How will they rule ??!

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I thought it was pretty clear he's asking for the law to be changed.
it won't be changed because our country was founded on the principal of due process for everybody. if he wants the backlog of migrants to be eased he has to add more judges and lawyers, which he specifically said he won't do.
yes they are. if their asylum is denied they are removed as an illegal alien.

Then they aren’t illegal aliens during the asylum hearing. They are awaiting judgement.
If they don’t go to court, and simply disappear into the populace they are then illegal.

If they go to an entry point, state they are seeking asylum, it isn’t an illegal entry, this not an illegal alien, they are following the law.
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new laws or walls won't fix immigration. we spend billions processing these people and they just come right back. their home countries are so screwed up by cartels they would rather risk detention & separation in the US. the only way to stop the current flow of migrants is to address the drug problem. either industrialize the drug trade or convince Americans to stop being lazy ****s that gobble down heroine & meth.
last years numbers was 75% show up to court. we have GPS ankle bracelets.

So you think they’re putting ankle bracelets on hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens?
You still dont get it, someone caught illegally entering the country doesn’t have a home address in the US or US identification. Let’s say an ankle bracelet is put on them, they simply remove it and move about the country. How does the Govt track them? They can’t
So you think they’re putting ankle bracelets on hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens?
You still dont get it, someone caught illegally entering the country doesn’t have a home address in the US or US identification. Let’s say an ankle bracelet is put on them, they simply remove it and move about the country. How does the Govt track them? They can’t

B-b-but ankle bracelets!
new laws or walls won't fix immigration. we spend billions processing these people and they just come right back. their home countries are so screwed up by cartels they would rather risk detention & separation in the US. the only way to stop the current flow of migrants is to address the drug problem. either industrialize the drug trade or convince Americans to stop being lazy ****s that gobble down heroine & meth.

Oh bullshit, a wall would work, and you guys know it would. It wouldn’t eliminate all illegals, but it would knock it in the head by a large amount.
Drugs are a side effect of a lax border, not the cause.

The only reason the Dems are against the wall is because it will work, and it’s permanent. It isnt a law that can simply be overlooked when a dem takes office. That’s it, their goal is to turn the US into California populace wise, or at least enough of the states like it that they won’t lose another election.
you have to be physically in the country to request asylum. you cannot just request asylum at the border and then wait to hear back. that is why they are all now in detention under Trumps idiotic zero tolerance. you have to surrender at the border and then request asylum once detained. unless you have a Visa our law requires migrants to break the law to request asylum. that stupid meme about embassies & consulates is fake news, they cannot process asylum requests. it's amazing how uniformed such vocal people are of our immigration laws.
You're wrong again. You can be legally in the country as a visitor or with a visa & then request asylum. Those folks have not broken any US law.
Oh bullshit, a wall would work, and you guys know it would. It wouldn’t eliminate all illegals, but it would knock it in the head by a large amount.
Drugs are a side effect of a lax border, not the cause.

The only reason the Dems are against the wall is because it will work, and it’s permanent. It isnt a law that can simply be overlooked when a dem takes office. That’s it, their goal is to turn the US into California populace wise, or at least enough of the states like it that they won’t lose another election.
we already have fencing at the high traffic border areas. a wall makes no difference. boats, planes, swimming, tunneling. 50% of illegals don't even cross the border illegally, they just get a Visa and then never leave when it expires.
it won't be changed because our country was founded on the principal of due process for everybody. if he wants the backlog of migrants to be eased he has to add more judges and lawyers, which he specifically said he won't do.
The longer the backlogs the better their deterrence from coming.
new laws or walls won't fix immigration. we spend billions processing these people and they just come right back. their home countries are so screwed up by cartels they would rather risk detention & separation in the US. the only way to stop the current flow of migrants is to address the drug problem. either industrialize the drug trade or convince Americans to stop being lazy ****s that gobble down heroine & meth.
I don't anyone thinks our immigration will ever be perfect - whatever that is & the canard you're throwing out - but a wall & greater enforcement - as Trump is committed to - will certainly reduce the problems. There's no reason we can't put the screws to Mexico for not allowing these folks to stay there while at the same time allowing them to travel thru Mex to get to the US. That's totally cynical on their part. As far as countries being screwed up, we could choose to take on the cartels in their home countries though Libs would have a fit over that too. So it comes back to Libs wanting open borders.
we already have fencing at the high traffic border areas. a wall makes no difference. boats, planes, swimming, tunneling. 50% of illegals don't even cross the border illegally, they just get a Visa and then never leave when it expires.
That's another problem Dems won't allowed to be dealt with.
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we already have fencing at the high traffic border areas. a wall makes no difference. boats, planes, swimming, tunneling. 50% of illegals don't even cross the border illegally, they just get a Visa and then never leave when it expires.

