How will they rule ??!

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FYI nothing comes up on catpaw archive search for the Iran deal with dion or mustnotsleep either. I am as shocked as anyone.
You want to know what I think of the Iran deal since you called me out specifically? This is going to be a minority opinion on this board but I think it was great. Rouhani was the first moderate to be elected in Iran since the revolution and was putting them on a path away from radicalism and towards rejoining the international society. Trump pulled the rug out from under him, giving the mullahs who preach that the west are the enemy and can't be trusted exactly what they wanted.
So whats wrong with emails on a private server but many of you threw a damn hissy fit about that... and russia tampering with us is far worse than some emails on a private server.

they are considered one in the same. if she didn't use the private server, there would not have been wikileaks having gained access to those emails. once she got exposed, her and the rest of the dems started blaming Russia. yet there has been no proof whatsoever that Russia actually hacked those emails. just the DNC saying they did. yet the DNC has refused to let the intelligence agencies see what was on those servers who had access to them. so we are supposed to take the word of some disgruntled democrats that is was Russia who did it, without them proving it.

yet Seth Rich, who had access to those emails, disappeared in October of 2016 never to be heard from again.

this isn't hard to figure out.
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You're comparing apples to oranges. And I never said Trump's words didn't matter so you're use of literally is way off. You're making things up. They do matter for those concerned about appearance but his hostile actions towards Russia tell an entirely different story and speak for themselves.

Saying Russia "hacked the election" is a complete lie and fabricated misinformation. Russia's actions prove they didn't "hack the election". They hacked the DNC. The DNC is not our election. When you say they hacked the election people immediately assume voting machines.

You guys feel the need to call out anyone who opposes the Trump Brand (and yes, this is what you’re really supporting) but don’t have the spine or moral compass to call out blatant racism. Free speech? Sure. Acceptable? Nah.
they are considered one in the same. if she didn't use the private server, there would not have been wikileaks having gained access to those emails. once she got exposed, her and the rest of the dems started blaming Russia. yet there has been no proof whatsoever that Russia actually hacked those emails. just the DNC saying they did. yet the DNC has refused to let the intelligence agencies see what was on those servers who had access to them. so we are supposed to take the word of some disgruntled democrats that is was Russia who did it, without them proving it.

yet Seth Rich, who had access to those emails, disappeared in October of 2016 never to be heard from again.

this isn't hard to figure out.

And the US is actually controlled by lizard people, right?
You want to know what I think of the Iran deal since you called me out specifically? This is going to be a minority opinion on this board but I think it was great. Rouhani was the first moderate to be elected in Iran since the revolution and was putting them on a path away from radicalism and towards rejoining the international society. Trump pulled the rug out from under him, giving the mullahs who preach that the west are the enemy and can't be trusted exactly what they wanted.

the Uranium one deal and the Iran deal are all one in the same. Hillary's state dept approved the sale of US uranium to the Russians. Obama lifted sanctions on the Iranians and gave them boatloads of cash. that same Uranium has made its way to the Iranians.

this isn't hard.

I'm sure you thought it was a great deal when Clinton traded oil for food with the N. Koreans so long as they promised not to continue their nuclear program as well? that turned out just great.
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You guys feel the need to call out anyone who opposes the Trump Brand (and yes, this is what you’re really supporting) but don’t have the spine or moral compass to call out blatant racism. Free speech? Sure. Acceptable? Nah.
Exactly, he's allowed to say it just like we're allowed to call him a racist scumbag for saying it.
Triggered, snowflake, leftist, fake news... blah blah blah. LOL, you use these buzz words because you lack the intelligence to argue your flawed, feeble positions. In fact you're an ignorant sheep who doesnt even have principles, they change based on politics because you only care about tribal politics.

