How will they rule ??!

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No one is excusing it, Trump isn’t excusing it. He’s been much harder on Russia than Obama was, but it isn’t an attack on the United Statez either.

Have a buffer between flatline and all out hysteria.
Yall spent the last 2 days either telling me it was fake news and just memes. You guys absolutely excused and minimized it.
the only group actually caught red handed rigging elections has been the democrats.

Bernie Sanders anyone.

remember the attempted recount in Michigan and when in heavy dem districts Hillary had received substantially more votes than people actually casting votes? then the dems decided to scrap that whole thing immediately once they got exposed?
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These posts are disingenuous because whenever someone DOES call out an overtly racist comment in this thread you have multiple people accusing them of "playing the race card" and insulting them. If you're going to stay silent on the racist posts, stay silent on the ones calling them out. Don't defend the racist by using the "race card" line any time someone mentions anything about race.

So we can’t point out that we aren’t racist because someone calls us all racist because of something someone else said? If someone calls you racist you just sit back and say okay sir? Got it.
You don't even know the difference between Rouhani and the mullahs. You have disqualified yourself from any intelligent conversation on the topic. Every Muslim isn't the enemy of America you ignoramus.

but they are the enemy of Israel. so they hate us as much by proxy.

do you really believe it was a good idea to hand over billions in cash to the country that wants to wipe Israel off the map? if it was such a good idea then why do it under the cover of darkness in secret without congress knowing?
It isn’t “ your point”. Show me one post where I said the Russian meddling shouldn’t be dealt with. Just one. Guess what? You won’t find it. Know what else we won’t find? One post by you stating Obama’s actions led the country to where we are at right now. This clearly happened while he was President. However, you deflect on that by screaming tribal politics, fake patriotism etc. Why? Because you are not going to criticize Obama for his incompetence and failures- just like the rest of the radical left.
You may not have said it the the person I was replying to when you attacked me did. I ain't deflecting shit, I think yall are as fake as the day is long.

Oh and look, theres Obama again. Guess what. Obama did a poor job dealing with Russia, I'm not sure what that has to do with the fact that Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country and needs to be punished other than your politics.
You don't even know the difference between Rouhani and the mullahs. You have disqualified yourself from any intelligent conversation on the topic. Every Muslim isn't the enemy of America you ignoramus.
ha...Rouhani is not as popular as you make him to be and the mullahs are not as weak as you make them to be. There leadership needs to be crushed not coddled.
Absolutely. But mustnotsleep makes it sound like you’re a racist if you don’t call it out, scream and point. I can’t help it if someone is racist or uses racial slurs. I don’t go commenting on tweets that use the n word or calling blacks monkeys. I also don’t comment tweets that advocate killing whitey or wanting white genocide for Christmas. I disagree with them and think it’s messed up, but they’re adults who have a very wrong opinion of a person based on nothing but skin tone. Calling them out doesn’t do much of anything... unless it’s just to make yourself feel better for doing it. If so, then okay I guess.

I do find it ironic though that mustnot calls out racism at every turn, yet if 2 or more white people are in a room together it must be a Klan meeting.

Sadly, there are pathetic racists of all races. Ignorant, cowardly losers who often are the dumbest people in the room and cry like babies when called out about it.

But I can only laugh at the likely reaction if Obama had talked about grabbing women by their crotch. The Trump supporters would have been OUTRAGED and demanded all types of nonsense from impeachment to lynching. (Any snowflakes butthurt and triggered by that bit of truth can feel free to throw all the playground insults they want lol)
I don’t think we should conflate collusion with meddling.

Did both happen? I could be wrong here, but I don’t think there has been any proof of that just yet. If anyone did commit treason I hope they prosecute them to the fullest extent.

They found that russia started trying to hack emails the very night Trump made a speech that included him saying something like "russia should find those emails... " If you want to believe in coincidences..... i suppose its a coincidence that nike paid the bagleys a ton of money and he just so happened to end up at duke
coming from the idiot who thinks Russia "attacked" us. omg it's pearl harbor all over again.

no one here takes you serious. we just love making fun of you.
This moron doesnt grasp the concept of cyber attacks. If you're that stupid you should never call anyone an idiot. Again, maybe google cyber attack to keep from looking like a buffoon in the future. BTW, I dont care about ignorant sheep taking me seriously.
the only group actually caught red handed rigging elections has been the democrats.

Bernie Sanders anyone.

remember the attempted recount in Michigan and when in heavy dem districts Hillary had received substantially more votes than people actually casting votes? then the dems decided to scrap that whole thing immediately once they got exposed?
If it happens under a Dem or helps a Dem it is never to be spoken of again. But tribal something something.
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You may not have said it the the person I was replying to when you attacked me did. I ain't deflecting shit, I think yall are as fake as the day is long.

