How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The poll you linked was very specific about those "currently living", not currently illegally crossing the border. There's quite a difference, you know. You're trying to conflate two totally different things. This has already pointed out to you.
They're different questions, hence different answers. Both are probably accurate. What I'm pointing out is Willy's instant dismissal of the answer he didn't like and instant acceptance of the one he did. Conformation bias.
Easy solution to asylum claims being abused:

Designate certain nations eligible for asylum claims. Our country knows which countrys are ripe for those situations. Anyone outside those countries, send back immediately
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They're different questions, hence different answers.
Yet, you still tried to use it to claim that only 19% want people who illegally cross the border deported. That's not what the poll you linked claimed, far from it.

What I'm pointing out is Willy's instant dismissal of the answer he didn't like and instant acceptance of the one he did.
I'd say it was the way you were using it for misinformation, as pointed out above, that he didn't like. Or, maybe he just doesn't like you.
Sorry man, I just don't believe you. No offense. You're the type of guy who posts liberal fake news
Bull, I wasn't even the one who posted it. I merely commented on a question in it when someone else posted the poll and then relinked it when you started doubting it. Makes no sense that you were doubting it just because I posted it when I didn't post it.
Yet, you still tried to use it to claim that only 19% want people who cross the border illegally deported. That's not what the poll you linked claimed, far from it.
No, I claimed exactly what it said. That only 19% of people support shipping the illegals here back. I never once even involved it in the discussion of what to currently do at the border. If you were assuming that's what I meant then that's on you.
That only 19% of people support shipping the illegals here back.

That's not what the poll said, though. The poll was very specific about "currently living" here, not all illegals here. Go back and reread it. "Currently living" is made perfectly clear in the question.

Also, how long is "currently living"? One year, five years, 10 years? It makes a huge difference.
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Bull, I wasn't even the one who posted it. I merely commented on a question in it when someone else posted the poll and then relinked it when you started doubting it. Makes no sense that you were doubting it just because I posted it when I didn't post it.

Sorry, liberals aren't credible anymore. It's not our fault. This is what happens when your side starts pushing an agenda. You lose all credibility.

Don't get snippy with us. Go back and fix your party. Demand accountability.
Sorry, liberals aren't credible anymore. It's not our fault. This is what happens when your side starts pushing an agenda. You lose all credibility.

Don't get snippy with us. Go back and fix your party. Demand accountability.
You're the one playing fast and loose with the truth. "Demand accountability" from yourself.
lol. Doubling down isn't good enough for you. Roll the dice, guy. Throw it all on Blue and let it ride.

My side is winning. Denial or moral victories aren't going to help you.

Keep enabling your party. Let's see how it plays out!!!!
Keep lying and we'll see how that plays out. Here's a link to the initial posting of the poll you liar.
Actually, all surveyed groups, other than generic Republicans, overwhelmingly disagree with the current separating of children stuff, according to this Quinnipiac survey
Keep lying and we'll see how that plays out. Here's a link to the initial posting of the poll you liar.
Read the question. This is why how long is "currently living" makes a huge difference.

TREND: Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are currently living in the United States? A) They should be allowed to stay in the United States and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship. B) They should be allowed to remain in the United States, but not be allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship. C) They should be required to leave the U.S.

When I think "currently living", I think of someone who has been here five, 10 years. Someone who has stayed out of trouble, started a family, become a productive member of society

When I think "currently living", I don't think of someone who has been detained for the last 12 months, waiting on an immigration hearing. Or, someone who evaded the Border Patrol and has only been here for a week to six months to a couple of years, living out of a Motel 6.

Again, "currently living" doesn't mean all illegals here in the country. Like I said, you're conflating, and using it to try to claim that only 19% support deporting illegals who are here. Hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, are here but haven't been living here.
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Read the question. This is why how long is "currently living" makes a huge difference.

TREND: Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are currently living in the United States? A) They should be allowed to stay in the United States and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship. B) They should be allowed to remain in the United States, but not be allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship. C) They should be required to leave the U.S.

When I think "currently living", I think of someone who has been here five, 10 years. Someone who has stayed out of trouble, started a family, become a productive member of society

When I think "currently living", I don't think of someone who has been detained for the last 12 months, waiting on an immigration hearing. Or, someone who evaded the Border Patrol and has only been here for a week to six months to a couple of years, living out of a Motel 6.

Again, "currently living" doesn't mean all illegals here in the country. Like I said, you're conflating, and using it to try to claim that only 19% support deporting illegals who are here. Hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, are here but haven't been living here.
You specifically say, "When I think of". Your interpretation is your own as even you admit.
You specifically say, "When I think of". Your interpretation is your own as even you admit.

When someone gets yanked up by the border patrol are they living in the country? They literally just crossed the border.

When you go out of town for a week, are you living in that town?
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You specifically say, "When I think of". Your interpretation is your own as even you admit.

That's why the poll is shit. It's a question left open to many different interpretations. You don't know how many in which % group thought what.

For instance, the majority who were for allowing them to stay could have interpreted "currently living" as I did. The ones who have been here for a decade, managed to stay out of trouble, have a home, a family, a job, etc...
But, the majority could have also interpreted currently living as one year, or still in detention awaiting an immigration hearing.

See? No one knows. That poll = shit.

This is exactly what Trump suggested the first go around and the Democrats wouldn't budge because it actually secures the border and stops future illegal immigration. Matter of fact, Trump even went further than the initial 700K DACA recipients, and offered another 1.1 million who are also eligible for DACA, bringing the total to 1.8 million.

One element of this compromise would be to create a path to citizenship for the nearly 700,000 illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children and now protected by the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program – but we will do this only in return for major concessions from Democrats.

These concessions include: full funding to improve security on our southern border, including to build the wall candidate Trump promised the American people we would get if he was elected president; an end to chain migration; an end to sanctuary cities that refuse to work with the federal government to enforce our nation’s immigration laws; mandatory use by all employers of the federal government’s E-Verify system to electronically confirm if a person is authorized to work in the U.S.; and the implementation of a merit-based immigration system similar to those used by Canada and Australia.
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How is that even possible? I mean that sincerely.
Who are the kids that are being trafficked, and why isn’t it made public?
It's like the movie taken. Apparently around derby time all these websites pop up selling children. The fbi makes fake ones to try to catch ppl.
It wasnt even a year ago a liberal opened fire on congressmen playing softball, yet here they are again.
They want violence to happen. If anyone ever doubted it I think its safe to say those doubts are gone.

Also isn't it rich that she mentioned God? Same people just this past week were telling us how its bad to use God and the bible for immigration policy. But I guess its ok to use God to try to provoke violence.