Russia interfered in our election, they should be punished. That's my opinion, you bring up Obama and say they were just memes all you want, but a foreign government that violates our sovereignty should be punished. Period. You are so are up with your ridiculous politics that you cant even accept that for what it is.
Once again, you show your lack of comprehension skills. I clearly said I hope the Russian meddling is being dealt with. It wasn’t under the previous administration of Obama. Another expression you use, “ tribal politics” shows you are a lazy, uninformed imbecile who throws out buzz words because you aren’t capable of winning an argument with facts. You think you cleverly hide your radical left wing slant, but you fail to realize how easily discernible it is.
I'm sure you thought it was a great deal when Clinton traded oil for food with the N. Koreans so long as they promised not to continue their nuclear program as well? that turned out just great.
North Korea and Iran are entirely different animals. Just because they're both antagonistic towards America doesn't make them the same. NK is run by a dynastic dictatorship based on the cult of personality enforced by prison camps and Iran's government is elected by a slim majority of a radicalized population who have it preached to them daily that the west is responsible for their problems. Kim is building nukes to hold onto his power in any way possible, including challenges from his own populace, and Iran is building nukes to ostensibly level the playing field with their perceived oppressors. Need completely different approaches to completely different problems. We're trying to win hearts and minds in Iran, there's no access to NK's population to even attempt that.
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Just because a bunch of ignorant sheep were given the same opinion because they cant think for themselves and band together because they cant stand on their own two feet like a man doesnt mean I got my ass kicked. Not likely that dudes who are scared of everything and live in fear could kick anyone ass.

Let me say this again, Russia interfered in our election and violated our sovereignty. Either you believe that like me or you believe that Coats, Pompeo, and Wray are lying. Do you want to address that or just spew the talking points you adopted used to deflect from that?
It has been explained ad nauseam to you buffoons but you still either choose to ignore it or are too dumb to understand that your own party's attack dog Hillary used illegal severs and was hacked but not by Russia. Your inability or unwillingness to accept the truth rather than listen to all of the fake news being spouted is telling about your lack of character or intelligence. Either way, please never vote again because you are part of the problem here.
So whats wrong with emails on a private server but many of you threw a damn hissy fit about that... and russia tampering with us is far worse than some emails on a private server.
It's an issue, but I think it's important to bring clarity which the media will not do. There is a difference between collusion and meddling. Do I think there was That's what the DNC did to take out bernie, which for whatever reason no one cares about the undermining of democracy there. Was there meddling..yes. But I hate to break it to people...Russia meddles in every election. They meddled in the 2012 election and probably everyone before since the start of the cold war. Just like the US meddles in everyone's Obama did to Israel, for instance. The goal is to create chaos...which, mission accomplished. Russia doesn't even have to do anything now and they have people and the left blaming everything they dont like on Russia, even members of the right are unwilling to work together in some instances..and the media keeps blowing it up...meanwhile Russia just has their feet kicked up.

As far as Hillary's private server...again..ppl keep trying to make it look like she was just sending birthday memes in emails. She was selling govt access and influencing govt policy based on who gave her money. Not hard to see.
Once again, you show your lack of comprehension skills. I clearly said I hope the Russian meddling is being dealt with. It wasn’t under the previous administration of Obama. Another expression you use, “ tribal politics” shows you are a lazy, uninformed imbecile who throws out buzz words because you aren’t capable of winning an argument with facts. You think you cleverly hide your radical left wing slant, but you fail to realize how easily discernible it is.
Welp, were in agreement, high five. Weird that you agree with my point and still chose to come at me with an attitude. Its almost like you are so ate up with your tribal politics that nothing else matters.

I would love to hear what my radical left wing slant is, but like I said earlier, they're just meaningless buzz words you use to deflect and would never answer.
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You guys feel the need to call out anyone who opposes the Trump Brand (and yes, this is what you’re really supporting) but don’t have the spine or moral compass to call out blatant racism. Free speech? Sure. Acceptable? Nah.


You guys feel the need to call out anyone who opposes the Trump Brand (and yes, this is what you’re really supporting) but don’t have the spine or moral compass to call out blatant racism. Free speech? Sure. Acceptable? Nah.
Me having a political debate with someone isn't policing this board. I'm using the board to discuss politics. That's what it's meant for. If someone says something vile that's on them. You're trying to create something there isn't and label us all racists because of something someone else said makes you a piece of shit coward. You definitely wouldn't do it in person. I'm not responsible for anything anyone says but myself.
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Rouhani was the first moderate to be elected in Iran since the revolution and was putting them on a path away from radicalism

Scant to zero proof of that. They loved the cash and legitimacy though.

