How will they rule ??!

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Of course, not all people are good people.

Now you see the problem we have with the radical Democrat party wanting them all to be released just so they aren't separated from their children. And don't say that's not what they want.

After Trump's EO allowing the children to be detained with the parents, many prominent Democrats, including your party's front runner for president in '20, said it wasn't enough, that none of them should be detained and all should be released. That's code for open borders.
I cannot believe that you are so ignorant to try and continue your argument.
Here's another lesson for you... "white nationalist" <> "White Nationalist".

WTF is throwing around "Marxist" and "Communist"??? Every side has a lunatic fringe and if that's where you want to play the game then that's how it will be played. If you want to have honest discussions then perhaps you should stop trying to poison the water.
Once you stop trying to label nationalist who happen to be white racist which happens to be on the lunatic fringe, maybe the discussion could be better.
Evidenced by???

Come on Bill, if you're going to throw shit against the wall then at least provide some supporting documentation.

BTW, the extreme left has cost the Democratic Party a minimum of 2 elections already this century alone. Had the votes for Ralph Nader gone to Gore or the votes for Jill Stein gone for Hillary both of those elections would have gone differently.

You think I’m throwing shit hoping it will stick?
Good lord, have you looked around at the mass hysteria the left is grasping hold of? They don’t even pretend to have any thing other than raw emotion as a platform.

Do you really need me to post evidence that there aren’t White supremacists behind every corner, and that young adults think everyone that disagrees with them are fascists?
Invade isn’t the correct word here. Save that for unwanted military deployment.

There is at least one idiot in this thread that said they’re dont understand why anyone cares about people who aren’t American.

That is what your party has become thanks to Trump. Really though, it’s always been that way. He’s just ratcheted up your bigotry to a new level.
You either have no clue as to what is going on or you just hate America as it is and want the change Obama promised you. Be careful what you wish for because, if you get it, you will cry like a baby to have what we have today.
Most people who are desperate for closed borders only really care about non-white illegals. (learned there are a lot of Irish illegals....but they don't count.)

The exact reason these "good people" are fine with children being locked up....they are not white, so it's okay.
Ah the local racist shows up with his only line of discussion, racism. What a low life loser you are.
Really? I mean...really?

So, still loving the country where you came from is a sign of invasion?

Some of you need to travel more or something. It’s like you’ve never left your hometown for even a weekend.
You need to watch more of what they are saying once they get here. America sucks and the like but, keep on pushing that socialist agenda.
You guys are too entertaining. And it’s not time for me to head to the bar just yet.

This is not a game. It's not an issue that exists for your GD entertainment.

Virtue signal, call people racists and your wad is shot.

That you won't engage the actual discussion proves that you really dgaf.

Typical POS liberal. We should just ignore all you phucks and let you hang yourselves in the elections.
You guys are too entertaining. And it’s not time for me to head to the bar just yet.
I know you're having to wade through a lot of responses but if you could take the time to address where you stand on the immigration thing?

What would you like Congress to do as far as getting the law straight? It is their dereliction of duty over the years that has brought us to this place.
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See. You got people like this guy who get facts and definitions thrown in their face, ignore them and say, “Please Trump, may I have another?”

Makes for great political discourse.
What fact? If you are white and a nationalist you are a racist Nazi? So you agree with that stance too?