How will they rule ??!

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Evidenced by???

Come on Bill, if you're going to throw shit against the wall then at least provide some supporting documentation.

BTW, the extreme left has cost the Democratic Party a minimum of 2 elections already this century alone. Had the votes for Ralph Nader gone to Gore or the votes for Jill Stein gone for Hillary both of those elections would have gone differently.
Hillary and Gore arguably have only themselves to blame.
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Bottom line is, you're accusing those eight GOPers of being capitalized "White Nationalists" ([laughing]), the Nazi, white supremacist, racist kind. Do you have any proof? You didn't name names, and I'm not familiar with them, so I'm seriously asking.

Actually, you are.
You really, really need to work on your reading comprehension skills.
I have zero clue as to what "eight GOPers" you're referring. Perhaps there was some earlier discussion that I'm unaware???
White Nationalist by party? There are or have been 8 self-avowed White Nationalist running for office this year...all 8 on the GOP ticket.

Bottom line is, you're accusing those eight GOPers of being capitalized "White Nationalists" ([laughing]), the Nazi, white supremacist, racist kind. Do you have any proof? You didn't name names, and I'm not familiar with them, so I'm seriously asking.

You really, really need to work on your reading comprehension skills. I have zero clue as to what "eight GOPers" you're referring.

Maybe fuzz should worry less about fringe lunatic white nationalists who might put an R next to their name, and a little more about the Communists and Socialists running the party he follows lock (should I say goose?) step.

Exactly! The extreme left is far worse than the extreme right will ever be. Stalin, Hitler, Kim Jong Un, Castrol,etc are all lefties. Extremist like Fuzz want a dictatorial authoritarianism government in America. That's what it's all about nothing else.
Exactly effing right. It's all about accountability, a very simple freaking concept with enormous freaking consequences.

But I'll be dipped in GD shit if those SOBs on the left try every GD trick known to man to hack a very simple concept.

Integrity. Accountability.

Those illegal bastards have absolutely ZERO business coming into OUR country and violating OUR laws.

If you believe otherwise, then kindly go straight to hell.

Gonna start posting in the only style that you guys seem to be able to comprehend:

People on this board only care about Americans. While America is a great country, the disgusting and vile REPUBLICANS fail to realize that foreigners are ALSO human! Sad!
Gonna start posting in the only style that you guys seem to be able to comprehend:

People on this board only care about Americans. While America is a great country, the disgusting and vile REPUBLICANS fail to realize that foreigners are ALSO human! Sad!

Pretty sure we give plenty of aid to the rest of the world, dildo.

We just aren't big fans of people breaking our laws and trying to invade the country.
Gonna start posting in the only style that you guys seem to be able to comprehend:

People on this board only care about Americans. While America is a great country, the disgusting and vile REPUBLICANS fail to realize that foreigners are ALSO human! Sad!
Oh, foreigners are very human. And very welcome.

What in the hell is wrong with vetting? Is verification some sort of outrageous concept to you leftist flakes?

Can you understand concepts such as integrity, authenticity and verification?

I'll hang up and listen.
Pretty sure we give plenty of aid to the rest of the world, dildo.

We just aren't big fans of people breaking our laws and trying to invade the country.

Invade isn’t the correct word here. Save that for unwanted military deployment.

There is at least one idiot in this thread that said they’re dont understand why anyone cares about people who aren’t American.

That is what your party has become thanks to Trump. Really though, it’s always been that way. He’s just ratcheted up your bigotry to a new level.
Invade isn’t the correct word here. Save that for unwanted military deployment.

There is at least one idiot in this thread that said they’re dont understand why anyone cares about people who aren’t American.

That is what your party has become thanks to Trump. Really though, it’s always been that way. He’s just ratcheted up your bigotry to a new level.

I don't care.
Most people who are desperate for closed borders only really care about non-white illegals. (learned there are a lot of Irish illegals....but they don't count.)

The exact reason these "good people" are fine with children being locked up....they are not white, so it's okay.
Especially coming over the wall waving the flag of the country the left. That’s not seeking asylum, that’s invasion.

Really? I mean...really?

So, still loving the country where you came from is a sign of invasion?

Some of you need to travel more or something. It’s like you’ve never left your hometown for even a weekend.
Gonna start posting in the only style that you guys seem to be able to comprehend:

People on this board only care about Americans. While America is a great country, the disgusting and vile REPUBLICANS fail to realize that foreigners are ALSO human! Sad!

Earlier you said blanket statements like this drive you crazy. You’ve made two blanket statements since then.