My favorite part is how easy it was per Rhodes to create the "echo chamber" in the media to help them get it done.

They have sponsored the killing of millions, including many US soldiers. Pulling the sanctions was criminal. Russia supported BTW.
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Exactly, he's allowed to say it just like we're allowed to call him a racist scumbag for saying it.

Absolutely. But mustnotsleep makes it sound like you’re a racist if you don’t call it out, scream and point. I can’t help it if someone is racist or uses racial slurs. I don’t go commenting on tweets that use the n word or calling blacks monkeys. I also don’t comment tweets that advocate killing whitey or wanting white genocide for Christmas. I disagree with them and think it’s messed up, but they’re adults who have a very wrong opinion of a person based on nothing but skin tone. Calling them out doesn’t do much of anything... unless it’s just to make yourself feel better for doing it. If so, then okay I guess.

I do find it ironic though that mustnot calls out racism at every turn, yet if 2 or more white people are in a room together it must be a Klan meeting.
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It has been explained ad nauseam to you buffoons but you still either choose to ignore it or are too dumb to understand that your own party's attack dog Hillary used illegal severs and was hacked but not by Russia. Your inability or unwillingness to accept the truth rather than listen to all of the fake news being spouted is telling about your lack of character or intelligence. Either way, please never vote again because you are part of the problem here.
My own party? Oh wait, because of your politics I have to be a dem. Let me explain this to you again, I dont give a shit about Hillary, Obama, Roosevelt, John Kennedy, or George Washington. Illegal server or not, Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country. You may be cool with that, I am not.
Exactly, he's allowed to say it just like we're allowed to call him a racist scumbag for saying it.
Yes. Call him that. But trying to say the rest of us are responsible for what he decides to say is nonsense. Mustsleep didn't call the person who said it anything. He included us all. That I won't stand for.

It's not my job to police this board. I'm not here to get into pissing matches. I'm here to discuss politics. If ignore idiocy instead of lowering myself and choosing to engage that doesn't mean I agree or am in any way responsible.
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Absolutely. But mustnotsleep makes it sound like you’re a racist if you don’t call it out, scream and point. I can’t help it if someone is racist or uses racial slurs. I don’t go commenting on tweets that use the n word or calling blacks monkeys. I also don’t comment tweets that advocate killing whitey or wanting white genocide for Christmas. I disagree with them and think it’s messed up, but they’re adults who have a very wrong opinion of a person based on nothing but skin tone. Calling them out doesn’t do much of anything... unless it’s just to make yourself feel better for doing it. If so, then okay I guess.

I do find it ironic though that mustnot calls out racism at every turn, yet if 2 or more white people are in a room together it must be a Klan meeting.
Yes. Call him that. But trying to say the rest of us are responsible for what he decides to say is nonsense. Mustsleep didn't call the person who said it anything. He included us all. That I won't stand for. it's not my job to police this board. I'm not here to get into pissing matches. I'm here to discuss politics. If ignore idiocy instead of lowering myself and choosing to engage that doesn't mean I agree or am in any way responsible.
These posts are disingenuous because whenever someone DOES call out an overtly racist comment in this thread you have multiple people accusing them of "playing the race card" and insulting them. If you're going to stay silent on the racist posts, stay silent on the ones calling them out. Don't defend the racist by using the "race card" line any time someone mentions anything about race.
My own party? Oh wait, because of your politics I have to be a dem. Let me explain this to you again, I dont give a shit about Hillary, Obama, Roosevelt, John Kennedy, or George Washington. Illegal server or not, Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country. You may be cool with that, I am not.

We aren’t cool with it, but you’re acting like they flew a GD bomber down Pennsylvania Avenue. Hell, you don’t even know what happened other than people that will never see a courtroom were indicted.

