How will they rule ??!

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Looking back on the 2016 election, there really was such a huge contrast among the two candidates and two messages.

Hillary slogan, "I'm With Her." Nothing about America, all about Hillary.
"We are great because we are good." Still wondering how that made any sense.
"Elect me because I'm a woman"
Took off a ton of time and let the media campaign for her
Had no new message, just an extension of Obama

"Make America Great Again"
The establishment is corrupt, had the balls to give it back to the media, to GOP, to Democrats, to Hollywood
Pushed for national interest over globalism
Campaigned like crazy non-stop, went to places where Hillary wouldn't
Had his supporters even more motivated after seeing the news coverage, the collusion being exposed and how violent the left was becoming toward conservatives.

Trump picked his spot beautifully. He had flirted with running for president for years and came close in 2000. But he waited until we had the worst president in our history, 16 straight years of Bush and Obama, and picked the opponent who had so much baggage, so much corruption but so little political accomplishments. If there was ever an election to get people out to simply just try to keep the other person from being elected, it was this one.
Levi did not think this one through did he? What am I saying, that is the norm. Carry on.
So when people say they support our troops does that include the ones who work in intelligence?

I would ask that about your side that as well. Remember all of the supposed torture we heard about at the CIA Black Sites? Abu Ghraib? How about waterboarding hearings after Obama became president? Your side was not interested at all regarding the valuable intel that was obtained as a result of enhanced interrogation, but like the little beta male crybabies you are, concerned about HOW we got the intel and bashed the intel community for it. Spare me your bullshit about supporting the intelligence community. Oh, and don't forget the Church hearings.
It is not working people. The more attacks on Trump the more the people rally around him. I just got back from the barber shop and of course the way the media was treating Trump was all of the talk. One man in the chair said he did not vote for Trump nor did his wife and children. But all of them would vote for him in 2020 and all of them would vote anti-Democrat this fall.

People have figured out the Deep State. Power, greed and lies is their MOS.
Looking back on the 2016 election, there really was such a huge contrast among the two candidates and two messages.

Hillary slogan, "I'm With Her." Nothing about America, all about Hillary.
"We are great because we are good." Still wondering how that made any sense.
"Elect me because I'm a woman"
Took off a ton of time and let the media campaign for her
Had no new message, just an extension of Obama

"Make America Great Again"
The establishment is corrupt, had the balls to give it back to the media, to GOP, to Democrats, to Hollywood
Pushed for national interest over globalism
Campaigned like crazy non-stop, went to places where Hillary wouldn't
Had his supporters even more motivated after seeing the news coverage, the collusion being exposed and how violent the left was becoming toward conservatives.

Trump picked his spot beautifully. He had flirted with running for president for years and came close in 2000. But he waited until we had the worst president in our history, 16 straight years of Bush and Obama, and picked the opponent who had so much baggage, so much corruption but so little political accomplishments. If there was ever an election to get people out to simply just try to keep the other person from being elected, it was this one.
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So when people say they support our troops do they include those who work in intelligence?

Does that include Immigration and Customs as well? I haven't seen a single person on the right scream abolish the CIA or FBI. I've seen thousands on the left including some in congress scream abolish ICE.

You are outraged because we have the audacity to question intelligence agencies and not take them 100% at their word especially after what we've seen come to light so far yet you want to literally abolish those who enforce our immigration laws because you prefer open borders. Excuse me if I don't take your sanctimonious nonsense seriously.
They didn’t hack anything, the DNC servers were never seen by the FBI.
Deployed trolls that spent 45000 dollars on Facebook?
We indicted 12 officers that will never see the court room, with info we already knew.

We indicted Chinese soldiers too under Obama, yet he still made deals with them, he didn’t publicly humiliate their President. Was that treasonous as well?

Did China, which is a much greater threat than Russia, commit an attack on us?
No, we do the same only usually the media isn’t using as a way to weaken a President to cover their asses.

You guys are getting played like a fiddle and don’t even realize it.
Oh, so it isnt true? Should Trump fire Dan Coats for lying to him and the public then?
Looking back on the 2016 election, there really was such a huge contrast among the two candidates and two messages.

Hillary slogan, "I'm With Her." Nothing about America, all about Hillary.
"We are great because we are good." Still wondering how that made any sense.
"Elect me because I'm a woman"
Took off a ton of time and let the media campaign for her
Had no new message, just an extension of Obama

"Make America Great Again"
The establishment is corrupt, had the balls to give it back to the media, to GOP, to Democrats, to Hollywood
Pushed for national interest over globalism
Campaigned like crazy non-stop, went to places where Hillary wouldn't
Had his supporters even more motivated after seeing the news coverage, the collusion being exposed and how violent the left was becoming toward conservatives.

Trump picked his spot beautifully. He had flirted with running for president for years and came close in 2000. But he waited until we had the worst president in our history, 16 straight years of Bush and Obama, and picked the opponent who had so much baggage, so much corruption but so little political accomplishments. If there was ever an election to get people out to simply just try to keep the other person from being elected, it was this one.