Oh and look, theres Obama again. Guess what. Obama did a poor job dealing with Russia, I'm not sure what that has to do with the fact that Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country and needs to be punished other than your politics.
I have never said Russia doesn’t need to be punished. Ever. If you want to ignore me making that clear, I can’t help that. If you acknowledge Obama did a poor job with regard to Russia, then on this one issue we are probably closer in opinion than you think. Wanting Russia to be dealt with and still being pissed Obama did nothing to stop it doesn’t make me fake. Or into tribal politics.
And LOL ar unhinged on this board. A board where anyone who doesnt agree with the group opinion is name called and ganged up on. I see people with different political backgrounds as just having different opinions, you guys are the exception. You cant even have a civil common sense conversation over here because yall are so are up. But yeah, unhinged... LOL.
Sadly, there are pathetic racists of all races. Ignorant, cowardly losers who often are the dumbest people in the room and cry like babies when called out about it.

But I can only laugh at the likely reaction if Obama had talked about grabbing women by their crotch. The Trump supporters would have been OUTRAGED and demanded all types of nonsense from impeachment to lynching. (Any snowflakes butthurt and triggered by that bit of truth can feel free to throw all the playground insults they want lol)

Yea these cowardly losers of the modern left you speak of need to stop being so racist.
So would it be ok for me to murder someone because OJ got off scott free ? I mean dont dare prosecute me because this other person got away with something right?
That isn’t analogous to this situation. We have no idea what the current administration’s cyber security team is doing on the issue. What we do know now is Obama told his cyber security team to stand down in the summer 2016 to deal with the issue. And then he had a gall to stand in front of the American people and tell them there wasn’t an issue. Why? Because he thought Clinton was a shoe in and didn’t want to rock the boat.
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They found that russia started trying to hack emails the very night Trump made a speech that included him saying something like "russia should find those emails... " If you want to believe in coincidences..... i suppose its a coincidence that nike paid the bagleys a ton of money and he just so happened to end up at duke
Actually that isn’t true. The Russians were up to their ears in the meddling long before that date.
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I have never said Russia doesn’t need to be punished. Ever. If you want to ignore me making that clear, I can’t help that. If you acknowledge Obama did a poor job with regard to Russia, then on this one issue we are probably closer in opinion than you think. Wanting Russia to be dealt with and still being pissed Obama did nothing to stop doesn’t make me fake. Or into tribal politics.
Then why the did you come at me attacking me. I said Russia attacked our country, violated our sovereignty, and needs to be punished. This is my radical left wing stance, but you arent into tribal politics. You're mad and dont even know why you're mad as usual.
They found that russia started trying to hack emails the very night Trump made a speech that included him saying something like "russia should find those emails... " If you want to believe in coincidences..... i suppose its a coincidence that nike paid the bagleys a ton of money and he just so happened to end up at duke

That's not even close to true. I know fake news reported it, but it's categorically false and not even close.

Try actually looking into the facts rather than just reading headlines and swallowing every bit of clickbait they cast your way.

You will be surprised what you find
It was in the indictments, here are 5 links. 1 2 3 4 5

Trump made his comments July 27 2016. Obama's Cyber Chief and other members of his administration confirm they were aware of the DNC being targeted early as 2015 which is a full year before Mueller's indictment says they were targeted and even longer before Trump made those comments.
Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The view that the Obama administration failed to adequately piece together intelligence about the Russian campaign and develop a forceful response has clearly gained traction with the intelligence committee. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking Democrat on the panel, said in an opening statement that “we were caught flat-footed at the outset and our collective response was inadequate to meet Russia’s escalation.”

That conclusion was reinforced Wednesday by another witness, Victoria Nuland, who served as assistant secretary of state for Europe during the Obama administration. She told the panel that she had been briefed as early as December 2015 about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee — long before senior DNC officials were aware of it — and that the intrusion had all the hallmarks of a Russian operation.
Trump made those comments statement July 27 2016. Mueller's indictment says Russia started targeting the Clinton campaign and Podesta as early as March 2016. It says Russia started targeting DNC and DCCC as early as April 2016. So if by "the very night" you actually mean months before Trump made the statement then you're right.



As for the 33 thousand emails on Hillary's private server? August 18 2015 Hilary jokes about "Like with a cloth or something?" when asked why her lawyers used BleachBit to wipe her servers clean before handing them over to the FBI.
Hillary Clinton Jokes About Wiping Email Server 'With A Cloth Or Something'

    • Liz Kreutz
Aug 18, 2015, 8:43 PM ET
Hillary Clinton joked to reporters Tuesday in Las Vegas about whether she "wiped" her email server clean before giving it to the FBI.