You really think a wall all along the border wouldn’t slow down illegal aliens from entering the country? That there aren’t thousands that illegally cross the border between the US and Mexico monthly?

We couldn’t drill ourselves to cheap oil either, it would only lower prices a penny. You guys put party before country again and again. Whatever the big money donors want, is what you accept.
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unless you have a Visa our law requires migrants to break the law to request asylum.

This is a lie. They can do so at the ports of entry on the Mexican side of the border, without breaking the law and illegally crossing the border, same as those in the caravan did. Illegally crossing the border and then claiming asylum once a Border Patrol agent catches them is not how you claim asylum. Stop lying.
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this article is completely accurate. Trump keeps sabotaging the immigration bills because he knows it keeps his base fired up. if a solution is passed he can't use it to fear monger and shape the media. the GOP bill had everything he wanted in it and he still blew it all up.

What immigration bill did Trump sabotage?
You think Trump is fear mongering? Holy shit, have you just ignored the media the last week.
They knowingly put a picture front and center as the face of separation, that was a lie.
It would be like putting the Louisville basketball team on the cover of the UK team calendar, and then justifying it by saying they’re both basketball teams.
Would love to see the % of those in favor of illegal immigration who get road rage every time they see someone cut in line by illegally going around a bunch of cars just to get a spot ahead of everyone. How about standing in line for a long time and then see that one dbag who just shows up and slides his/her way up the line while you continue to wait?

Nobody gets mad when everyone follows the law/order and gets into a traffic line and waits their turn to get out of the jam. Same applies to immigration. Very few care about it as long as it’s legal and those coming in want to contribute their part. When others decide to illegally enter and be a drain on the taxpayers and society then it is a whole different issue. Ask most immigrants who came in legally and I bet they support Trump because they waited their turn and paid a lot of money to get citizenship.
you have to surrender to detainment to request asylum at a point of entry because border patrol doesn't process those requests. so you are still illegally entering the country.

Again, more lies. No, you're not still entering the country illegally. The port of entry divides the border. Walking up to one on the Mexican side of the border and requesting asylum is not against the law. Once you skip the port of entry and cross the border between the ports, then you have broken the law.
That there aren’t thousands that illegally cross the border between the US and Mexico monthly?

50,000 per month, to be exact.

last years numbers was 75% show up to court. we have GPS ankle bracelets.

Yes, last year, but how many the year before that, or the year before that and so on?

Not to mention, even with 75% showing last year, that other 25% made up 40K that slipped through the cracks and into the country, never to be heard from again.

Even it that 75% anomaly continues, 40K per year is still way too many and not sustainable as legit policy for ending illegal immigration.
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Remember when the left freaked out over two black men refusing to buy anything and wanting to use the bathroom despite not being paying customers and then refused to leave a coffee shop?

Remember that?

Now they don’t see the problem with a woman being asked to leave simply for trying to eat.

Eff them. Eff them to hell.
50,000 per month, to be exact.

Yes, last year, but how many the year before that, or the year before that and so on?

Not to mention, even with 75% showing last year, that other 25% made up 40K that slipped through the cracks and into the country, never to be heard from again.

Even it that 75% anomaly continues, 40K per year is still way too many and not sustainable as legit policy for ending illegal immigration.

Did 75% make it to court dates, or was it a 75% increase from the year prior? Those are 2 entirely different numbers.
One would be pretty good, the other isn’t.

If 75% of 100000 made it to court that would be 75000, however if it was a 75% increase from the prior year of say 25000, that would only be approx 43000 out of 100000 illiegals in 2017.
Did 75% make it to court dates

75% made it to court, but, again, compared to previous years of a steady 10-30%, it's clearly an anomaly. Also, as stated, the 25% that didn't show equaled 40K.

So, in my opinion, it's nothing to be bragging about. 40K is still way too many. It doesn't prove the point he thinks it does. Prove the opposite, really. Even if the catch and release process works 75% of the time, it's still not nearly good enough.
Well well well, that blows apart the 19% stat that Dion posted. That's why I don't pay attention to anything that guy posts.
Why do you trust one poll and not the other? I posted an entire poll, complete with sample size and participation pool, and you dismissed it out of hand. He posts one question with no context and you're all about it. Bias.
Is Bob Mueller sharing his findings with a Democrat Senator? Is a Democrat Senator leaking those findings to the media, and using them as braggadocious entertainment at fancy dinners?

Why do you trust one poll and not the other? I posted an entire poll, complete with sample size and participation pool, and you dismissed it out of hand. He posts one question with no context and you're all about it. Bias.

The poll you linked was very specific about those "currently living", not currently illegally crossing the border. There's quite a difference, you know. You're trying to conflate two totally different things. This has already pointed out to you.
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