Wasn't Hillary's slogan "Stronger Together"? The "Make America Great Again" is a better slogan than anything Hillary's team came up with, and certainly better than Trump's original faux pas of "America First". Trump proved that branding is the ultimate tool when it comes to defeating others, whether it's branding yourself more efficiently than your competitor, or branding your opponent negatively.
Oh, so it isnt true? Should Trump fire Dan Coats for lying to him and the public then?
No not yet. He should tell him to go out and find the servers and prove they were hacked. Until that evidence is located it is not a fact. It is just talk by the Deep State. It may or may not have happened.

For some reason the Democrat Party, Debbie Blabbermouth and Miss Hillary scream hacking yet destroy all evidence that would support it if it did happened. Go figure.
No not yet. He should tell him to go out and find the servers and prove they were hacked. Until that evidence is located it is not a fact. It is just talk by the Deep State. It may or may not have happened.

For some reason the Democrat Party, Debbie Blabbermouth and Miss Hillary scream hacking yet destroy all evidence that would support it if it did happened. Go figure.
So he's out here definitively saying that Russia not only interfered in the election, but that "its efforts to undermine our democracy are ongoing," when they didn't and aren't and he should keep his job? DNI is too important of a job to have someone who isnt trustworthy.
Does that include Immigration and Customs as well? I haven't seen a single person on the right scream abolish the CIA or FBI. I've seen thousands on the left including some in congress scream abolish ICE.

You are outraged because we have the audacity to question intelligence agencies and not take them 100% at their word especially after what we've seen come to light so far yet you want to literally abolish those who enforce our immigration laws because you prefer open borders. Excuse me if I don't take your sanctimonious nonsense seriously.
Congrats, you just met your first. I hope this cherry-popping was pleasant.
If the CIA and FBI have not examined the DNC servers but relied on the word of a Russian founded firm paid by the DNC, and someone has been indicted for "hacking" those servers, then yes, those agencies should be abolished.
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Trump should go completely media/press free the next 30 pressers, no accompanying journalists, no interviews....nothing. Let Sanders give a 5 minute blurb every couple of days and that be it. Let everyone squirm and wonder WTF is going on.
Wasn't Hillary's slogan "Stronger Together"? The "Make America Great Again" is a better slogan than anything Hillary's team came up with, and certainly better than Trump's original faux pas of "America First". Trump proved that branding is the ultimate tool when it comes to defeating others, whether it's branding yourself more efficiently than your competitor, or branding your opponent negatively.

True story, Trump filed for trademark of MAGA just days after the 2012 election. He thought so far out, plotted, and waited to give the biggest middle finger in American political history.
Trump should go completely media/press free the next 30 pressers, no accompanying journalists, no interviews....nothing. Let Sanders give a 5 minute blurb every couple of days and that be it. Let everyone squirm and wonder WTF is going on.

What the hell would media talk about if they couldn't talk about President Trump 24/7?
Does that include Immigration and Customs as well? I haven't seen a single person on the right scream abolish the CIA or FBI. I've seen thousands on the left including some in congress scream abolish ICE.

You are outraged because we have the audacity to question intelligence agencies and not take them 100% at their word especially after what we've seen come to light so far yet you want to literally abolish those who enforce our immigration laws because you prefer open borders. Excuse me if I don't take your sanctimonious nonsense seriously.

Amen to that.
If you read Trump's books, and KingBBN's anecdote about MAGA shows, he's pretty good at playing the long game.

I suspect his benevolence toward Russia/Putin is exactly that... and I won't be surprised if he's trying to put pressure on China by warming up relations with Russia.
If the CIA and FBI have not examined the DNC servers but relied on the word of a Russian founded firm paid by the DNC, and someone has been indicted for "hacking" those servers, then yes, those agencies should be abolished.
And Dan Coats should be fired.

Un. Hinged. The fact that an establishment would put this image on their window of any person is disgusting. Children that walk by see this image. Never has one man exposed just how many batshit crazy people we have among us that were masquerading as sane before 2016.
Oh, so it isnt true? Should Trump fire Dan Coats for lying to him and the public then?

Dan Coats didn’t tell him the DNC was hacked, how in the hell would they know it was hacked if they’ve never seen the server?

You do realize saying Russia meddled in the election is a broad brush. Much like the media you just to the absolute worst scenario with no evidence.
We’ve gone from colluding with a foreign power, to simply not being mean enough in a press conference. Grasp hold of that and realize how ridiculous you guys sound.
Dan Coats didn’t tell him the DNC was hacked, how in the hell would they know it was hacked if they’ve never seen the server?

You do realize saying Russia meddled in the election is a broad brush. Much like the media you just to the absolute worst scenario with no evidence.
We’ve gone from colluding with a foreign power, to simply not being mean enough in a press conference. Grasp hold of that and realize how ridiculous you guys sound.
Hey Pal, the drop-ins only ask questions, they don't answer. Appease their outrage!
you can't make this kind of stuff up. the woman charged today as a Russian spy is on video in 2015 interviewing Trump. he is talking about how cozy him & Putin will be after he drops the Russia sanctions. she was using the NRA to get access to all the important gun nut conservatives. when Trump met with the Russia spy master Lavrov in the white house, she was there with him.