How will they rule ??!

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I already posted earlier in this thread. Choose to read it or not. Just do me a favor, stop wrapping yourself in the flag to show off your fake patriotism. You are a fraud, we see you for who you are and know what you're all about and it isnt this country.

This thread is 3,616 pages long if you'd like to direct me to your post where you lay out the specific Russian actions you are concerned with besides the dank memes.
and who was the presidential candidate that encouraged Russia to hack into Hillary's emails?

When you think he’s joking, but then realize he isn’t

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This thread is 3,616 pages long if you'd like to direct me to your post where you lay out the specific Russian actions you are concerned with besides the dank memes.
All the information is out there, why do you guys continuously ask me for information that's readily available for everyone. Information that you wont accept anyway. You guys are just deflecting and minimizing everything being made available to you.
All the information is out there, why do you guys continuously ask me for information that's readily available for everyone. Information that you wont accept anyway. You guys are just deflecting and minimizing everything being made available to you.

Accusations of deflecting, lol.

You said, "I already posted earlier in this thread" when I asked for you specific examples. I asked you to please point me to that post and you say, "All the information is out there".

How tough is it to point me to the post you were referencing.

What specific actions of Russia concern you besides the spicy memes. We are in disagreement over whether or not shitposting spicy memes is an attack on our democracy. I'd like to know what other specific actions of "Russian interference" concern you. Maybe we will agree those actions are concerning.
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I'm old enough to remember back when elections couldn't be hacked.

he has to say that to make everyone feel good about America. but the truth about our election systems is disturbing. basically no standards to how machines are setup, states just do whatever they want and the companies making them do whatever they want. in the age of non stop hacking almost no effort goes into securing the new electronic machines
he has to say that to make everyone feel good about America. but the truth about our election systems is disturbing. basically no standards to how machines are setup, states just do whatever they want and the companies making them do whatever they want. in the age of non stop hacking almost no effort goes into securing the new electronic machines
If there is one American who should be tried for treason, it’s Barack. Telling his cyber security team to stand down in the face of the Russian meddling during a Presidential campaign he was made aware of more than a year before the fact, is clearly grounds.
he has to say that to make everyone feel good about America. but the truth about our election systems is disturbing. basically no standards to how machines are setup, states just do whatever they want and the companies making them do whatever they want. in the age of non stop hacking almost no effort goes into securing the new electronic machines
Shew. NO TELLING how much Trump really won by if that's the case (of course, I assume the complete opposite of anything you post)

You know, given how f#cking corrupted and full of fraud the democrat party is.

One day, maybe, some of y'all will look back at the deceased and decaying corpse that is the democratic party and realize maybe.....juuuuuuuuust maybe....... you should not have gone full blown socialist/communist.
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Accusations of deflecting, lol.

You said, "I already posted earlier in this thread" when I asked for you specific examples. I asked you to please point me to that post and you say, "All the information is out there".

How tough is it to point me to the post you were referencing.

What specific actions of Russia concern you besides the spicy memes. We are in disagreement over whether or not shitposting spicy memes is an attack on our democracy. I'd like to know what other specific actions of "Russian interference" concern you. Maybe we will agree those actions are concerning.
It's about 4 or 5 pages up and you're being intellectually dishonest anyway. Again, stop pretending, I see through you.

You know the information you've heard what Dan Coates, Christopher Wray, and Mike Pompeo have had to say. You can either believe them and know that the Russian inference in our election was extensive, meaning more than just memes, and still ongoing, or you can believe that they're lying. It's your choice, I'm not gonna play along as you continue to deflect, minimize, and play dumb.
Almost like that's intentional, or maybe someone gave a stand down order.

I'm glad you guys are finally on to protecting the ballot box. Might move on to actually requiring an ID to cast a vote next.

Just a friendly reminder that Allison Grimes not only stole KY voter info via thumb drive, but she also sold that info to a third party tech company who donated to her campaign. :smiley: Surely nothing bad could come from that, right? :smiley:

And while many states have more registered voters than citizens, nobody has more than KY. :smiley:

Trust in Grimes! Your next potential Governor! :smiley: She's shot a shotgun before, dontchaknow!
Are you illiterate and deaf? Dan Coats said Russia interfered in our election and is continuing to do so. I ain't a politard into tribal politics like you sheep. They either interfered in out election a d need to be punished or Dan Coats is lying and needs to be fired. You can muddy the water with your tribal politics if you want, but that's the situation.

You said they hacked the DNC, that isn’t what he said.

How did they interfere? By posting memes on Facebook? You don’t seem to understand that posting memes on Facebook, bots on twitter would be technically interfering, but doesn’t require putting it on the same platform as Pearl Harbor.