Immigration definitely needs reform. It’s ridiculous how long it can take for someone to become a citizen. They (Congress) need to change that. Most people in this thread have stated they don’t have a problem with legal immigration. Outside of open borders what do you propose?

We’ve got videos of Democrats in 1996, 2004, 2009 and 2014 saying illegal immigration is a problem and we can’t just let them in... then in 2017-2018 they’re all for illegal immigrants? Sounds pretty political to me.
Oh, foreigners are very human. And very welcome.

What in the hell is wrong with vetting? Is verification some sort of outrageous concept to you leftist flakes?

Can you understand concepts such as integrity, authenticity and verification?

I'll hang up and listen.

Absolutely nothing wrong with vetting. All for it.

Just not for the dehumanization of anyone that isn’t a southern white.
I guess I’ll answer before this gets deleted, or merged into the pinned political sesspool thread.

The physical border is rather meaningless. It’s citizenship, tax collection, and access to public services that are important. Noncitizens should not have access to government services.

And building a border wall is perhaps the stupidest idea of my lifetime.
Invade isn’t the correct word here. Save that for unwanted military deployment.

There is at least one idiot in this thread that said they’re dont understand why anyone cares about people who aren’t American.

That is what your party has become thanks to Trump. Really though, it’s always been that way. He’s just ratcheted up your bigotry to a new level.

You're fighting a losing battle and YOU are becoming the GD fool of this thread.

I live in Texas. Austin, to be precise. You live in some other bullshitville, spouting lefty talking points. I live near GROUND FREAKING ZERO.

Can you even begin to understand this?

Have you experienced the criminality we've experienced from illegals? Not only no, but HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in the Midwest you dumbass.

A state that would vote red if my dog was a republican candidate.

I just happen to live in a diverse community.

I’m sorry you have so much hate for others. I hope you can get over that and find peace someday.
Must Sleep Now gettin' all riled up. You know somebody is getting worked up when they start calling everyone racist.
fail to realize that foreigners are ALSO human! Sad!

Stop being a drama queen.

No one has said they aren't human. You're confusing that with not giving them special treatment and allowing them to break the law with impunity.

We're simply treating them as equals, and as equals, they should be held responsible for their own actions and face the consequences for breaking the law, just like you and I.
Most people who are desperate for closed borders only really care about non-white illegals. (learned there are a lot of Irish illegals....but they don't count.)

The exact reason these "good people" are fine with children being locked up....they are not white, so it's okay.

I think that’s a popular answer but it’s not entirely true. I think most people just want vetting. I don’t care how many people come from South America and mexico, but I’d personally like for us to know who they are first. That’s all I’d like so we don’t let drug cartels run free in the United States. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

I also don’t think immigration is a big deal. What’s wrong with people from other countries come here? I still have a job, opportunity to do what I want, eat where I please and enjoy life in my house with a decent car. If you put in the work, a good life is attainable. Period. It’s the reason I laugh at people wanting fast food workers to make $15 an hour. You don’t like your pay? Get another job. Go to college. Start a career. The opportunity is there. Mexicans aren’t blocking that from happening. So I’m one that wants some background checks and that type of thing, but have no problem with LEGAL immigration. I think MOST people agree with me. I actually think very few just don’t want people of color here.
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I live in the Midwest you dumbass.

A state that would vote red if my dog was a republican candidate.

I just happen to live in a diverse community.

I’m sorry you have so much hate for others. I hope you can get over that and find peace someday.
For the god damned record, I only harbor contempt for those who enter our country illegally and go on further to break our laws. They have no business here. None. Zero. The track record of these illegals speaks for itself.

You have absolutely ZERO rational response as for why these individuals should come here illegally. There is no accountability from your side. None.

How dare you endanger the lives of me and my family. How dare you.
Stop being a drama queen.

No one has said they aren't human. You're confusing that with not giving them special treatment and allowing them to break the law with impunity.

We're simply treating them as equals, and as equals, they should be held responsible for their own actions and face the consequences for breaking the law, just like you and I.

Just speaking like your narcissistic, delusional boy, Trump. Thought you’d like it.

Hyperbole is all the rage these days with you guys.
For the god damned record, I only harbor contempt for those who enter our country illegally and go on further to break our laws. They have no business here. None. Zero. The track record of these illegals speaks for itself.

You have absolutely ZERO rational response as for why these individuals should come here illegally. There is no accountability from your side. None.

How dare you endanger the lives of me and my family. How dare you.

Calm down, sweet cheeks.

I don’t want you and your family put in harm’s way. I want you to feel as safe as you would if everyone looked like your own reflection.