Relax with the hyperbole, you’re coming off as unhinged.
You don't know a lick about Iranian politics if you really believe this. Maybe get your head out of your red, white, and blue ass once in awhile and concern yourself with world events.
You side with the mullahs and Russia and lifting sanctions, I will stand with Amb Haley and our military leaders. Get off vox and motherjones once in a while and concern yourself with what is best for our country and for less genocide in the ME.
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We aren’t cool with it, but you’re acting like they flew a GD bomber down Pennsylvania Avenue. Hell, you don’t even know what happened other than people that will never see a courtroom were indicted.

Relax with the hyperbole, you’re coming off as unhinged.
Just because you can't see it doesnt mean they didnt violate our sovereignty. You guys excused it over politics.
It's about time for you to speak on the actual subject and stop making lame insults. Someone tell this clown what to think so he can pretend to have a coherent opinion.

coming from the idiot who thinks Russia "attacked" us. omg it's pearl harbor all over again.

no one here takes you serious. we just love making fun of you.
Welp, were in agreement, high five. Weird that you agree with my point and still chose to come at me with an attitude. Its almost like you are so ate up with your tribal politics that nothing else matters.

I would love to hear what my radical left wing slant is, but like I said earlier, they're just meaningless buzz words you use to deflect and would never answer.
It isn’t “ your point”. Show me one post where I said the Russian meddling shouldn’t be dealt with. Just one. Guess what? You won’t find it. Know what else we won’t find? One post by you stating Obama’s actions led the country to where we are at right now. This clearly happened while he was President. However, you deflect on that by screaming tribal politics, fake patriotism etc. Why? Because you are not going to criticize Obama for his incompetence and failures- just like the rest of the radical left.
These posts are disingenuous because whenever someone DOES call out an overtly racist comment in this thread you have multiple people accusing them of "playing the race card" and insulting them. If you're going to stay silent on the racist posts, stay silent on the ones calling them out. Don't defend the racist by using the "race card" line any time someone mentions anything about race.

Piss off. I do stay silent on all of it. The only reason I responded is because he included me. His exact words were "you all are part of this." I'm not multiple people accusing anyone of anything and you aren't going to lump me in with them.
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These posts are disingenuous because whenever someone DOES call out an overtly racist comment in this thread you have multiple people accusing them of "playing the race card" and insulting them

Because you, mustnotsleep and ft campbell call everything (not overtly) racism. People tune it out or laugh at it. You should call them out as well if you want a healthy exchange on the subject.
And LOL ar unhinged on this board. A board where anyone who doesnt agree with the group opinion is name called and ganged up on. I see people with different political backgrounds as just having different opinions, you guys are the exception. You cant even have a civil common sense conversation over here because yall are so are up. But yeah, unhinged... LOL.
Just because you can't see it doesnt mean they didnt violate our sovereignty. You guys excused it over politics.

No one is excusing it, Trump isn’t excusing it. He’s been much harder on Russia than Obama was, but it isn’t an attack on the United Statez either.

Have a buffer between flatline and all out hysteria.
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Because you, mustnotsleep and ft campbell call everything (not overtly) racism. People tune it out or laugh at it. You should call them out as well if you want a health exchange on the subject.
I said Usslair used a racial slur because he used a racial slur. We cant be real on this board tho.
It isn’t “ your point”. Show me one post where I said the Russian meddling shouldn’t be dealt with. Just one. Guess what? You won’t find it. Know what else we won’t find? One post by you stating Obama’s actions led the country to where we are at right now. This clearly happened while he was President. However, you deflect on that by screaming tribal politics, fake patriotism etc. Why? Because you are not going to criticize Obama for his incompetence and failures- just the rest of the radical left.
He was a monkey throwing shit for two hours, no way he can recall anything said. Several of us were saying we needed to see more details and other policy that comes out but he wanted none of that.
You side with the mullahs and Russia and lifting sanctions, I will stand with Amb Haley and our military leaders. Get off vox and motherjones once in a while and concern yourself with what is best for our country and for less genocide in the ME.
You don't even know the difference between Rouhani and the mullahs. You have disqualified yourself from any intelligent conversation on the topic. Every Muslim isn't the enemy of America you ignoramus.