How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Calm down, sweet cheeks.

I don’t want you and your family put in harm’s way. I want you to feel as safe as you would if everyone looked like your own reflection.
You've threatened the lives of me, my family, my co-workers and my neighbors who are here legally as American citizens by acting as a proponent for illegal immigration.

How dare you.
What I like is that you are in the minority. You're an open borders radical that the majority of the country easily rejects. Don't let the echo chamber and media lies fool.

Last post for now.

This thread is the biggest echo chamber that exists.

Never once did I advocate for open borders.

Love you all...even the bigots that hide behind policy or rhetoric to justify their hate.

Enjoy your Friday. Maybe talk or shake hands with someone who isn’t a WASP. You might learn a thing or two while you’re at it.
You've threatened the lives of me, my family, my co-workers and my neighbors who are here legally as American citizens by acting as a proponent for illegal immigration.

How dare you.

I’m sorry if I offended you or gave off the wrong impression by never once advocating for open borders.

My apologies. I’ll try harder to fit in your cute, little stereotype as to make it easier for you to hate me.
Never once did I advocate for open borders.

Not detaining, prosecuting and deporting those who cross the border illegally, better known as catch and release, is basically open borders. You have advocated for that just so children aren't separated from their parents. Children are not get out of jail and into the country for free cards.
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Last post for now.

This thread is the biggest echo chamber that exists.

Never once did I advocate for open borders.

Love you all...even the bigots that hide behind policy or rhetoric to justify their hate.

Enjoy your Friday. Maybe talk or shake hands with someone who isn’t a WASP. You might learn a thing or two while you’re at it.

So chill bro. Look at you Mr. Cool.
Recognizing injustice, wack policies and abhorrent ideals doesn’t make me hate myself. Sorry to disappoint you.
Do you support attacking someone at their home? At a restaurant? That, is abhorrent behavior. And it’s your side that does that!
One great aspect about blocking certain posters is how comical responses to them are and you don’t know what the blocked account said. I have three accounts blocked. So I know instantly by the responses they are arguing with one of those accounts, but it’s funnier only seeing the responses. I see these comments but don’t know what Dio is saying, it’s hilarious. The discussion is apparently about skirts and gay sons haha. No telling what crazy nonsensical sh-t Dio is saying haha. I’m telling you guys, blocking the worst accounts is underrated.
I have blocked 4. All of them constantly pull up fake news and saturate this board with negative news almost all which is later debunked. Basically baiting with disinformation in an attempt to control the narrative.
Recognizing injustice, wack policies and abhorrent ideals doesn’t make me hate myself. Sorry to disappoint you.
Do you support attacking someone at their home? At a restaurant? That, is abhorrent behavior. And it’s your side that does that![/QUOTE]

No. I don’t support that abhorrent behavior. At all.

I think it’s gross and uncalled for.
You're so chill. If everyone was a non-binary SJW like you then America would be great again!

I always found this perplexing from the crowd that hates when America is criticized. So, you’re saying America was, at one point, NOT great?!

How dare you, commie.

And if I did, it wouldn’t be because of my skin color.

Recognizing injustice, wack policies and abhorrent ideals doesn’t make me hate myself. Sorry to disappoint you.

Doesn’t it bother you in the least that the media and politicians use these kids to push agenda? They don’t care about these kids. If they really cared then someone would have reported on it between 1997 and 2016. But they didn’t. They wouldn’t use photos of kids in staged protests and try to pass it off as a caged child. The parties would work together and pass a law to change things. But they won’t.

Why conveniently ignore all of that?
Recognizing injustice, wack policies and abhorrent ideals

Those things are in place for a reason. Not all of them are credible asylum seekers. Not all of them are good people. Some aren't even the parents of the children. What would be an injustice is to unleash them all into the country just because they show up with a child.
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From Merriam-Webster...perhaps you should take it up with them. Just like facts, we don't get to pick and choose our own meanings to common labels within a language context. I realize that might fly right over your head but just in case you've got two brain cells to rub together...

Definition of white nationalist
: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation
  • … his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …
  • —John Eligon
— compare nationalist, white supremacist

white nationalism
or less commonly White Nationalism noun
    • … a far right platform that includes white nationalism and opposition to Israel.
    • —Mike Sunnucks
Does not make it true.
Those things are in place for a reason. Not all of them are credible asylum seekers. Not all of them are good people. Some aren't even the parents of the children. What would be an injustice is to unleash them all into the country just because they show up with a child.

Of course, not all people are good people.

Next you’re going to tell me that not all bourbon is of the same quality.

You guys are real enlightening.
Only the racists in this thread and the world are racists.