Listen, like I wrote earlier, it’s gone from Trump colluded with Russia to now hysteria for what? How did Russia affect our election?
And does it require calling Trump a traitor, even though it wasn’t his watch when this took place?
so how many of you nutso righties actually bought Trumps complete lie that he accidentally used the wrong word? Even though his next sentence in the transcript destroys his statement.

With that being said, all I can do is ask the question. My people came to me -- Dan Coats came to me and some others -- they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it's not Russia.
I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be, but I really do want to see the server. But I have -- I have confidence in both parties.
So I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.
LMAO, Trump in pure damage control mode. Says he accidentally used the wrong word when he kissed Putins ass even though its clear from the transcript that a complete lie. Then went on and kissed the Nato secretary's ass. Then to make sure he covered all his bases he gave his 100% confidence to the CIA & NSA and said of course they are right that Russia hacked our elections even though i lie about its legitimacy daily.

Meanwhile the 60 day clock to Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation keeps on ticking. A more conservative court for the next decade will be the result but please keep talking Russia nonsense.
Just a friendly reminder that Allison Grimes not only stole KY voter info via thumb drive, but she also sold that info to a third party tech company who donated to her campaign. :smiley: Surely nothing bad could come from that, right? :smiley:

And while many states have more registered voters than citizens, nobody has more than KY. :smiley:

Trust in Grimes! Your next potential Governor! :smiley: She's shot a shotgun before, dontchaknow!

She won't beat Lil Andy Beshear in the dem primary unless she goes full commie like that lady from New York.
Umm yeah, a foreign power violating our sovereignty worries me. You can be a coward and minimize it all you want, but I will not. I care more about my country than tribal politics.

Then why didn’t Obama and his admin stop it? He was on watch, and he told us 2 weeks before the election it was inconceivable that people could think our election could be targeted.
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So none of you lunatic lefties think it's a bit strange our own intelligence agencies didn't get to inspect the server? You don't find it odd they basically told the FBI to go f*ck themselves and to get out of our office? And the FBI actually said "alrighty then" and left? Corrupt assholes.

Again, there is more evidence the DNC/Clintons had Seth Rich murdered than there is Trump colluded with Russia. Chew on that.
Oh because we'll shit he doesn't have an answer for that because it doesn't fit his agenda.

Obama had been President 8 freaking years when this happened, the prior election he had told us the Cold War over and Russia wasn’t a threat.
Surely he, the chosen one who gave a speech today in a country that is forcibly taking farms from white people, wouldn’t have been asleep at the wheel?
The Russian internet troll farm worked far greater than they could have ever imagined. They still have tons of goofballs on tilt in the US. Just keep giving them more and more legitimacy.
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It's about 4 or 5 pages up and you're being intellectually dishonest anyway. Again, stop pretending, I see through you.

You know the information you've heard what Dan Coates, Christopher Wray, and Mike Pompeo have had to say. You can either believe them and know that the Russian inference in our election was extensive, meaning more than just memes, and still ongoing, or you can believe that they're lying. It's your choice, I'm not gonna play along as you continue to deflect, minimize, and play dumb.

OK, I'm being intellectually dishonest for asking you to please point to your specific post you are claiming you made, which you apparently cannot do.

Please point me to the place you or them have laid out the specifics of extensive ongoing election meddling and interference that isn't memes. We obviously disagree whether or not something that can result a week long ban from Catpaw constitutes undermining our democracy, so we will toss the dank memes out.

What else was there, specifically? Have you seen any specific claims of anything anywhere. I read Coates' statement yesterday. There was nothing.

If you have not seen anything specific, and cannot point to it, how do you know the "extensive election meddling" was more than spicy memes?
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Lol. These left wing clowns on here keep being focused on Trump’s words at a press conference while completely ignoring that fact that Obama told his cyber security team to stand down and lied to the American people over and over about Russian interference. It’s mind boggling that they can somehow rationalize that.
OK, I'm being intellectually dishonest for asking you to please point to your specific post you are claiming you made, which you apparently cannot do.

Please point me to the place you or them have laid out the specifics of extensive ongoing election meddling and interference that isn't memes. We obviously disagree whether or not something that can result a week long ban from Catpaw constitutes undermining our democracy, so we will toss the dank memes out.

What else was there, specifically? Have you seen any specific claims of anything anywhere. I read Coates' statement yesterday. There was nothing.

If you have not seen anything specific, and cannot point to it, how do you know the "extensive election meddling" was more than spicy memes?

(Narrator: The sovereignty he was most worried about was the DNC power in DC)
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