How will they rule ??!

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All I want are easy, simple facts from Keyser to support his statements, but it appears his blinding unhinged lunacy is too much to overcome.
DNC emails are not "the election". Claiming Russia hacked the election ie voting machines/vote counts/etc couldn't be more wrong.
Why did they attack the DNC and release damaging information on Hillary? To help Trump win. Why did they offer their findings directly to the Trump campaign? To help him win. What do all the IA's agree was their goal? To help Trump win. This wasn't some vague, generic attack on all of American democracy. This was a coordinated Russian military effort for the sole purpose of getting Trump elected. Roger Stone and Wikileaks coordinated to release hacked information any time Trump needed a story to distract from his craziness, like the Access Hollywood tape.
Rosenstein, Deputy AG, said no Americans involved and no votes effected by the actions.

I hear that and wait to see what policy comes out instead of being hysterical. Exposed!!
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Look, now I'm bi polar because this fraud doesnt like being called out.

I'm reading this thread and you appear unstable. A lot of manic behavior is unknown to the person.

Anyone that engages with you is a fraud apparently. People have asked you for specific examples and yet you have given none. Maybe you should post on CNN's message board where you could get your rants validated by other like minded ranters.
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Full of shit how? C'mon dummy, explain your insults. Oh wait, none of you ignorant sheep ever can.

You claim about everyone that is a traitor or working with Russia should be locked up or kicked out? Ok that is half the god dam Democratic party. You really are stupid if you think Trump has done worst.

You have sand in your VG and still pissed off Trump won. Just admit it.
I'm reading this thread and you appear unstable. A lot of manic behavior is unknown to the person.

Anyone that engages with you is a fraud apparently. People have asked you for specific examples and yet you have given none. Maybe you should post on CNN's message board where you could get your rants validated by other like minded ranters.
I'd use unstable to if I couldn't refute the DNI,CIA, and FBI.

I gave specific examples not once but twice, and was met with but Obamax it happened under Obama, and why didnt Obama do this that and the other.

Like I said, either you believe Dan Coats, Christopher Wray, and Mike Pompeo or you dont and believe their lying. The information is readily available to you, stop being lazy and read it.
What do all the IA's agree was their goal?
They still didn't "hack the election". Words matter.

I also see you conveniently left out the IA says no witting Americans. No collusion. Zero votes changed. If you're going to rest on the IA then tell the entire story.

Roger Stone and Wikileaks coordinated to release hacked information

There's zero evidence of this. Matter of fact Stone's DM's have been made public. They took place after the information had already been released.
I'd use unstable to if I couldn't refute the DNI,CIA, and FBI.

I gave specific examples not once but twice, and was met with but Obamax it happened under Obama, and why didnt Obama do this that and the other.

Like I said, either you believe Dan Coats, Christopher Wray, and Mike Pompeo or you dont and believe their lying. The information is readily available to you, stop being lazy and read it.

What did those gentleman specifically say?

I'm not lazy. I just don't think you are smart enough to decipher anything of substance.
But rant on, Mr. Soze. Please continue to rant. At least Mr. Booty with his ignorance still tries to portray that he has intelligence.
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You claim about everyone that is a traitor or working with Russia should be locked up or kicked out? Ok that is half the god dam Democratic party. You really are stupid if you think Trump has done worst.

You have sand in your VG and still pissed off Trump won. Just admit it.
No moron, I said Russia interfered in out election and violated our sovereignty and should be punished. Do you know what that means or do I need to dumb it down for you to understand?

Yes moron, if half the democratic party was working with Russia they should be locked or worse. It ain't about your tribal politics you tard. It's about our country being attacked by another country. Oh and before you say what about... yeah, anyone who attacks our country should be punished.
What if Keyser is Willy working undercover to entrap us into responding to his shitposts as part of a plea agreement with Mueller?
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What did those gentleman specifically say?

I'm not lazy. I just don't think you are smart enough to decipher anything of substance.
But rant on, Mr. Soze. Please continue to rant. At least Mr. Booty with his ignorance still tries to portray that he has intelligence.
You're clearly stupid, that's why you keep asking for information that's easily found. They said Russia interfered in our election and they continue to do so. If you want the species of their statements or congressional testimony maybe try google, it's a search engine and helps you to find things.
No moron, I said Russia interfered in out election and violated our sovereignty and should be punished.

