How will they rule ??!

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When did I say Russia meddled?

I have said 100% that Russia did not meddle. Trump has DNC and Hillary's servers.

I hope you get some help psycho.
I hope you learn to read so you'll stop asking people to provide information for you.

So Dan Coats, Christopher Wray, and Mike Pompeo were lying? Never mind, that's something you wont answer.
So you disagree with your orange idol?

Where did the orange idol say that Russia meddled?

What about this? Since liberals are being crickets about it

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I absolutely disagree. If Facebook is considered meddling....GTFO. You have to be an old loser who’s never seen the internet to believe that Facebook meddled in an election.

Ftr, a handful of you all have in fact been arguing that facebook is/was a threat to our democracy and our president should do something about it. You are losers.

Congress and Mueller both have these DMs and Stone hasn't been charged with conspiracy crimes. You're spreading gossip and conspiracy.

Private Twitter messages obtained by The Atlantic show that Stone and WikiLeaks, a radical-transparency group, communicated directly on October 13, 2016

The depth of Stone’s relationship with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange has been closely scrutinized by congressional investigators examining whether Trump associates coordinated with Russia.

Stone confirmed the authenticity of the messages. He said that he provided the complete exchange to the House Intelligence Committee.

A screenshot of the exchange, which has not been previously reported, was provided to the House Intelligence Committee last year by a third-party source.

Stone insisted that the messages vindicated his account. “They prove conclusively that I had no advance knowledge of content or source of WikiLeaks publications,” he said. “I merely had confirmed Assange’s public claim that he had information on Hillary Clinton and he would publish it.”

Why did they attack the DNC and release damaging information on Hillary? To help Trump win. Why did they offer their findings directly to the Trump campaign? To help him win. What do all the IA's agree was their goal? To help Trump win. This wasn't some vague, generic attack on all of American democracy. This was a coordinated Russian military effort for the sole purpose of getting Trump elected. Roger Stone and Wikileaks coordinated to release hacked information any time Trump needed a story to distract from his craziness, like the Access Hollywood tape.

the DNC and Hillary were hacked because they used illegal private servers to try and get around the law. had these idiots not committed treason and broke the law there would have been nothing to hack. the democrats are so pissed because they got exposed. and it wasn't the russians doing the hacking, it was Seth Rich, God rest his soul, who exposed their info.

the Russians did not hack Hillary's emails you freaking morons. but her emails should have never been on private servers to begin with. you are excusing the criminal because you hate the outcome.
On MSNBC, commentator Jill .....Wine-Banks, who served in President Jimmy Carter's administration, said Monday's summit will "live in infamy as much as the Pearl Harbor attacks or Kristallnacht." Were I a relative of anyone killed/injured at PH, or in WWII for that matter, or if I were Jewish, I think I'd take these comments as highly offensive.
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On MSNBC, commentator Jill .....Wine-Banks, who served in President Jimmy Carter's administration, said Monday's summit will "live in infamy as much as the Pearl Harbor attacks or Kristallnacht." Were I a relative of anyone killed/injured at PH, or in WWII for that matter, or if I were Jewish, I think I'd take these comments as highly offensive.

As someone has said. If yesterday was Pearl Harbor. How should we retaliate against Russia? Should we bomb them like we did Japan?

Mindful that Russia hasn't attacked us. Democrats who committed crimes are using Russia as a front for their misdeeds (treason) to say Russia attacked us.
You don't know anything about it. It was a knock on her being a racist POS. I didn't just say it it was a attack on her and ESPN. But I don't know why I am even explaining it. You won't care.
So, using racist slurs isn’t an attack on her? Black people in general? OKAY.
Yet, everyone here let’s racist shit slide minus the few non-republicans. Coincidence? I think not.
Says the guy that has never called out any lefty and has been liking the diarrhea posts by KS this afternoon. Heal thyself.

I have seen many race related posts called out over the years.
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When do the Chinese and North Korean hackers get indicted?

I was in a meeting a few years ago with the CEO of a security company that not only proved the Chinese Army was hacking US businesses, his firm specifically sent out a press release with the address of said location where this was going down. His firm even sent people to that building to take pictures; when the release went out they evacuated the building - all hell broke loose.

This was in some of the major publications a few years ago - too lazy to search for them, but my point is, nobody's flipping out about Trump meeting with Xi because of this sort of thing. Why the big issue with Putin?
Just of the top of my head.

-Sanctions on Russia that resemble a Russian nesting doll. One on top of the other on top of the other including 7 of the richest Russians and 17 government officials.

-Closed Russian property in SF and kicked 60 Russian diplomats out. Shut down a consulate in Seattle.

-Signed a 5 year deal with Poland to give them energy independence

-Increase in military budget.

-Increase in intelligence budget.

-Pressuring Nato members to build up their military.

-War games in the Baltic.

-Armed Ukraine and Georgia to the teeth.

-Trying to pressure Germany into backing out of the Russian pipeline.
Yet, everyone here let’s racist shit slide minus the few non-republicans. Coincidence? I think not.

Let it slide? He's a grown ass man. It's not up to me to police this forum. Am I suppose to scold him? He can say what he wants. I can't tell him what to and not to say. That's a reflection on him not me. You trying put that stuff on me and hold me responsible doesn't cut it.

This is Obama's/Hillary's base, folks. You are part of this. You better log on to Twitter right now and put him in his place.

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Yeah, clearly. That's why you deflect and cant formulate a coherent argument.