“What? Like with a cloth or something?” she asked, then laughed. “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.”

Considering Trump's comments came on July 27 2016 which is 11 months after Hillary's server had been wiped clean and turned over to the FBI.

So first there were no emails for the Russians to target on that day because all of Clinton's emails had already been erased 11 months prior.

Second Russia couldn't target her server even if they wanted to because the server wasn't even up and running since Hillary had turned it over to the FBI as evidence in the investigation 11 months prior.
You might not get a response to this other than name calling.

Trump made his comments July 27 2016. Obama's Cyber Chief and other members of his administration confirm they were aware of the DNC being targeted early as 2015 which is a full year before Mueller's indictment says they were targeted and even longer before Trump made those comments.
Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The view that the Obama administration failed to adequately piece together intelligence about the Russian campaign and develop a forceful response has clearly gained traction with the intelligence committee. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking Democrat on the panel, said in an opening statement that “we were caught flat-footed at the outset and our collective response was inadequate to meet Russia’s escalation.”

That conclusion was reinforced Wednesday by another witness, Victoria Nuland, who served as assistant secretary of state for Europe during the Obama administration. She told the panel that she had been briefed as early as December 2015 about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee — long before senior DNC officials were aware of it — and that the intrusion had all the hallmarks of a Russian operation.
Trump made those comments statement July 27 2016. Mueller's indictment says Russia started targeting the Clinton campaign and Podesta as early as March 2016. It says Russia started targeting DNC and DCCC as early as April 2016. So if by "the very night" you actually mean months before Trump made the statement then you're right.



As for the 33 thousand emails on Hillary's private server? August 18 2015 Hilary jokes about "Like with a cloth or something?" when asked why her lawyers used BleachBit to wipe her servers clean before handing them over to the FBI.
Hillary Clinton Jokes About Wiping Email Server 'With A Cloth Or Something'

    • Liz Kreutz
Aug 18, 2015, 8:43 PM ET
Hillary Clinton joked to reporters Tuesday in Las Vegas about whether she "wiped" her email server clean before giving it to the FBI.

“What? Like with a cloth or something?” she asked, then laughed. “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.”

Considering Trump's comments came on July 27 2016 which is 11 months after Hillary's server had been wiped clean and turned over to the FBI.

So first there were no emails for the Russians to target on that day because all of Clinton's emails had already been erased 11 months prior.

Second Russia couldn't target her server even if they wanted to because the server wasn't even up and running since Hillary had turned it over to the FBI as evidence in the investigation 11 months prior.
That's not even close to true. I know fake news reported it, but it's categorically false and not even close.

Try actually looking into the facts rather than just reading headlines and swallowing every bit of clickbait they cast your way.

You will be surprised what you find

I get my news from a youtuber who doesnt take sides. I dont watch your fake news Fox or fake news CNN because its all super biased... INCLUDING WHAT NEWS YOU TAKE IN.

Their team searches all over.... finding information from all sides and gathers it together to inform a non biased news report. Because you can say fake news to EVERYTHING. if you want to only believe the news that suits your agenda......
Then why the did you come at me attacking me. I said Russia attacked our country, violated our sovereignty, and needs to be punished. This is my radical left wing stance, but you arent into tribal politics. You're mad and dont even know why you're mad as usual.
Mad? Lol. I’m not mad at all. If I was mad, I certainly wouldn’t be continuing to post on this subject and stroke out. Many pages ago I brought up the fact about the failures of Obama addressing the issue to you. You never did address it until your previous post. All you did was say “I don’t give a shit about Obama” when clearly he is part of the equation.
They found that russia started trying to hack emails the very night Trump made a speech that included him saying something like "russia should find those emails... " If you want to believe in coincidences..... i suppose its a coincidence that nike paid the bagleys a ton of money and he just so happened to end up at duke
I am talking about Hillary’s emails/servers. I thought she left the State Department in 2013 and her server was turned over to the FBI in 2015.

Was it the server-in-the-closet that was turned over to the FBI in 2015 or a DNC server that Russia tried to hack during the election after Trump’s statement?

There is so much static out there it is hard to keep straight. I am talking about from the media, not you personally.
Trump made his comments July 27 2016. Obama's Cyber Chief and other members of his administration confirm they were aware of the DNC being targeted early as 2015 which is a full year before Mueller's indictment says they were targeted and even longer before Trump made those comments.
Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The view that the Obama administration failed to adequately piece together intelligence about the Russian campaign and develop a forceful response has clearly gained traction with the intelligence committee. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking Democrat on the panel, said in an opening statement that “we were caught flat-footed at the outset and our collective response was inadequate to meet Russia’s escalation.”

