disagrees with the offer. Had to try and save face before congress took care of business for him. Trump doing a lot of damage control these days.

Now do the vote on abolish ICE. Tell us about the Democrats who wrote and singed off on the bill and how they were too scared to go on record and vote for their own bill because they know the idea of abolishing ICE is for far left American hating radicals who's ideas have no place in the mainstream.