First it was they didnt do it, then it was we did it too. Get your stuff together
Oh no, you again. You must be a masochist, you've been getting you ass kick for ever on here. I do give you credit for not giving up thinking one day you will finally get something right but, by that time you will be changing your depends on a regular basis because your ass will be spouting the same amount of crap your mouth does now..
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Oh you care because you're a politard and see everything through your politics. Our country was attacked by a foreign power and you dont care because it doesn't suit your politics.

Leftist, what leftist policy positions do I have? Oh wait, you cant name a single one and you're deflecting because you were exposed.
Exposed. Frauds. Fake patriotism. Lol. You use these buzz words because you lack the intelligence to argue your flawed, feeble positions. You also lack basic comprehension skills because I clearly stated I hoped they were currently doing something about the Russians- unlike Obama who stood by and let it happen under his incompetent watch. Your answer about Obama “I don’t care about him” is the true leftist deflection, because your pea size brain refuses to comprehend he is the reason we are currently in the state of Russian meddling. So not only are you a brainless, left wing moron, you are a complete hypocrite. Quite a feat you pulled off there.
Exposed. Frauds. Fake patriotism. Lol. You use these buzz words because you lack the intelligence to argue your flawed, feeble positions. You also lack basic comprehension skills because I clearly stated I hoped they were currently doing something about the Russians- unlike Obama who stood by and let it happen under his incompetent watch. Your answer about Obama “I don’t care about him” is the true leftist deflection, because your pea size brain refuses to comprehend he is the reason we are currently in the state of Russian meddling. So not only are you a brainless, left wing moron, you are a complete hypocrite. Quite a feat you pulled off there.
If you want silence just ask what is worse now regarding Russia than it was from the previous admin. Obviously they miss genocide in Syria, the Iran farce, turning a cheek to seized countries, etc. No time for policy when you are overcome with emotion I guess.
Exposed. Frauds. Fake patriotism. Lol. You use these buzz words because you lack the intelligence to argue your flawed, feeble positions. You also lack basic comprehension skills because I clearly stated I hoped they were currently doing something about the Russians- unlike Obama who stood by and let it happen under his incompetent watch. Your answer about Obama “I don’t care about him” is the true leftist deflection, because your pea size brain refuses to comprehend he is the reason we are currently in the state of Russian meddling. So not only are you a brainless, left wing moron, you are a complete hypocrite. Quite a feat you pulled off there.
Triggered, snowflake, leftist, fake news... blah blah blah. LOL, you use these buzz words because you lack the intelligence to argue your flawed, feeble positions. In fact you're an ignorant sheep who doesnt even have principles, they change based on politics because you only care about tribal politics.

Russia interfered in our election, they should be punished. That's my opinion, you bring up Obama and say they were just memes all you want, but a foreign government that violates our sovereignty should be punished. Period. You are so are up with your ridiculous politics that you cant even accept that for what it is.
FYI nothing comes up on catpaw archive search for the Iran deal with dion or mustnotsleep either. I am as shocked as anyone.
Democrats and their hypocrisy blast Trump over Russia yet their biggest Presidential hero the one and only Franklin D Roosevelt bowed to Joe Stalin and allowed him to create the menace and monster Russia is to this day.
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Let it slide? He's a grown ass man. It's not up to me to police this forum. Am I suppose to scold him? He can say what he wants. I can't tell him what to and not to say. That's a reflection on him not me. You trying put that stuff on me and hold me responsible doesn't cut it.

This is Obama's/Hillary's base, folks. You are part of this. You better log on to Twitter right now and put him in his place.

They aren’t fans of free speech... unless it’s something they want said, then it’s justifiable.

The best part is they can’t figure out you can support free speech while not supporting what that person said with that right.
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Oh no, you again. You must be a masochist, you've been getting you ass kick for ever on here. I do give you credit for not giving up thinking one day you will finally get something right but, by that time you will be changing your depends on a regular basis because your ass will be spouting the same amount of crap your mouth does now..
Just because a bunch of ignorant sheep were given the same opinion because they cant think for themselves and band together because they cant stand on their own two feet like a man doesnt mean I got my ass kicked. Not likely that dudes who are scared of everything and live in fear could kick anyone ass.

Let me say this again, Russia interfered in our election and violated our sovereignty. Either you believe that like me or you believe that Coats, Pompeo, and Wray are lying. Do you want to address that or just spew the talking points you adopted used to deflect from that?
Yet, everyone here let’s racist shit slide minus the few non-republicans. Coincidence? I think not.
Race card again? That crap has played out. Now about letting stuff slide, your savior and his attack dog committed treasonous and traitorous crimes against America and your sub human intelligence bought in on his lies. Had you been smart enough you would have jumped on the Trump train. MAGA!
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James Comey allowed a private company friendly to the DNC to usurp the FBI's investigation. Think about that. A private company outranked the FBI in a matter of national security. To this day there is zero evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. Mueller can say they did all he wants but the bottom line is that not a single intelligence agency has ever examined the servers.

HURD: Have you been able to -- when did the DNC provide access for -- to the FBI for your technical folks to review what happened?

COMEY: Well we never got direct access to the machines themselves. The DNC in the spring of 2016 hired a firm that ultimately shared with us their forensics from their review of the system.

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.
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So whats wrong with emails on a private server but many of you threw a damn hissy fit about that... and russia tampering with us is far worse than some emails on a private server.

Yea that Russia tampering still makes me mad how we allowed Hilary Clinton to get away with it. Plus all those illegals allowed to vote really doesn't sit well with me.
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