That conclusion was reinforced Wednesday by another witness, Victoria Nuland, who served as assistant secretary of state for Europe during the Obama administration. She told the panel that she had been briefed as early as December 2015 about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee — long before senior DNC officials were aware of it — and that the intrusion had all the hallmarks of a Russian operation.
Trump made those comments statement July 27 2016. Mueller's indictment says Russia started targeting the Clinton campaign and Podesta as early as March 2016. It says Russia started targeting DNC and DCCC as early as April 2016. So if by "the very night" you actually mean months before Trump made the statement then you're right.



As for the 33 thousand emails on Hillary's private server? August 18 2015 Hilary jokes about "Like with a cloth or something?" when asked why her lawyers used BleachBit to wipe her servers clean before handing them over to the FBI.
Hillary Clinton Jokes About Wiping Email Server 'With A Cloth Or Something'

    • Liz Kreutz
Aug 18, 2015, 8:43 PM ET
Hillary Clinton joked to reporters Tuesday in Las Vegas about whether she "wiped" her email server clean before giving it to the FBI.

“What? Like with a cloth or something?” she asked, then laughed. “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.”

Considering Trump's comments came on July 27 2016 which is 11 months after Hillary's server had been wiped clean and turned over to the FBI.

So first there were no emails for the Russians to target on that day because all of Clinton's emails had already been erased 11 months prior.

Second Russia couldn't target her server even if they wanted to because the server wasn't even up and running since Hillary had turned it over to the FBI as evidence in the investigation 11 months prior.
So your position is that they're lying in the indictments and you personally, thanks to your amateur internet sleuthing, know better. Gotcha.
they were into meddling but that was the first sign they had of russia trying to hack certain emails.
That was the interpretation. All of the proof has not been released to the public. You realize that don’t you? Mueller wouldn’t even give a Russian defendant who showed up in federal court the discovery the defendant was entitled to. You can draw your own conclusions as to why.
And think about it- you think Trump is going to make a public statement to trigger Russian espionage? [laughing]
they were into meddling but that was the first sign they had of russia trying to hack certain emails.

Trump made his comments July 27 2016. Obama's Cyber Chief and other members of his administration confirm they were aware of the DNC being targeted early as 2015 which is a full year before Mueller's indictment says they were targeted and even longer before Trump made those comments.
Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The view that the Obama administration failed to adequately piece together intelligence about the Russian campaign and develop a forceful response has clearly gained traction with the intelligence committee. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking Democrat on the panel, said in an opening statement that “we were caught flat-footed at the outset and our collective response was inadequate to meet Russia’s escalation.”

That conclusion was reinforced Wednesday by another witness, Victoria Nuland, who served as assistant secretary of state for Europe during the Obama administration. She told the panel that she had been briefed as early as December 2015 about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee — long before senior DNC officials were aware of it — and that the intrusion had all the hallmarks of a Russian operation.
Trump made those comments statement July 27 2016. Mueller's indictment says Russia started targeting the Clinton campaign and Podesta as early as March 2016. It says Russia started targeting DNC and DCCC as early as April 2016. So if by "the very night" you actually mean months before Trump made the statement then you're right.



As for the 33 thousand emails on Hillary's private server? August 18 2015 Hilary jokes about "Like with a cloth or something?" when asked why her lawyers used BleachBit to wipe her servers clean before handing them over to the FBI.
Hillary Clinton Jokes About Wiping Email Server 'With A Cloth Or Something'

    • Liz Kreutz
Aug 18, 2015, 8:43 PM ET

Hillary Clinton joked to reporters Tuesday in Las Vegas about whether she "wiped" her email server clean before giving it to the FBI.

“What? Like with a cloth or something?” she asked, then laughed. “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.”

Considering Trump's comments came on July 27 2016 which is 11 months after Hillary's server had been wiped clean and turned over to the FBI.

So first there were no emails for the Russians to target on that day because all of Clinton's emails had already been erased 11 months prior.

Second Russia couldn't target her server even if they wanted to because the server wasn't even up and running since Hillary had turned it over to the FBI as evidence in the investigation 11 months prior.
Mad? Lol. I’m not mad at all. If I was mad, I certainly wouldn’t be continuing to post on this subject and stroke out. Many pages ago I brought up the fact about the failures of Obama addressing the issue to you. You never did address it until your previous post. All you did was say “I don’t give a shit about Obama” when clearly he is part of the equation.
Yeah, I dont give a shit about Obama or Hillary, but you guys seem to bring them up every 5 seconds with what about arguments. I dont know the full scope of Obama's failures in this case because it's not clear, but there should be an investigation into it to get to the bottom of everything. What is clear is Russia attacked our country and people in this thread were denying it and minimizing it. The people you were defending when you came at me.