LOL, I guess you're too young to remember when America actually DID meddle into Russia's election and got Boris drunk Yeltsin elected. If you don't remember, here's a Time issue cover that bragged about it.

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You're clearly stupid, that's why you keep asking for information that's easily found. They said Russia interfered in our election and they continue to do so. If you want the species of their statements or congressional testimony maybe try google, it's a search engine and helps you to find things.

ha ha ha yes. Clearly stupid. Son, get some mental health help. You are a Baker Act waiting to happen.
You literally said the opposite last page. The hypocrisy is unfathomable.
You're comparing apples to oranges. And I never said Trump's words didn't matter so you're use of literally is way off. You're making things up. They do matter for those concerned about appearance but his hostile actions towards Russia tell an entirely different story and speak for themselves.

Saying Russia "hacked the election" is a complete lie and fabricated misinformation. Russia's actions prove they didn't "hack the election". They hacked the DNC. The DNC is not our election. When you say they hacked the election people immediately assume voting machines.
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ha ha ha yes. Clearly stupid. Son, get some mental health help. You are a Baker Act waiting to happen.
Yeah, clearly. That's why you deflect and cant formulate a coherent argument.

First it was they didnt do it, then it was we did it too. Get your stuff together
No moron, I said Russia interfered in out election and violated our sovereignty and should be punished. Do you know what that means or do I need to dumb it down for you to understand?

Yes moron, if half the democratic party was working with Russia they should be locked or worse. It ain't about your tribal politics you tard. It's about our country being attacked by another country. Oh and before you say what about... yeah, anyone who attacks our country should be punished.

Says the girl who didn't give a crap about it when Obama was in charge or his POS administration was apart of it.
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Why did they attack the DNC and release damaging information on Hillary? To help Trump win. Why did they offer their findings directly to the Trump campaign? To help him win. What do all the IA's agree was their goal? To help Trump win. This wasn't some vague, generic attack on all of American democracy. This was a coordinated Russian military effort for the sole purpose of getting Trump elected. Roger Stone and Wikileaks coordinated to release hacked information any time Trump needed a story to distract from his craziness, like the Access Hollywood tape.
That's entirely untrue.

I was going to sit here and advise you why you are wrong in detail with facts and references, but KS has made it fashionable to not actually defend one's statements with facts and references and just say "go find it yourself." So, "go find it yourself."

Sidenote: I (and I'm sure others here) have a very similar phrase we'd like to direct toward KS in retort.
To affect the election.

Spin it any way you want. They still didn't hack the election. The DNC server is not a US election. No votes were changed period.

is incorrect. The specific DMs you're referring to were not when

Can't read because of pay wall. I'll just refer you to both of Mueller's indictments. No American wittingly participated. So for you to claim it like it's been proven because of a WaPo and Stone is guilty is a lie.
Yeah, clearly. That's why you deflect and cant formulate a coherent argument.

First it was they didnt do it, then it was we did it too. Get your stuff together

When did I say Russia meddled?

I have said 100% that Russia did not meddle. Trump has DNC and Hillary's servers.

I hope you get some help psycho.
Soze you still mad I called your racist POS girlfriend Hill a jungle bunny?

Well most people agreed with me and she lost her pathetic show for being so much racist baiting loser she is. Who also went after UK fans saying we would support either Hitler or Manson I forget.

But glad it still gets you mad.
Once again you are a lying sack of potatoes.
What am I lying about? You use racial slurs, yet you cheer for black basketball and football players. You hate when players kneel for the anthem, yet you dont care that Russia violated our sovereignty. You lied about graduating from UK. You're the fakest dude on the planet.
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It really is scary watching how psycho you libs get (libs in general not just in this thread) anytime Trump does anything you don't agree with. Your insane hysteria is going to get somebody killed if you don't calm down at some point.
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What am I lying about? You use racial slurs, yet you cheer for black basketball and football players. You hate when players kneel for the anthem, yet you dont care that Russia violated our sovereignty. You lied about graduating from UK. You're the fakest dude on the planet.

Everything you just posted is fake news. You are fake news. Lies lies and lies.
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